Thus Forward

By MichaelaRoan

344 35 33

During before and after a successor is elected for the Crescent Dust Company a gang of White Fang members rui... More

CDC 'Crowning'
I Spy Pride
Lost Actions
Night Stalking
Visiting hours
Mistakes and Leads
Meeting up
Cold Front
Released from Duty
Distasteful Dinning
Passing Bonds
New Mission
Ending Variables
Late Dawn
Breakfast and Bombs
Terrorists and Intentions
Deathly Froide
Falling into Place
Waking up


12 0 1
By MichaelaRoan

Ivory's POV

I got back to my home to see Aiden standing on the porch with a piece of paper. "What's that?" I ask walking up to him. "Well, I assume it's from either Lily or Copper? I don't know." He hands the letter to me, "Temperence is passed out in your office by the way, she convinced me to buy her a drink -something about a deal she made with Lukas in Beacon - But yeah that's why you might need to wake her up." He says. I read the letter silently as Aiden walks into the mansion.

I'm guessing you'll find us soon, with or without consequences already played out. Anyways, according to your maps on the walls of your office; which I saw looking through your windows, you really need curtains, you have a shit load of miss-calculated areas. Don't looks towards Atlas. Just a tip so I can get another free fight. See you where and whenever I do. Oh I also took Copper's mask from your airship. No I did not steal anything else.

I roll my eyes; crushing up the paper and throwing it away as I walk into my office. Aiden was indeed correct when he said Temperence was passed out; in my chair by the way. "What did the letter say?" Aiden asks. I respond annoyed walking over to Temperence and waking her up, "I believe it's Lily, the wording is too informal, while the writing font is more like Copper. So Maybe Copper wrote down Lily's words? I have no clue. Hey Temp get up." I say shaking the chair. Temperence jolts awake, "Oh Hi Ivy-Ivory." She mutters.

I glare for a minute, and then smile knowing she was going through more trouble than I. She unlike me was planning her future. I wasn't. "I'll let you and Aiden rest, but I need you to look around Vacuo." I say sitting in a chair beside her and filling out papers. "Yep, I'll get to that in a min-" Temperence sneezes, ""Yep, I'm now getting to that." Aiden glares at her for a minute, "You're 20, drinking illegally, and attempting to still do work?" Temperence laughs, "It takes the the pressure off." she says, getting up to look at the maps around the room. "I'm going to tell Lukas later and see if he breaks into tears." Aiden says sitting down beside me.

Lukas's POV

Since my sister and Ivory decided to so generously wake me up, I stayed awake casually trashing the nurses's jobs as they walked in giving me my, air plane food. Sorry I mean air plane food being given to me in hospital and sure amounts. Ace was still in the fetal position in his bed. I knew he was going to fuck some shit up.

Minutes later as I was done thinking that, a nurse walks in sitting Ace's food on the table besides his bed. "Ace I'd suggest more drinking than eating, your stitches might break loose." The nurses suggests, "Let me take your pulse" She says flirtatiously towards Ace. I glare, "Hey don't flirt with him he's taken!" I say remembering him and Copper. The nurse laughs turning around to look at me, "I didn't know you two were dating." She says as Ace glares at her.

I gag, "Why would you think that! I know he has a girlfriend!" I spat. Ace smashes the small table into the back of the nurses's head, getting up from his bed, and pulling the IV's out of himself as he does so. "Dude what the fuck are you doing?" I ask, not quite shocked. "I'm getting out of here," He mutters getting his clothes from the dresser beside him in a flash. "Why?" I ask, debating if I could follow him out of the hospital in my condition I mean conditions or not.

"I have information," He says taking a syringe out of the nurse's pocket now. I glare at two nurses walking in. Ace stands in front of them for a moment before smashing both of their heads together. "What type of information?" I ask, adding, "Be prepared for security." Ace quickly changes clothes behind the nearest curtain in the room before making his way to the window beside my bed. "Information, I'm not telling Ivory." He says as I laugh slightly, it overall hurting to do so. "Okay man, whatever, don't get into too much trouble." He busts the window open with one of his boots before crawling out, "It's a 3 story drop from here." I say as he jumps.

He left me. I sigh, as security walks in seconds later. "Where is Ace Areo?" Asks one of the men judging Ace's damage to the room and nurses. I point to the window, "He tried to fly." I smirk, trying to sound stupid, with a childish voice, "Could you please, call Ivory Crescent and tell her that her cousin wanted to fly." The security roll their eyes at this. "And your name is?" A nurse asks cleaning up Ace's mess. "The awesome an attractive dude, that killed off a dozen small towns?" I say smiling as the people glare at me. "But seriously call Ivory, and fix this fucking window. You do know cold is not good for you patients."

Aiden's POV

I watch Temperence make several red marks on the map not knowing that the mean. Just as the phone between me and Ivory rings. I let her answer it. "Hey Temp, can you explain what those marks mean?" I ask as I glance at Ivory's worried face on the phone. "Places of illegal business." She says "They're just circles. How do you not know that they are?" I laugh, "They look like you tried drawing red cookies." I say as Ivory hangs up the phone in anger.

"Yes I know." Temperence says looking at Ivory. Ivory yawns only half way done with her 2nd paper mountain. "Ace broke out of the hospital." She announces. Temperence and I give her a set of confused looks; You'd think it would be Lukas, we both though probably. Ivory sighs, "Lukas wasn't being cooperative with the security's questions either; We need to be down there ASAP so I can pay more bills." Temperence rubs her eyes tired as I stand up with Ivory. "Temp, would you want to stay here?" I ask. She shakes her head no following us.

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