Sekiruuyetei: Book of Concept...

By RageRevan

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A boy who once walked the path of heroism, now after being humiliated and ignored for his deeds, choses to wa... More

Prologue: Having Enough
Chapter 1: Unbearable Truth
Chapter 3: Roses of the Underworld
Chapter 4: Fall of Grigori
Chapter 5: Reality Check
Chapter 6: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 7: Broken Pride
Chapter 8: Play My Game
Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Normal Life
Chapter 10: Factions Situation
Chapter 11: War against a False Hero
Chapter 12: Demise of a False Hero
Chapter 13: Peaceful Resolutions
Chapter 14: Double Demise
Chapter 15: Chaos in Kuoh Academy
Chapter 16: Calm and Tranquility.
Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering
Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion
Chapter 19: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 20: Reunion of a Vampire with a Dragon
Chapter 21: Party Crashing
Chapter 22: Fall of a Symbol
Chapter 23: Relaxation Time
Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault
Chapter 25: Fall of Heaven
Chapter 26: Time for Pleasure (18+)
Chapter 27: The God Tribe
Chapter 28: Relationship by Bonds
Chapter 29: The Darkest Night
Chapter 30: Divine Destruction
Chapter 31: Fortuitous Endeavors
Alternate One-Shot: Ending the Factions Permanently
Chapter 32: Claiming the Divinity (18+)
Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments
Chapter 34: Beginning of the Finale
Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault
Chapter 36: Ragnarök
Chapter 37: Hopeful Times
Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog
Chapter 39: Fall of Olympus
Chapter 40: Shiva's Choice
Chapter 41: Vampiric Exorcism
Chapter 42: Shinto Destruction.
Chapter 43: Fall of the Supernatural (Season Finale)
Epilogue: No More Supernatural
Some Facts about Conceptual Records

Chapter 2: The Fall of an Ice Mage

8.5K 147 81
By RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Issei disappear from everyone's sight for two days, while the factions were looking for him, and well, things have only gotten worse with Malak attacking them, as this was going on Akeno, decided to teach Issei a lesson, but Issei was not going to back down, he thought her a lesson, she would never forget. Akeno, leaves with a lost look on her face, as she heads down, Dai tries to help but he is unable to do so. As this was going on Ingvild senses something wrong with her, she realizes her sickness is back, as she heads out. She hears Issei talking to someone, there she realizes something horrible about her lover Dai, initially in disbelief, she is shown the truth by the man, later revealed to be Malak. She was in despair. The next day, was the others trying to convince Issei, but failing miserably. Issei walks away, meanwhile Ingvild was a complete mess after Malak showing her the truth, she refuses to talk to anyone, but when Issei shows up, she tries to stop him. However, his intentions are not that he desires to help her, if anything he wants her to suffer, to him, if she dies, then it would be mercy, he wants her to suffer the consequences of her actions. He leaves her, if she wants to die, she will be a quitter, but if she lives at least she can pay for what she did. He leaves the medicine and walks away leaving a crying Ingvild, Ddraig then asks him to control his temper. He agrees to listen to him. In the afternoon, Issei is confronted by the ORC and the Vali Team, as they all demand his help, they ruin his match and ask for his help, he first takes back the phone and is stubborn that he is not going to help them at all, no matter how much they plead or request, this angers Valery the most as she attacks Issei. This proves to be a fatal mistake as he takes down Valery with a Dragon Slayer weapon, she was knocked out completely, Kiba tries to intervene, but all he receives was an Hallucination. As this happens, Rias tries to stop Issei, only for Issei to show how powerless and weak she is, he walks away as he does make a stern warning, understanding that he is not to be messed with. The factions are at an all time seriousness, realizing that Issei will not hesitate to torture and kill, this gave the factions only one realistic choice, to release Nyx, but they were worried that Zeus won't accept, seeing that he has to, their only option was to convince him. As this was going on, Issei decided to make his first target someone that is close to Vali Lucifer and that is Lavinia Reni. 

