Natasha Romanoff OneShots

By romanoffxwanda

439K 9.1K 2.3K

(cover by @rxmqnvff) Requests Open! Fluff/Angst Also includes Flo/ Yelena More

Hoodie - NR
Photos - NR
Snuggles - NR
Sea Cows - NR
Rain - NR
Time - SJ
Texts - NR
Enough (1) - NR
Enough (2) - NR
failure - NR
pressure - NR
preferences - NR
fireworks - NR
uno - NR
under control (1) - NR
under control (2) - NR
no where to run (1) - NR
no where to run (2) - NR
no where to run (3) - NR
halloween preferences - NR
fluff alphabet - NR
new haircut - FP
candles - NR
protective - NR
red - SJ
she needs you there - NR
momma Nat - NR
momma Nat (2) - NR
bipolar - NR
bipolar (2) - NR
for her - YB
relationship strain (1) - SJ
relationship strain (2) - SJ
I loved her so much - YB
c.h.r.i.s.t.m.a.s - NR
quicksand - NR
that mom right there?- NR
that mom right there (2) - NR
that mom right there (3) - NR
sick - NR
anxiety - SJ
ghost of you - NR
girl next door - NR
starry night - NR
starry night (2) - NR
dance - NR
incorrect quotes - NR
cooking with flo - FP
midnight - NR
back in time - NR
my baby - NR
headcannons - NR
my warrior - NR
my warrior - NR (2)
spiralled - SJ
jealousy, jealousy - NR
duckies - NR
duckies - NR (2)
kitty kitty - NR
back in time - NR (2)
lazy mornings - NR
Disneyland - NR
night rides - NR
squeak squeak - NR
so close yet so far - NR
promises - NR
so close yet so far - NR (2)
cactus - NR
i will rescue you - NR
double the trouble - NR
wattpad - NR
Double The Trouble (2) - NR
so close yet so far - NR (3)
lost in the fire - NR

double the trouble - NR (3)

2.5K 64 15
By romanoffxwanda

You asked for it... so I decided to write another part. This isn't really following straight on, but also it kinda does. Just this cute little AU that you guys seem to love so much.

I will not tolerate Bucky slander btw. I love him so much, so although he did shit things in this oneshot, I still love him.

warnings: none
word count: 5.3K (it's a long one!)


Y/n and Isla wandered down the hallway in the direction of the cafeteria, their friendship group surrounding them as they all chatted and laughed now that classes were over. Maria was fiddling with the end of Y/n's braid as she walked beside her best friend and she made sure not to tug it too hard.

As they entered through the huge double doors, Isla let out a little sound and sprinted away, darting around the tables as she spotted the head of blue and black braids sitting on an almost empty table. She launched herself onto her girlfriend's lap and looped her arms around her neck as they met with a kiss, making the rest of the group groan with huge grins plastered on their faces.

"They're so perfect it hurts my soul." Maria commented to Y/n who just smirked. The group filled in the rest of the seats around Valkyrie's table, throwing their backpacks down as their shoulders ached from the weight of all their books.

"Lovebirds, no making out at the dinner table." Clint said, sending Isla a glare as she stuck her middle finger up and shoved her tongue in Valkyrie's mouth. Clint yelled out and stood up from his chair. He may hate their PDA but it would never take away from his monstrous appetite. Especially not on pizza day.

Y/n pulled out her boxed lunch, curtesy of Wanda and her love of making lunch for her girls. She knew exactly what she'd find; last night's pasta salad leftovers, some strawberries and blueberries and a small container of cheezits. Nat had slipped a little note and Y/n couldn't help but make a face at how cute her moms were. It didn't matter that she was almost a senior, homemade lunches would always be her favourite.

She noticed a hand sneak to steal a cheezit, but Y/nknew there was no stopping Maria. She was the group's food thief, so everyone was used to it by now.

"Hey Y/n," Steve called from across the table, grabbing the redhead's attention. "Where's Bucky?"

"He texted to say something came up. Not sure what though." They'd only been officially dating for two months, but Y/n still felt butterflies in her stomach whenever he was around. He was the perfect gentleman; picking her up from events, opening doors for her, surprising her with bunches of flowers whenever they went on a date.

Y/n was completely head over heels in love and it made her smile so much brighter. Clint joked that she was like Aurora and that animals would start following her wherever she went and if she started singing.

As they chatted their way through the lunch hour, Y/n's phone started buzzing like mad, almost vibrating so hard it fell off the cafeteria table. She was chatting to Maria so ignored the messages, knowing whoever it was could wait.

