Illusion | Taekook ✔️

By amy_149

127K 5.4K 2.7K

✅ COMPLETED ✅ A story of two souls that were blessed or doomed to be together. A story of love, betrayal, pai... More

Author's Note
Character Introduction
1. Choice Is An Illusion
2. Choice Is A Truth
3. Kindness Or Stupidity
5. Unexpected Changes
6. Endless Maze
7. Self Doubt
8. First Gift
9. Souvenir Of The Darkness
10. Purity
11. Wrong And Right Is Illusion
12. Luck
13. Bed Business
14. There For You
15. Exploring Past
16. Helpless
17. The Answer
18. Intimate Moment
19. Legacy
20. Taking Stand
21. Life's Purpose
22. Last Day
23. First Day In Office
24. Home
25. Calm After The Storm
26. A Normal Day
27. Withdrawal
28. Drunk Dazed
29. The Wedding
30. Pre-Reception
31. Reception
32. A Drink
33. Honey Moon
34. Back To Routine
35. Traitor
36. Executing Plan
37. More Like Home
38. An Offer
39. Shawn's Annual Business Gala
40. Son In-Law Home Coming
41. First Breakfast
42. Doomed Celebration (l)
43. Doomed Celebration (ll)
44. The Moment Of Truth
45. The Moment Of Realization
46. The Moment Of Helplessness
47. Den Of Dragon
48. A Story Untold
49. Eyes On You
50. Goodbye
51. Knocking Some Sense
52. Regret
53. Moving Forward
54. Self Crises
55. Repentance
56. Perfect Face
57. Kindness Isn't Dead
58. Doomed From The Start
59. Map Of Life
60. Inauguration (D-day)-I
61. Inauguration (D-day) II
62. Crumbs Of Past-I
63. Crumbs Of The Past II
64. Aftermath
65. Normal Family Dinner
66. Life Goes On
67. Broken
68. A Chance
69. Love Me Again
70. Epilogue
71. Special Episode (Namjin)
Yoonmin SpinOff Announcement
New Book Release
Black Rose

4. Privileged And Unprivileged

2.8K 140 31
By amy_149

Kim Taehyung

I could sense how this person, I suppose his secretary is glancing me from head to toe. I feel uncomfortable buy I can't voice out. This is my only way to escape and I have to endure it. Earlier when this guy named Jungkook offered me to accompany him to his business trip, I hesitated about his intentions but when he ensured me, something inside me told to believe him.

So, I am lingering on to the hope that he will not take advantage of me unappropriatly. For people like me thinking like this is an illusion because people like him are privileged to take advantage of people like us.

I sighed following him into some sort of huge mansion on this island. I don't know where we are or if something happens how I will get out of here. Atleast it won't be as bad as my marriage.

There were 5-6 people waiting for his arrival in that house or castle whatever you want to call it, bowing their heads down.

"Mr. Jeon and Mr. Hwang welcome back." A middle aged women smiled at him and the secretary.

"How many times I've to tell you to call me Jungkook, sungmo." He smiled embracing her into hug.

"You both have grown." the lady made a fake emotional face.

"Don't be dramatic sungmo its just six months." Hyunjin laughed.

"Six months are alot." she slapped his shoulder.

"Sungmo, this here is Taehyung a guest of mine. Please guide him to one of the guest rooms closer to my room and assign someone to attend to his needs." he smiled looking in my direction. I lowered my head down.

"Oh my boy he is beautiful.... I thought he might be Hyunjin's guest." the woman chuckled.

"See I told ya...." Hyunjin whispered something over his shoulder that I couldn't hear.

As soon as he ended the talk with lady everyone started moving here and there, perhaps to do their tasks. The lady guided me upstairs going through a few turns and twist. I doubt that I'll learn them.

"Here, this is your room. There is an intercom service, if you need anything then you can press one it'll directly dialed to me." She smiled.

"What I can call you?" I asked her.

"Oh, pardon my name is Choi Sunhee, I am head of the staff here. You can call me sungmo like those two, I won't mind."

"Thankyou sungmo, you can call me Taehyung." I bowed.

"No formalities Taehyung. Mr. Jeon will be here in next 10 minutes probably he has something to talk to you." she said and left closing the door.

The next ten minutes weren't even enough for me to look around the room, given it's size. However I was standing infront of a huge window that gave the view of front garden and pool.

I heard a knock. I knew it would be Jungkook so I said come in.