Issei decided to change his look using Illusion Make, a sacred gear that can transform into Malak, leaving no trace of his former self, as well as aura. 

One of the primary reasons he did this is due to the fact that Lavinia Reni was a master magician, it would take her no less than a minute to figure out that her opponent is none other than the Red Dragon Emperor, he did not want to take a risk in such a situation. This was well known that Issei Hyoudou was the Red Dragon Emperor, and Lavinia, if she manages to find out that Issei attacked her, everything he had done, will go down for nothing. 

A red blade was the Sacred Gear he used, that can easily cut through any magic, without any problem. 

"Buddy, are you sure, you want to take down Lavinia Reni?" Ddraig asked in worry for his friend, as he spoke

"Don't worry, this will hurt Vali, the most, I am definitely going to leave a scar on her, permanently" Issei spoke coldly, spite was indicated in his voice. 

"But that is not the only reason, you want to eliminate her, right?" Ddraig asked with a question, with Issei responded

"So you figured it out huh? Well it is simple, Lavinia Reni is one of the few that can use Investigation Magic, the magic can be a problem to my plans, and she is one of the few magicians that is considered a prodigy, on par with Augusta, who was the predecessor of the Walburga, the former wielder of Incinerate Anthem, which if I am correct is imprisoned in Underworld, as for the gear, it is in Grigori. She can use Investigation magic to track Malak down when he attacks again, and I cannot risk the factions finding out who Malak is, at least not yet." Issei spoke in deep thought. 

Ddraig was surprised by this, Issei thought this through, it was like hitting two birds with one stone, he knew Issei was cunning, but he never expected to be this smart, however he still had a few worries, which he voiced. 

"So how will you manage without using the Boosted Gear?" Ddraig asked, as Issei spoke

"Don't worry, I will be fine, I promise you that...." Issei spoke, as he looked at Lavinia, if he was correct in his investigations, she was heading towards Kyoto, where her friend lives. 

"Right on the mark, we will begin our attack soon" Issei spoke, as he attached a voice modulator that allowed him to mimic the voice of Malak. This would allow Lavinia to be unable to detect. 

Issei jumped into the fray, as Lavinia was heading towards the Himejima Residence to meet her friend Suzaku Himejima. 

"Such a shame, someone like you will fall tonight..." Issei spoke in a metal, and raspy voice, which was how Malak spoke to anyone he met. 

Meanwhile, Lavinia was walking to Suzaku's house, she wore a white sleeveless shirt, which had frills at the center, and a red tight pants, she also left her hair open and wore a headband, she wore red matching heels as she was walking towards the house. 

Lavinia was walking towards the house, when all of a sudden the dimension changed around her, she was surprised by this, wondering who was responsible for this. She noticed the dimension change was similar to that of the Longinus Dimension Lost, but with a change being that she seemed to still be in Kyoto as she could see the people walking around her, but they were ignoring her, or were walking above or below her. She seemed to be in some sort of a parallel reality. 

She would not have even realized the dimension changed around her, had she not noticed the weird anomalies around her. She looked around, then she saw him, the bald man, with a metal plating on his face, she immediately recognized him and narrowed her eyes, a neutral expression grew on her face. 

"I presume you must be Malak right....?" Lavinia asked, in a cold tone, as Issei laughed in response, it seemed that the disguise worked perfectly

"Good Afternoon Miss Reni, well let's just say today I have decided to eliminate you, since you are quite a problem to me and my plans" Issei spoke with a sly grin. 

"Courteous, I was not expecting you to be like that, considering you massacred many innocent lives..." Lavinia spoke with venom laced in her voice. 

"Oh don't be like that, besides they were too easy to kill, and the best part is that, the leader's getting their pride crushed, you should have seen their faces...." Issei spoke with a haughty tone, he remembered how Malak told him that their faces were despair ridden, and furious, some were even fearful. 

