Summer Consequences (Camila/y...

By oddcabello

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In the heat of the summer you're so different from the rest {GxG Y/N GP} More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 9

2.3K 93 17
By oddcabello

(A/n: Very long chapter because you guys were so patient and deserve it <3)

Y/N's POV:

I tapped on the front counter anxiously as I looked over at the time on the clock

A frustrated sigh escaped my lips as I saw that it was barely 1 pm

Time was passing by agonizingly slow

I was off at 4 today and that meant I had time to go home and prep myself before seeing Camila again tonight

To say I was nervous was an absolute understatement. We were finally going to be intimate

Well as intimate to a certain extent. That being my fault

But not going all the way meant my pleasuring in other ways had to be absolutely mind blowing

I can't disappoint her

I felt like a virgin who was about to lose their virginity for the first time

She seems like she's expecting some out of this world sex from me. And considering I have some competition I literally have to be fucking amazing

I shook out of my nervous thoughts as I made myself busy by doing my job as I should've been in the first place

I stocked shelves, helped customers, cleaned up a little, and handled the cash register

Before I knew it I was off of the clock. I ran to my locker in the back and grabbed my things out and clocked out so fast

I barely heard what my coworkers respond to me after I said "bye" to them because I ran out the door so fast

I unchained my bike in a hurry and raced my way home

Once I was home I showered just to be nice and clean. I got dressed, it was casual but I put my leather jacket on and that's what brought the outfit together

I brushed my teeth like five times and once I felt like I was finally ready I made my way out

Instead of taking my bike tonight I decided to order an Uber since I would probably be leaving her house very late in the night or very early in the morning

I had it drop me off at the store near her apartment as I went to buy a bottle of wine and some flowers and chocolates for the lovely lady



However my parents taught me to never show up to someone's house empty handed. Even if it was just something small

And well this girl is a hopeless romantic at heart I'm sure she's a sucker for these things

My entire walk to her building my legs felt like jello and my anxiety was rising so high.

My leg shook due to a nervous habit I had as I was in the elevator making my way up

As soon as the doors open and I made my way down the hall. I stopped in front of her door

Taking a very deep breath and shaking my nerves out a bit before I finally got the courage to knock on the door

It only took three knocks and less than 45 seconds for the door to swing open

On the other side appeared the small beautiful brunette

Her eyes sparkling and a wide smile spreading across her face

"Hey you" she said as she quickly threw her arms around my neck for a hug

"Hi" I said smiling. Inhaling her scent that I was becoming fond of

I heard the sound of music playing and what sounded like a commotion coming from the house

"Glad you could make it. I hope you don't mind joining my friends and I for dinner" she said

My eyebrows furrowed and I was taken aback.

Friends? I thought it was going to be just us tonight

"O-oh yea of course" I said not sure what to say

She laughed

"I'm sorry I forgot to tell you about the dinner part but I promise we can be alone after they leave okay" she said reassuring me as she saw my confused state

"It's no problem at all" I said grinning at her

I mean I have no choice now

"Come on" she said trying to grab my hand but I pulled her back real quick

"Wait-" I said and she stared back at me confused

"I got you these" I said as I pulled out a bouquet of randomly assorted flowers.

Her smile growing even wider than before

"I don't know what your favorite flowers are yet so I thought I'd get something that has everything" I said as I handed her the bouquet with colorful flowers

"Y/n these are so beautiful" she said "you shouldn't have. Thank you so much" she added before she gave me yet another hug

"It was no biggie at all" I said bashfully

"You're the sweetest" she said as she quickly placed a kiss on my lips making me blush like an idiot

"I'm going to put these in a vase" she said

"I uh also got this I don't know if it's enough for everyone" I said showing her the chocolates and wine

"I have some wine out already you're fine. But we can save these for later. I'll be selfish with these. I love sweets" she said giggling before setting the bag aside

"Come on let's go eat" she said as she grabbed my hand and led me to where more people were

Walking into the kitchen I instantly recognized her friends from last time

"Hey guys my friend Y/n made it" Camila said as she walked further into the kitchen

The random women all looked at me and smiled and greeted me as I did the same in return

"Hey Y/n it's lovely to see you again" one girl said

"So glad you could join us" another girl said

"Likewise. Happy to be here" I said smiling

"Y/n these are my best friends, Marielle, Sandra, Jenna, Liza, and Kimiko" Camila said formally introducing me

"Glad to finally be able to put names to your faces" I said laughing lightly trying to be charming as possible

Why do I want her friends to like me so bad??