"Aren't you gonna check that?" Maria asked, scooping up another forkful of pasta. Y/n just shook her head and shrugged, her mouth full of food so she couldn't talk. "Wow. You've got some serious self control."

"If it bothers you that much then you can check it," Y/n said as she swallowed, reaching for her water bottle. She and Maria were really close, so her seeing messages on her phone was no issue. They were the kind of friends where nothing was TMI.

Maria reached for her phone and tapped the screen as Y/n got elbowed in the ribs by her sister who was still perched on Valkyrie's lap. Isla was asking to trade her blackberries for Y/n's strawberries, who was not at all impressed.

Their sisterly banter distracted attention from Maria, who had all colour drained from her face as she stared at Y/n's phone in horror. Her thumb was hovered over the screen and she didn't dare to take her eyes off the screen, not even with Clint's strange laugh.

"Hey Hill, you look like you've seen a ghost!" Valkyrie called, everyone turning their head to the brunette.

Y/n frowned. "You okay Ria?" Maria looked up at her and then over at Isla who was just smiling widely.

"Yeah I'm ok. I just remembered I've got some homework to finish before class. Sorry." She grabbed her backpack and shoved the rest of her food into it but Y/n seized her wrist, making her pause.

"What happened? What did you see?" Maria had a death grip on Y/n's phone and didn't seem to want to let go. "Maria, I need to know. Show me."

"No it was nothing. Just one of those texts from Bucky, you know how he texts."

Y/n narrowed her eyes. "Bucky doesn't text like that during school because he knows you're always on my phone. So show me what you saw."

Maria's eyes darted to Isla who's smile had dropped into a look of concern. She slid off her girlfriend's lap and rounded the table, taking the phone from Maria over her shoulder.

It was as if thunderclouds had darkened the sky when Isla saw what was on the screen. Her green eyes turned stormy and her fingertips were going white with how hard she gripped the small device. Her reaction had caused the table to be silent and Y/n pulled her lip in between her teeth, trying to pull her phone from her sister's hand.

But Isla held it up out of her reach before slamming it down hard on the table.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him!" She yelled, grabbing her back and swinging it over her shoulder, almost knocking out a freshman behind her as she did so.

Y/n swiped her phone from the table and punched in her password, hands shaking from what she might find. But she didn't have to search far, as her phone unlocked a single picture filled the entire screen and turned her mouth sour.

Bucky's side profile graced her screen, which wasn't uncommon as her lock screen was a picture of him and her kissing. But this time it wasn't her that his lips were pressed against. It was a senior girl, someone Y/n had seen at her mom's studio last year.

Blonde, tall, tanned, it was almost disgusting cliche. But the picture didn't stay in focus for long before it became fuzzy by the tears welling in her eyes. Everyone had crowded around her and had taken a look at the phone, Steve punching the top of the table as he grunted about his best friend.

Isla was being held back by Valkyrie, angry tears streaming down her face as she ranted in fury. The twins may tease each other and drive each other insane, but when it came down to it, they would do anything for the other. Which included getting revenge on stupid boyfriends.

Y/n looked at the picture for a few more seconds before clicking her phone off and sliding it into her pocket. She didn't speak and her face remained neutral as she took a sip of water, eyes remaining fixed on the table.

"Y/n?" Maria asked, slightly scared at her best friend's silence. The redhead slipped her backpack onto her shoulders and turned to leave but Isla grabbed her shoulder.

"Hey, you okay?" It was a stupid question but her sister's silence was starting to scare her. Her mom did the same when she was upset; Y/n was almost Natasha's carbon copy. "Y/n?"

"I'm fine." The shortest sentence with the least amount of truth. Isla looked at Maria with a concerned look and they both surrounded her so she couldn't rush away.

"No you're not. You can't trick me." Y/n looked her sister in the eye and only then did Isla see the tears balancing on her waterline, the green irises looking extra vibrant. "Talk to me."

That was all it took. The tough front she'd tried to put up came crumbling down and her forehead fell onto her sister's shoulder, whole body shaking with sobs.

Isla froze for a moment but wrapped her arms around her sister and Maria rubbed her back, letting her know he was there. Isla tried to channel Wanda, knowing she was the best at comforting her daughters whenever they needed it.

"What did I do wrong?" Y/n cried into her sister's shirt, holding on really tightly.

"You did nothing wrong. He is a dick who doesn't realise what he had when he has it," Maria spoke into her ear. "You're too good for him babe."

