Sekiruuyetei: Book of Concept...

بواسطة RageRevan

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A boy who once walked the path of heroism, now after being humiliated and ignored for his deeds, choses to wa... المزيد

Chapter 1: Unbearable Truth
Chapter 2: The Fall of an Ice Mage
Chapter 3: Roses of the Underworld
Chapter 4: Fall of Grigori
Chapter 5: Reality Check
Chapter 6: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 7: Broken Pride
Chapter 8: Play My Game
Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Normal Life
Chapter 10: Factions Situation
Chapter 11: War against a False Hero
Chapter 12: Demise of a False Hero
Chapter 13: Peaceful Resolutions
Chapter 14: Double Demise
Chapter 15: Chaos in Kuoh Academy
Chapter 16: Calm and Tranquility.
Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering
Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion
Chapter 19: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 20: Reunion of a Vampire with a Dragon
Chapter 21: Party Crashing
Chapter 22: Fall of a Symbol
Chapter 23: Relaxation Time
Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault
Chapter 25: Fall of Heaven
Chapter 26: Time for Pleasure (18+)
Chapter 27: The God Tribe
Chapter 28: Relationship by Bonds
Chapter 29: The Darkest Night
Chapter 30: Divine Destruction
Chapter 31: Fortuitous Endeavors
Alternate One-Shot: Ending the Factions Permanently
Chapter 32: Claiming the Divinity (18+)
Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments
Chapter 34: Beginning of the Finale
Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault
Chapter 36: Ragnarök
Chapter 37: Hopeful Times
Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog
Chapter 39: Fall of Olympus
Chapter 40: Shiva's Choice
Chapter 41: Vampiric Exorcism
Chapter 42: Shinto Destruction.
Chapter 43: Fall of the Supernatural (Season Finale)
Epilogue: No More Supernatural
Some Facts about Conceptual Records

Prologue: Having Enough

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بواسطة RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

To Quote from William Saffire: Don't expect the others to do the work for you, always do your work yourself. 

Issei looks down, at the party that was happening, this was due to the sealing and defeat of the Beast Of Apocalypse, known as Trihexa or 666, this was due to the party happening at the Hyoudou Residence. Everyone was present, from majority of the faction leaders to his 'friends', he noticed the Occult Research Club, Student Council and several of the other faction members as well. He was holding a glass of Diet Coke watching down. 

"Honestly, why do I even bother?" Issei asked with a disappointed sigh.

This party was for Issei, that is what many would think, however, that was not the case, it was for his Younger Brother Dai Hyoudou, the bearer of Crom Cruach, every single girl chose him, to be his lover no matter what happens. They think that he was the hero that fought their battles and defeated the beast of Apocalypse. 

Oh how wrong they were...

Issei was the one to fight all their battles, but every time, Dai took the credit for the battles, no matter how much he talked about it, many refused to believe it. So much so, that they considered him to be nothing but a liar and a deceiver. One might even think that he was hated, among the factions. 

Furthermore, Dai and his friends spread an infamous rumor of him being a pervert, this caused his life to worsen even more, no matter where he was, whether in the human world or the supernatural world, nobody listened, nobody accepted him, and hated him even more. 

Except for a very few people. 

One of them was Ddraig, his only best friend, initially their relationship was platonic, but eventually they became close friends, Ddraig was so much trusted, that he revealed his secrets to him, the trust was more than his own family. 

The other, was Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of Night, one might even think that they are lovers, or at the very least those who know about him, that being only Ddraig and a few others, she had faith in him more than anyone else, it was because of his desire and determination to save Ingvild from her clutches, that made her fall for him. 

This made Nyx jealous, she never had anyone save her before, however, what happened next, angered her to no bounds. 

Ingvild, like the rest was, unfortunately manipulated by Dai into thinking that he was her, "Knight in Shining Armor", as a result, she hated Issei, which nearly caused him to fall into despair, Nyx was arrested, she last saw Issei having a look of complete sadness, she looked at him in the eye, before teleporting away. 

After a while, he started to visit her in secret, without anyone detecting him. And since nobody, would know of his disappearance, since many refused to care where he went. He managed to sneak in, and meet Nyx. 

