Sekiruuyetei: Book of Concept...


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A boy who once walked the path of heroism, now after being humiliated and ignored for his deeds, choses to wa... Еще

Prologue: Having Enough
Chapter 1: Unbearable Truth
Chapter 2: The Fall of an Ice Mage
Chapter 3: Roses of the Underworld
Chapter 4: Fall of Grigori
Chapter 6: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 7: Broken Pride
Chapter 8: Play My Game
Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Normal Life
Chapter 10: Factions Situation
Chapter 11: War against a False Hero
Chapter 12: Demise of a False Hero
Chapter 13: Peaceful Resolutions
Chapter 14: Double Demise
Chapter 15: Chaos in Kuoh Academy
Chapter 16: Calm and Tranquility.
Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering
Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion
Chapter 19: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 20: Reunion of a Vampire with a Dragon
Chapter 21: Party Crashing
Chapter 22: Fall of a Symbol
Chapter 23: Relaxation Time
Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault
Chapter 25: Fall of Heaven
Chapter 26: Time for Pleasure (18+)
Chapter 27: The God Tribe
Chapter 28: Relationship by Bonds
Chapter 29: The Darkest Night
Chapter 30: Divine Destruction
Chapter 31: Fortuitous Endeavors
Alternate One-Shot: Ending the Factions Permanently
Chapter 32: Claiming the Divinity (18+)
Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments
Chapter 34: Beginning of the Finale
Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault
Chapter 36: Ragnarök
Chapter 37: Hopeful Times
Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog
Chapter 39: Fall of Olympus
Chapter 40: Shiva's Choice
Chapter 41: Vampiric Exorcism
Chapter 42: Shinto Destruction.
Chapter 43: Fall of the Supernatural (Season Finale)
Epilogue: No More Supernatural
Some Facts about Conceptual Records

Chapter 5: Reality Check

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Tobio and the rest of Team Slashdog discuss on the current situation with Azazel trying to check any weakness, but slamming, he is unable to get any weakness. Furthermore, the team discusses on what happens next, as Issei refuses to help him, leaving them with no choice to hand over Nyx to Issei. This continues, as they never considered Issei's feelings before, as they discuss on what they need to do next. As for Issei, he reunites with Malak and gives them the promised army that he so needed, he looked around in awe and fully accepted the army. As Issei heads to deal with Elizabeth, he easily infiltrates in the Heaven eliminating and knocking out all of the Brave Saints and focuses on Gabriel as he mocks her for her weakness. He is ambushed by Elizabeth, the woman tries to fight against Issei, but he easily overwhelms her. Elizabeth was at her knees, as she is then corrupted by the Holy Nail. Once Issei enters inside, he shows her the truth, as the memory and personality overwriting was done, she becomes an ally of Issei, as Issei instructs her to look for the other Holy Relics, and what they do, as they have the potential to become relics, with Elizabeth agreeing to do so, he then gives her the gem, that allows her to transform into the first Dark Angel, she then sees Issei leave as she looks at Gabriel with disgust, as she begins her task. As this was going on, Grigori was under a full assault, as Malak and his forces were tearing them apart. Scores of B1, B2 and Commando droids were laying waste to the population, as Penemue decided to join the fight to save her kind. However, it was too late, as a general showed up, who was called Grievous, he destroyed Penemue without much effort, as the Fallen Cadre fell, they then proceed to tear apart Grigori, meanwhile, as this was going on, Malak was tearing apart the remaining forces with his own army. He confronts Baraquiel and after bringing him to his knees, he sucks out his life force, as he leaves him for dead. Tobio was the next to confront him, as he was surrounded by many people, he manages to seem to subdue him, as he was on his knees, however unbeknownst to them, Malak was only pretending as several bombs were unleashed killing several thousands including Kouki Samejima, as two people died, and many were injured, the doctors took the injured back. Meanwhile, Malak and the others teleported back to the hidden base, where they were greeted by General Kalani who deduced that they had the highest chance of winning. As Issei watches this with a cold smile, with him continuing the next phase of his plan, and that was to go after Gondul and Artemis. While this was going on, Elizabeth takes information from the Sixth Heaven with Gabriel watching with despair. 

"Had I read Issei's heart none of this would have happened...." Gabriel murmured with tears falling from her eyes, she never read Issei's heart and believed Dai and Rias completely, she remembered on how her first encounter with Malak went. 

*Scene Change*


The whole Sixth Heaven was burning, as many of the angels had been killed, most of them were low class angels. Gabriel was already at her knees, as an intimidating figure was looming on her. 