Lavinia was getting angry at Malak's words, she was definitely going to make him pay for his actions, she was radiating with mana, as she spoke

"You bastard, didn't you have any empathy for their wives and children, or other family members!" Lavinia shouted in rage, as Issei chuckled. 

"That's not my problem, they were fools to defend their factions...." Issei spoke while narrowing his eyes, blind loyalty can be a problem, you must understand when it is right or when it is wrong. 

" really are a monster....." Lavinia growled in rage

"I guess.....I mean,  I am not even close for me to being a monster...." Issei spoke with a smile, as he continued

"The only way to escape is by defeating me.....or I defeating you, but we all know what will happen." Issei spoke with a mocking tone. 

"Don't underestimate me, I won't fall without a fight, and if possible, I will take you to the leaders!" Lavinia declared, as Ice started to form where she was surrounding, she tried to intimidate Malak, who only chuckled. 

"We will see about that Lavinia Reni!" Issei responded in a mocking tone ready to fight against the Strongest Ice Princess. 

Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

A white haired, female angel and a silver haired woman watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes, and looks at Dai with a determined look.
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at his brother in the eye, as they both clash their swords.

Opening End

Lavinia knew that the man in front of her was not to be taken lightly, not because she knew of her prowess would not be enough, but she remembered how Malak humiliated Zeus and dared the King of Olympus to do something about it. 

She looked at her arms, not knowing whether she would even survive this fight, let alone win. 

But that did not mean that she was going to go down, not without a fight.

"Absolute Demise....." Lavinia muttered, moments later a three meter Ice Doll had formed right behind Lavinia, she looked at Malak dead in the eye, as she tried to scan his moments, wondering what move he will pull next. 

"You think that a huge Ice Block will intimidate me...." Issei spoke with an arrogant tone, as Lavinia looked at Issei with anger in her eyes, but she reeled it in, it won't do her any good, in response she spoke

"Then come and fight me, if you think it is just a huge Ice Block, Malak!" Lavinia shouted in response, as Issei responded

"As you wish, Ice Princess" Issei rushed with his ignited red blade, as Lavinia muttered. 

"Fool...." Lavinia instantly froze Malak inside of her Ice prison, Malak seemed to be frozen in time, as she then spoke

"You will be questioned for what you have done, Malak, and your fate will be decided by the factions" Lavinia spoke coldly while approaching Malak. 

However, unbeknownst to Lavinia, Issei was waiting for her to approach her closely, he was internally smirked, as he thought. 

"All according to Keikaku...." Issei thought as he witnessed Lavinia coming close to him, once she was close enough, she raised her hand, to bring her eyes to bring the frozen block in a dimension where she could. 

However, Issei waited, where his hands could reach Lavinia, she saw Malak being transported to a separate dimension. Once that was done, he broke the ice and grabbed Lavinia by the throat. 

"Did you really think a mere Ice block would stop me?" Issei taunted Lavinia, who was struggling to breathe, as she muttered weakly. 


"I don't think I need to tell you my abilities, and besides a magician doesn't reveal his tricks, doesn't he?" Issei spoke in a mocking tone as he flung Lavinia to a distance, the ice mage managed to recover, seeing that her plan of subduing Malak failed to work. 

Lavinia managed to recover as she unleashed a storm of elemental spells, several magic circles were brought out, with Issei recognizing them to be Fire, Electric, Ice, Dark and Light Magic, she then shouted. 

"Take This!" 

Lavinia released the magic, as flames, lightning strikes, Ice spears, squalls, arrows of light and finally balls of darkness were flung towards Issei, before they could even hit him, Issei raised his hand stopping every last one of them. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Matrix, replace the bullets with spells)

"Impossible! How can you stop all these spells!?" Lavinia shouted in disbelief and anger, she looked at Malak, as he responded

"Like I said before a magician never reveals his secret..." 

Issei used Telekinesis to redirect the spells back at Lavinia, who had great difficulty blocking the attack, even with several barriers to protect herself. 