During their fight, Issei noticed her jealousy, which he realized it later, as he wanted to ask her about it, when he got there however, he was surprised, by a hug from the Primordial Goddess, she had magic seals all over her body, to prevent her from escaping. Moments later, he reciprocated the hug, and they both had a nice conversation. 

There, he realized Nyx was always alone, not even her brother Erebus visited her, he never truly understood why she kidnapped Ingvild, but he assumed that because she wanted someone to talk to. 

When it was time for him to leave, Nyx did not want him to go, but she understood that they would come to know, Issei made a promise of visiting her again, and perhaps one day freeing her, which made her blush, she was happy to have someone that she will talk to, and over time, they started to share their secrets. 

As time passed, she was angry and disappointed in the factions and the girls, especially Ingvild, and hated Dai even more, and time and time again, she started to fall for Issei, and one day, she would confess to Issei. 

Issei became depressed, he still couldn't find a way to free her, without her being tracked by the factions or worse, getting her injured or killed. Despite this, he refused to give up

"Partner...." The Boosted Gear manifested, as a Dragon spoke, his best friend Ddraig. 

"I know Ddraig, no matter what I do, I can't find a way to free her.....but there has got to be something that should be helpful in a way..."

"Try using the Book of Conceptual Records, your other Sacred Gear...." Ddraig suggested with a bit of hope. 

The Book of Conceptual Records, was a legendary and mythical book, it was a book with a brown covering, with golden embroidery surrounding it's edges, it had the symbol of God on it's spine, which was gold in color, both the front cover and back cover had additional Gold embroidery which looked like a planet, on it. 

Issei summoned the Book, he looked at it, in amazement, he found this book while he was away for a mission, nobody knew of this, and the gear accepted him without any problem, as if it chose it's new wielder. 

Once opened the Book had the records of every Sacred Gear, up to date, including the undiscovered ones like Nereid Kyrie or Alphecca Tyrant, which he had never heard off. This also included the Longinus, as well as other Sacred Gears, known. In addition to that, it also allows the user to create any Sacred Gear, he so desires. He tried this with Divine Dividing, and low and behold two wings had came on his back, which performed the same way the regular Divine Dividing would do, he could even alter the gear and remove any and all limitations, allowing him to use the Gear to their fullest potential. 

In other words, he can clone the said Sacred Gear, and use it to it's full potential, without the original user being able to sense, or the Heaven System detecting it's presence. This was great for the factions not finding out about this Sacred Gear. Issei theorized this sacred gear to be beyond Longinus Tier. Anyone who wielded this was almost akin to a God. 

"Nothing Ddraig....nothing....I got nothing..." Issei spoke in a tone full of sadness

"C'mon Partner, you never gave up fighting against Trihexa, you never gave up fighting any of your former foes, why you are giving up now!" Ddraig cheered his host up. 

Ddraig remembered that aside from Nyx and himself, Great Red and Ophis trusted him as well, they were able to see the reality of Dai Hyoudou, Ophis even went so far as to help them see, but nobody trusted her, she eventually gave up as well. 

Issei started to rack his brain, he always found a way to defeat his foes, but everyone only saw Dai to be their savior. It then clicked, he had to wait for the right opportunity. 

However, he refused to help the factions ever again, they were never grateful to him to begin with, and only insulted and humiliated him, they are on their own, and when they have to deal with a bigger threat Issei will not help them, never again. Unless he has something to gain in return, no more selflessness. 

"I have an idea...." Issei spoke with a tone of seriousness

"Partner, are you sure of this? You know they live in your house right?" Ddraig spoke with a hint of concern.

"Indeed, we are not helping them, let Dai do it himself, I, no longer will help them ever again, unless I have something to gain, they are on their own, let's see how far they get" Issei declared, with a cold tone. 

Ddraig could only watch his host with surprise, the boy that once helped the factions, was gone, killed by the same people he protected and cherished unconditionally. He also was not a big fan of the factions either, and he could not blame him for having that thought process.

"But what is your goal now, now that you don't want to help the Supernatural Faction?" Ddraig had asked after declaring with conviction

"I desire peace if anything, and it does not matter if innocent blood needs to be filled, I never achieved peace because of my brother twisting the story making the whole world think like I am the bad guy, people like them are not worth protecting" Issei responded with conviction. 