"Clearly I'm not if he went off with her!" She spat, lifting her head and catching Clint's gaze. "I just-" she let out a sound that was somewhere between a groan and a roar and Isla winced as it was right by her ear.

Maria suddenly turned her head, eyes bulging out of her head. "Hey Y/n, let's go to the bathroom. More privacy there." The redhead was still crying but protested, not feeling like she wanted to go anywhere.

"I can't. If I see him, I-," her breath hitched as she spoke, crying making it hard to breathe. "I don't know where it went wrong. He kissed me this morning! He told me he loved me, he promised to take me on a date later and now-" that was enough to cut her off from talking and her bottom lip trembled, breaking everyone's hearts around her.

Surrounding tables had turned to look away from Y/n towards the double doors at the far end of the room, everyone watching one thing.


He was strolling through the tables with his backpack on one strap on his shoulder, unsure as to why everyone was staring at him. But his determined steps were soon halted by Steve, who placed his hand on Bucky's chest to stop him.

But it was too late. Y/n had looked up and locked her eyes on him, seeing the boy she loved having forceful words with Steve, his brow furrowed.

She completely froze. Maria was trying to get her attention, as was Isla and the rest of the group, but she was glued to the ground. Her body wanted to run but her brain was in overdrive, emotions clouding every function and blocking out the rest of the world.

She could just see Bucky and she hated it. She didn't want to do it, but she retreated into Natasha's bad habits, ones she'd picked up when she was younger and watching her mother struggle on her bad days.

She hauled the wall up in her mind and blocked everything else out. She shrugged off her sister's hands, Maria's too, and adjusted her bag on her shoulder.

"I'm gonna go find Miss Potts. I need to talk to her about the English assignment." This time she didn't wait for a response, storming off down the cafeteria as far away as possible from Bucky as she could be. Students started whispering amongst each other as she passed, but she didn't hear. She didn't care. Not anymore. She didn't care about anything.

She had 20 minutes until the end of lunch, so she kept walking with no true destination in mind. The football fields were pretty empty so she climbed up onto the bleachers and settled with her arms crossed over her knees, resting her chin on her forearms.

She wanted to process, to think everything over but her mind was empty. She had made herself numb in an alarmingly short space of time. It was dangerous but she didn't know what else to do. She'd never been through a breakup before. Or been cheated on. Had never even opened her heart up to anyone like she had to Bucky. And there wasn't a doubt that she would ever do that again either.

She spaced out and time flew really quickly. Science as last period. A boring class but her friends were in it, so it wasn't too bad. Except now she didn't want to talk to anyone. But she didn't have to. She just needed to get through the day and then she could have her whole night.

Technically it was a dance night for Y/n, but she didn't even want to dance anymore. So she wasn't going to. Not tonight.

She made her way slowly to the science laboratories and saw the bright red hair of her sister in amongst the crowd. She didn't bother walking up to them, knowing they'd come to her. And they did, checking over her to see if she was ok. But Y/n just shrugged which frustrated Isla.

"Stop trying to play it off Y/n," she exclaimed, trying to get through to her twin. "I know what you're doing. And mom won't be happy at all." She leaned down to whisper that in her ear, which made Y/n's eyes suddenly lock on hers. "Don't give me that look. You know as well as I do."

"Then don't tell her." Her voice was dull and flat, a total change from her usual bright and cheery tone.

"Y/n don't be stupid, you know I have to do that." Isla looked at her sister for a longer moment, her eyes softening. "Don't shut it out. You know what happened-"

She was interrupted by their teacher calling everyone into class. Isla didn't finish her sentence, only squeezing her sister's hand before disappearing into her seat on the other side of the room. 

Maria sank into her chair, trying to act as normal as she could. She showed Y/n a funny video and made a joke about their teacher's bright green shirt. Y/n smiled but it was clearly fake. She felt bad for acting like this around Maria, but she understood why.

Her final classes went by quickly. She wasn't paying attention and her paper stayed empty from the beginning to the end. Maria slipped her an extra set of notes after watching how her pen wasn't even retrieved from her pencil case. As they walked out of class, Maria pulled Y/n into a tiny hug, not wanting to exchange any words.

Y/n knew the meaning of her affection and she secretly welcomed it, even if she wanted to push Maria aside.

"Text me if you need me, okay? And if I see that douchebag I'll..." she mimed a boxing action which made the redhead smile slightly.

"Y/n I'll give you a lift to dance." Usually Bucky took her, but there was no way she was even stepping foot anywhere near his car.

"I'm not going," she replied shortly, making Isla and Maria share a look. "I just want to go home."

