Trollhunters: The Tale From P...

By ventisbluedove

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Note: this is a self insert series, although you are free to imagine yourself in my place if you wish <3 Phoe... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter Nineteen

128 7 2
By ventisbluedove

I turned a corner before hopping off my skateboard and picked it up as I pushed open the glass door to the cafe. The bell chimed above me, making it known I had arrived.

"Ah, there you are." Douxie began to walk over to a booth, carrying a mug.

"Sorry, Douxie." I leaned my skateboard against the window and headed over to him.

"Don't be, it's alright. Now tell me, what have you been up to this time?" He sat down with the mug filled with hot chocolate.

"Well..." I sat down across from him, "A lot. I've just been kind of busy, I'm sorry I haven't been meeting up with you lately. I really like to but I've just been busy with-"

"Your life?" The dark-haired boy chuckled and took a sip of his drink.

"Yeah... I guess..."

"I can tell you for sure that you living your life comes first, if you can't make it to our hang out don't worry about it. I'm just happy I get to see you out doing things again."


"Yeah! Of course. So tell me, love, anything new with that boy of yours?"

"M-my boy? What- do you mean krel? He- he's not my boy, what makes you say that?"

"The fact you knew who I meant tells me something."

I could see his smile form as he took another sip. I looked down in embarrassment before continuing.

"Okay... Maybe we're... Courting..."

"No way, he asked you out? That's great!"

"Yeah," I giggled, "and I've been doing some things with Jim too. We're finally back in our house now! And- and later I'm going to meet up with Krel. And tomorrow I'm having a sleepover with Aja!"

"Woah, slow down! I can only hear one thing at a time." He laughed.

I held my laugh in with my flustered smile, "Sorry."

"Okay, starting with the first one: what have you been up to with Jim?"

"Well, that troll I told you about, Angor, he's been after us for a week or two now. And Jim is getting better with his triumbric stones."

"Angor is after you? As in both of you?"
I nodded.
"That's not good... Has he hurt you?"

I hesitated and looked down at my leg.
"...not too badly... Just a few scratches here and there."

"Alright... Okay onto the next thing, you said you're going to meet up with Krel later?"

"Oh, god I did say that," I covered my face. "Right, so for a while now Krel and I have been meeting up at the old park by my house... The one I used to sneak out to with... Ghost."

"Wow... It's still there? I would have thought it would be taken down by now."

"Well, it's covered in leaves but it's still as sturdy as it was two years ago."

"I can't believe you're bringing him there... That was a special place, so clearly he's special."

I chuckled, "Yeah... Honestly, it's nice to have people around me again..."

"You always did, love. You just...never really wanted anyone around."

"I'm realizing that... Can I ask, why did you try reaching out to me all those times?"

"Well, you're a very special person to me, and I'd like to be there for you through whatever. But hey, now you're talking to me, so I'd say it was worth the wait."

"Thank you Douxie. There's one more thing I want to ask though."

"Go ahead." He took a sip of his hot chocolate.

"During the karaoke night... What was with the blue smoke?"

"Oh, that? Uh...I don't know. Do you have any ideas?"

"No... But, it looked like magic, like the type from back in the old days when wizards and warlocks and knights were around. The magic that people don't write in history books."
I noticed a slightly shocked expression fall on his face, "That or it was just something with the machine." I chuckled at my over-imaginative thought.

"Yeah... We'll go with the last one. Now that last thing you mentioned?"

"What was it?"

"That sleepover?"

"Oh right! Well, tomorrow I'll be having a sleepover with Aja. She's never had one so I thought I could show her how fun they are."

"I think that is a marvelous idea, I'm sure she'd love it. Hey, when do you need to meet up with Krel?"

I looked down at the time on my phone, "I guess here in a bit... I should've come sooner."

"Hey don't worry about it, go have fun on your date."

"I- it's not a date Douxie." I blushed.

He chuckled, "Fine, go have fun with your "meet up"."

I smiled and began to stand up when he grabbed my hand. I turned to him confused.

"I know Jim and I don't get along well... But I'm glad you have him too." He let go of my hand and stood up beside me.

"Oh...thank you Douxie." I started to slowly head for the door before I hesitated. I turned around and held him in a tight hug.

He seemed shocked that I hugged him, and yet he held me safely as if it'd protect me from everything.

"Thank you Douxie." I pulled away and gave him one last smile as I walked to the door. "Oh, and by the way... You smell really nice." I picked up my skateboard and exited the building.