"Come on we're just about to eat. Im starving" Liza said

We ended up going to the table. I didn't know where to sit so I took a random chair and I ended up next to Liza and Kimiko

I was a little bummed Camila was not next to me but it wasn't a big deal. She sat across the long table at the end with Marielle and Sandra

The dinner was fantastic. I think they all cooked together. I remember Camila telling me it's something they try to do often rather than go out to a restaurant all the time

It didn't take long for us to finish but we sat at the table what felt like hours

At times I felt slightly out of place. I wouldn't say her friends are my type of crowd but they were still nice people and I didn't mind their company

But they did share a lot of inside jokes and talked about things and people I didn't know

They used and mentioned a lot of annoying influencer LA terminology and activities that as an LA native annoyed me but I pushed my feelings away to get along

I didn't realize what they were talking about in my zoned out state. I was taking a sip from my glass of wine til I was finally mentioned breaking me away from my train of thought

"Y/n?" Jenna called my name

"Hmm?" I asked breaking out of my thoughts

They all giggled at my confusedness but it was in a good way

"How about you, where are you from?" She asked

"Oh I'm a LA native" I said smiling

"You're actually from here? No way no ones ever actually from LA" Kimiko said as the others and myself laughed

"Born and raised" I said smiling

"Ooh interesting. I never actually meet LA locals it's funny how rare it is" Jenna said

"Yea well we have everything here. Great weather, the beach, entertainment, culture" I said

"We have that in Miami" Marielle said making Camila and Sandra nod with her in agreement

"I guess. I'm just biased. I love it here with all of my heart" I said

"What? No one loves LA" Jenna added

"The people not from here hate it. But the people born and raised here ride hard for the city" I said

"What makes it so special to you? I would like to know since its the fakest place in the world" Jenna said

Girl if you don't get your ass out of my city-

"Well for me the number one thing that I think of when it comes to Los Angeles is the wonderful community and people we have. There's all walks of life that have created and brought up this city" I said

I paused to see if I had bored anyone yet but they all genuinely seemed interested

"I could go on and bore you with a long history lesson on the upbringing of this city but to keep it short I've never known a place with more love. Personally I despise Hollywood and Beverly Hills area which I imagine are the areas you all are familiar with" I said and they nodded and laughed

"No that is not LA. In terms of the History of entertainment yes. Hollywood is important in that sense. But the most beautiful places are the ones I personally grew up going to" I said

"Like where?" Camila asked smiling at me

"Well there's Olvera street, which is a little spot in downtown that is focused on Mexican culture and it's so beautiful theres a Chicano museum and live music all the time. Chinatown is right next to it. You can get the most amazing Chinese food there. Little Tokyo, Koreatown, little Armenia, the list goes on. There's a place almost for everyone here" I said

"I haven't been to those places yet" Jenna said

"Yea me either" Liza said

"Well you should. They're absolutely beautiful. There's beauty all around. It really hurts me when people say they hate it here. But like I said I'm biased" I said and they all giggled along with me

"So since you're the expert here what is your favorite place in the city?" Sandra asked

A smile came to my face as the thought came to my head

"Dodger stadium" I said smiling "it's the heart of LA and it has the absolute most beautiful view of the city" I said

"Oh my god we have to go to a game guys" Liza said and the other girls agreed

"Why there?" Camila asked me still smiling

"Well I grew up a Dodger fan by default and my dad used to always take me to games when I was a kid so I have fond memories" I said and Camila had the warmest smile on her face

"That settles it we have to go to a game at least once" Marielle said

"But I don't know anything about baseball" Kimiko said

"Who cares? The players will be hot and think about the food" Liza replied

"Yea definitely. It's a great experience to go with friends or even go with someone on a date" I said nonchalantly as I took another sip of wine

"Ooh that sounds cute" Liza said "have you taken someone on a date there?" She added and all of the other girls made flirty "oohs" and other silly noises that made me blush