His red blade and yellow eyes made her immensely fear him, her powers were of no match, as any Holy light attack she aimed at him, were easily deflected and blocked by him, she realized that she might die here tonight by his hands, as he had mercilessly killed anyone that stood in his way. 

However, his intentions were not to kill her, so he used his Telekinesis to give her traumatic memories, relating to what a certain chestnut had to go through. She held her head in pain shouting. 

"Please, make it stop! I beg you....." Gabriel shouted in despair, but she felt no sympathy from the man in front of her, as he looked at her in an apathetic manner. 

Gabriel eventually passed out due to the trauma, as the man looked at her, and spoke

"I believe he would love to see you in this state" The man spoke in a cold tone, as he lifted her up and took her to his hideout. 

Once they reach there, Gabriel wakes up, to see the same man in front of her, she tries to read his heart, but she could only find nothing but emptiness inside of it, he seemed to be completely devoid of emotion. She has a look of concern that was seen on the man's face.

" my humble abode, my name is is not a pleasure to meet you" Malak spoke with a mocking tone, Gabriel tried to get up, but she was unable to, she looked around to see several chains sealing away her magic, she was helpless in front of the man. 

She feared what he would do to her, and a number of scenarios were running through her mind, as she was thinking Malak decided to speak

"I have heard from an old friend, that you are considered the most beautiful lady on heaven, if not one of the most beautiful lady in the entirety of the supernatural..." Malak spoke with a mocking tone, as he then became serious, "But then again, your actions tell me a whole different story, they show me a different side, an ugly one...."

"Who exactly are you...? And I don't understand what are you talking about...?" Gabriel's voice was filled with innocence, to which Malak shook his head and spoke coldly. 

"Oh Gabriel! Sweet Gabriel! You are so naive...." Malak then continued in the same tone, "Yet, you fail to see the horrors of this world, that I and my old friend have witnessed, and how people like you play god"

"I don't understand, all we did is help people!" Gabriel retorted as her face showed pure anger, however Malak wagged his finger and responded

"Yet, you fail to see the injustice happening in your own organization" Malak spoke with a cold voice, which soon changed to disgust, "My old friend told me, about several crimes that your popes in Vatican commit, The Holy Sword Project....the rapes of women by your own name a few....all in the name of your beloved god" Malak ended with a mocking tone 

Gabriel was quiet, he was not wrong, even after the perpetrators were excommunicated, the damage was done, and the worst part is that their own people did this for a very long time. 

"And that's not even the worst crime that you commit, there was one, that you failed to see right in front of your eyes" Malak spoke in a cold tone, with Gabriel retorting. 

"That has never happened, we have never ignored any crime, we have never hurt anyone innocent!" Gabriel retorted as Malak raised his tone in response

"You lie!" Malak shouted, making Gabriel flinch, "Stop lying about the suffering you have caused to other people, and pretending to be the Good guys! History has shown that even God had made mistakes and has flaws, nobody is perfect, and yet you act as such, it is time to end this!" Malak shouted as he raised his hand. 

"Wait, we can talk about this, civilized people...." Gabriel spoke with fear in her voice, sensing that this was the same technique he used earlier, to which Malak angrily retorted 

"No! People like you have fooled us for long! And it is time I make you see your mistakes, by force!"

Gabriel screamed in pain, however, soon after the screams dulled away, as she started to remain in disbelief, as tears started to stem from her eyes. 

However, an additional emotion started to brew in her eyes, and that was hatred, hatred belonging to a certain person that she once loved. 

"This is not true, tell me this is a lie...." Gabriel spoke with tears in her eyes, she was in disbelief that he would do all this. 

"You think this is a joke! Why would we lie to you!? After all this is his memories!" Malak spoke with fury in his voice, he then calms down as he speaks, "You know what, I will let him talk to you..." Malak turned to his side, as she watches someone approach him, he shows his face from the shadows, as Gabriel's look changes into horror. 

" can't are the one that started initiated the assault...." Gabriel spoke with disbelief as the one standing in front of her was none other than Issei Hyoudou

"Long time no see, Seraph Gabriel....I pity that you are in this condition..." Issei spoke with a sad tone, before changing it into mocking smile, and he started walking close to her and crouched "So how does it feel to know of my brother's true identity!?" Issei exclaimed while pulling her chin and face close to his, while exclaiming, "It hurts doesn't it, that the one you loved is a piece of shit!" 