I couldn't help but smile to myself, feeling proud of my compliment.


I slid to a stop in front of the small chain link fence and propped my skateboard up against it.

"You're late~." Krel teasingly said as he looked down at me from the playground roof.

"I know I'm sorry," I laughed, "but I'm here now." I climbed up on the playground roof next to him.

He stayed quiet as he held his gaze on me.


"Nothing... You're just pretty."

I blushed at the compliment and swung my legs like a child.

"You know... Aja's excited. She wouldn't stop talking about this 'sleepover' you told her about."

I laughed, "Really? I'm sorry you had to deal with that."

"Very funny. But I'm not totally annoyed... It just means I'll get to see you more." He smiled.

"You're so adorable."

"What? Me? No, no, no. You're the adorable one."

I chuckled and brushed his brown curly hair aside as I placed a kiss on his cheek. He turned to me and placed a kiss on my cheek in return.

My face heated up and my heart started to race from the affection. It was that so familiar feeling that I should expect every time I'm with him.

"Krel... Do you think a kiss would count when you're in your human form?"

"Uh... I'm not sure... But I don't exactly want to find out." He chuckled nervously.

"Understandable." I looked up at the semi-cloudy night sky. "You know I'm honestly really nervous... The danger that's after me could be anywhere."

"Do you...want to talk about it?"


"...Okay. well, I'm ready if you want to."

I took a deep breath and turned to him. Before I could speak his human form wore off, turning him back into an Akiridion.

"Um.. don't mind that." He giggled.

I smiled and let out a sigh.

"In this world there are... Trolls, some are bad and some are good. They are one of the magical mysteries of Arcadia. And one of them is after me and a friend."

"Is it-?"

I nodded, "I shouldn't tell you this troll's name because I don't want you or Aja to get involved... But if I really am in trouble... I'm allowed to tell you. I'm sorry if you were hoping for more but I just-"

"Hey, don't apologize. You can tell me as much as you want and whatever you want, I just want to be able to protect you."

My heart fluttered, it seemed like it fluttered every time he said something like that.

He placed a hand over my mouth and kissed the back of it. I couldn't help but just smile and get lost in his eyes. He brushed my bangs behind my ear and rested his hand on my cheek.

"My princess... You're as beautiful as a galaxy."

I giggled at his cheesy line, "That was really bad... But sweet."

"Yeah... I'm not great with that."

"Still it's sweet." I leaned in and pecked his cheek.

"Can I ask you something, princess?"
I nodded.
"For Akiridion's, a kiss means you want a future with someone and commitment... What does it mean to humans?"

I hesitated as I thought about his question.

"Well, it's different for everyone but I think it means... Showing affection for someone you cherish dearly and never want to lose. Another way to say I love you, and like you said... Commitment and wanting a future with someone."

He smiled and hummed, "I like how you see it... I guess that's how I would explain every time I kissed you... And every time I...look at you."

I blushed and avoided his gaze, feeling embarrassed. He placed one last kiss on my cheek and returned to looking at the sky.

"I hope this 'sleepover' isn't too chaotic." He put two arms around me.

"It shouldn't be, don't worry." A slight smile formed on my lips and I laid my head on his shoulder.


Standing awkwardly in front of the Tarron's house, checking my phone for messages. I notice the door open out of my peripheral and looked up to see a very excited Aja.

"Phoenix! Finally, you're here!" She jumped up and hugged me tightly, almost knocking me out of balance.

I leaned back on my bad leg and the sharp pain shot through.
"A-aja, careful!"

She quickly pulled away and apologized before leading me inside.
"I'm just excited. I've never had a sleep ritual before, but it sounds amazing!" She cheered.

She held onto my hand and started for the hallway, "Here! Let's go put your stuff down!"

I exchanged a glance with Krel as I brushed past him, not even able to say hi. As Aja pulled me through the house I tried to keep my gaze on him until she finally pulled me into her room.

Feeling a bit out of place, I carefully dropped my bag to the floor while she eagerly sat down on her bed.

"So, what is the first thing to this sleep ritual?"

I chuckled at her enthusiasm, "Hold on Aja. The actual sleepover, or I guess "sleep ritual" starts when the sun sets."

"Really? Then what do we do now?"

"Well... We can just hang out, it's just like any other day I'd come over except I'm staying."

