SAO x Dark Souls Volume 1: Ci...

By LordYeager_55

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Sword Art Online: A world of swords, adventure, and fun. But everything changed on November 6th, 2022. On tha... More

Aincrad Pt. 1: The World of Swords
Aincrad Pt. 2: Illfang the Kobold Lord
Aincrad Pt. 3: Red-nosed Reindeer
Aincrad Pt. 4: Firelink Shrine
Aincrad Pt. 5: High wall of Lothric & Vordt of the Boreal Valley
Aincrad Pt. 7: Oceiros the Consumed King
Aincrad Pt. 8: Champion Gundyr
Aincrad Pt. 9: The secret is out
Aincrad Pt. 10: The Ashen One
Aincrad Pt. 11: The Abyss Watchers
Aincrad Pt. 12: Irithyll of the Boreal Valley & Pontiff Sulyvahn
Aincrad Pt. 13: Aldrich, Devourer of Gods
Aincrad Pt. 14: Yhorm the Giant
Aincrad Pt. 15: The duel
Aincrad Pt. 16: Archdragon Peak & Ancient Wyvern
Aincrad Pt. 17: The Nameless King
Aincrad Pt. 18: Lost love
Aincrad Pt. 19: Calm before the storm
Aincrad Pt. 20: Laughing Coffin
Aincrad Pt. 21: The Blue-Eyed Demon
Aincrad Pt. 22: The Twin Princes
Aincrad Finale: Soul of Cinder
Epilogue: A new family

Aincrad Pt. 6: Dancer of the Boreal Valley

715 18 27
By LordYeager_55

(3rd pov)

Kirito and Asuna walked through the streets of the main settlement of Floor 50, Algade. Kirito had done business with Argo before, so he knew how to get in contact with her. Asuna, while wary of Argo, wanted to find U/n by any means possible and if she had to make a deal with a shady info broker, then she would.

The two were awaiting Argo's arrival after Kirito reached out via message. While not stating explicitly what it was he wanted to meet for, he made sure to tell Argo it was of the utmost importance. The info broker had readily agreed to meet after Kirito said he wanted to buy some information from her.

Asuna: What's taking her so long?

Kirito: Don't worry. She's a very popular source and has several contacts throughout Aincrad. This is just standard procedure in her line of work. She'll be here, I'm certain of it.

Asuna: I hope you're right.

(U/n pov)

I appeared back at Firelink to level up before heading out again. The Fire Keeper smiled at me before offering her hand. I reached out and touched her fingers. A warm tingling feeling coursed through my body as the attribute menu appeared.


Vigor: 85

Attunement: 20

Endurance: 90

Vitality: 59

Strength: 99

Dexterity: 99

Intelligence: 27

Faith: 19

Luck: 69

Soul Level: 567

I put all of my available points into intelligence and faith, bringing both of them up to 30. My vigor was decently high, so I wouldn't need to upgrade it for a while. Strength and dexterity were both at max level while endurance sat comfortably at 90. I wasn't too worried about attunement as I didn't have anything that required overtly high amounts of FP. That left intelligence and faith as the two main things to upgrade.

Satisfied with my levels, I closed the menu. The Fire Keeper bowed and stepped back. I walked past her and up the stairs behind the thrones before stopping at the first one to the right. Engraved on its back was a name, Ludleth the Exiled. He would be able to transpose boss souls for me, granting weapons, spells, and rings depending on my choice. I walked in front of Ludleth, a tiny man seated on the edge of his throne.

Ludleth: Greetings, Ashen One. How may I be of service?

"I want you to transpose this soul for me," I said

Ludleth: Of course, your grace.

A menu popped up with two things. Vordt's mace and Pontiff's left eye. I selected the eye, causing the menu to close automatically. I felt weight in my hand and saw the eye sitting in my palm staring up at me through my hood. I opened my menu and put it in the first ring slot.

With my business now concluded, I was ready to fight the Dancer. After walking down the stairs, I touched the coiled sword and selected Vordt's bonfire. The golden fog consumed my body and transported me back to Lothric. I headed out of the boss arena and drew my sword.