"But we cannot judge people, buddy, especially when we ourselves are not perfect..." Ddraig spoke with slight sadness, and anger in his voice, Issei looked at him and responded

"As long as humanity exists, hate will also exists, love ends when betrayal begins, and I have always experienced an endless stream of betrayal. No matter what I do, I am always the bad guy, to them" Issei spoke with anger, he no longer felt sad for his past with them, but now he was angry. 

"You are willing to change the world even if it stains your hands with innocent blood?" Ddraig asked in a serious tone

"Ddraig, I no longer desire to do good things, but I desire to do great things..."

Issei opened the book, he saw the information of every single sacred gear, which he could replicate and use it for himself, he would have broken out Nyx a long time ago, but this would make her hunted and he did not want to risk her life. 

He was going to make the factions release her one way or another. This was one of his new goals

"In that case, the Red Dragon Emperor is with you, best buddy" Ddraig spoke with a tone of happiness, Issei smiled at the gear, as he closed the book and de-summoned it so that no one could see the book. 

"Thank you, friend....I know you will be by my side...." Issei spoke with a genuine smile, before getting up and heading to his room, he will find a way to do so. 

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Issei bringing back Chibi Raynare from the dead, by accident. 

One year later,

Underworld, 5:30 AM

One year has passed since the events of the sealing of the beast, there were the three heroes, they were Dai Hyoudou, the youngest of the Hyoudou children, he looked just like his older brother Issei, however, unlike them he was fair skinned and had shorter hair. He wielded two twin gauntlets, called Crescent Moon Gauntlets, that housed the soul of the strongest evil Dragon Crom Crauch. 

The second one was Aika Hyoudou, the younger sister of Hyoudou Issei, she was a beautiful brown haired girl, with wavy long length hair, she also had a huge chest, as well as a pretty face, one might state that she had a lot of similarities in terms of looks when compared to Issei. She wielded the Chaos Talon, a blue talon that covered her entire left hand, it almost felt like the whole weapon covered his hand. 

And finally, the third hero, Valery Lucifer, was described to be a slim young woman of below average height. She has long, white hair which curls slightly at the ends, with two bangs framing her face and reaching down to her chest; her hairstyle's most distinctive trait is a short, upward ponytail obtained by gathering and tying the hair covering her forehead. She has large blue eyes and a curvy, voluptuous body, with large breasts. 

All three were considered heroes, but one of them was an outstanding "Hero", however, four months, an entity had attacked them, he was a bald headed being with blue haired marks, that had a blue tattoo on his forehead, he was two meters tall in height. He had a metal jaw, and wore skin-tight red colored body armor draped in a half-cape of black cloth.

The entity had decided to judge one of the Seraphs of Heaven, that being Gabriel, for the sins she had committed, none of the angels under her could stop him. He judged her in the name of her father, he used one of his abilities to completely traumatize her, causing her to have a lifeless look. Many didn't understand whom the entity talked about. 

In the aftermath, Gabriel was completely traumatized, she often used to scream in what seemed to be many as pain and fear, at random times, it was not due to the fear of the man, or fear itself. Several wanted to look for him, but he was never seen again. 

At least not until 2 months ago, where he attacked members of the members of Team DXD, leaving several injured, some even hospitalized, many assumed Dai would be able to stop him, but he failed to do so, furthermore, the man used a trick that turned Ingvild's singing against Dai or anyone that was dragon or have Dragon Based Sacred Gears. As a result instead of helping Them, it instead hurt them, which the entity seemed to be enjoying, a lot, especially when Dai was suffering.

In the aftermath, Ingvild realized that her singing actually was harming her friends, causing her to stop using it, since now she and many others deemed her Sacred Gear to be dangerous. This caused a great blow to her morale, because she loved singing. 

*Scene Change*

Underworld Conference Room, 6:00 AM

Many leaders had gathered here, in the conference room, that being from different factions, from the devils side, it was the Four Satans, Sirzechs Lucifer, Serafall Leviathan, Ajuka Beelzebub and Falbium Asmodeus, they were accompanied by Grayfia Lucifuge, Sirzechs's Queen. 

From the Angels side, was Archangel Michael, Seraph Gabriel and Seraph Raphael, they were accompanied by their escorts Griselda Quarta, and Irina Shidou.

