Wish Upon A Star

By gd_carpediem

21.5K 842 171

Twenty-three-year-old, Sana Minatozaki, an idol and a member of a famous Kpop girl group meets an independent... More



360 12 6
By gd_carpediem

Three months later....

Tzuyu woke up when she heard her phone beeped. She moves slowly and slightly to get up so as not to wake up the woman hugging her while sleeping soundly. She extended her arm and groped for her phone on the nightstand to check who was the sender.

Let's have a drink! We are here outside of your house. Waiting for you to come out there :)


Tzuyu looked at Sana next to her when she feel the girl move a little. As soon as she turn her head, Tzuyu saw that Sana was already wide awake now.

"I'm sorry, babe. Did I wake you up?", the tall girl apologized.

"It's okay. Who is it?", Sana asked.

"It's Jeong. She texted me that she and Chae were already outside of our house."

One month ago, Tzuyu and Sana decided to live together instead of switching schedules on which house they will going to eat their meals in during the day and sleep at night. There's no way the two can be separated now. And if you ask how is Sana's house? Jihyo is the new owner of it. The original plan should be for Sana to give the house to her friend. But Jihyo doesn't agree with that idea so she insisted on buying the house. Sana couldn't do anything with it because Jihyo already sent the money to her bank account.

"Is it okay with you......if I go to see them?".

"Just an hour? Only one hour, Babe."

"I don't buy that one hour of yours", Sana said rolling her eyes at the tall girl.

"Pretty please......" Tzuyu trying so hard to get Sana's approval. She then gives Sana a peck on the lips. Not once but twice until Sana says yes to her.

Tzuyu's phone lit up and beep once again until it rings nonstop. They both turned their heads to the phone that Tzuyu has been holding for a while now.


"What time is it?", Sana asked.

"Ahm, 9 pm". Tzuyu answered while looking at the time on her phone.

Sana let out a sigh. She held Tzuyu on the cheeks and then smile. "Alright. But promise me...you will be at home before midnight".

"I promise." Tzuyu softly smile then kissed Sana on the lips. To her surprise, Sana didn't let go of her face, and the kiss that should be only just a peck turned into a long passionate kiss.

"Babe, fck! Don't do this to me.."

"T~They're waiting..."


Tzuyu whispered between their kisses. She heard Sana giggle and then let go of the kiss now.

"I thought the kiss can stop you from leaving..." Sana said with a soft chuckle and pinched Tzuyu in the cheeks as she find the tall girl looking so adorable between wanting for more and she need to go.

"Come on! Now, you are making this hard for me to leave after what you've done", Tzuyu whined and then sigh deeply.

Sana removes her hands away from Tzuyu's face. Then, she moves a little to give the tall girl some space.

"Go now! Before I changed my mind.."

"Okay..I'll be home before midnight as I promised."  Tzuyu smilingly get up from the bed and walked towards their wardrobe to change her robe.

"I can see your butt from here, Babe...." Sana seductively said which made Tzuyu glance at her.

"So your peeking at me while I'm changing here?", Tzuyu smirked mischievously as she thought of making revenge for what Sana had done to her earlier.

"It's payback time", she whispered.

Tzuyu nakedly turned to face Sana which automatically make the girl look stunned and speechless after seeing those slender arms and perfectly toned abs of her. With an alluring gaze, Tzuyu began to dress up in front of Sana. She saw how the girl reacted at her; trying to look away but ending up staring at her body.

"You're drooling, Babe. I believe you really admire the view", Tzuyu grinned as she wears the last piece of her clothes. Her outfit for tonight was simply a black hoodie jacket, a plain white oversized shirt, and black jogger pants paired with white sneakers.

"Don't assume too much...".

"Alright. If you say so", Tzuyu laugh softly and then approach Sana before she went out of the room.

"Don't wait for me, Okay? I know you're tired all day that's why you should go back now to sleep." Tzuyu said and then kissed Sana on the forehead.

"I love you.."

"I love you too", Sana responded and embraced Tzuyu. The tall girl doesn't know that Sana is planning to do something— putting a hickey on Tzuyu's neck.

"Ow, Babe...What was that for?", the tall girl groaned in shock as she face Sana while its hand touched her neck.

"Why? I just leave a mark on my territory. As evidence that you are already taken, Ms. Chou", Sana winked and then softly laugh.

"Aish..You started it so you better prepared yourself for a battle later when I come home. Understood?".

"I have to go now. Take a rest". Tzuyu kissed Sana on the lips for the last time and then leave.


"Ow! Finally! Here she comes!", Chaeyoung whispered to Jeongyeon then waves her hand to the woman who was running towards them. Tzuyu immediately gets inside the backseat of the car.

