SAO x Dark Souls Volume 1: Ci...

By LordYeager_55

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Sword Art Online: A world of swords, adventure, and fun. But everything changed on November 6th, 2022. On tha... More

Aincrad Pt. 1: The World of Swords
Aincrad Pt. 2: Illfang the Kobold Lord
Aincrad Pt. 3: Red-nosed Reindeer
Aincrad Pt. 4: Firelink Shrine
Aincrad Pt. 5: High wall of Lothric & Vordt of the Boreal Valley
Aincrad Pt. 6: Dancer of the Boreal Valley
Aincrad Pt. 7: Oceiros the Consumed King
Aincrad Pt. 8: Champion Gundyr
Aincrad Pt. 9: The secret is out
Aincrad Pt. 10: The Ashen One
Aincrad Pt. 11: The Abyss Watchers
Aincrad Pt. 12: Irithyll of the Boreal Valley & Pontiff Sulyvahn
Aincrad Pt. 13: Aldrich, Devourer of Gods
Aincrad Pt. 14: Yhorm the Giant
Aincrad Pt. 15: The duel
Aincrad Pt. 16: Archdragon Peak & Ancient Wyvern
Aincrad Pt. 17: The Nameless King
Aincrad Pt. 18: Lost love
Aincrad Pt. 19: Calm before the storm
Aincrad Pt. 20: Laughing Coffin
Aincrad Pt. 22: The Twin Princes
Aincrad Finale: Soul of Cinder
Epilogue: A new family

Aincrad Pt. 21: The Blue-Eyed Demon

437 9 6
By LordYeager_55

Two months had passed since the fall of Laughing Coffin and Koharu's death. During that time, the assault team and I cleared Lothric Castle and defeated the Dragonslayer Armor. I lost everything that day and it broke me even more than losing the Moonlit Black Cats.

Everyone could see how ruined I was. They all just left me alone. Even those who had previously hated my guts were sympathetic. Whenever anyone tried to offer their sympathy or words of comfort, I just ignored them. I was a husk of my former self who was no longer the fearsome swordsman he used to be. I was still the second-strongest player, but my sword swings had no meaning behind them anymore.

Anyone that didn't try to talk to or comfort me was most likely scared. I'd seen it plenty of times. The most dangerous people are often the ones who don't say anything or show emotion. People like that were dangerous and unpredictable. Because of that, anyone not acquainted or affiliated with me kept their distance.

I was currently in the Floor 74 labyrinth gathering map data with Kirito and Asuna. They had remained as a duo for as long as I could remember. After Koharu died, I refused to party up with anyone ever again, so I was essentially a third wheel on our little adventure.

Kirito: Asuna, switch!!!

Asuna: Got it!!!

Kirito attacked once and then jumped back, allowing Asuna to charge in and strike the armored skeleton with her rapier. I dashed toward a group of them and sliced them all up without using any sword skills. My face was devoid of any emotion whatsoever and my blades were as dark as midnight.

 Once the last of the skeletons were vanquished, we all sat down for a lunch break. Asuna materialized a picnic basket and handed out sandwiches.

"Thanks," I said

Asuna: Don't mention it. Here, take this too.

She tossed me a fruit that resembled a peach. I caught it and immediately bit into it, savoring the sweet juice and tangy flavor. Though I may have become a monster, I still enjoyed a few things about this world.

Kirito: We shouldn't have a whole lot further to go. The map is almost complete.

Asuna: That's great. Once it's done we'll head back to HQ and report to the commander.

"What are the plans concerning the last steps of the quest?" I asked

Asuna: I talked with the commander and the other guild leaders. We decided to wait until Floor 74 was complete.

"Okay," I said

Just then, a familiar group of players came into view and stopped next to us.

Klein: What up guys?

Kirito: Klein, good to see you're still alive.

Klein: yeah well, it's all thanks to what that guy taught me two years ago.