From the Fallen Angels side, were the current Governor General Shemezai, along with cadres Azazel, Baraquiel and Pneumue. 

From the Youkai side, were Queen Yasaka and her daughter Kunou. 

From the Vampires, it was Elmenhide Karnstein and Valerie Tepes

From the Norse side, were the All Father Odin, his wife Freya, their sons Thor and Vidar, as well as the Valkyrie Göndul, who was Rosswiese's grandmother. 

From the Greek side, was God of Lightning Zeus, Goddess of Marriage Hera, God of the seas Poseidon, Virgin Goddess of the hunt Artemis,  and finally the Greek god of messages Hermes. 

From the Hindu Side, there was one member of the Trimurthi, that being Shiva, along with his wife Parvati, and the God of Thunder Indra, along with Shiva's escort Mahabali, although he hated being in the same room as Indra, he had to tolerate him for a few hours. 

And finally from Team DXD, were the current leader Dulio Gesualdo, Michael Joker, the sub-leader Sun Wukong, first generation, along with Rias's peerage, Sona's peerage, Seekvaria's peerage, Sairaorg's peerage and finally Dai's peerage, with Tobio Ikuse's Slashdog team, Yu Long, and Valery "Vali" Lucifer's team. 

"Is everyone here....?" Sirzechs asks gaining nods from most of them. 

"In that case, let us begin, I think you are familiar with the bald man's attack that had happened in the span of two months right?" Sirzechs asked with a grim tone. 

"We all are, Sirzechs, he took down the DXD team like they were like mere children" Azazel spoke with an annoyed tone, he was not happy with what had happened. 

"One is coincidence, two, that's an attack" Zeus gritted his teeth in anger, he then banged his table and shouted. 

"If he attacks another time, we might lose someone important" Zeus looked earning looks of shock and surprise. 

Understanding the situation, Michael spoke trying to calm Zeus down. 

"We understand the situation, but shouting will not help clear the matters, Lord Zeus..."

Michael's words managed to calm them down, while Zeus apologized for his actions, with his pantheon calming him down, just to make sure. 

"I tried dividing his power, but it did not work" Vali spoke with an irritated tone, she hated losing to him. This garnered everyone's attention

"He did not even fight against us seriously, we were just mere children to him" Dai spoke with a frustrated tone while clenching his fists. 

"He has somehow dealt with us, but even then, I did not sense any will of him to fight against us, despite us losing to him" Sun Wukong spoke seriously, causing Dai to grit his teeth in anger. 

"This being was able to possess an angel, use telekinesis and throw the DXD Team around like they were rag dolls, and use music of Miss Leviathan against you, he is not to be taken lightly" Athena spoke while pointing to the DXD Team. 

"I am sorry, had I not allowed him to mimic my songs, none of this would have happened" Ingvild spoke while putting her head down, she was guilty for being responsible for it. 

"It's not your fault, Ingvild, don't beat yourself for something you had no control on" Vali spoke while putting her hand on her, trying to calm her down.

Albion agreed to her carrier's words, however, Tobio did not have a look of tranquility, it was after he saw a recording that belonged to another of man's fight that had happened with someone he never expected. 

"Many of you might not believe but the only one that was able to face off against the man was Issei Hyoudou" Tobio spoke surprising many, everyone refused to believe that Issei would fight against him, let alone tie with him. 

"You're kidding, all he does is get in everyone's way!" Vali exclaimed angrily. 

"No, take a look!" Tobio showed the video recording. 

Everyone looked at the recording that Tobio had played on the Video Player, as they saw Issei himself face off against the man in the recording. 


"So you are the one that is getting in my way huh?" The man spoke from the screen, with Issei looking him dead in the eye. 

Issei removed a book, and from that two pair of wings appeared on his back, this was Divine Dividing, the man chuckled watching this, as he asked

"Divine Dividing huh? The gear of that girl, what makes you think that would work!" The man taunted Issei, however he was unaffected

"It might just work, who knows, it is just that Vali doesn't even have access to the full potential of the gear, I managed to unlock it." Issei spoke seriously, he then asked

"What should I call you, do you have a name?"

"Call me Malak, and today is going to be your end, Issei Hyoudou!" Malak spoke with a grin, despite it not being visible. 

