A Flamboyant Firebender (OC F...

By Thaiph_Kaard

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Azula is sent by Firelord Ozai to capture prince Iroh and Zuko, recent traitors to the Fire Nation. For this... More

00 - Character Intro
01 - Prologue
02 - A New Uzu
03 - Flamboyant
04 - A New Home
05 - Flamboyant Flames
06 - Swordmaster Piandao
Short Story: Tattoo
Short Story: Lightning Bending
Sidestory: Tears
07 - Omashu
08 - King Bumi
Short Story - Friendship
09 - Apart
Side Story - A Grumpy Prince

10 - On a Journey

690 51 15
By Thaiph_Kaard

Ayo! Sup! Boy it's been a while since I've updated this fanfic, but here we are! Enjoy!


Two years.

It's been TWO years since Iroh left with unflamboyant prince Zuko, and Uzu is bored out of her mind.

None of the servants in Iroh's estate even serve a remote challenge in Paisho or sparring. The only challenges Uzu faces is when she visits Sword Master Piandao, or Jeong Jeong, another master of the White Lotus in the Fire Nation.

Piandao rarely beats Uzu in Paisho, but he is certainly a challenge for Uzu. His sword skills are also extremely impressive, even able to cut through Uzu's flames, she'll have to remember him if she ever decides to pick up swordplay.

Jeong Jeong meanwhile, was a different story. In the few games of Paisho they've played, Jeong Jeong proved to be a very annoying opponent for Uzu. 

He sees through nearly every single trap that Uzu lays, and plays so slowly and conservatively it makes Uzu want to smash her head against the board. Uzu is the better one in skill, but Jeong Jeong still wins the majority of the time because his strategies often counter hers.

In sparing though, Uzu has learned that she still has a long way to go. Jeong Jeong's control of firebending is superior to even Iroh's, his discipline leaves Uzu in awe.

After seeing (with much convincing) Jeong Jeong's display of firebending, Uzu demanded that he teach her his ways. Jeong Jeong stubbornly refused, but Uzu was even more stubborn, and got her way.

The training proved to be very fruitful, Uzu learning to be much better at controlling her fire bending. She wasn't quite able to make perfectly square walls of fire like Jeong Jeong could, but she was close.

The most important thing she learned from Jeong Jeong however, was flying, and she loved it. She would spend hours inside the estate simply floating by constantly repelling herself into the air with her purple flames.

It looked pretty Flamboyant if she could say so herself, Jeong Jeong was a great teacher.

Now that Uzu thinks about it, the only master she hadn't met yet was Pakku of the water tribe, though they have contacted each other via letters.

She had been contacting many people via letters lately, she especially was excited for the letters that Iroh delivered to her once every month, they always put her into a good mood.

Mai and Tylee were also sending her letters every now and then since they left the Fire Nation.

Mai had gone to the recently capitulated Omashu with her family to take control of it. Pretty much every letter outlined how boring it was and how she hated her life.

'Uzu, Omashu is boring. Everyone is sad. I hate it. Mai'

Tylee meanwhile had decided to differentiate herself from her many siblings by joining a circus troupe. Her letters always contained bubbly comments about new tricks she performs and cute little stories about her life.

It was as Uzu was reminiscing about her letters that a servant knocked on her door. "Lady Uzu, Princess Azula wishes to speak with you." she intoned.

"Bring her in!" Uzu ordered with a smile.

Azula walked into the room with her signature confident smile. "Good day Uzu, I trust you've been doing well-" she was cut off by Uzu ramming into her with a hug.

"Azula! How've you been?!" Uzu asked.

"Mmph! Get off me this instant!" Azula demanded.

Uzu complied with a wide grin, "So what brings you here to my Flamboyant abode? Ready to fight me again the epic combat of Paisho?" 

"No, I don't play games for old coots." Azula denied, "I've come here to gain your assistance in hunting my traitorous older brother and uncle." Azula explained with a smirk.

"Oooo, I can't wait, I've always wanted to engage in Flamboyant combat with them." Uzu remarked, then suddenly shot up. "Wait, Zuko and Iroh have gone traitor?!" she exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, they fought against the Fire Nation army invading the Northern Water Tribe, on the same side as the Avatar." Azula explained. "Now they are hiding in the Earth Kingdom, but luckily a spy has managed to find their location."

"Hmmmmm..." Uzu hummed. 'I guess Iroh is really committed to protecting Zuko. I could just stay here and let this play out... but I really wanna see Iroh again. Besides, someone's gotta vouch for him if he gets captured.'

"Okay! Let's do this! It's so drab and unflamboyant in this place anyways." Uzu agreed. "Wait, what about Mai and Tylee? Are you getting them too?" Uzu asked.

Azula smirked, "But of course, I'm not so arrogant as to believe I can take both Uncle and Zuzu alone. The power of friendship and all that." 