Camila just stared intently at me as she sipped her wine

"Yea I have. Various times actually" I said remembering the times I've gone with Stacy or other girls

They increased their middle school style mocking

"But to be fair there were times where my friends were around as well" I said laughing lightly

"Y/n do you have a boyfriend?" Someone asked and I raised an eyebrow with a funny grin

"Y/n is actually into women" Camila said

"Oooh so do have a girlfriend then?" Someone else asked

"Uh no not necessarily" I said

"She has a friends with benefits" Camila added

"Ooh who is she?" Marielle asked

"Her name is Stacy" Camila said and I was just feeling slightly overwhelmed

Sheesh why is she telling my business like that?!

"Y/n you little player" Jenna said

"To be fair I cut it off a while ago. We're just good friends" I said

"How good?" Marielle asked

"Apparently very good. They still hang out together" Camila said with a tone that I could not decipher

Was she jealous?

"Well we would love to meet her sometime. Maybe we can all have a date night and bring our significant others" Jenna said

Oh boy.... That will literally never happen

"Uh perhaps some time" I said with the warmest fake smile I could pull

"Maybe Camila could bring her man of the week" Sandra said jokingly making the girls laugh

"Guys come on" Camila said covering her face in embarrassment

"I was kidding" Sandra said laughing more with the other girls

I lightly grinned laughing along because well she wasn't wrong. She's going through men like crazy but I'm now also a part of it

It didn't take much longer til everyone started to leave.

I was helping Sandra clean up what was left of the mess on the table as her sister was finishing up the dishes.

"Y/n if you have to go we can take care of the rest" she said

Girl I have nowhere else to be

"Oh no problem at all. It's the least I can do since I didn't even help in the preparation or anything" I said

"So considerate. That's so sweet" Marielle said and I smiled and Camila looked over at us smiling as well

"Alright I think that's most of it" Sandra said as she put some trash in the trash bin

"Ready to go?" Marielle asked her sister and she nodded

"This was such a fun night guys I love you" Camila said hugging them

We said our goodbyes to them and soon enough everyone had finally left

I was washing my hands in the sink and Camila approached me leaning against the counter, coming back from walking her friends out the door

"Thank you for coming. My friends really liked you" she said and I smiled

"Oh thanks for having me. I enjoyed it" I said returning the smile

"I'm sorry by the way for when they asked about your personal life" she said "girls will be girls" she said laughing

"No worries. I actually get asked that a lot I'm used to it" I said laughing lightly as I dried my hands

"Really?" She asked and I nodded

"Makes sense. You're really attractive so it's surprising that you're not taken yet" she said

She thinks im attractive? Does she want me to have a panic attack in her kitchen?!

"Uh- I" I said rambling unsure of what to say

"Relax don't have a stroke" she said laughing at my flattered state placing her hand my chest and the other on my bicep

"Sorry I just never know how to handle compliments" I said blushing with a laugh

"I've noticed" She said nodding still giggling

I closed my eyes and shook my head embarrassed

"It's cute" she said "I love it when you act like that"

I just gave her another wide smile since I didn't know what to do

"Come here I want to show you something" she said grabbing my hand leading me through her home

She dragged me down the hall where I quickly scanned and looked at the pictures I passed by

She led me to what I assume is her bedroom

It was actually clean. I don't know why I expected it to be a little messy.

I saw a stuffed animal on top of her bed and I giggled at how cute that was

"I actually cleaned for you so you better appreciate it" she said

"I don't mind messy but thank you" I said giggling

"Look I wanted you to see this" she said as she went into her closet and grabbed an all white guitar. It was a Fender Stratocaster to be specific

My eyes widened

"Oh shit that's beautiful" I said as she placed it in my hands

I started shaking. I was scared I would drop it. It was precious

"I knew you would like it" she said "it's my favorite"

"It's gorgeous" I said still mesmerized as I looked over all the incredible details. It was worn out it looked kind of old but in a vintage way

"Yea it's from 1965" she said and I felt like I suddenly had something so fragile in my hands. Because I did

"Oh shit so this is worth a shit ton" I said "I don't want to fuck it up" I said before sitting down on her bed