"Yah! What took you so long? We have been waiting for you for almost 20 minutes now", Jeongyeon complained while fixing the rear-view mirror of her car. "Have you forgotten that my girlfriend is your neighbor? What if I get caught?! You stupid."

"I'm sorry. It's just hard to please Sana", Tzuyu reasoned out.

"Just say you're busy making Sana scream tonight", Chaeyoung said with a laugh which made Jeongyeon laugh as well.

"Yah! That did not happen but we almost do it. Sana illegally used it for me so I won't leave. You two should be thankful because I'm strong enough to stop my hormones."

"Thank you, Tzuyahhhh!!!", Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung said in unison while laughing out loud inside the car. Tzuyu just rolled her eyes and then looked at the front.

As Jeongyeon started the car engine, the headlights lit up and then all of a sudden the three of them screamed in fear as if they saw a ghost. Yes, they saw a woman standing in front of the car, but it's not really a ghost.

"Fck! It's Jihyo...You're dead meat! Yoo Jeongyeon!", Chaeyoung said to the woman beside her.

"Why?—. Oh, no way...Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon...Don't tell me you didn't inform Jihyo that we're going to the bar tonight?", Tzuyu said as she leaned forward to asked it to her friend.

"Ow..Shut up! That's why I'm calling you nonstop to avoid this! Now, it happened", Jeongyeon annoyingly said but looks nervous as she can't take her eyes off Jihyo. With just a blink of an eye, they heard a furious knock on the window beside Jeongyeon.

"Your girlfriend has a superpower of teleportation? How come did she go there that fast?!", Chaeyoung surprisingly said then chuckled.

"Are you kidding me?! As in right now? Do you really have to ask me that stupid question of yours? Asshole!", Jeongyeon said and slapped Chaeyoung on its thigh.

"Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon! Open this fcking door right now!".

"Open this gaddamn door!".

"Don't test me..."

"Yah! Open that door now! Jihyo scared the hell out of me.." Tzuyu said while pushing Jeongyeon.

"Yah! How about me?! Do you think I'm not scared here?! I'm about to pee on my pants now!", Jeongyeon complained.

"You don't want to open? Alright, I'm going to break it!".

"Fck you, Jeongyeon! Open now that fcking door! She's holding a big rock! Jihyo will be going to break your car window with a rock!", Chaeyoung yelled at Jeongyeon.

"Alright! W~wait! I'll open it now!".

"Love....Please, listen! Don't do that, okay? Are you with me? Don't you dare break the window. I will come out now. Just throw that rock now", Jeongyeon whines in disbelief.

"Not until you get down your ass here outside!".

"Alright.. Alright.. Just calm down. I'm getting out of the car now. Just move aside." Jeongyeon sighed in defeat. She was dragged by Jihyo away from the car and to her friends.

After a couple of minutes of talking, Jeongyeon hugged and kissed Jihyo on the cheek then bid goodbye before she go back inside the car. She waited for Jihyo to enter the house before she drove away her car.

"She's so scary...", Chaeyoung whispered.

"Next time, try to use your fcking car sometimes." Jeongyeon glared at Chaeyoung.

"It's not gonna work. Even if we use mine or Tzuyu's car, she will still know because the three of us we're inseparable." Chaeyoung chuckled.

"Next time, call her to inform. Just an update will do", Tzuyu meddled.

"I did. I thought she was already asleep. It turns out she just took a shower earlier that's why she didn't answer the call."

"Then, leave her a message if she didn't answer your call."

"I also did, but the message failed to send. I just noticed it when she was already in front of my car".

"I thought I'm gonna die young tonight", Jeongyeon heave a sigh of relief which made Chaeyoung and Tzuyu laughed at her reaction.

"Stop laughing. Ain't it funny..."


At their favorite bar...

Tzuyu's POV

"So what's the plan you're going to tell us? Jeongyeon asked me after she drink the whiskey and emptied her glass. I took the bottle and pour a whiskey into my glass and drink it before giving her an answer.

"I'm going to propose to her".

"What?!!", Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung said in unison. The surprise was evident on their faces. Jeongyeon punch me in the arm while Chaeyoung was choked while drinking her whiskey.

"Yah! Fuck you! Are you sure about that?", Jeongyeon asked as her eyes still widened.

"Yes. I already planned and waited one year and three months for this to come." I beamed a smile with certainty in front of them. A smile was full of confidence and assurance. "I admit. I have made a lot of wrong decisions in life. And proposing and marrying her is the right thing for me to do".

"Gaddamnit! I really love her so much!".

I don't know but I cried when I said that.

"Hey, why are you crying?", Chaeyoung softly chuckled.

"Because our best friend here is so much happy now," Jeongyeon answered.

"It's just that Sana is the one. She's the right person for me. She's the only woman I love and will always love all my life", I confessed and then immediately wiped away the tears on my face.

"Yeah. And we know that." Chaeyoung smiled.