Once the dust settled Lavinia was breathing heavily, she had several wounds on her body. Due to what had happened, with some of the spells striking her back.

"Dammit.....he blocked my attacks with one spell...I need to be careful...." Lavinia thought with worry and fear.

 "Not to mention, my mana was close to running out due to that attack, I seem to have only one choice..." Lavinia thought while looking at the doll, who awaited her wielder's instructions. She had no choice, the ground beneath her froze, with Issei taunting her, while maintaining his balance on the new icy ground. 

"What's the matter, ran out of spells, Ice Princess" Issei taunted her mockingly, as Lavinia glared at him, she then retorted. 

"I am not done yet, Balance Break: Assoluto Argento Mondo!" Lavinia chanted, before anyone could react, the whole dimension changed, which creates a furious blizzard across an entire battlefield and innumerable giant sharp ice pillars, able to turn the entire dimension into a world of ice at full strength. 

"Shit! I never thought she would use Balance breaker......I need to eliminate her quickly before revealing myself, by using more of my powers..." Issei thought with worry, when he noticed Lavinia was missing, now he was worried, he couldn't reveal more of his powers, he could create a sacred gear that could burn the ice around him, or simply use Ddraig's flames, to burn everything around him, but that would expose his identity. 

However, before Issei could react the ice he was standing on, suddenly started to rise. 

"What the-" Issei exclaimed in surprise, as two additional Ice blocks rushed towards him, in an attempt to crush him, Issei responded by blocking the ice pillars with his Telekinesis. 

Issei crushed the pillars, as a voice boomed across the dimension. 

"What's the matter, Malak? Did you get Ice across your feet?"

The voice was that of Lavinia's and she was mocking Malak, Issei was not happy with this, he was simply annoyed, once inside her Ice world, Lavinia is basically considered a sort of pseudo goddess, he needed to find her to eliminate this world. 

"You will never locate me!" Lavinia mocked Malak, as he looked around, Issei responded to her. 

"Don't you worry, you are somewhere in this world, controlling the ice...." Issei analyzed her sacred gear, in order for him to identify it's weaknesses, he knew that Lavinia is hidden somewhere trying to recover her mana, while her Sacred Gear, was controlling the ice, he knew exactly what to do. 

Issei took a deep breath, as some more Ice pillars and Ice spikes charging at him, he closed his eyes, and generated a telekinetic barrier, protecting himself, meanwhile, he concentrated his telekinetic power inside his body as he continued to focus for a while at a single point. 

As this was going on, the ice was constantly being bombarded on the barrier, as Lavinia shouted. 

"Dammit!! Get out of that prison Malak and face me!?"

 Malak only had a smile in response, he was done gathering the Telekinetic energy needed, it was exhausting but he had no choice, he had to do this, if he needed to end this fight quickly. 

"Cull..." Issei spoke in a neutral tone, as he opened his eyes, he had a small ball, that looked like a drop sized star, in front of him, it was glowing with white light, as he looked at the ball, and absorbed it into his body. 

Issei started to levitate in the air, as he spoke only in a low tone. 


Issei suddenly curled himself into a ball and exploded, a stream of telekinetic energy was sent towards the entire dimension, destroying and disintegrating every single ice that was found, Issei then jumped on the ground, which was now made of regular concrete. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and replace the Storm Troopers with Ice)

The ice was completely destroyed leaving a crippled doll, which was of Absolute Demise, Lavinia looked at horror, she tried to make her doll regenerate her ice, however Issei exclaimed in response

"I won't let you!" Issei rushed to Lavinia, and before she could react, Issei stabbed her in the chest with his Red Blade, as she had a look of horror. 

"No...." That was Lavinia's last words before the dimension returned to the one Issei had created, she fell on her knees. 

Looking up, she saw Malak's eyes, she looked in those yellow eyes, they were completely soul-less, or that was what Lavinia, saw, she feared those eyes, it was like staring at death itself. 