She laughed at me but sat down next to me on the edge of the bed

"A few famous musicians had it in their possession years ago yea" she said laughing

"Wow the stories this beautiful instrument could tell" I said "I bet the sound is warm and nice"

"It sounds like literal magic" she said

"I've never been this close to a guitar this old" I said "because I could never in my life afford something like this"

She just smiled at me

"This is incredible where did you get something as amazing as this?" I asked

"Uh Shawn my ex boyfriend actually gave it to me for my birthday two years ago" she said

"Oh I see" I said

fuck this guitar

"It was his but then he gave it to me since he knew how much I loved using it" she added

"I gotta hear you play" I said and she blushed

"No never" she said

"Oh come on" I said

"I would embarrass myself in front of you" she said

"Nonsense. I'm sure you're great" I said

"No I always get nervous playing for others" she replied

"You must've played for Shawn. You can play for me come on" I said

"To be fair I was in love with him for years and he was my boyfriend" she said

"Ah I see I ain't shit" I said jokingly but with meaning to it

"No that's not at all what I meant" she said giggling

"Come on I think I deserve to hear you play" I said as I lightly strummed on the guitar strings

"Why should I?" She asked

"Because I'm a far better guitar player than Shawn Mendes" I said sarcastically and she gasped

"I thought you were shy not conceited" she said with a laugh

"Oh when it comes to guitar I know I'm the shit" I said and she giggled again

"I've only seen you play once. You're good but I don't know if you're Shawn good. He plays in arenas and stadiums" she said

"Just because he's played big venues doesn't mean I'm not better than him" I said

"You know I like your confident side. I rarely see this from you" she said

"I'll have to bring my own guitar some day to play for you again" I said

"Why not just play mine?" She asked

"Oh well for one I'm too intimidated to play something so vintage and magnificent and secondly this is your guitar that you shared with your ex I'm not sure that's morally right" I said

"It's just a guitar y/n not a child" she said laughing

"A guitar is everything. Especially of this caliber" I said

"I could just get a new one" she said

"I forget your rich. See us poor people have to treasure the one thing we have because we can't easily replace things" I said and she laughed

"Okay well I guess you're right. I do have somewhat sentimental value and an attachment to this" she said as she grabbed it from me

"Of course you do" I said

I mean apparently she loved the fuck out of him

"No but seriously I would love to hear you play it some time. I think you would bring it to life" she said

"I will but I have to hear you first" I said and she jokingly rolled her eyes annoyed

"I honestly only use it when I'm writing new songs" she said

"Okay then fuck it write me a song" I said still joking

She just stared at me still with those sparkly eyes and wide smile

"It can be about anything. Like cake, a dog, or like how the sky is blue I don't care" I said laughing

"I only write love songs" she said still smiling at me

"Okay well you're going to have to sing me one of your old songs" I said

The thought of her writing a love song about me never crossing my dumbass mind

"Okay deal. I just don't have my amp right now. I left it at the studio" she said

"Well you're saved. For now I guess" I said and she laughed as she placed the guitar down away from us

She rested her head on my shoulder and grabbed my hand to play with my fingers and drew random shapes on my palm

"How was your day today?" She asked me

"Uneventful" I said

"Aw nothing interesting happened at work?" She asked

"Not at all. I wish I could say there was something entertaining" I said

"Then again I just couldn't wait to see you" I said and she popped her head up to look at me

"Why?" She asked with a smile

"I was just excited to spend time with you" I said smiling back at her

"You are so charming you know that?" She said with a giggle

"Am I?" I asked confused

"Yes. I literally can't tell if you do it on purpose or not but you always know what to say at the right time" she said stroking my cheek

"I don't really think about it it just comes out" I said

"It's cute" she said "You're cute" she said kissing my cheek

"I suppose" I said giggling as she kept applying her kisses around the left side my face and neck

What was a wholesome moment of just small kisses started to slowly transition into slower movements with suction and nipping with her teeth

Her hands angled my head so she could get better access to my neck

"I'm not going to lie. I've been waiting all day to do this" she said laughing lightly but with a seductive tone

"So you think about me?" I asked jokingly which led to her biting my neck just a little hard