"Everything is a lie, It has to be a lie, please tell me it is" Gabriel spoke with desperation, as Issei only smiled innocently, and spoke in a mocking tone. 

"Oh sweet Gabriel, naive Gabriel" Issei spoke before changing into a serious tone, "Nothing was a lie, you know it well, if anything these memories that Malak gave you, were mine, your ability was created so that you would not be deceived by such lies" Issei ended with a mocking tone, it was ironic to see her being deceived by such lies done by her own brother and Rias herself. 

"No that's not true!" Gabriel shouted, Dai was her first love, and she did not want to be deceived by him, however she broke down into tears, when she realized that the memories were not lies. 

"Now I will show you, your biggest mistake, and that is I will make sure that the factions fall!" Issei declared, as Gabriel tried her best to get up. 

"Then I will do what I must...." Gabriel spoke sadly with tears in her eyes, "I will stop you from destroying the lives of the innocents"

"That's a shame, you have turned your back on me, and I will destroy everything you have created" Issei spoke with a cold tone, that was ice cold, it was probably the coldest tone, she has ever heard him speak to her, or that was whenever he could. 

"I have to stop you, I must, otherwise you will destroy this peace, and I can't let you do that, I am sorry...." Gabriel spoke while struggling from the chains. 

"And why should I not do that! You have already destroyed my life" Issei spoke and then he released her and started to use his Telekinesis to choke her. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Star Wars)

"It's a shame that you need to be silenced....." Issei used a Telekinesis spell called Insanity, which he developed by using his own memories of mistreatment of the past. 

"Issei, please, we can talk about this, let me help you, there is still good left in you...." Gabriel spoke sadly while struggling to breathe, tears were falling from her eyes, "You can still be a hero...."

"I am sorry, but the hero you once knew is dead! Killed by the very people, he once protected slowly and painfully!" Issei spoke, as he then continued, "But don't worry, I don't intend to kill you..." Issei spoke while charging his Telekinetic spell, 

"I intend to make you suffer, since killing you would be mercy, I want to see you suffer the consequences of your mistakes, your mistake of trusting and loving the wrong person" Issei spoke while sending the spell Insanity inside of her mind, which would trigger whenever she would speak about the incident with Issei, "You won't say a thing, I give you my word...and if you die, oh well!" Issei spoke while shrugging. 

"I pray for your survival." Issei spoke feigning pity, "Nah just kidding, I pray for your suffering, Lady Gabriel" Issei ended with a mocking tone, as the two men left from there, leaving Gabriel crying endlessly due to the betrayal, she had received from Dai Hyoudou. 

Flashback Ends

*Scene Change*

"I am so sorry, this wouldn't have happened, if I used my ability on Issei, a long time ago" Gabriel muttered while a tear fell from her eye. 

However, unbeknownst to her Elizabeth was almost done taking all the information, needed for Issei's sacred gear recreation, since it would not only help him in creating Longinus gears based on the other Holy Relics, but he will be finally able to recreate the True Longinus. 

Elizabeth turned her attention to Gabriel and gave her a cold look, as she spoke

"Don't forget that all of this is due to the actions of naive people like you...." Elizabeth spoke with a smile, hiding her disgust, as her eyes returned to normal baby blue, from the former purple it was, implying that her transformation as a Dark Angel was completed, "After this, the world will be a much better place" Elizabeth had the same smile before leaving heaven to inform this to Issei. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or 7 Deadly Sins)

Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

A white haired, female angel and a silver haired woman watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes, and looks at Dai with a determined look.
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at his brother in the eye, as they both clash their swords.

Opening End

Four Days later, 

Hyoudou Residence, 12:30 PM

Valery Lucifer can be seen with tears in her eyes, she remembered, what had happened, she had already lost Lavinia, and now Kouki is gone as well, she did not know of this, as the doctors or her friends decided to not tell her, as she was recovering from her wounds. 

The wounds became severe due to the fact, she woke up and spied on Ingvild, the doctors had warned her before that if she were to move, she would not recover, and put her in an anesthesia induced coma to make her recover faster, as the Dragon Slayer Magic that Issei had infused in his punches had still remained. 

The anesthesia was so that she wouldn't feel the pain, the magic was eventually removed, and she was able to recover. She headed back once the surgery was done and she was able to walk. 

"Tell me, this is not true, Kuroka...." Valery spoke with sadness, as tears fell from her eyes, first Lavinia, and Kouki, "Please tell me that Kouki is alright!" Valery's voice was higher, she refused to believe that Kouki is dead. 