"Where is all that bravado you once had? Seems like the Ice Princess has fallen" Issei taunted in a mocking tone. 

However, instead of being angry, Lavinia was scared, she was helpless, her wound was too big, and she was out of mana, she could only be helpless in the eyes of her enemy, her death seemed to be inevitable at this point. 

"I am sorry guys, I don't think I will come back from this one...." Lavinia thought with sadness as a slight tear fell from her eyes. 

Issei only looked at her with complete apathy and coldness, and thought. 

"You are will not live through this....". 

Issei removed his hand and started sucking out the life energy from her body, another application of his Telekinesis was that he can suck the life energy from a target's body, her magic was already gone, she couldn't do anything about what was happening. 

Issei walked away, as he spoke in a low tone. 

"I hope this news finds you well, Valery..." 

Issei got out of there, and restored the dimensions back to normal, he left, as another person had come to check on Lavinia. 

*Scene Change*

Kyoto, A few minutes earlier, 

Suzaku Himejima, was a close friend of Lavinia's, she was worried that it has been a long time since she had not shown up, she called the others wondering where they were, but neither of them knew, those that knew told her that she was coming to her place. 

She was described to look similar to her cousin Akeno, a beautiful, young buxom woman who has long, flowing black hair and red eyes. She wore a red school uniform, belonging to the school in Kyoto. 

Suzaku crossed the streets, as she noticed a barrier earlier, which regular people failed to notice, she rushed worrying something was wrong, while making sure that no one was watching her. 

When she got to the location, she kept her hands on her mouth in horror, she saw her friend unconscious with an injury aimed at her chest. 

"LAVINIA!!" A heart-breaking scream was heard, and this was from Suzaku, she was crying endlessly, while trying to wake her friend up, she was trying to find anything that could help her, but she failed to do so. 

*Scene Change*

Issei watched the scene, with his drones, he looked at Suzaku calling for others with to help her in the situation. 

"I seemed to have underestimated her usage of her Sacred Gear, this was an unknown variable....never thought she could hide herself" Issei spoke with a cold tone, but at the same time, he had a bit of anger, his underestimation of her, could have potentially exposed him. 

Issei walked away and he recalled his drones, he teleported back to his room to avoid suspicion. 

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Issei meeting his counterparts. 

A few days later, 

Hyoudou Residence, 11:30 AM

A few days, later the factions got the news of Lavinia's condition and they were in a critical state, if anything, many dreaded what Malak would do next, especially the Grigori, as they started to initiate even more defenses. 

Lavinia was in a comatose state, due to Magical Exhaustion as well as her Life force drain, the doctors estimated her that she only has a few years before she passes away, they estimated that she only had five years at most. 

This was a huge blow to Team Slashdog, especially to Tobio and Suzaku, who cared for her like their very own, Suzaku blamed herself for not protecting her friend from Malak. But not even they could imagine who was affected the most. 

And that was Valery Lucifer, she saw Lavinia as an older sister, and mentor figure, she was shattered when she heard the news of Lavinia's condition, and broke down, she couldn't handle that her sister would be gone in just 5 years, she was grief-stricken. 

However, there was one person who was unaffected by the news, that of course was Issei Hyoudou, who spoke. 

"Dammit! I hate Grom! Always hides behind a wall and takes my brawler down!" Issei got up and started walking outside the room, as he opened the door, the door suddenly exploded due to a magic attack

"What the-" Issei looked at the direction, from where the attack came, however before he could continue speaking, someone started to attack him, Issei dodged it, as he saw his attacker to be Vali. 

"What's your deal!?" Issei exclaimed with anger, however Vali ignored him, she kept punching, as he kept dodging the attacks, "Stop attacking me!" Issei spoke with an annoyed tone. 

"If you had given us the information about Malak, Lavinia wouldn't be in this condition" Valery shouted angrily while tears fell from her eyes, Issei kept dodging the attack while responding. 