"Ow" I whined and she giggled

"I actually do" she said coming up to kiss my jaw

"You don't think of me?" She asked with a pout as she stared into my eyes

"Of course I do" I said as I grabbed her by the waist with one hand encouraging her to straddle me which she did

"The only thing that got me through the day was that I was going to see you tonight" I said placing my fingers under chin so she could look at me

Her pout turned into a smile then she leaned down to connect our lips

We started off nice and slow. We waited all day for this we would take all the time that we needed

She placed one hand behind my neck and the other stayed on my jaw. Controlling wherever she wanted my head to be as we moved to her rhythm

My hands placed on her waist as I began to caress and lightly squeeze her with my gentle finger tips

She slipped her tongue into my mouth and moaned at the contact. Pushing her body in closer to me wanting to feel me as close as possible to her

My grip on her waist with one hand getting tighter as the other went up her spine

It didn't take long before she finally started doing those hip movements that drove me wild

The friction between us slowly building me up making me groan in pleasure into her mouth

I could feel a smile make its way to her face against my lips

We kissed until we literally couldn't breathe anymore. When we pulled away we were both breathing a little heavier than before but our bodies still close and tightly glued together. The air felt so hot all of a sudden and I was starting to sweat

Her lips continued their assault on my skin attaching to my neck once again. She skillfully sucked on my pleasure spot as she remembered where it was when she found it the last time we were together

Her hips moving with much more force with such expertise. I couldn't help but grab her waist tightly and encourage her.

Her eyes studying my facial expressions as she pulled away from my neck for a second. I groaned closing my eyes letting out a breath and dropped my head down as pleasure took over. This caused her to smile.

She knew damn well she was turning me on

She aggressively kissed my lips again before she began to speak

"Do you remember what you told me this morning?" She asked me out of breath

I honestly do not remember shit at this moment. My mind was a literal fucking mess as I was hoping to myself I wouldn't let my erection grow so fucking fast

"Hmm?" I asked

She licked her plump lips before she spoke again "you said you needed all night to show me what you wanted to do to me" she said

She stopped her movements then made me look into her eyes

"Well show me now" she said before licking my top lip with tip of her tongue

I gulped. I couldn't believe this was finally going to happen

"There's not going to be any distractions right?" I asked since we've been stopped a couple of times now

"No. It's just us tonight" she said kissing my lips and reassuring me that nothing would get in our way this time

We kissed over and over again until she stood up. She opened my legs so she could stand in between them

I gulped once again when she began to lift up her shirt

My eyes stayed directly on her. Looking over all the new area of exposed skin

Her eyes met mine and I could tell she absolutely loved having all of my attention focused on her

Her hands slowly slid down from her neck over her chest to her stomach. She landed at the top of her jeans. She grabbed my hands since I was in a fucking trance and couldn't move

She placed it on the button and encouraged me to undo it. I slid the zipper down and then helped her lower the denim pants to take them off

My already dry mouth was a desert as my eyes scanned her body from head to toe

She was wearing all black lingerie

"Do you like it?" She asked me mentioning the panties and matching bra

All I did was nod yes quietly continuing to unashamedly check her out. My hands timidly touched her skin. Latching at her sides and slowly dragging down her curves and thighs.

"So fucking fine" I mumbled as I leaned in and kissed the skin below her breast right above her tummy

(A/n I accidentally made the smut very long so if you want to skip it I marked where it ends lmao)

I placed open mouth kisses all around the same area of her skin as her hands began to tangle in my hair and she let out little noises of pleasure that let me know she was enjoying it

My hands lowering down to grab a fistful of her ass making an aroused groan escape her lips

She let my lips explore her skin. She was so smooth, so warm, and so soft

My hands made their way up her back finding the clasp of her bra.

I looked up and was met with her gaze looking down at me

(A/n Literally just imagine this 😮‍💨)

(A/n I would nut so fast like gah damn)

When I finally unhooked it it fell loose and she slid it off throwing it aside not caring where it landed

My dry mouth soon watered as I saw her perfectly shaped breasts

"you are so fucking beautiful" I mumbled in my zoned state

She bit her lip with a smile

My kisses slowly making their way up ready to take her into my mouth but she pushed my head back giggling at my confusion

"Not yet" she said with an evil smile

"You forgot something" she whispered before turning around

I was met with her ass on full display for me

I quickly leaned back on the bed letting out a breath of air

Will I really be able to handle all of this?