"I love it already. I want a never-ending sleep ritual!"

I giggled at her response, "Do you have anything you want to do?"

"No, usually you're with Krel." She shrugged. I blushed in a bit of embarrassment. She glanced over at my bag and hummed.

"How good are you at fighting?"

I looked down at my sword sticking out of my bag and back at her.
"The most I can do is defend myself... Why?"

"How would you like to train with me? I can teach you some things about fighting!"

"Aren't you still learning yourself?"

"...yes. but I know enough that you could learn something!"

I thought about the offer and looked down at my leg. It hurt to even put half my weight on it.

"On one condition, you go easy on me."

"Of course! I don't want to kill you!" She laughed. "Do you think we could start now? We can train in the mothership!"

"Sure..." I questioned her words to myself.

"Great! I'll get my serrator."
Aja hopped off her bed and raced out of her room as I looked down at my phone.

[You doing okay? How's your leg]

I rolled my eyes at Jim's second message today.

[It's good don't worry:) ]

I pulled my sword out of its scabbard and ran right into Krel as I exited the room.

"Ow." A smile appeared on his face as he looked down at me.

"Sorry, Krel." I blushed

"It's okay, what are you and Aja up to?" He started waking with me.

"Well, Aja wants to teach me how to fight, so I figured why not."

He laughed, "Well I wish you good luck." He glanced down at my sword and lifted it out of my hand.

"What are you-"

"You do realize our serrators will cut straight through this right?" He handed it back to me.

"It will?"

"Oh definitely. C'mere, you can use mine." He turned back around and I followed him into his room.

As he went through a drawer, I looked around, admiring everything.

"You have a nice room."

"Really? Thanks, it's nowhere near as nice as yours but I'd say Mother did a pretty good job!" He walked over and handed me the serrator.

Looking up at him, I could feel my heart racing and my face heat up.

"I don't think Aja wants to wait any longer."

"Oh, right. Sorry!" I started to turn away when he held my hand and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm really glad you're here." He whispered and continued walking.

I looked down at my feet, he knew how to make me flustered just by standing there let alone kissing my cheek.


"So, a few things you need to know before using a serrator is there are three buttons on it." Aja started.

I looked down at Krel's serrator in my hands and noticed three small buttons, each with a different symbol.

Krel pointed to the first button, "this first one is for the shield," he continued, "this one is for the blade, and the last is for the blaster."

"Go ahead, push the second one!" Aja clapped her hands.

Doing as she says, a transparent blade generated around the serrator and formed a sharp tip. I had seen them use it before but up close it was so intriguing.

"Woah..." I ran my fingers across the smooth surface.
Krel and Aja giggled at my interest in the weapon.

"Okay, since you say you only know how to defend yourself... Think fast!" Aja generated her sword and swung at me. I raised the serrator and blocked her attack, I could feel my heart rate rise from the sudden adrenaline rush and couldn't hold back a smile.

"Don't hurt her Aja." Krel crossed his arms and headed to the back of the room.

"I won't little brother. Okay now come at me, I'll block your attacks."

Considering this thing could cut through steel I didn't want to just swing at her as I would in defense.
"I don't want to accidentally hurt you though."

"You won't, I'll be fine! Now come at me!"

After hesitating I swung at her and she blocked it perfectly. Taking another swing, and another following I could tell I had nothing to worry about.

The serrator was much lighter than my sword and would flash lightly each time it met with Aja's serrator. It felt like second nature wielding it and so easy to get used to.

"You're pretty good, and you said you only know how to defend." Aja piped up.

"Thank you?"

"Although I have noticed something, you seem to be keeping all your weight on your left leg. If you distribute your weight even I think you could be better."

"I usually do but I-" I hesitated, "my... Ankle, it's still a bit sore, I don't want to wear that brace again."

"I can make you something to help, just say the word!" Krel hollered from the back of the engine room.

I chuckled and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Sure enough, there were two messages.

[Are you doing alright over there?]

I smiled at Olivia's concern, thankfully she wasn't so pushy as how Jim has been this whole week.

I texted back and entered Jim's chat.

[How are you doing? Do you need an emergency visit to Vendel?]

At this point his worry wasn't funny, it was just annoying.

"What's wrong with your l-"
I whipped around and placed my hand on Aja's mouth. I looked back at Krel to make sure he didn't hear Aja.

Aja pushed my hand off and raised an eyebrow. "Okay... Clearly, that's something." She said quietly.