"Yes! The Flamboyant power of friendship will triumph over all! Hahaha!" Uzu boomed, "Flashy! Flammable! Flawless! Flamboyant! They'll be in awe of the splendour of our Flamboyant Quadrio!" Uzu cheered.

Azula merely sighed, "Yes, yes. We're departing to the Earth Kingdom in 2 days. Make sure you're ready." 

"I will! I'll even bring my mysterious yet Flamboyant fighting clothes!" Uzu affirmed ethusiasm.n

"Wear what makes you happy. I'm excited to see how much you've improved in firebending." Azula said with a smirk. "Anyways, I must get going. I have much to prepare for."

As Azula left the room, Uzu looked at her with a fond smile. 'Jeez Azula, you're always so indirect in showing how you care for people.' 


"Bow before Princess Azula!" the captain shouted as they were aboard the ship. All the soldiers, who were in two lines, got to their hands and knees and bowed as the curtains opened up, revealing 4 soldiers carriering an elaborate crate thing (what are they called?) with Azula inside.

Two soldiers opened the curtain, and Azula stepped out from her mini throne. Azula walked down the steps of the ship, "My brother and Uncle have disgraced the Firelord, and have brought shame to all of us. You may have mixed feelings about attacking a member of the royal family, I understand."

Azula stopped, "But I assure you, if you hesitate. I will not hesitate to bring you down. Dismissed." she finished as all the soldiers returned to their various posts.

The captain and Uzu then ran up behind Azula, one with far less formality and respect than the other. "Princess, I'm afraid the tides will not allows us to bring the ship into port before nightfall." the captain reported.

"I'm sorry captain I do not know much about the tides. Can you explain something to me?" Azula questioned.

"Of course you highness." the captain replied.

"Do the tides command this ship?" Azula asked.

"I-uh. I'm afraid I don't understand." the captain replied calmly.

"You said the tides will not allow us to bring the ship in. Do the tides command this ship?" Azula asked again with a more threatening tone.

"No princess." the captain replied nervously.

"And if I threw you overboard, would the tide think twice before throwing you ashore?" Azula questioned, looking out to the sea.

"No princess."

Azula flicked a bang, "Maybe you should worry less about the tides who have already made their mind up about killing you, and worry more about me, who's still mulling it over." Azula threatened with a glare.

"I'll pull us in." the captain responded, running back inside the ship with Azula's glare still on him.

"Woah Azula, I never thought you'd be so mad over what happened earlier." Uzu remarked with an easy going grin.

"I just want this trip to go perfectly, we don't need to bow down to some measly tides." Azula sneered.

"Yeaaaaahhh, sure. You sure it wasn't because of his attitude before you sparred with him? Or maybe because you hate waiting on boats for weeks?" Uzu teased.

If Azula was being honest, Uzu was right. The captain was actually quite hostile at first, only seeing Azula and Uzu as pampered royals and nobility respectively. Azula quickly proved him wrong after a sarcastic remark on his end.

Also, if she had to spend one more day only seeing ocean, she was going to burn something.

However, royals weren't petty, so Azula would admit to nothing.

"That has nothing to do with anything." Azula dismissed.

"Right." Uzu rolled her eyes. "Anyways, what's the plan? Surely you have something more than just fighting them?" 

Azula smirked, "But of course, we're going to approach them in a friendly manner first. I'll tell Zuzu that father wants him home, probably say some lie about how family needs to stick together and all that." 

"What about Iroh? Surely he wouldn't fall for that?" Uzu asked.

"Valid point, but he's been following Zuko for... exactly 3 years now. I doubt he'll stop now." Azula reassured.

"Eh, fair enough. Not the flashiest way to go about it, but I can't complain." Uzu agreed.

The boat suddenly tumbled from the tides, Azula glared at the water angrily, "I swear to Agni if this boat shakes one more time I'm gonna-"


Azula took a deep breath, then did slow but sure arm motions, electricity crackling from her finger tips. She then shot the lightning into the sky, a single strand of hair getting in her face.

"Almost perfect." Lo? said.

"One hair out of place." Li? said.

Azula glared at the strand of hair like it personally offended her, "Almost isn't good enough." she grumbled.

Uzu, who was watching nearby, walked up to Azula. "Sheesh Azula, your so pent up. You should try relaxing. Anger isn't Flamboyant y'know?"

"I can't be a worthy princess by relaxing." Azula replied angrily. "I must be perfect."

"That's Flamboyantly admirable, but being angry at your imperfections is imperfect itself. Especially with lightning bending, which requires you to calm your heart." Uzu lectured.

"Ugh, I see Uncle's lecturing habits haven't left you yet." Azula snarled.

"Flamboyantly true! But you should know that relaxing is also important to being perfect. Afterall, pent up stress leads to imperfections." Uzu said with a smug smirk.

