Before You Go {Alicia Clark x...

By carterradams

26.7K 1.6K 150

Two past friends left to meet up again after running into a situation. Current time makes up for lost time e... More

one: pilot
two: private
three: walkie
four: between the lines
five: on the rooftop
six: to the face
seven: "you have to trust me"
eight: nothing at all
nine: buy the story
ten : truck duty
eleven: choices kill
twelve: panic driven
thirteen : her word
fourteen: filler
fifteen: blood stained
sixteen: she said it
seventeen: the past can be the future
nineteen: 3 weeks
twenty: The Ottos part I
twenty-one: The Ottos part II
twenty-two: The Ottos part III
twenty-three: one bullet kill
twenty-four: alicia's choice part I
twenty-five: alicia's choice part II
twenty-six: it finds a way out
twenty-seven: hand held
twenty-eight: small stadium community

eighteen: rest

634 44 2
By carterradams

"I want to go back in there. Why'd you take me out?" Alicia questions, crossing her arms over her chest outside the house. Her mother shakes her head, placing her hands on the railing around the house.

"Alicia, she needs rest. She just went through something traumatic," Madison spoke looking out into the distance.

"Exactly why I should be in there mom. She needs someone by her side," Alicia fights back. Madison drops her head.

"Alicia, please," Madison begs, shaking her head. "I know she's your friend but she needs rest. She needs to get stronger. She can't do that with people around. I'm not saying to stay away from her completely. I want you to be around her. Be there for her as a friend. But right now, she needs to sleep off the pain."


"Alicia," Madison cuts off her daughter and picks up her head. Her eyes go to her daughter's green ones. "You need to eat. Why don't you go eat something knowing now that Y/n's here and she's okay."

Alicia stays quiet and doesn't move. Madison pushes herself away from the railing and looks out seeing Nick and Troy coming over.

"How is she?" Nick asks out as the two walk up.

"She's awake," Madison responds. "You did good Nick."

Nick looks away from his mother, nodding. His hands go behind his back, keeping his eyes on the ground. Troy looks at Nick and then to Madison, then to Alicia then back to Nick.

"Is there anything I can do?" Troy asks, looking back to Madison. Madison shakes her head.

"No... No. Why don't all three of you go eat? I'll keep you updated with any changes," Madison says looking to each one of the younger kids. Troy nods and places his hand on Nick's shoulder before turning and heading away. Nick and Alicia stay lingering as Madison looks between her two children.

"Guys, she's fine," Madison informs the two. "She's safe and just needs time to heal."

"She's our friend mom," Nick says, picking up his head and squints his eyes a bit. "We can't just move on from this without feeling something."

Madison nods. "She's not dead though."

"But she could have been. You let her go. You let her go do something stupid."

"Alicia she was going to go with or without me helping. I sent Nick there to help her and I'm glad I did or she would have been dead," Madison spoke, her anger coming out. "I was looking out for her I promise you I was. She's safe now and she's okay. So please... Just go eat."

Silence takes over the three of them. Nick looks down and nods slowly. He says nothing as he looks to his sister. Alicia looks away from her mom, not speaking. She just turns and heads off of the porch. She walks to her brother and walks past him. Nick watches, before glances to his mom. The two lock eyes briefly until Nick nods slowly, turning around and walking after Alicia.


"Well everything seems to be healing alright. I still want to monitor it closely," Jake says, taking off his gloves, tossing them into a trash bin underneath the table. "I think right now you should get rest. We should move you somewhere a little more comfortable as well."

"Comfortable? Jake, I've never been comfortable anywhere," Y/n responds, weakly. Jake nods and looks at the girl.

"You seem comfortable with Alicia," he says and Y/n goes quiet, tearing her eyes from the guy. Jake smiles lightly as he pulls his hands from the wounds and to his lap. "What's wrong?"

Y/n shakes her head, shifting slightly. A pained expression crossing her face.

"Nothing. How long do you think it'll take for me to heal?" Y/n asks and Jake shakes his head.