In my path were four Hollows, three of which had spears and shields. Past them and above me, three Lothric Knights were patrolling the massive stairway. I quickly dispatched all seven enemies before making my way back inside the cathedral. Emma was still in her chair, but not for much longer. I approached the wrinkled NPC and silently swung my sword down. The blade met her shriveled body and cut her torso free.

Emma(fading): My lord, Prince Lothric...

Once she faded away, I heard the familiar sound of liquid dripping from the ceiling. I turned around and saw the Dancer hanging from the ceiling before she dropped down and let out an ethereal howl.

Broken and battered, I managed to defeat the Dancer with one point of HP to spare. I had severely underestimated the sheer difficulty and threat levels the Dancer posed. My overconfidence had nearly cost me my life. I was in no condition to commit to a boss rush right now, so I teleported back to Firelink.

(3rd pov)

Argo had just finished up with a particularly difficult client. She sighed before remembering that she had a meeting with Kirito.

Argo(groans): That Kii-boy...

She walked to the nearest teleport monument and selected the place of the meeting she and Kirito had agreed upon.

Meanwhile, Kirito and Asuna were growing impatient. It was now nighttime and Argo still hadn't shown up.

Kirito: I wonder what's keeping her.

Asuna: If she hasn't shown by now, she probably isn't coming. Let's just go home and try again tomorrow.

Kirito: Yeah, you're right. Sorry for dragging you into this, Asuna.

Asuna: Its fine.

Kirito: You sure?

Asuna: Yeah. I didn't have anything planned for today and I don't mind waiting with you.

???: Would ya get a room already?

The teens jumped at the sudden voice. Their hands flew to the hilts of their weapons as the voice's owner came out from the shadows. When Kirito saw who it was, he relaxed his grip.

Kirito: Stand down Asuna, that's Argo.

Asuna let go of her rapier and breathed a sigh of relief.

Kirito: What took you so long, rat?

Argo: I had a very pushy client today and our meeting lasted far longer than I would've liked. Sorry for makin' you two wait. So what did you want to talk about, Kii-boy?

Kirito: Right. This isn't something I want to discuss outside. Do you mind if we go to a tavern or something?

Argo: Lead the way.

Kirito turned and walked down the street with the two girls following him. They headed into a local tavern and sat down. An NPC waiter approached their table with a smile.

NPC: What can I get for you today?

Kirito: A glass of fruit punch.

Asuna: I'd like some red wine, please.

Argo: Same as the lady.

The waiter jotted down their orders and smiled again before walking away.

Argo: So what's this about? It's odd for you to message me out of the blue like that, so something tells me it's either some groundbreaking new info you want to sell or it's something of a personal matter. Am I right?

Kirito: You could say that. I was wondering if you had any information about a certain player.

Argo: I might. Depends on who it is.

Kirito: He goes by the name U/n.

Argo: Before I tell you anything, we first must discuss the price. I don't just give away information about players for the chump change I normally charge. If you want anything, you're gonna have to pay a pretty penny.

Kirito: Normally I'd protest against that, but this is important. How much?

Argo: 50k.

Asuna's eyes shot wide open at how much Argo was asking for, but Kirito didn't move a muscle.

Kirito: Done. Now give me what I seek.

Argo: A'ight. I've got a lot of info on the guy. What were you looking for specifically?

Kirito: His current or last known whereabouts.

Argo: Sorry, that's the one piece of info I will not divulge, no matter how much you pay me.

Kirito: What? Why?!

Argo: I have my reasons.

Kirito: Why won't you tell me?! I've spent months trying to track him down only to end up with dead ends. You're the only one able to tell me where he is and you refuse? Some help you were. I thought you were supposed to be helpful, Argo, not make things harder. If you won't tell me where he is, then I'll find someone who will.

The Black Swordsman stomped off to go search for someone who could find his friend. Asuna watched him walk away with a saddened look on her face before turning to Argo.

Asuna: U/n asked you not to say anything, didn't he?

Argo: Your astuteness knows no bounds. Yes, he did.

Asuna: How much did he pay you to keep quiet?