"I am sorry, Vali..." Kuroka spoke with sadness, she did not have the verbal tic, 'nya' with her, Vali's hair covered her face, she then ran away, as Kuroka exclaimed in worry, 

"Vali wait!" Kuroka shouted with her running behind him, many were worried about Vali, as they were helpless in the situation. However, Valery was too fast leaving Kuroka in the house, she could only watch her leave. 

It did not help that Baraquiel also died shortly after Malak drained his life energy, and unlike Lavinia, who was alive, but in a comatose situation, similarly due to the attack others like Sahariel and Amaros had to be induced into a coma to recover their wounds. 

All in all, things were pretty bleak for Grigori, that is if they somehow managed to recover. The attack wiped out more than 50% of the Fallen Angels, there was no trace of them, and amongst the injured, 40% succumbed to their wounds, and out of the remaining 60%, 50% of them have a low recovery chance, and among them is the Cadre Penemue, the wounds inflicted by Grievous were too much. 

And that's not even mentioning that Fallen Angels numbers were constantly being among the least in the Great War, not to mention, many of the Top Level Fallen Angels left for the Khaos Brigade when they were found leaking secrets to them, and then the Evil Dragon War happened, which took casualties from all factions, Fallen Angels were no exception. Thus this resulted them in having the lowest population among the Three Factions. 

And unlike Devils, who have the Evil Piece system, and the Angels have the Brave Saints, Fallen Angels don't have that, the reason was that their former Leader Azazel, did not intend to continue the race. According to him, he did want the race to end with him, despite accepting any that intend to join their race. 

Ironically his wish did take place, in one of the worst ways he could have possibly imagined. 

As this was going on, Ingvild who had left her room, had approached downstairs, she had heard of the news, of what happened to Grigori, and was saddened, however, that was three days ago, now she wondered why everyone was gathered here. 

"Did something happen?" Ingvild asked with concern, wondering what had happened, a part of her was happy that Dai was not present, she often wondered where Issei was though. Not that he would tell her where she is. 

"'s just Valery came back, she did not take the news too well" Rias spoke, as she looked at situation, it was grim. Rias was the first to come to know of the situation, and she had reported it to the rest, many had kept their hands on their mouths in horror. They were horrified that Grigori had fallen, and many were killed. 

The one who did not react was Akeno, which surprised many, her father had died, the only parent in her life has gone, and now she was alone, except for her friends that is, she was robotic, and always remained in a catatonic state, not moving much, only just being in her own world. Malak's hallucinations plus Baraquiel's death left her in a terrible state. 

Aside from that several others had to be also put in a comatose state, and for Vali, they hoped she will be alright. Even Ingvild was not expecting, this to happen. She was saddened that this had to happen. The worst part was Malak was not alone, a whole army was with him, as a result the other factions deduced Malak to be a part of this faction, and assumed him to be their leader, they called it the Droid Faction. 

"Dammit! We were confident that Malak wouldn't attack in the next few months, but it turns out that he had planned the attack and destroy one of the Biblical Faction!" Arthur exclaimed angily, as Le Fay consoled him, he felt powerless that not only was his leader in such a vulnerable state, but also, he can't do anything for her, or try to stop Malak. 

"What do we do now?" Asia asked in a sad tone, as Rias then spoke

"We should go and help the others, your sacred gear will be useful and needed" Asia agreed in response, as Kuroka had other plans. 

"I should stay with Vali" Kuroka spoke in concern, "I doubt she wants to see anyone else" 

"In that case, even Le Fay should stay with her as well" Arthur spoke in agreement to Kuroka as Le Fay was confused by their action. 

However, as this was going on Malak was watching the scene, but not in amusement, but in thought, it was not because he was not happy seeing them in despair. He was happy to see them suffer, however, his thoughts were something else, as he muttered. 

"If my hunch is correct, there has to be other hybrids between humans and demons" Malak muttered with deep thought, "There will be descendents of Asmodeus and Belzebub as well" he presumed with an analytical look. He wondered whether those two might have Longinus or not, 

"I am sorry, but I have some appointments, so I cannot join you...." Ingvild spoke with sadness, remembering that today is the day she will be heading to meet Ophis and Great Red. Many had looks of sadness, but they nevertheless agreed. Malak seemed to be amused by what is going on, he then teleports away to meet up with the rest. 

*Scene Change*

Unknown Location, 12:30 PM

Issei was reviewing the information that Elizabeth had brought out from the Heaven, and was amazed, most of the relics were pretty good, however three caught his eye, that being the Shroud of Turin, Sudarium of Oviedo and the Crown of Thorns. He barely had any information, on them before, but now with the information he had received, things are getting good. 