"Months. You need to let it heal. If you don't the stitches will just reopen and you'll have major blood lost," Jake informs the girl as she nods slowly. Jake stands and places a hand on the girl's hand. "Are we ever going to talk about last time you were here?"

"Which last time? The last time that happened 3 days ago or the one prior to that?"

"Both actually." Jake shoves his hands into his pockets. "You up and left these people here to go get yourself killed-"

Y/n shakes her head. "No. I went to protect them. You wouldn't get it."

Jake nods. "You're right. I don't-" he pauses, his eyes switching between Y/n's. "You left the same way before. Except ironically the same position almost."

"Keyword. Almost. I didn't get shot last time."

"No, but you were beaten severely. Y/n whatever group you're apart of, it's not good. You shouldn't have gone back."

Y/n looks away and to the door. "If I hadn't have gone back, they would have tracked me down and then killed those people. Good people Jake. I wasn't risking that."

"Not risking it because you know the Clark's."

Y/n nods, keeping her eyes off of Jake. Footsteps appear from the door way. Y/n's eyes flicker expecting Alicia but was disappointed when she locked eyes with Madison. Madison smiles gently with her hands tucked into her back pockets. Jake looks over and smiles, nodding at Madison before heading towards her.

They whisper to one another. Y/n watching but saying nothing. Eventually Jake leaves leaving Madison and Y/n alone.

"You okay?" Madison asks walking over and sitting down on the chair Jake had been sitting in. Y/n shrugs.

"As okay as one could I guess," Y/n responds. "Where's Alicia?"

"She's eating. Finally."


Madison slowly nods. "She was pretty upset you left without saying anything. None of us could get her to eat."

"Oh..." Y/n's voice trails off as does her eyes off of the woman. The thought of Alicia not eating made Y/n feel sick. Sicker than she already felt all things considered. She didn't want to be that person who made others hurt. She didn't want Alicia to hurt. They were friends. Are friends even if Alicia confessed her true feelings.

"Hey, she's okay. She's just worried about you as am I. What the hell happened out there?" Madison asks, placing a hand on the girl's arm. Y/n blinks and slowly looks back at the older woman.

"I'm sure Nick told you. I'm assuming he brought me back here. How he did it, amazes me."

Madison tilts her head. "What's the last thing you remember Y/n?"

Silence takes over. Y/n raises a brow, her focus fading. While she did look at Madison she wasn't looking at Madison, rather right through her.

"Being shot... I can't remember anything else until I woke up here and I was okay."

Madison shifts in her seat, nodding slowly. She gently squeezes the girl's arm and shakes her head. "It's okay. The impact from the bullet must have caused you to blank. Your mind is probably blocking the trauma."

Y/n slowly nods. "Listen I know you probably want to know what happened but I... Just know they probably think I'm dead. Even if they know somebody got me out of there they're probably thinking I didn't make it. So you're safe. You're all safe."

Madison keeps her head tilted and leans up in her seat. She reaches over and grabs Y/n's hand, giving it a tight squeeze. Madison's eyes going to Y/n's.

"You're safe too kid," Madison whispers. "You're one of us."

"Says the person who locked me in a room," Y/n whispers with a small smile. Madison chuckles lightly, nodding.

"I just had to make sure for my kids. My gut was right though. You're still you. You're still that same kid from school, the same kid that came over every day to hang out with Alicia. The same kid who offered me, Nick and Alicia help once their father passed away. Still the same kid who kept their head high and protected those around her even if there was a battle going on up inside your head."

Y/n's eyes sat with tears. She blinks a couple times as Madison reassuringly squeezes her hand.

"You're one of us, Y/n. But right now, you need rest. We'll all be here if you need us."

Y/n smiles lightly. Madison nods and stands, squeezing the girl's hand once more before heading away from the girl on the table. Y/n's eyes followed her before speaking. "Thank you Madison."

The older woman stops at the door and glances over her shoulder. She nods. "Get some rest Y/n."

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