Argo: What makes you think he paid me?

Asuna: Please, I know he did. I didn't get promoted to second in command of my guild because of my looks you know. I have ways of noticing things. Now, how much did he pay you? I'll pay you double what he did if you tell me where he is, no questions asked.

Argo: If it was anyone else, I wouldn't think twice about that, but I can't accept. He knew Kii-boy would come looking for him, so he made sure that there was nothing that could be traced back to him.

Asuna: What? Why?

Argo: I can't tell you that either.

Asuna: Dammit, then what can you tell me?

Argo: All I'll say is that maybe U/n doesn't want to be found. If that's the case then you need to respect it. He came to me distraught and guilt-ridden. He asked me to make it seem as if he disappeared, despite knowing the way I operate. I chose to help him because I wanted to, not because he paid me. The only reason I'd tell you where he is would be if he asked me to tell you. I'm sorry A-chan, but I cannot help you. Give Kii-boy my regards will you?

The blond info broker stood up and tossed a golden coin on the table before walking out. Asuna was left in shock. U/n had gone to a well-known info broker and asked her to make him disappear. Info brokers weren't known to be particularly trustworthy when it came to personal information regarding players, but he chose to trust her anyway.

The fact that he exiled himself from Kirito, his only friend, spoke a lot about the lengths he was willing to go to. It was almost like U/n wanted everyone he was once close to to forget about him and asking Argo to make him disappear seemed to rectify that. Asuna could see how hurt Kirito was by all this, and it made her heart ache for him. Asuna, a renowned rapier user, the so-called Lightning Flash, normally stoic and blunt, had a softer side to herself, but it only seemed to come out when someone else she cared for was hurting. 

She knew that Kirito was serious when he said he would find U/n, no matter what. Whether that meant going all the way to hell and back, she didn't know, but she'd be damned if she let him do it alone. That was why she ran out of the tavern after locating Kirito. He was on the outskirts of town, sitting on a small hill. She ran up to him out of breath.

Kirito: I knew you'd come.

Asuna: Of course. I'm your partner and party member after all. It's my job. Plus, I don't like seeing my friends upset.

Kirito: Maybe U/n was right to go away. Maybe I'm the reason he did it. Maybe my inability to show feelings is what drove him away. Maybe I'm the problem. I should've just died instead of them.

Asuna: That's not true! What would U/n think if he found out you killed yourself because of him? I'm sure he had a good reason for what he did.

Kirito: And what reason would that be?

Asuna: Maybe he just wanted to spare you from future pain by being involved with him.

Kirito: But that isn't like him. He wouldn't do that. Even if he did, why didn't he tell me? No know in here knows him better than I do. If anything, I'm the one most qualified to help him. Dammit Asuna, why? Why did he push me away? Why?!

The normally emotionless swordsman broke down in tears as Asuna hugged him tightly. He shook in her grip as he sobbed. He cursed his uselessness to help his guilt-ridden friend.

Asuna: Shh, it's alright. Sometimes there are things we just aren't meant to know. Maybe his reasoning is one of those things. Regardless, I vow to help you find him. If bringing him back will make you happy, then I'll gladly do it. So wipe those tears away and chin up. Don't give up hope. Whatever it takes, we'll find him, alright?

Kirito looked up, tears staining his face. Asuna smiled warmly at him, which was a rarity in and of itself.

Kirito(sniffles): Yeah, okay. Thanks, Asuna. I needed that.

Asuna: Anytime. Now let's get to sleep. We can't look for him when we're feeling drained. We'll pick up the search at first light.

The swordsmen got up from the hill and walked back into town. Unbeknownst to them, a lone figure had seen and heard it all. A flash of silver could be seen beneath the folds of the cloak they wore. A faded silver sword sheath could be seen hanging from their back as the folds of the cloak flapped in the wind. After watching for a while, the figure turned and walked away.

U/n: Kirito...

(A/n: U/n's motives, while still unclear at the moment, are beginning to be unraveled. It's only a matter of time before he and Kirito come face to face again. The question is, will it be a peaceful reunion or something else entirely?)

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