"This is marvellous...." Issei spoke in amazement, "Good job, Elizabeth!"

Issei exclaimed with a happy tone, as he rubs her head, with her smiling in response,

"I am glad the information you received helped you, Lord Issei" Elizabeth responded, as Issei shook his head. 

"No this helped me more than enough" Issei responded in happiness, as Issei spoke with the same tone, "Not to mention, I can recreate the True Longinus with this information, I struggled to recreate it, but now I can, along with Longinus Sacred Gears that may not have been  discovered by the factions and I can only thank you for that Elizabeth" Issei spoke with a genuine smile, as Elizabeth smiled in happiness and responded with a nod. 

"So what will you do now? And want us to do?" Grievous asked, to which Issei stored the information in the crystal orb, which is a similar a recording orb.   

"I will be focusing on the gears, for now standby until I give the order." Issei commands seriously, as both Grievous and Kalani nod, as Elizabeth asks

"What do you want me to do?" Elizabeth asked, as Issei responded

"Elizabeth, I want you to stay with the Angels, this may disgust you, but you need to make sure, that when I deal with Heaven, there has to be no interruptions or problems when Heaven falls, alright?" Issei spoke in a serious tone, as Elizabeth shook her head. 

"No, any mission for your sake will not disgust me by any means, I shall fulfil it for your sake." Elizabeth spoke with a smile, as she teleports to the Angels to pretend to be one of them. 

Issei turned his attention to two figures in the shadows, as he speaks in a neutral tone. 

"You two will also do, as I have ordered Elizabeth, stay with your factions and act normal, like you would do" Issei commanded the two in a serious tone as they responded

"Yes, Lord Issei!" the voices seemed to be feminine as they both teleported away to their factions as well. 

Issei then went to recreate the True Longinus, and then create the Longinus based on the information he had received from the Heaven faction. 

*Scene Change*

The Park, 1:00 PM

Ingvild came to the park, as she looked around, to see where Ophis was, however unbeknownst to her or anyone, Valery was tracking her down. 

She was not having a happy look on her face, but an impatient one, because she wanted to know where Ophis was, and who Malak was really, she wanted to avenge Kouki and Lavinia. 

"Vali, I am telling you, what you will see, it will change you completely" Albion tried to show reason to Valery but Vali was adamant, as she spoke

"No, I want to see the real identity of Malak, he will pay for what he did to Lavinia and Kouki!" Vali mentally exclaimed to Albion, who cut off the connection, he gave up on reasoning with Vali, as he believed something horrible would happen. Vali was going to take her revenge, even if it means that she would take revenge. 

Meanwhile, Ingvild was looking for Ophis when all of a sudden the dimensions of the park changed into that of the dimension gap, as they both entered into the dimensional gap, with Valery following them trying to find the reality of Malak. 

"We are here..." Ophis spoke in an emotionless tone, she points straight to the Great Red. 

A massive red Western Dragon with a horn on his snout and has two sets of wings. His overall length measures around 100 meters. This was Great Red, the once former rival of Ophis, and a good friend of Issei. 

"So she is the one, right Ophis?" Great Red's voice boomed, as Ophis gives a nod. 

"H-hello...." Ingvild spoke with awe, and had slight nervousness, as Great Red looked at her for a moment, before giving a neutral look to Ophis. 

"I would appreciate if you don't look at him, he doesn't like when anyone stares at him" Ophis spoke, as Ingvild apologized to Great Red. 

"I am so sorry..." As Ophis looked at Great Red, however, his expression did not seem pleasant to her, as Great Red's voice boomed. 

"It seems like you broke our word Ophis...." Great Red's voice boomed, which made Ophis and Ingvild confused, she took a look at her snake which had not been activated, giving an assuring smile to Ingvild, as Great Red then spoke

"I sense your confusion, but it seems like someone followed you two, while you failed to detected" Great Red's voice boomed, but anger emanated from his voice. Understanding this Ophis looked around sensing the person, as she doesn't have a pleasant expression from her voice. 

"Come out Valery! I know you are there...." Ophis spoke with anger in her voice, which was unusual since her voice was considered to be emotionless. 

Ophis's voice echoed throughout dimension, leaving no choice Valery flew towards her, in her Balance Breaker state. 

"Great Red is not happy with your presence, and because of you, my word is broken...I never asked you to follow me...." Ophis spoke emotionlessly, however she was angry by her presence. 