Yes of course I aint no weak ass bitch

I placed a quick kiss on her right cheek and made my way up her spine to I stood up and let my lips ghost her over her ear

"I could never forget this" I whispered before grabbing a fistful of her flesh

She moaned lowly and backed her body into me as my other hand grazed her stomach

I kissed just below her near grazing my lips down her neck where I began to apply suction. She threw her head back to lean on my shoulder as she let herself fall back into me

My hands traveled up and palmed both of her breasts

She let out deep breaths of pleaure

Her breasts fit perfectly in my hands. My fingertips toying with her nipples

She turned her head to the side and grabbed my face to capture her lips

Immediately shoving her tongue into my mouth to tangle with mine

She was moaning so much. She backed her ass into me grinding on me

My hands wandered on and explored every inch of her body

One hand going lower

I pulled away from our kissing so I could study her facial expressions this time

Her eyes were hooded and dark as she looked into mine. Her mouth was parted letting out whimpers and heavy breaths

When my fingertips lightly grazed over her most intimate part she let a moan escape

"Y/n-" she let out

My fingers were immediately coated with wetness

"You're so wet" I mumbled kissing her shoulder

"Yea it's all your fault" she said laughing seductively

Smirking at her response my pointer finger played with her clit as my middle and ring finger ran up and down her slit

Her eyes still on me as she bit her lip moving her hips along my fingers.

I let her work herself on my fingers as I just licked my lips at how hot she was

I grabbed her firmly with my other hand to slow her down

"You're so sexy" I mumbled into her ear before I slowly inserted two fingers into her

She let out her loudest moan yet

Usually I never talk during sex. I found it to be kind of corny but I was willing to let her know exactly how magnificent she was.

Any word in a dictionary that was or similar to beautiful she was the very definition of it

I could feel my fingers get crushed by her slick walls. I slowly inserted them in and out

It didn't take long for me to eventually find a rhythm. Her body matched my thrusts

"F-fuck y/n" she cried out as she grabbed my head to passionately bring our lips together

"That- right there it feels so good" she said with a smile as my thumb began to rub circles on her clit

My heart was racing so fucking fast. One because I was putting in work and her body attached to mine was making me so hot and sweaty. And two because I couldn't believe I was actually touching her like this

Her hand came down in contact over mine as she began to rub her clit and let me focus on thrusting my fingers deep inside of her

"Fuck I'm close" she yelled out throwing her head back on my shoulder giving me access to her exposed neck

Me on the other hand, I was so hard.

My member was so constrained inside my pants it was begging me for release but my mind ignored the best I could

My lips claimed her skin as my fingers went hard and fast trying to make her cum

"I'm cumming" she let out almost out of breath before grabbing me once again to kiss my lips.

Her hand having a tight grip on my hair. Her nails raking across my skull. My fingers got crushed inside her but I did my best to let her ride it out

I felt my hand get coated with her essence and her body fell into me

She lost balance and fell back catching me off guard making us fall back on the bed. She was still in my arms and we were sitting on the edge

I let her catch her breath as she was breathing heavily in my arms

"Guess those fingers do more than just play the guitar" she said and I laughed

I caressed her skin and kissed the side of her head til she calmed down

"Are you good?" I asked her and she nodded

"Why?" She asked

"Just checking that you're not tired" I said laughing

"We have all night remember?" She replied and I nodded before kissing her lips

She licked her lips as she looked into my eyes

"Your lips are so addicting" I said before kissing her again "but I want to get addicted to something else"

"Have a taste then" she said as she brought her fingers up to my mouth and slowly put them in

I could faintly taste her as my tongue wrapped around her fingers. I closed my eyes at the pleasure

Camila just watched my every move loving the control she had over me

I sucked her fingers til I could no longer taste her. I needed more

She replaced her fingers with her tongue and in the middle of the make out I lifted us up and threw her down to lay down on the bed

She let out a moan at the sudden action but she just lifted herself as her elbows stayed on the bed. Her eyes never leaving me waiting for my next move

I kneeled up for a second to remove my shirt because I couldn't take how fucking hot I was

She licked her lips taking in my figure

I saw her eyes quickly look down at my pants probably hoping they would be next but I must've disappointed her when I ignored them and went to hover over her

Her hands instantly grabbing a hold of my biceps then letting them wander to explore my skin

A smile came to Camila's face as I began to kiss her gently. She kissed me back and our kisses became more intense and passionate.