He gestured to me but I didn't even look up or respond. It was tense and silent for a while.

Klein(whispers): Yeesh, that raid really messed him up badly, didn't it?

Kirito(whispers): Yeah, but don't talk about it. He doesn't like it.

"You do know I can hear you, right?" I asked

Klein: Uh-

"Don't bother trying to hide it," I said

Just then, the sound of several footsteps drew our attention. A large group of armored men was making its way toward us.

"What's the ALA doing here?" I asked

Kirito: Did they follow you, Klein?

Klein: No, not that I'm aware of.

The group eventually reached us at which point they stopped walking and the leader addressed his men.

???: At ease!

Every single one of the soldiers sighed in relief before either sitting down or falling to their knees out of exhaustion. The leader approached us with pride in his steps.

???: I'm Lieutenant Colonel Corvatz. Im with the Aincrad Liberation Army. 

Kirito: Im Kirito.

Corvatz: Has the area up ahead been cleared?

Kirito: Yes. We also got a map with directions to the boss room. 

Corvatz: Im going to need you to hand over that map, effective immediately.

Klein: You want us to just give it to you? Do you even know how much of a pain-in-the-ass mapping is?!

Corvatz: We share our information and resources with civilian players all the time. We don't charge a thing for it. We maintain order in the chaos of battle so that all players can leave this world as quickly as possible. Therefore, it is your duty to cooperate with us, so hand over that map!

Klein: You bastard!

"If you think we're gonna give you our map data because you asked, you've got another thing coming buddy. If you want it you'll have to pay us for it or pry it off our bodies" I said

Corvatz: Why you-

Kirito: It's cool. I was going to go public with it once we got back to town anyway.

Klein: Come on man, you're bein' way too nice to him.

Kirito opened his menu and transferred the data to Corvatz.

Corvatz: Thanks for cooperating. 

The soldier turned and began walking back to his men.

Kirito: By the way, if you're planning to attempt the boss, I wouldn't recommend it.

Corvatz: That is my decision to make.

Kirito: I just took a look inside that room pal. You can't beat that boss with half-dead men! Look at 'em. They're exhausted.

"I'd listen to him. Your chances of successfully defeating the boss are already extremely low, but if you charge in there with your men as they are, you'll all die" I said

Corvatz: Nonsense, my men don't know the meaning of defeat. On your feet soldiers. It's time to move on!

The men groaned before doing as they were ordered. 

They slowly trudged past us and headed toward the boss room.

Klein: Oh man. Are those guys gonna be okay?

"Not if they continue working under Corvatz," I said

Asuna: Im sure they know what they're doing. They won't rush the boss without checking it out first, right?

Kirito: We should probably keep an eye on them. You know, just to be safe.

Kirito and Fuurinkazan walked ahead on the main path while Asuna and I stayed back with Klein.

Klein: Asuna, I know he can be hard to talk to and is addicted to combat, but he's a good guy. Promise me you'll take care of him.

Asuna: I promise. He's in good hands. 


I helped Klein kill a lizard man before sheathing my sword.

Klein: That's the last of them. I wonder if those army dudes used a teleportation crystal to leave.

Suddenly, as if on cue, a scream echoed throughout the area. Kirito and I exchanged looks before dashing off toward the boss room.

Asuna: Hey, wait!

"There's no time. If we don't intervene now then they'll all die. I won't let that happen" I said

I ran as fast as I could to the boss room with Kirito on my tail. As soon as we got there, we saw the carnage. Or lack of thereafter. Out of the original party of 30 men, only two remained.



*No. It's that day all over again.* I gasped

I knew what I had to do. Without regard for my own life, I gripped the hilt of my sword, unsheathed it, and charged into the boss room.

Kirito: U/N!!!

I ignored him and raced into the center of the massive room. The boss turned its attention away from the soldier. He rushed to the last survivor to make sure they were alright while the boss focused on me.