"I want to know who Malak is, and I will find out about him, even if I have to see the past of that useless-" Valery spoke, however she was not able to complete, as two auras were being radiated, one belonged to Ingvild, and the other being Great Red himself, who boomed in what seemed to be a angry yet mocking tone. 

"Useless? This is the same guy, that clapped your ass twice back to back, and could kill you if we wanted to, you are an idiot if you think he is useless!" Valery seethed in fury, with Ophis speaking. 

"And if anyone is useless, it is you, not him..." Ophis's words made Valery even more angrier, "He does not want to help, because no matter what happens, you refuse to learn from your mistakes" Ophis ended the line, making Valery respond

"Everyone knows that he is useless, I am only telling the truth, even the factions consider him as such" Vali responded coldly. 

"In that case, feast your eyes on this!" Great Red boomed in response, as several images showed up, however they all had one thing in common, it seemed to be that Issei was saving her from having her sacred gear being extracted courtesy of Rizevim almost a year ago. 

"Ddraig, how much time we have for this to work?" Issei asked from the images, as Ddraig responded

"Only twenty minutes, and if we are unable to figure out the sequence, then Valery is done for" Ddraig spoke with a neutral tone, while hiding his annoyance, he did not understand why is he helping her, despite her attitude, and that was when he wouldn't hesitate to help them. 

"No, those are all lies" Valery responded in disbelief, anger also was present in her voice, to which Albion responded

"None of them are lies, all of them are real...every memory is real, every single one of them is real, every memory is real, he saved you from Euclid and Rizevim when they intended to steal your gear, I was unable to move, or tell you because they managed to even seal me." Albion spoke with a neutral tone, to which Valery widens her eyes in shock. 

"That is not even the closest part, here...." Great Red's voice boomed as a pillar of light suddenly appeared from below and engulfed the two girls, before they could react. 

"Why didn't you wait for them to recover?" Ophis asked in a neutral tone, to which Great Red responded

"It's best they see the real truth of Crom Crouch's bearer's personality by themselves, this will shatter the White Dragon completely, and I will also show them how outclassed they along with the factions really are." Great Red's voice boomed as they watched the pillar of light, since it was a dimension that he had personally created to show visions on what Dai thinks of them. 

*Scene Change*

Valery and Ingvild both were taken into what seemed to be a pocket dimension, as the descendent of Lucifer and the descendent of Leviathan looked around trying to look around to see what happened, as they noticed Issei walking across the street. 

"Issei..." Ingvild muttered with surprise, as they then notice that two people were following him. Ingvild tried to stop him, but to her surprise he walked right past her, almost as if, he was not even there. 

"All things that have happened, nothing new did happen" Issei spoke with a bored tone, the two people that followed, Ingvild recognized them very well, they were Matsuda and Motohama, the infamous former perverted duo. 

"You know them?" Valery asked her, as Ingvild speaks

"Yeah, they are Dai's friends, and from what I have seen they often talk with him" Ingvild spoke to Valery, who nodded in response

"And all that remains is continue with life" The girls turn their attention to Issei, who spoke, as he walked ahead, only for the boys, to tap Issei's shoulder. 

"So, Issei you like the rumors we have spread about you, you little pervert" Matsuda spoke in a mocking tone, with Motohama joining in. Ingvild was shocked at this, assuming them to be good people. 

"Matsuda, it seems like the cat ate his tongue, it seems like he is in disbelief." Motohama spoke, however Issei remained in his position, he seemed to have sensed someone, and waited for the right time to strike. 

"Now it makes sense...." Ingvild spoke, with Valery asking, 

"I don't understand....what are you talking about?" Valery asked, to which Ingvild looked at her. and spoke 

"I think you are familiar with Issei's reputation in school, right?" Valery nods in response, remembering of her terrible reputation, "I believe that these two spread the reputation causing most of the students, if not all of them to hate and look down upon him." Ingvild spoke with disgust, she was not a fool, she put two and two together understanding that this was Dai's doing, after all, they were his friends after all. 

"I see...." Valery nodded, "But who would ask them to do this?" Valery asked, however Ingvild was silent, as if she were to tell the truth, Valery may not believe her. 

"I told you to leave the house, but you don't want to listen to me" A man's voice came from the shadows, as Valery widened her eyes, Ingvild was wondering what Dai was doing here. 

Dai approached Issei with a mocking smile on his face, as he came close to Issei. 