"I hope it is according to your liking." he said entering the room.

"It is more than that.... I... Um.... Thankyou for your help Mr. Jeon." I looked away. That man was helping me beyond my imagination.

"No, it's okay. I am privileged anyway..... Can you please tell me who was your fiancé, so I can see what I can do to help you getting out of that situation? Only if you are comfortable." He said placing himself on the couch.

"I um... I haven't seen him. My parents took loan a few years ago from a person named Lee Insuk, he was working for him. When they couldn't pay he.... Umm... Said that his boss will cancel the amount if they hand me over." Tears started to build-up in my eyes.

"So, you haven't seen the boss of this Lee Insuk?" I asked and he shook his head.

"What will you do.... Please don't give me back to them... Please.. I'll do anything." I started crying.

"Hey... Please don’t cry.... If I had to send you back then why would I risk helping you in first place?" His tone was aggressively calm.

"I... Um...." I bit my lower lip looking at him.

"I see what I can do about this Lee Insuk guy. Meanwhile you can stay here. I'll be here for a week."

"Okay I understand."

"Okay then, I'll take my leave and um....try to not to talk or engage with Hyunjin the one who was with me earlier.... He is um... Interested in men so...." He said looking at me.

"Okay." I said.

I don't know what came over me that I clutched on to his sleeve. He turned back looking at my face, "Taehyung don't worry you are safe here. No one will harm you, I promise." He sighed.

I looked in his eyes to see if he was telling me the truth and he was. So, I let him go.

"Do I have to stay in this room for a week?" I questioned.

He turned around and chuckled a bit, "No, you are free to scour this house. It's mine and no one will bother you here."

"One more thing..." he turned around.

"Yes, Mr.Jeon."

"Umm... I have instructed sungmo to call a doctor for you. So that you can have your checkup. I feel you are disturbed from all that was happening before. Don't panic okay?" he asked with softness in his voice.

"There is no need for a doctor... I...."

"I insist...." He said with a firm yet lower voice and I nodded my head.

I nodded with a little smile on my face, "Take care Taehyung." he said leaving the room.


For the next day, I did as he instructed me to go for a checkup. Maybe he was concerned for my health. The doctor was a female. She tended to my scares gently and prescribed me few medication for fading them away. She assured me that they will not leave a permanent mark for that I was thankful.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day. I was hesitant to look around. I didn't mean to be an ungrateful person doing rash wandering on someone else's property.

On the second day after breakfast sungmo insisted me to come outside and I had no choice but to do so. She showed me the whole villa which was as huge as a small village and as empty as my heart. There were just a few members of staff that's it. What's the purpose of these huge houses when there is no one to live in it.

Only by taking a tour around the house I was tired. So, I went back to my room and climbed on my bed after taking shower and slept.

I haven't seen Mr. Jeon or the other guy from past two days. I can hardly say that they even came home. It was third day when I went downstairs just before the lunch time and found sungmo in the kitchen. I was getting bored so I offered her a little help. She was persistent that I should rest but I am persistent too at time. So she had no choice but to let me cook.

"Sungmo this Jeon will make me starve... What in the name of heavens you are doing here......" Hyunjin's voice resonated in the kitchen.

"Believe me I told him it's okay but he wasn't listening." Sungmo said dramatically.

"I was bored sitting in my room all day." I smiled at the two of them.

"Woah the smell is heavenly what are you cooking?" Hyunjin hovered over the counter to peek inside the pot. "That looks yum.... Can I taste it?" he said and I nodded my head. He took the laddle but it was too hot he couldn't taste it and it fell on counter.

"Here let me....." I held up the laddle and blow it for a bit then extended my arm, he suddenly held my hand to keep it in place while taking a sip from it.

"Hyunjin we still have......" it was Jungkook's voice but he stopped at the entrance of the kitchen. Looking in our direction.

"Mr. Jeon I told him to rest but he was....." sungmo started to explain but Jungkook raised his palm to make her stop.

"He can do whatever he wants." with this he stormed out of the kitchen premises.

Did I offend him in any regard whielle cooking here? He himself said that I can go around this house but why he sounded angry. I felt guilty.

"I guess he did mind our interaction beautiful." Hyunjin winked at me, "It is delicious by the way." he smiled and left the kitchen.

Later in the day I got to know that Jungkook didn't come at the lunch table neither on dinner.


Hope you are enjoying this so far✨

Love from my side 💜

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