Klein: U/N!!!

I glanced back as Asuna, Klein, and Fuurinkazan arrived. They all looked shocked to see me face down a floor boss on my own. I ignored their shouts and charged at the boss. I flipped and ran up its weapon as it swung down. Once I reached the end of the hilt, I launched myself upward by using the parry dagger as a support beam. Pushing my body up and over, I let go of my sword momentarily before using a reverse grip to stab deep into <Gleam Eyes> back.

It roared in agony as red pixels simulating blood began spilling out from its body. I backflipped off of its body before landing on the ground. I saw something flash in my peripheral before realizing that it was the boss's sword thing. I tried to react and dodge, but I wasn't fast enough. I caught the sharp side of it in my stomach before getting flung across the room. I landed on my feet and slid across the floor.

"Damn it" I grunted

Pulling out a talisman, I cast a healing spell to regenerate my lost HP. Once it was back up, I sprinted back into the fight.

(3rd pov)

Asuna: Im going to help him!

Kirito: If you do that then you'll be killed.

Asuna: So will he if I don't. I'm not going to watch.

The fencer drew her weapon and dashed in, Klein wasn't far behind her with Fuurinkazan on his tail. Kirito clenched his fist while closing his eyes briefly.

Kirito(in mind): Dammit. Just use it! You can save the day if you do. Reputation be damned!

Standing up tall, Kirito drew his sword Elucidator and ran in after his friends.

(U/n pov)

I saw my friends enter the battlefield, weapons drawn.



"STAY BACK!!!" I yelled

They refused to listen and kept attacking. I saw Kirito draw his sword and join the fray.


*What are you planning?* I thought

(A/n: Skip to 1:35)

"Damn, you really scared us there pal," I said

Kirito: Ugh, how long was I out?

"Only a few seconds," I said

Klein: Hey, care to explain what that was?

Kirito: It's a unique skill I picked up called <Dual Wielding>.

Klein: No way. Between U/n's godlike abilities gained from the quest and your crazy skills, you two would be unstoppable as a team.

"That was the case even before those things," I said

Klein: In any case, I'm not gonna snitch about this, so don't worry. I'll make sure my guys keep their mouths shut too.

Kirito: Thanks, Klein.

Klein: No problem. Im gonna go activate the teleporter for the next floor.

"I'll come with you," I said

Klein: Ok, cool.

I winked at Kirito before leaving the room with Klein and his guild.

(3rd pov)

Heathcliff was doing some paperwork when his aide suddenly burst through the door out of breath.

Heathcliff: I asked not to be disturbed unless it was absolutely necessary.

KotB aid: Sorry sir, but I think you'll want to see this. Word just came in that Floor 74 has been cleared. The Unkindled and the Black Swordsman defeated the boss all by themselves!

Heathcliff immediately stopped what he was doing upon hearing the news. The aid went over to the desk and showed the guild leader recorded footage of U/n's flips and slashes followed up by Kirito demonstrating his dual-wielding skill.

Heathcliff: How interesting. When was this?

KotB aid: Just one hour ago.

Heathcliff: Hmm, they're even stronger than I thought.

KotB aid: Yes, my thoughts exactly sir. With the two of them working together, maybe things will begin progressing smoothly again.

Heathcliff: Indeed. Thank you for bringing this to my attention soldier. You may go.

KotB aid: Yes sir.

After saluting, the aid left. Heathcliff was quite puzzled at the recent developments. He'd been expecting U/n to get the <Dual Wielding> skill due to his innate power granted by the quest, but he was wrong. With U/n practically a god and Kirito as a lightning-fast swordsman, he began doubting his plans for the endgame. He would have to switch things up now that Kirito had been revealed as the inheritor of <Dual Wielding>.

(A/n: While writing this I came up with an even better idea for the finale. Originally the end of Koharu's story was going to be tied to the final boss in some way, but after this, I decided to do something else entirely.)

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