I cupped her head in my palm as she parted her lips and invited my tongue to dance with hers.

She sighed into my open mouth as my hand brushed her breast. I brought my hand to her jaw line and lightly stroked her skin with my fingers. She moaned as my hand settled around her breast. She brought her hand to the back of my head and dragged her nails across my scalp.

I palmed her breast and then broke free of her kiss and laid a trail of small wet kisses from her ear, down her neck, along her cleavage to her breast.

I used my tongue to bathe her areola in saliva. I latched on to her and drew her nipple in between my lips and she gasped as her nipple hardened under my suction. She pushed my head into her breast and applied wet kisses to my ear

"y/n" she whispered. I soon released her breast and moved on to her other, giving it the same loving attention. My hand freed her breast and brushed down along her abdomen to her inner thighs.

Fuck I was so turned on. My member was begging for attention but I wanted to focus on her only

From her haze of ecstasy, Camila unconsciously spread her legs for me, allowing me access to her.

I released her nipple and laid her back. I stared into her eyes as I began kissing my way down. I laid a kiss on her stomach and drove my tongue down

I continued my oral journey until reaching her once again wet center.

Her scent intoxicated me, her look of want drove me on.

Her hips shook beneath me in anticipation, begging me to take her. I locked my gaze to hers and she felt my breath on her slit. I extended my tongue and took my first actual taste of her

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she moaned. I painted her slit  using my tongue in broad strokes.

she grabbed the edge of her pillow and bit down on it to keep from crying out.

I brought up my middle finger and inserted it into her, aiming upward, to find her 'G' spot while my tongue did lazily circles around her clit.

She moaned louder

This new sensation caused her hips to buck, thrusting herself at my mouth. I began stroking her more rapidly now as i drew her clit between my lips and sucked on it while flicking it with the tip of my tongue.

"Fuck Y/n don't stop" she let out as she tugged on my hair and pushed me in deeper, basically riding my face

She hid her face in the pillow so I took the chance to slyly let my hand slide into my pants and try to get some relief

Closing my eyes shut as I could feel the cum leaking out of me.

She was probably close so I did my best to jerk myself as fast as I could

Her hips matched my ever-more-rapid strokes. She grabbed the sheets and her breathing became deep and rapid, matching the timing of my strokes.

Suddenly she lost all control. She tightly shut her eyes and her body convulsed.

She threw the pillow gasping probably because she needed to breathe

I heard some things fall in the back

I was expecting her to let out another loud moan but I heard nothing.

I looked up at her and it looked like she wanted to scream but she could not find her breath.

She was cumming again.

And she came harder

Again and again her body spasmed as her orgasm consumed her. I helped her ride it out, licking her, sucking her, swallowing her cum.

Seeing her cum was enough to get me off. It was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. I didn't fully cum in my jeans but I had somewhat of a relief and that enough for me

Slowly, she returned to reality, feeling a stinging on the flesh of her inner thigh as I saw the hickey I left before and bit her, sucked her, and marked her as mine.

I didn't care if some other idiot would see it. She can tell them about the mind blowing orgasm she got when they ask her about it

I kissed my way back up her body to her waiting lips and she tasted herself within the kiss.

-(end smut)

She was still breathing uncontrollably

I let her calm down as I laid down next to her catching my own breath

When she finally was able to control herself she laid on my side and wrapped her arm around my waist

"Sunflowers" she said

And I looked at her confused

"You said you didn't know what my favorite flowers were. They're sunflowers" she said


My mind went blank

"That's the first thing you say after cumming?" I asked amused

"Well, in the midst of it I saw yellow colors and shapes like flowers when I closed my eyes. And I remembered you said that earlier" she said

"So you see sunflowers when you orgasm?" I asked and she giggled

"No just random colors but it made me remember" she said

"Okay well I can't tell if that was cute or weird" I said jokingly

"It was cute and you know it" she said kissing my lips

"Yea you are" I said agreeing with her

"You know those are my favorite too. They remind me of my favorite painting" I said