"We also witnessed how much you love her", Jeongyeon added up.

"You two, stand up..".

"Why? What are we going to do?".

"Just stand up!".

Chaeyoung was puzzled as she stood up from her seat. Tzuyu didn't say anything and just followed her friend. Jeongyeon fills up each of their glasses with whiskey. Then, she give it to the two and took hers.

"For Tzuyu's love life!"

"For Tzuyu and Sana's happiness!".


"Cheers!", Chaeyoung and I responded while smiling from ear to ear.

"Group hug!!!!", Chaeyoung yelled and the three of us hugged each other.

"Thank you, guys!"

"Thank you for being with me at my best, especially at my worst!".

"So when will you going to propose to her? Is it tomorrow? The day after tomorrow is their flight to Sydney for their first world tour concert. When will you gonna propose to Sana?".


"Wait...Is that a hickey?", Jeongyeon immediately asked then smiled mischievously as she finally noticed the mark on my neck.

"B~Because I'm already taken that's why she gives me this." I shyly said while caressing my nape.

"Ow..Sana's being territorial now?", she said with a chuckle.

"I guess so?", I replied and we both laughed.


"Thank you, guys, for tonight!"

"Jeongyeon, you take care of that drunkdumbass. Make sure you two got home safe. Beep me a message, okay?", I said then bid my goodbye to her. Jeongyeon smilingly nodded and honked the horn of her car as she drove away.

As I entered the gate, I took a few steps and then stop in front of the door. I found myself going backward just to stare all over the house for a couple of seconds. A smile form on my lips as I realize that my new life....Everything is working out the way I want it to happen. I'm not asking to have a perfect life. I'm happy and will always be as long as I have Sana, we have this house, the future secured, and soon, we are going to get married and start to build a family. After that, I wouldn't be asked for more and just be contented in my life.

I looked at the stars in the sky. Admiring how beautiful they are while shining so bright. I closed my eyes and took my deepest breath as I felt the cold of the night. I felt at peace. Then, I opened my eyes when I suddenly remembered that I should have returned home before midnight. Fck! What time is it?! I immediately looked at my watch and sighed in relief when I saw the time was only 11:30 PM. I still have a few minutes to take a shower.


A few minutes later, I finished taking a cold shower and sobered up. I got out of the bathroom and carefully closed the door without making any noise. I slowly walked towards the bed and then gently lie down next to the woman who makes me want to go home...No. I mean she's the reason why I always love to go home. I slowly wrapped my arms around her from behind and nuzzled her neck.

"You're home...", Sana softly whispered while she gently caressed my arm.

"Did you drink too much?".

"No, Babe. Just a little. Chaeyoung is the drunk one among us." I chuckled upon telling it to her.

"Really? Poor Chaeyoungiee.. Mina will definitely scold her tomorrow". I heard her let out a soft chuckle.

"For sure.." I chuckled as well.

"So what time is it now? What time did you get home?", she asked.

I get my phone on the nightstand and showed her the time.

"Ohmygad! Tzuyah! It's too bright. Keep your phone away from my face! I'm asking you what time is it now. I didn't tell you to hurt my eyes with your phone's brightness." She shook my hand and I realized that I am now groaning in pain because she just pinched me in my arm.

"Babe, it hurts..", I whined while thinking that her pinch will leave a bruise on my skin.

"Stop whining there. It's your fault."

"Okay. I'm sorry, Babe. I went home at 11:30 PM and the time now is 11:59 PM."

"One minute left before midnight..."

Sana turned her body to face me. She is the one hugging me now and nuzzled on my neck. Her embrace on my body tightened.

"Babe....I'm sorry for pinching you. You know that I just woke up. So why did you put your phone in front of my face? My eyes got hurt."

"I'm sorry. Let me see your eyes."

Sana looked up and showed me her gorgeous face. Even though the light from the lampshade is the only one that gives us light here in our room, I can still see her beauty.

"Close your eyes. I'll kiss them."

Sana obliged and I softly kissed her eyes. I saw how she smiled after that. She moved closer and nuzzle again to me. Then, I felt her nose as she sniffed my neck. She enjoys the scent of our strawberry body wash.

"You smell good", she whispered.



"About what we talked about earlier...." I reminded her about us having sex once I got home before midnight. But before I continue speaking, I heard her soft snoring. We can have sex tomorrow morning. Breakfast in bed. I just laughed and then put my silly thoughts aside. Then, I fix the duvet that covers our bodies. Afterward, I adjusted her position so I could kiss her on the lips, to her nose up to her forehead then whispered...

"Goodnight, my soon-to-be fiancé".

"I love you".


I already updated 4 chapters for this day. You guys okay now? 😂 Keep safe. ❤️
By the way how are you guys? 😊

Let's see if I can update tomorrow.

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