"I hate it how your right." Azula said with a sigh, her shoulders sagging slightly.

"Of course I'm Flamboyant!" Uzu beamed.

"No, I said righ- I shouldn't bother." Azula said, giving up on correcting Uzu.


Iroh dumped a bag of shells onto a table, "Look at these magnificent shells. I'll enjoy these keepsakes for years to come." he said with a smile. 

Zuko walked up behind him, "We don't need anymore useless things. You forget, we have to carry everything ourselves now." he scolded.

"Hello brother, Uncle." Azula suddenly interjected from the other side of the room sitting in a chair.

"Hello!" Uzu waved from a chair next to her.

Iroh and Zuko glared at Azula in suspicion, "What are you doing here?"

"In my country, we exchange a pleasant hello before asking questions." Azula scolded, standing up from her chair.

"You still have that unflamboyant emo act going on?" Uzu asked, flipping a Paisho lotus tile with her thumb out of disinterest.

"How dare you!" Zuko roared.

"To what do we owe this honour?" Iroh asked, sending a small smile to Uzu, which was returned immediately.

"Hm... must be a family trait, bother of you so quick to get to the point." Azula snarled as she broke a sea shell between her nails. "I've come with a message from home, father's changed his mind, family is suddenly very important to him." she explained.

"He's heard rumours of plans to overthrow him, trecherous plots. Family are the only ones you can really trust." Azula said, she then looked away in what might seem like sorrow, but Uzu recognized it as guilt. Truth be told, Azula doesn't actually want to imprison Zuko, but she can't disobey the Firelord.

"Father regrets your banishment, he wants you home." Azula finished, Zuko merely looked through a window in deep thought.

"Finally, I've been so bored alone in your mansion, Iroh." Uzu sighed dramatically, muttering 'so unflamboyant.'

"Did you hear me? You should be happy, excited, grateful. I just gave you great news." Azula said with a smile.

Iroh put his hands up placatingly, "I'm sure your brother just needs a moment-"

"Don't interrupte Uncle!" Azula yelled. 'Wow, she must really hate boats.' Uzu thought. "I still haven't heard my thank you. I'm not a messenger, I didn't have to come all this way." Azula scolded impatiently. 'Yep, really hates boats.'

"Father regrets? He... wants me back?" Zuko asked in disbelief, and a little hope.

"I can see you need time to take this in, I'll come to call on you tomorrow. Good evening" Azula said walking out the door.

"And so I make my Flamboyant exit, Bye!" Uzu shouted gleefully as she marched out the door after Azula.


Zuko was pacing with clothing to be packed for his return. "We're going to be home, after 3 years! It's unbelievable." Zuko said with genuine relief and happiness.

"It is unbelivable, I've never known my brother to regret anything." Iroh said with a hand on his chin.

"Right?" Uzu said, hopping into the room from a window.

"Uzu?! What are you doing here?!" Zuko asked, immediately on guard.

"Wow, so cold. You do realize that me and Iroh are close?" Uzu said with a raised eyebrow. "I haven't seen him in person for 3 years."

"I'm happy to see you again Uzu, how have you been?" Iroh asked with a returned smile.

"I've been doing rather Flamboyantly myself. Still can't beat Jeong Jeong consistently though..." Uzu grumbled at the end.

Iroh chuckled in amusement, "He certainly perfected control in Paisho as much as his Firebending."

"It's crazy! He's such an annoyingly Flamboyant player! I wanna rip my hair out every time." Uzu exclaimed.

"I don't care about your dumb Paisho games, Uncle, help me pack so we can get going first thing in the morning." Zuko ordered with a glare.

"Zuko, don't you think this is a little too convinient?" Iroh asked skeptically.

"Didn't you listen to Azula?" Zuko said defensively, "Father's realized how important family is to him. He cares about me!" Zuko exclaimed.

Uzu looked at Zuko incredulously like he grew a second head. The Firelord cares about him? He actually bought that crap from Azula? That's quite the dedication to his father, Uzu'll give him that much.

"I care about you." Iroh argued passionately. Iroh looked genuinely upset at Zuko's naivety, but Uzu knew it was only because he cared for the young prince. He wouldn't have stuck by Zuko's side for 3 years otherwise.

"And if Ozai wants you back... well, I think it may not be for the reasons you imagine." Iroh reproached.

"You don't know how my father feels about me!" Zuko snarled, turning away from Iroh. "You don't know anything!"

"Zuko..." Iroh softened his voice, "I only meant that, in our family, things are not always what they seem." he tried to warn.

"I think your exactly what you seem." Zuko turned around angrily. "a lazy, mistrustful, shallow old man who's always been jealous of his brother!"


Uzu understood that Zuko went through a lot, she really did. But seeing this, Zuko insulting the one man who stuck with him for 3 years simply because he didn't want Zuko to be alone. How could he slander Iroh like that? It was really hard to reign in her anger.