"Like I said, not my monkeys, not my circus, you are on your own in this fight" Issei kept dodging, as Vali shouted in response

"You have a book that can recreate any sacred gear! You should use this power to save innocent lives!" Valery shouted in pure fury, with tears falling from her eyes, she did not stop punching however. 

"I have had enough" Issei grabbed both of Valery's hands, shocking her, as he flung her in the air, he then kept punching her, with his Lightning Slayer Gloves, with each blow dealing massive damage to her stomach. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or One Punch Man 2)

Valery coughed up saliva at every punch, as she was in mid air, Issei responded by giving her a round-house kick to her face, sending her flying across the residence, knocking her out cold. 

"People change for two reasons..." Issei looked across most, minus Gorou and Miki were ready for a fight, they had unpleasant expressions, however most of them, even had fear in their eyes. Issei then continued, "One is by change of heart or mind, and the main trigger is that all it needs is one bad experience to do so" 

Ingvild listened to every word Issei said, she remembered his words that he will one day burn everything she held dear, but that is the problem. 

She barely had anyone, her parents died a long time ago, her father Lucius, was also killed by the Old Satan Faction, and ever since then, she lived in Grigori, after that she was kidnapped, and well the rest is history. 

She hated herself, she wished she could go in the past and make her realize her biggest mistake, but that is not going to happen. And then there was Dai, who was her king, physical and mental moral support. But it turned out he was a fraud, she hated Dai more than she hated herself, for fooling her. 

But at the same time, she lost the only person that loved her, now he was no longer going to help her, even from the shadows, she wanted to go back in time, but at the same time, she made a mental vow, she was going to let Issei accept her one day, no matter what happens. 

"Is it perhaps you want to stay with your arms crossed and let us all suffer, while watching from the sidelines" Azazel spoke in a serious tone, "When you can do so much good while helping us-"

Azazel could not complete, as Issei stabbed him in the chest before the fallen angel could react. When he looked down, he saw fury in Issei's eyes. 

"Do you take me for a fucking Weapon Azazel! That you can use and discard whenever the hell you feel like it!! I am not some sort of weapon, or a sacred gear that you can use and throw away whenever you want! I know of your dislike towards me, when you yourself fell because of your lust!" Issei shouted anger evident in his eyes, he removed the blade, as it was revealed to be the Mortis Blade, Azazel coughed up blood, a simple stab should not be able to do this much damage. 

"But-" Azazel tried to retort, however Issei was not having any of that. 

"I have been saying this time and time again, hand over Nyx to me, and I will gladly give the information! But nooooo! You believe that you are entitled to receive my help, just because I know about the supernatural! Furthermore, I am the Red Dragon Emperor so you think that I should help you guys! But no! I won't help you, not until I expect something in return!" Issei declared as he released Azazel who clutched his wound while gritting his teeth, he glared at Issei, he wanted to throw a light spear, but he does not know what he will do to him, if he attacks him, he might meet the same fate as Valery. 

"It is just that you don't want to help, with that power of yours" Dai spoke in a cold tone towards his brother, Ingvild glared at Dai for saying that, who smirked in response

"Indeed, I don't desire to do so." Issei started to head out, as Miki and Gorou opened their mouths. 

"We did not raise a monster!"

"You should help others Issei, that was the son we raised!" 

"Hahahaha!!" Issei started laughing shocking and angering both of his parents, he calmed down for a while, "Yes, I am a monster, and you know what monsters do? They do this...." 

Issei dashed towards Azazel and Valery, each of his hands grabbing them by their necks as he started to choke them, Azazel struggled to free himself from Issei's grip, he tried to bring out a light spear, but Issei increased the force of hand forcing to try to make himself release from the grip. 

"This is what a monster will do, I will kill these two right here and right now!"

Issei's words made many horrified on what he will do next, as Aika and Rias shouted. 

"Let them go, brother!"