(A/N: Ignore the lightsaber)

"Very well, then Malak, don't blame me for what happens, Balance Break"

Issei entered into his Balance breaker, it looked just like Vali's own Balance Breaker, Malak tried to use Telekinesis, but Issei had a simple Dagger, on his left side that nullified the Balance Break. 

"Dammit! You have that blade! That gear counters my Telekinesis!" Malak shouted angrily, as Issei started to use Divide on him, he started to lose his power. 

Issei went towards Malak, as he used a red blade to fight off against Issei, with the latter being surprisingly good with a sword, blocking most of the strikes and evading some of it with ease, he then slashed Malak, causing his grip to loosen. 

Issei ended the fight with a kick, as he dropped his blade, he was in his knees, as Issei pointed his blade to his neck and spoke

"Any last words...?"

"Just two, see you!"

With that Malak started to glow, forcing Issei behind, he then escaped a while later, there was no Malak or his blade with him, Issei looked at this and gritted his teeth and exclaimed


 Issei flew away using the wings, after Malak had escaped, the recording then stopped. 

[End of Recording....]

Many were shocked seeing this, however several were angry, especially Vali, Albion and Dai, Dai assumed that he should not deserve this power, while Albion and Vali were angry due to him having copied Divine Dividing to defeat him. When they failed to do so. 

"Damn him!!" Vali shouted angrily, her aura was radiating throughout the office, as Azazel shouted in response

"I know you are mad Vali, Albion, but please calm down, there is nothing we can do, it's all in the past!"

Vali looked at him, and calmed down moments later. She took a deep breath, and gritted her teeth while trying to control her anger, she was not happy with what happened. 

"It seems like the brat is hiding his true strength, he is more than what he is" Odin spoke while rubbing his chin, his tone was calm, but he was worried, about his strength, all this time, he was hiding it. 

"And there was no change in the system, he was able to copy one of the Longinus and it's abilities, not to mention, that book allowed him to copy the gear, we don't know what that is!" Michael spoke with annoyance, he was not happy with the fact that Issei had a Longinus like that, without him coming to know. 

But despite this, some found the recording to be off....especially those that were smart, like Elmenhide Karnstein, Ajuka Belzebub, Sona Sitri, Serafall Leviathan, and Azazel. Even Tobio and Athena were put off by the fight, as they knew that both of them seem to acting and were very good at it as well. Not to mention, everyone noticed the book seeing it for the very first time. 

"Is it just me or was this or a sort of an act..." Ajuka thought while both of them did not change their places when they fought. 

"Either way, I will be sending Grayfia to fetch Issei, he should be here in a few minutes, hopefully" Sirzechs spoke with a serious tone, with the latter leaving the room, the others could only wait for him to show up. 

"That disgrace of my brother, hid his real strength, from me, I will make him regret it!" Dai thought with anger and hatred, all he could do is wait for him to show up. 

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 7:00 PM

Issei was sitting on the roof of the residence, he looked at the Mortis Blade, it still needed to be worked upon, it was a sacred gear that can kill gods, he then spoke

"I need to work on this, the Gods are known to have strong vitality...." Issei spoke in a calm tone, he then remembered the camera that was present, signing he wondered how the factions would react when they found out abut this. 

"So many would want answers from me, I can imagine what will happen, especially with them..." Issei spoke coldly and the word 'them' was spoke with disgust. 

Moments later, a magic circle appeared, it was Grayfia Lucifuge, seeing him sitting on the roof, he gave a cold glare to her, and asked

"What do you want Grayfia?"

"Hyoudou, The Faction Leaders have asked you to come to the meeting..." Grayfia spoke with a serious tone, as Issei scoffed and responded

"If I don't come then, what will you do" Issei spoke with a mocking smile. 

""Then you give me no choice..." Grayfia was ready to bring him by force, Issei sighs in response, as a book comes in hand. 

"I can make a sacred gear that will siphon your powers away and I can use it for myself, you will be powerless without them, not to mention I can create another gear that can do same thing Malak did to the Seraph if I wanted to..." Issei spoke in a cold tone, as two claws appeared, he was ready to fight. 

Despite her neutral look, Grayfia had beads of sweat, she remembered the hallucinations that Malak put Gabriel through, she had a slight fear of what Issei will do to her. 