Issei stayed in his position gritting his teeth, he flipped Issei around and punched him in the stomach, making him cough up saliva. He seemed to be on the ground, holding his stomach in pain.

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Naruto Shippuden)

Issei glared at his brother, he gritted his teeth, waiting for the right opportunity to strike, Dai then spoke with a mocking grin. 

"Nobody thinks to even hear you out or believe you, good guys winning is just a fantasy thought, and you are just naive." Dai spoke mockingly, as Valery was shocked at Dai's rotten nature. 

"That damn" Valery spoke in horror, thinking that he was a good person. 

Issei, however got up, surprising Dai, even further, who gritted his teeth in fury. 

"Don't act so brave, it doesn't fit you!" Dai shouted as he aimed his punch at Issei, once he got closer, Issei blocked the punch with his left hand. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Dragon Ball Z, and Issei is facing his brother)

"What?" Dai was surprised, as he struggled to release himself from his clutches, "Let go of me!" Dai shouted. 

"Nope, I am just tired of pretending to be weak...." Issei spoke with an evil grin, "It's about time I show you why I am the older brother" Issei spoke with a mocking tone. 

Issei proceeded to twist Dai's hand, making him yelp in pain, both Matsuda and Motohama were shocked by this, someone whom they assumed to be weak, was overwhelming their boss, now they were afraid. 

"Let go of me, or you will regret it" Dai threatened Issei, as Issei had an evil grin, both the girls were shocked at this, while Valery was heartbroken while seeing what kind of a man Dai really was. 

"Sure why not?" Issei decided to twist it enough and then. 


"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Dai shouted in pain, as he looked at his broken arm, tears in his eyes, Issei had broken his arm, he then glared at Dai, Matsuda and Motohama and spoke

"You have been living a life that was never yours Dai, I should have put you in your place a long time ago...." Issei spoke with spite in his voice, he hated what his brother has become, and it was all thanks to his parents spoiling him rotten, and he lying to them, and they believing him from day one, since he was the youngest child. He looked at Dai, who was holding his arm in pain, gritting his teeth. 

"As for you two..." Issei turned his attention to the two boys, as he held them by their necks, "If you two idiots ever mess with me, you will meet a far worse fate than him, is that clear?" The boys struggled to release themselves, they nodded in fear, before Issei throws them, with them passing out. 

At this moments, she did not expect Dai to be this weak, she knew he was weaker than Issei, but it then made sense, since Issei pretty much did all of the fighting and Dai only took the credit. 

After which flashes of memories were shown, and all this showed how Dai took the credit for everything his brother did, how his lies were corrupting the people that he talked to, no matter which world he belonged to, and how Crom mocked Dai, that he will never surpass his brother. 

One scene in particular made her want to vomit, and this scene made her heart ache. 

"This is something you will never enjoy" Dai spoke with a perverted smile, as he grins at his brother, who only watches helplessly as the medics help him cure him. 

Valery watched the scenes in tears, as she shouted, "Tell me Albion, you knew this, didn't you?", however Albion gave her no response, while Ingvild saw the scene in sadness, remembering the critical condition Issei was in. He nearly died for her, making her cry on remembering that. 

The scene then changed once again, and this time, it revealed a White Haired man, with Issei, along with a brown haired woman. 

Valery wiped her tears, and saw the scene, she wondered who those two were, for a while, but then she recognized one of them, as she spoke.

"It can't be...?" Valery spoke with a surprised tone, "Persephone....?" 

Ingvild looked at her in surprise, as she asked

"Persephone? But wasn't she dead? By a Longinus User" Valery nods, as she looks at scene. 

"If I am correct, her soul was apparently destroyed, by the Longinus User, this caused Hades to despise us, and see us as threats." Valery explained, as Ingvild nodded, while asking "But how is she alive?" 

"I don't know, but we are about to know very soon" Valery spoke seriously, as she then speaks, "And I think that white haired man is Hades, I have never seen him in Human form though" Valery spoke while thinking. 

They then look at the vision, as Hades opens the seal, as he smiles. 

"We are here, Ise" Hades spoke with happiness, as Issei goes inside, he sees Nyx, who exclaims in happiness. 

"Issei! You came to see me!" Nyx jumped towards Issei, as she hugs him, "I have missed you!"

"I missed you too, Nyx!" Issei exclaims while returning the hug, as both Persephone and Hades smile at him. 

After splitting up, Nyx speaks

"Why don't you visit me often?" Nyx asked with a bit of a pout. 