"Zuko... please think this through. Iroh only wants to help-" Zuko cut her off.

"Stay out of this! This is between family! You wouldn't understand!" Zuko yelled.

Uzu and Iroh froze at his words. Even though Uzu knew she shouldn't take his words seriously, Uzu felt very hurt by them. She felt her expression fall, earily similar to how she was from before.

"Of course I couldn't understand. But if even someone without a family could see how much your Uncle cares about you. Then you must be blind." Uzu spoke coldly.

Uzu turned around and closed the door silently, which felt so much louder than how she usually leaves.


"Is something the matter, Uzu?" Azula asked. The two of them along with all the other Firenation soldiers were waiting for Zuko and Iroh to arrive to their warship. "You seem unnaturally quiet." she observed.

"I visited the two of them last night, to catch up with Iroh before they were imprisoned." Uzu said, anger seeping into her voice, "Good news, Zuko believes in you so much that he insulted my lack of a family." she spat.

"He what?!" Azula shouted in anger. Azula was starting to reconsider bargaining with her father to lighten Zuko's punishment.

Before Azula could say anything more however, Uzu spoke up. "They're coming." she pointed towards an approaching Iroh and Zuko.

Zuko was looking towards Azula as he walked with hope. Meanwhile Iroh was subtly glancing around suspiciously, clearly awaiting a trap as they walked between the two lines of soldiers.

"Brother, Uncle, Welcome." Azula and the two others bowed in greeting, "I'm so glad you decided to come." Azula said with a smile.

The soldiers then got into formation and the captain spoke up, "Are we ready to depart, your highness?" he asked.

"Set our course for home, captain." Azula ordered.

"Home..." Zuko muttered dazedly.

"You heard the princess!" the captain boomed, "raise the anchors, we're bringing the prisoners home!" Everyone froze, Azula looked at the captain with wide eyes, before glaring at him. "Your highness, I..."

Zuko looked shocked. 

But while everyone was staring dumbly, Iroh started punching and kicking soldiers off the bridge to the ship, Zuko immediately following. "You lied to me!" he roared.

Uzu saw Azula pause for a brief moment, but then she scoffed, "Like I've never done that before." 

"Azula." Uzu spoke.

"Yes, Uzu?" she asked.

"Let me handle Zuko." Uzu requested, all emotion gone from her voice.

"Sure, don't kill him and all." Azula waved as she walked back.

Zuko created two flames at the bottom of his fists, and then charged towards Uzu. Uzu dodged out of the way of a swing, and then punched Zuko in the gut. "Ack!" Zuko sputured, but continued his assault anyways.

Uzu continued to dodge and weave out of every swing Zuko tried to throw. Realizing this wasn't going anywhere, Zuko suddenly kicked Uzu to gain some distance and punch a flame towards her.

Uzu merely dodged to the right of the flame, Azula dispersing it as it was also on course towards her. Zuko then swung his fist in a wide arc, making dodging left and right impossible, but Uzu suprised Zuko by jumping over the flame with a Firebending propelled leap.

"Zuko, let's go! Now!" Iroh shouted from the bottom of the bridge.

Zuko shot more blasts of flame towards Uzu, who jumped over again right infront of Zuko. Zuko remade a flame dagger and swung at Uzu again, but she caught his wrist. Uzu silently glared at Zuko with harmful intent.

Sensing what was to come, Zuko broke off the hold clumsily and managed to dodge a wave of purple flames that was aimed towards him. "Your fire is purple?!" Zuko shouted in both shock and anger as he fell to the floor.

Uzu scoffed, "You didn't know? I suppose you were too self-centered to pay attention to others even before your banishment." 

"Uzu! I'm firing!" Azula warned as she was in the middle of summoning lightning from her fingertips.

With incredible reaction time Uzu managed to jump out of the way before Azula fired. Except it didn't come as Iroh caught Azula's hand and re-directed the lighting to a nearby cliff across the water.

Wasting no time, Iroh immediately threw Azula overboard. "Azula!" Uzu shouted as she ignored Zuko in favour of rescuing her friend.

Uzu propelled herself with her flames and jumped overboard to Azula, who had just resurfaced for air. She dove into the water and grabbed Azula by the waist, wasting no time to propel herself back on the ship.

Unfortunately she lost control of her movements when Azula coughed out some water suddenly, the jerk putting Uzu off balance. It nearly caused them to fall back in the water, but Uzu managed to control her flames on her feet in time to fly back up.

By the time they were on the ship again, Iroh and Zuko were running at the bottom of the mountain next to the port.

"Azula! Are you alright?!" Uzu asked in concern as Azula coughed.

"I'm *cough* fine." Azula assured. "But rest assured, this is a minor set-back." Azula said with a smirk. "*cough*"



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