"Issei Hyoudou, you better let go or else I will call my big brother!"

Issei turned his attention to them, and activated a sacred gear that can disrupt all communications, he called it the Short Circuit. 

"No go ahead, I dare you two to do something about this, it won't take me a minute to kill these two right away!"

Issei taunted in a mocking tone, as Rias tried to communicate to her brother, but was horrified when she couldn't reach him, as Issei spoke

"The person you are trying to reach, is currently busy...." Issei spoke with a mocking tone, " seems like your older brother doesn't have time for you, Ria-tan" Issei spoke with a fake sadness. 

Rias looked at him in fear, she was shivering almost on the verge of passing out due to fear, she was helpless, Issei can kill them and leave no trace of them, same went for Rias's peerage, they were all afraid, Issei can take her down, and her brother won't even realize it until it is too late. 

"Aika, you were saying to release them, but you can't do anything to stop me, can you?" Issei spoke with a taunt, "After all you are nothing but all bark, but no bite, such a shame!" 

Aika gritted her teeth with fury, while Dai was equally angry, however he was fearful on what Issei will do next. 

"Attack me again, and I will join Malak myself!" Issei's words made many horrified, as he continued, "I can destroy Malak like an Ant, if I wanted to, and I am your last and only hope in defeating him, I will ask him to join and I will start destroying the factions myself alongside him, Just think of your only last hope turning into your worst enemy, just imagine what can happen!" Issei declared with an evil and sinister grin. 

Issei's words made many fear him even more, some of the weaker willed, including his parents passed out due to fear, he then dropped Azazel and Valery as Azazel tried to catch his breath, he then left the room, as he was not interested in dealing with them. 

Issei walked away, far from them, many tried to help Valery, they were happy that she was breathing, with Azazel speaking in a serious tone, after catching his breath. 

"We need to tell this to your brother, that Issei won't hesitate to become our enemy if we attack him, but first we need to get Vali to somewhere safe, she needs treatment"

Many nodded, as they started to get to work, Aika and Dai helped their parents, with Dai vowing to one day take his power, and torture him for all eternity. 

*Scene Change*

Rooftop, Hyoudou Residence, 2:00 AM 

Issei was sipping a bottle of Diet Coke, as he looked on in anger, he enjoyed their fears in their hearts, as he was thinking on his next plan of attack. 

Even though Malak was strong enough to take on a single faction, multiple factions attacking together could overwhelm him. Plus, Issei knew that now the security would be tightened, due to the attack on Lavinia, it will be harder for him to attack the factions. 

Issei decided to change tactics, he needed more information on the security systems of each of the factions, then there was the Greek and Hindu Factions, two of the biggest threats he will have to deal with, he barely had any information on the Hindu Faction. Only their names, he needed to collect information on the Hindu Faction. 

Although not as strong as Great Red or Ophis, Issei knew that Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu were forces to be reckon with, their strength surpassed Sirzechs from a long mile, and then there is several other gods like Indra, who is as strong as Sirzechs. 

As for the Greek Faction, he needed to deal with Zeus and Poseidon, although they aren't as strong as Hades, who could beat them in a long mile. They were still pretty strong, he needn't underestimate them. 

And finally the Norse faction, who had Thor, Odin and Vidar, three people who could give a run for his money. Those were the people, so far he found out that he needed to be careful of, aside from Sirzechs, Ajuka and several others. 

"Hey Ddraig?" Issei asked his best friend, with the Boosted Gear speaking up. 

"You better give me a good reason, you ruined my sleep, I was finally gonna get laid!" Ddraig spoke while comically crying, as Issei sweat-dropped, he gave his friend a moment, and then spoke

"I was wondering that since our fight is tougher, how are we going to gather information?" Issei asked

"Well you could infiltrate the factions.....or you can have others do the job for let me go to sleep" Ddraig spoke not caring for the factions any more, he hardly could feel anything for them, given how much they looked down upon his best friend. 