"Well, I do have commitments, here and there, so....I can't" Issei spoke while rubbing his head, "But I promise you, I will free you from your prison, no matter what happens, I will slice down anyone that stands in my way."

Issei declared making Nyx blush, she was happy by his declaration, even Persephone and Hades knew of his nature, to do anything for the people he cares about, 

"See nothing went wrong, it seems like he is in love" Persephone muttered to Hades, who chuckled in response

"Indeed he is...." Hades agreed to his wife's words, as Nyx then spoke

"But they will try to find you, if you try to release me, I can't risk losing you, if I stay here, you will be safe" Nyx spoke in worry, "And I don't mind staying here."

"I am strong enough to hold my own, you know I am not weak, I will destroy anyone for even laying a finger on you" Issei spoke coldly, while hugging Nyx, however none were fearful of Issei, especially those in the room, while both Ingvild and Valery shivered when they heard Issei speak with this tone.

"You shouldn't worry, I will be here" Nyx spoke with a smile, "Besides, promise me this, I want you to stay happy, even without me." With both Persephone and Hades being concerned about this. 

Issei shook his head in response

"I refuse, I will find a way to rescue you, without those factions getting in my way" Issei spoke coldly, "Anyone that stands in my way, will be eliminated." Issei ended coldly. 

The scene caused great shivers and pain to Valery and Ingvild, when they realized that the one that they considered the true hero, will not hesitate to become their enemy. 

The scene once again changed, with Issei, Hades and Persephone being in this. 

"But how will you fight? You can't take them all at once" Hades spoke seriously, with worry being in his voice, as Issei looked at him and summoned a magic circle. 

Hades recognized them as the result of Annihilation Maker, one of the Sacred Gears he had copied, they saw the body of someone who will be the face of their new enemy. 

"No...." Valery spoke with disbelief.

"This can't be?!" Ingvild exclaimed in surprise, she remembered him, the one who was unconscious on the ground was none other than Malak. 

Issei removed a knife and stabbed his hand, releasing blood drops onto Malak, whose body sucked the blood into his body, absorbing it.

"Ise-chan!" Persephone shouted in worry, as she looked at his hand, and help it, Issei assured her, 

"I am fine Persephone, just a small wound, and besides I am going to need someone to be the face of this new enemy" Issei spoke with a smile, as his wounds healed himself, with a copy of Twilight healing, his 'foster sister's' sacred gear. 

Issei looked at Malak, he was a clone of the original as the clone woke up, he looked at his original and stood beside Issei. 

"THIS CANNOT BE TRUE!!", Ingvild screamed unable to believe what she just saw. 

Even Valery refused to believe what she just saw, the enemy was the same person that had helped them in the past, once upon a time, all with the goal of freeing Nyx. 

But little do they know that it was not even close to what Issei's current goals are

"I presume you must be my progeniator right, what do you ask me to do?" Malak asked to which Issei nodded

"Now we will show the factions the wrath of the Red Dragon Emperor!" Issei declared with Malak agreeing to his progenitor's declaration.  

"Indeed, we are going to correct the errors caused by their own decisions.." Malak responded in agreement. 

"But the most detestable beings, they will suffer the most." Issei spoke coldly

"And they take what they want by force and use humanity as a means to fight their wars, and send them to the slaughterhouse" Malak spoke coldly, but with venom laced in his voice. 

"I must say that the supernatural world is a depressing sight right now, but with those beings gone, the world will be a much better place. " Issei said with a smile, not hesitating to wipe out anyone that is in his way. 

"The Supernatural is afraid of only losing their way of life." Malak also said with a smile.

"I am you" Issei spoke with a smile.

"And you are me" Malak spoke with a smile

"And together we shall use our power to bring despair onto those that have made us into who we are." Both spoke in unison, as everyone watched them. 

"And I shall use this power to impart the rage I carry inside for all I have suffered, and make them suffer one by one" Issei declared coldly, while hugging his duplicate, before splitting up. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Dragon Ball Super)

Ingvild and Valery watched this in horror, Issei was the leader of the faction, that are trying to destroy them, they did not know what to do next.

Little do they know, that it was not close to what Issei has done up till now. 

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter, the next one will be the continued vision of what Great Red wants to show)

(A/N(2): The New Longinus based on the Holy Relics will be shown soon)

(A/N(3): The two women joining Issei, will also be revealed in the next chapter, along with how they joined Issei, a hint is given throughout the story, can you figure it out?)

(A/N(4): A massive thanks to Shubh030201 for helping me with this chapter)

Please let me know what you think, and I will catch y'all later



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