Issei, then remembered that this could be one of the ways he could free Nyx, but at the same time, he has to be careful, he did not trust any of the faction leaders, and they can try to remove the Book of Conceptual Records from him. 

"I need to make some security systems to the book, let's see how the factions will remove them from me..." Issei thought with a mocking grin, he looked at Grayfia, who was worried on what Issei will do to her, as he spoke

"Let's get this over with...." Issei spoke with a cold tone, he dispelled the book and the gears and headed with Grayfia to the meeting room. 

*Scene Change*

Underworld Conference Room, 7:30 AM

All the leaders in the room heard two footsteps approaching them, Dai hid his annoyance with a fake smile, while some gods look at him with curiosity. 

Issei looked at the scene with no interest, he looked at the floor, wanting to go home, and work on the Mortis Blade, it still needed some work to do so. 

"Thank you Grayfia, for bringing him here" Sirzechs spoke with a smile to his queen, with the latter nodding and leaving, he turned his attention to Issei who was not interested in even looking at them. 

"Brother, have some respect for the leaders!" Aika spoke clearly annoyed by her brother's attitude. 

Issei did not bother to hear his sister's voice, as Azazel spoke

"Boy, we need to ask you some questions about Malak, will you answer them?" Azazel asked in a serious tone

"No!" Issei responded while looking at the former Governor General dead in the eye. 

"You're not going to answer! Hyoudou, don't you realize how important this is!?" Sona spoke in a serious tone. 

"You want me to answer huh? What do I get in return?!" Issei spoke while thinking that this would be his chance to put forward his request. 

"Kid! You have no right to demand us for information!" Zeus exclaimed in an angered tone, he was about to get up, with Issei speaking with a chuckle. He showed no fear to the King of Olympus

"Information ain't cheap! You want me to tell you about Malak, you need to give me something valuable in return!" 

"It is just that he does not want to help his brother!" Asia spoke with a glare, she was not happy with what Issei had spoken, to which Issei smiled. 

"You are right on that one, my dear foster sister, I am not going to help anyone, till I get something valuable in return, and where the fuck is my diet coke, I ordered it 15 minutes ago!" Issei shouted in annoyance. 

Issei's words made many appalled by what he just spoke, everyone was shocked by his attitude, while the leaders were embarrassed at the Pillar of the faction's brother and his attitude. A few minutes later, a maid showed up, with a can, as Issei spoke with happiness. 

"Finally, my diet coke!"

Issei opened the can and drank a little to check it's taste, he looked at them and spoke

"Now we may continue with the negotiation or should everyone go home, your choice?" 

"Well-" Sirzechs spoke while rubbing his head, "What is that you want in return?"

"Hmm....let me think....I demand the release of the Primordial Goddess Nyx in return!" Issei spoke with a smile, the drink really refreshed his state. 

"I refuse!" Zeus responded in a cold manner, he hated Issei's attitude, and Issei spoke with a shrug

"Well then, you are on your own, with Malak."

"Are you crazy? She will control Ingvild and attack us!" Dai scolded his older brother, who didn't seem to care about the situation. 

"Not my monkeys! Not my circus! That is the price for the information!" Issei spoke with a glare, he hardly cared what happens to Ingvild at this point. 

"In that case, we can copy his memories to see about Malak!" Dai spoke with fury, as Issei responded

"Try it, Brother! I can make a gear making me immune to memory Siphoning!"

"You only thought of that because you are surrounded" Dai taunted Issei, with a mocking smile, however Issei was unaffected. 

"Then go ahead, I don't think your harem of monkeys will stop you!" Issei responded in a mocking tone, with Dai going ahead to do so, only to be stopped by Crom Crauch who manifested in the gear. 

"Don't do it! It's a trap" Crom spoke warning his host from making a stupid mistake, many were shocked by this, as Issei then spoke

"It seems like there are some smart people in this room" Issei spoke with a smile, as Crom responded

"Not to mention you are even hiding an ace up your sleeve." Crom spoke with a slightly worried tone. 

"I was trying to sleep, but they had to ruin it, don't they Crom Crauch" An unknown voice was heard, those that knew of the voice were shocked, as Azazel spoke with a shock. 