"Which one?" She asked as she kissed the area of my shoulder

"Sunflowers by Van Gogh" I said "he's actually my favorite artist"

"I didn't know you were into art" she said

"Just a little. I like going to museums" I said and she smiled

"That's cute. I love learning new things about you" she said

She leaned up to kiss me for the umpteenth time tonight

Her hand exploring my skin since I didn't have a shirt on any longer

It slowly slid down and she accidentally grazed my member making my heart jump

My eyes widened and I blushed

She gasped "I'm- so sorry" she managed to let out

I just stood still. My anxiety taking over. What if she thinks I'm a freak?!

"It was an accident" she said with a small unsure laugh

"It's okay" I said grabbing her hand and kissing it

I looked away closing my eyes praying it would go away

She looked down at the very visible bulge in my pants

"Y/n" she said

"Yea?" I asked turning to look at her

"I know your boundaries but i-if you want relief I don't mind at all" she said

"Camila I'm fine I promise" I said trying to reassure her placing my thumb over her cheek tenderly

"I want you to know you can be comfortable with me. I want to make you feel good as much as you make me" she said

"I appreciate that. Truly. I'm just not ready yet" I said giving her a small smile

"Okay I understand. We'll wait til you're ready" she said

"Thank you" I replied kissing her lips

"I mean I don't think you even need it. Your tongue is insane-" she said breaking the awkward tension

She made me blush and hide my face in the pillow

"No like I've never had someone give me an experience like that" she said

"You've never gotten head?" I asked shocked

Who tf was dumb enough to NOT eat her out???

"No I have. But it's never been as mind blowing. Guys usually never find the spot. You found it fast and possibly more" she said laughing making me laugh with her

"Well glad to be of service-" I said laughing

A couple of hours later we laid back once again on the pillows

She really took the all night thing literal

I'm fucking exhausted. Every time I thought we were done she started again

She laid on top of me. She had gotten me to remove my pants but nothing more

She let out a deep sigh with a smile. I caressed her back tenderly as I kissed her head

"I can tell I'm going to enjoy my time with you" she said

And although that could've been a small cute compliment my over thinking mind heard a deeper meaning

Does this mean the time we have together is limited? There's an expiration date?

My mood changed.

She got off me as she grabbed the water bottle on her night stand and took a sip.

She handed it to me and I gratefully took a sip because I was so thirsty

She laid back down and grabbed her phone

I guess we were finally done-

I laid there not moving because I didn't know what to do.

I grabbed my own phone and saw that it was 3 AM

I sighed. Do I leave now?

I looked over at her as she was mindlessly scrolling through her phone

Maybe I'll make it like I'm going to use the bathroom first and see what she says

I lowly cleared my throat and got up to get my pants and slip them on

"A-are you leaving?" She asked

I stopped like a deer caught in headlights

"I uh was going to the bathroom-" I said a little unsure "why?"

"Guys usually always leave after. I didn't think you would" she said a little disappointed

"Uh no I wasn't" I said laughing uncertain "I actually do not know what you prefer, because I could go-"

"No no it's fine you can stay" she said with a smile "unless you want to go?"

"No it's fine"

"What do you usually do with Stacy?" She asked

There she goes bringing her up again..

"Uh I stay with her" I replied

"Then you can stay with me too right?" She asked with an adorable face

"Of course" I reached down to kiss her lips "I'm going to just use the bathroom real quick" I said

I quickly made my way to her bathroom and let out a deep breath I was holding back

Okay cool she wants me to stay

I didn't even have to use the bathroom but I flushed as I pretended to use it and washed my hands

I made my way back to her bed leaving my pants off and got in with her

She immediately turned around and scooted back into me so I could hug her from behind

She got her phone and we watched tiktoks together. We laughed every now and then at something and we talked. It was actually kinda nice

It didn't take long before we both finally found ourselves drifting off to sleep.


Hi besties. Thank you so much for being patient with me. I know I took a long time

Part of the reason for the delay was because I was dreading having to write the smut lol. But hopefully it wasn't too bad.

I hope y'all liked the story and hopefully I can post again soon :)

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