Issei thought of the proposal, he then spoke in response

"I they will act as our eyes and ears, huh? Not bad....Thanks Ddraig...." Issei praised Ddraig, who only dozed off in response. 

"Zzzzzzz....." Ddraig snored as Issei sighed at his best friend's attitude, he was thinking on who his targets will be. 

"Oh yes.....I can go for those three...." Issei thought with a malicious grin, he remembered three people that could be perfect infiltrators. 

They were.....

"Fucking Ring Ring Ring!" An unknown voice came, he then sensed his phone vibrate, as he looked at the caller ID, and started to sweat. 

"Uh hi..." Issei spoke slightly nervous, as a woman's voice came from the speaker

"Issei! Where have you been? You haven't contacted me and my husband since a long time!" The woman exclaimed with feigned sadness. 

"I am so sorry, I just had a lot of work to do!" Issei spoke trying to explain himself to the woman, as the woman spoke

"Well, I am happy that you finally decided to take some time off from your busy schedule..." the woman spoke with a slight happiness tone. 

"I know, I know, I really am sorry" Issei spoke with slight sadness, it almost felt like Issei cared for this person. 

"Either way, when are you coming to visit us?" The woman asked, as Issei responded

"I can come right away if you want me to." Issei spoke with a beaming smile. 

"That's good! I would definitely prepare you a feast, young man!" The woman beamed with happiness, 

Issei responded "I am looking forward to that.", the woman then asked "So for long you will stay here?" the woman asked

"A week, and besides my family doesn't care if I am even away for a year." Issei spoke, as the woman responded with an assuring tone, "But we do, both me and my husband do, so you can come here, whenever you can, kay?"

"I will...." Issei spoke with a genuine smile, a smile that hasn't been seen for a long time, "Well, then see you at your place, Persephone!"

"Bye Ise!" Persephone greeted cheerfully, as she disconnected the call. 

Issei felt at ease, he headed back inside to pack, Ddraig then spoke in a cheerful tone

"It feels nice to hear from her, partner"

"Yeah.....well let's not keep her waiting, and head to prepare ourselves"

"I guess, it is nice of you to have that smile of yours" Ddraig spoke in a cheerful as he deactivated the gear, he headed to his room and packed his stuff, he was about to head out when. 

"W-where are you going" A voice spoke with a hint of fear came from outside his door. 

Issei turned to who it was, and narrowed his eyes, it was Asia that called him. 

"Where I go is none of your concern? You can leave if you want to" Issei spoke with spite, he was annoyed that she ruined such a good mode of his. 

"Issei wait, your mom-" Asia could not complete as Issei had already left to the realm of the Undead. 

Asia was left flabbergasted, she only could tell everyone that Issei has left. She knew that Issei will not be back for a while. Nobody knew where he was going on, nobody but Issei and Ddraig. 

Issei watched as he was being teleported to the Realm of the dead, as he looked across, and was happy to visit Persephone and Hades once again. Issei was excited to see them again

"I can't wait to see, what they have in store for me"

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter, the next one will be Issei's time in the Underworld.)

(A/N(2): Persephone's past will be revealed in the next chapter, as well as how Issei got to know her and have good relations with her)

(A/N(3): Issei's dimension control was based on the Dimension Lost Longinus, which he had copied, and it's inspiration was from the Mirror World of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.)

(A/N(4): Issei/Malak's repulse is inspired from two things, the first was Yue's Divine Purgatory from Arifureta, and Force Repulse, which is Starkiller's ability, the combination wipes out everything that Issei/Malak deems as an enemy.)

(A/N(5): More of Issei's past will also be revealed in the next chapter)

(A/N(6): A massive thanks to Shubh030201 for helping me with the story)

(A/N(7): The three targets that Issei has planned to go for will be revealed soon)

(A/N(8): Lavinia is on thin ice, her time will be up soon.....)

Please let me know what you think, and I will catch y'all later



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