"You are the Red Dragon Emperor!" 

"Indeed I am, and before you ask, this is the original Boosted Gear, not a copy created by the Book!" Issei spoke with a smirk, as Rias asked

"B-but how....y-you only showed us your t-twice critical?"

"I saw no reason to show this to you never asked before...." Issei spoke with a neutral tone, they never bothered to ask him about his sacred gear, since Issei's manifested during his fight against Raynare, but reverted to it's twice critical form soon after the fight. 

Not to mention Dai took credit for beating the fallen angel, which made Issei lose Asia as well, as she saw Dai as her savior, not to mention Rias supported Dai's claims making Asia believe that Issei was just a perverted liar. 

"That's right crow and bat, my partner made the right choice of not telling you anything!" Ddraig spoke with a serious tone. 

Vali Lucifer connected the dots, if he was the Red Dragon Emperor, and if he never used his Sacred Gear in his fight against Malak, this meant that he was much more powerful than what he lets on. 

"And if we add that book, then.....we are done for...." Vali thought with fear, afraid of what Issei is capable of, she looked down upon him, and was worried on what he might do next. 

 "Since you have the gear, that makes you..." Zeus was interrupted when Vali spoke

"No you don't understand, he never used the Boosted Gear in his fight against Malak!" Vali spoke with fear, scared of what Issei was potentially capable of. 

"He is way above all of us....." Vali ended with a chilling message to everyone, they see Issei grinning maniacally. The desire of Vali to fight her eternal rival was gone. 

"That's right, with the Book of Conceptual Records, and the Boosted Gear, I am unstoppable! Hahahaaha!" Issei laughed maniacally, with many looking at him with shock and fear, "And watch this" Issei generated some fire, which when added cold, had no effect on the flames. 

"The Boosted Gear has no limiter...." Michael spoke with fear looking at the monster in front of him. 

Everyone understood at what Issei is capable of, they were worried on what he might do next. 

"Exactly" Issei spoke with a tone of innocence, as he continued, "Look, I just desire peace, that's all, but I can never have that because of him" 

Issei continued while giving Dai repeated glances, "Well, that was some meeting, I just want to live my life at tranquility, but I can't because you think I should serve you just because I wield the Boosted gear, and have the power to do so! Nothing is free, and you should no that."

Issei mentioned the obvious present to them, many did not know what to answer, as Zeus spoke

"You don't understand what's at stake here, innocent lives are going to die.....because of your selfishness...." Zeus spoke while gritting his teeth, several of the leaders agreed to Zeus. 

"Like I said, all you need to do is accept my offer and the information is yours" Issei spoke with a smile.

"And besides there are people that have betrayed the factions for more information right, Azazel?" Issei spoke looking towards Azazel and Vali who both couldn't help but agree to his points. 

"Look brother, stop your arrogant attitude, and help us" Aika scolded him to which Issei scoffed, and responded, "You are challenging me?"

Aika gulped in nervousness, her brother was not to be meddled with, Issei then continued. 

"I have heard enough, stop this attitude, stop that attitude, well I will stop, cause you ain't getting anything from me, like I said before not my monkeys, not my circus, your problems are no longer mine, you can do what you want." Issei headed outside, using a ring he had created that allows him to create portals. 

Issei turned his head to the side and spoke with a cold tone, "Just let me know when you change your mind, kay? You know what to do if you need the information"

Issei teleported back, leaving several angry at what happened, especially Dai and Zeus, they were helpless, as Issei gave them a clear message. 

"Either you accept my deal or suffer death and destruction"

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for the prologue, the next chapter, will be the aftermath of the story)

(A/N(2): This is a new writing style I wanted to try, let me know if this wants to be kept or you want the old style)

(A/N(3): Valery "Vali" Lucifer's appearance is based on Mirajane Strauss from Fairy Tail, she will play an important role later on)

(A/N(4): More of Crom Crauch and Tiamat's past as well as their fates will be explored in a future chapter, and how did they get sealed in a sacred gear.)

(A/N(5): Malak's appearance is based on Darth Malak from Star Wars: KOTOR, he is one of my favorite Sith Lords)

(A/N(6): Any opening suggestions for this story?)

Please let me know what you think, and I will catch y'all later



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