"It's... It's nothing, don't worry." I started walking backward, "I'm gonna go get some water. I'll be right back."

I placed Krel's serrator on the hovering table next to him. He quickly paced a firm kiss on my cheek before going back to working on the daxial array.

I made my way out of the room and sighed once out of view of Aja.

Pov swap:
(Aja pov)

I watched as Phoenix left the room and walked over to Krel. I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with her leg, obviously, she didn't want Krel to know about it so I chose to not say anything.

"You... Really like her don't you little brother?"

"Of course," he chuckled, "I don't see how I couldn't. How did you enjoy fighting with her?" Krel turned around to face me.

"It was lively, if I can train her more, then I don't always have to use the mom blank."

"Do keep in mind she might not always want to do this."

"I know... Do you think phoenix was a little off?"

"No, why?"

"Oh- no reason. I must have been overthinking something."

"Well if it makes you feel better, I think she would tell us if it really was something."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I looked back at the door.

Pov swap:
(Back to me)

I walked past the kitchen and smelled delicious food cooking on the stove.

"Hey, that smells really good."

"Oh thank you, honey!" The mom blank smiled.

I continued down the hallway and into Aja's room where I picked up my water bottle.

Taking a sip I cleared my thoughts of worry and studied the decorations.

I didn't want to tell Aja about my condition but I might have to. I just know I can't tell krel, at least not yet.

*Zzz Zzz*

I looked down at my phone expecting a text from Jim.

[I have a surprise for you!]

My eyes lit up seeing the message from Douxie.

[Really!? What is it!?]

[I'm not telling you, that's why it's a surprise]

A familiar bark caught my attention and I turned around, "hi luug!" I knelt down and started to pet his head.
"Wanna come back with me to train?"


I sat across from Aja on her bed, "In two weeks is the school dance, do you think you're going?"

"I don't know... The Mary and Darci keep saying the blonde oaf will ask me but I don't think I want to. Are you?"

"Oh definitely not, I haven't been in two years I don't even think I could handle it all."

"Hey, maybe you could do one of those dating rituals with Krel instead of going."

I blushed, "What noo, why- why would you suggest that?"

"Maybe because you two are dating and it would be adorable."

I looked away feeling flustered and reached down for my water bottle on the ground.

"So we're alone now, can I ask what's wrong with your leg?"

I coughed as I swallowed the water in my mouth, "what about it?"

"You're hurt aren't you, and it's more than your ankle, right?"

I sighed and put the bottle back in its place. "Yes..."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because I didn't want to worry you guys. Olivia and a friend of mine are already worried enough. Besides I didn't know how to."

"Well you can tell me now, but may I ask why you don't want Krel to know?"

I started to undo my laces, "I didn't want to tell him most of all because... We're dating I guess, I don't know." I took my shoe off and rolled up my jeans. "I guess I knew I'd feel worse if told him."

Aja looked down at my bandaged leg in worry.

"So, when I ran here because something was after me... I ended up getting cut by his poison-covered daggers. Now I am slowly being turned to stone."

"Seklos... Does it hurt? What if this- thing hurts you again? Is that normal? How long do you have?"

I chuckled at her questions and rolled my pant leg down.
"It does hurt, but I have a medicine to sustain it at least. It's not normal to turn to stone but the type of poison makes it so I am. And he won't hurt me again, I'll make sure of it."

"But how can you be so sure?"

"I'm not, but for all I know he thinks I'm already dead. And I'd like it to stay that way."

"Can I... Have a hug?"

"Of course!" I held my arms out and she leaned in to hug me tightly.

Part of me felt guilty for telling her while the other felt guilty for hiding it.

She let go with a sigh, "So, what's next on the list."

*Knock knock*

We both looked over at the door as krel walked in.

"May I join you, girls?"

"Yes." Aja and I jinxed.

A smile appeared on his face as he sat down on Aja's bean bag chair. "So is this sleepover just you two talking?"

"Nope, there's also movies and-"

"Oh! Is that the moving picture story? I love moving picture stories!" Aja cheered.

I laughed, "krel, would you like to watch with us?"


"Supper's ready children! And the food is on the table!" The dad blank popped his head through the door.

"We can watch after, you need to try the mom blanks cooking!" Aja quickly got up from her bed and impatiently waited for krel and me.

3590 words
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know not many exciting things happened but yay!

K thanks byeeee!!!

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