"But Y/n-"

"I want to go home Isla. You can either drive or I'll walk." She adjusted her bag straps on her shoulder and turned away, marching down the hallway with her green eyes ice cold. Even the freshmen she usually smiled at were ignored and people skirted nervously around her.

"Fuck fuck fuck," Isla muttered, watching her sister walk away.

Maria placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded encouragingly. "Go. She needs you."

Isla hesitated, checking her phone. "Can you find Val? I said I would meet her-"

"I will. She'll understand." Isla smiled and then took off, her track history coming in handy as she sprinted off down the hallway.


"Y/n! Get in the car!" Isla had spotted the black hood of her sister walking down the sidewalk and she pulled over, driving along side her. But Y/n ignored her, keeping her head down. "Fucks sake Y/n! Get in the car!"

"Just leave me alone Isla."

"No. You can push everyone else away but you don't get to push me away." She checked the cars around her and shoved her own into park, jumping out and running over. "What happened to sticking together?"

"I don't care." That was the wrong thing to say and she knew it.

"Okay that's it." Isla grabbed her sister's arm and dragged her all the way back to the car, opening the door and lifting her onto the seat despite Y/n's protests to get away. It looked funny from the outside but neither of them were laughing. They were both pissed.

"Look, I get that you're mad," Isla began as she pulled onto their street, "but you cannot and will not get over this if you push everyone away." Y/n stayed silent, staring out of the window. "So talk to me."

"Please don't." Y/n really wasn't in the mood for talking; she thought that was evident. But her twin's persistent nature carried through strong, even if Y/n didn't break.

Isla had really tried to push to get information, at least something. But as she rolled into their driveway and Y/n had only sunk further into her seat with tears trickling down her face, she felt dejected.

"You won't be able to avoid it with Mom or Mama, you know. They're gonna ask- or I'm gonna tell them."

"Okay," was all that came as a reply before Y/n slammed her door shut and walked up the front steps. Isla watched her as a few spots of rain fell onto her windscreen. She puffed out her cheeks and let out a sigh before following the hunched figure, making sure to lock her car.

Wanda was in the middle of changing the bedsheets when she heard the front door close. She knew it was Isla and so didn't rush to greet her as a pair of feet sounded up the stairs. But they didn't come towards her, which wasn't unusual as the bathroom was in the opposite direction.

As she was replacing the pillowcases, a bright ringtone came from her dresser and Natasha's contact came into view. Wanda frowned but answered all the same, knowing she was calling from the middle of Y/n's private lesson.

"Hey Nat, is everything okay?"

"Is Isla home?" Nat asked as she chewed her lip, a rather annoying habit.

"Yeah I heard the front door go a few minutes ago. Why?"

There was a moment of silence before Natasha spoke again. "Is Y/n with her?"

Wanda frowned. Why would Y/n be with her? "I- well, I don't know. I haven't been down to check. But doesn't Y/n have dance tonight?"

"She does. But there's been no sign of her and Bucky's car hasn't pulled up either. And that girl won't answer her phone." She sounded worried and Wanda felt helpless. There wasn't much she could do to comfort Nat through the phone.

"Stay on the line, I'll go check." She opened the door and peered down the hallway, not seeing any of her girls. But footsteps up the stairs caught her attention and she spun around quickly.

But it was Isla. Not out of the ordinary.

"Hey sweetheart. Is your sister home?" Isla stared at her, eyes wide.

"Uh, yeah. I think she's in her room." Wanda eyed her suspiciously but turned towards Y/n's door. "Wait, I wouldn't disturb her yet. She's um-"

"What's going on?" Natasha asked as she heard Isla's quiet voice. The teenager grimaced and glanced at her sister's bedroom door before dragging Wanda back to her own room.

"Bucky cheated on her today," Isla said straight out, watching the colour drain from her mother's face and a string of curses came flowing from the phone's speaker. "But please, give her some space. She shut me out and if we push her she's only going to hide it more."

Wanda sank down onto her freshly made bed and placed her phone on her pillow, Nat still on speaker so her angry rant continued.

"- and I'll be home in 20 minutes. Yelena can sort the classes out and I'll cancel my privates for today-"

"Nat, no, you can't just leave the studio. They need you-"

"I'm a mom first Wanda. Our girls come first, you know that. And I don't like how Y/n is handling this so I will be coming home. And that's final." There was a jangle of keys before Nat hung up and Isla felt a fuzzy feeling in her stomach.

The twins really were lucky to have moms who would drop everything to go to them whenever they needed. Nat loved dance but she would give it all up for her family in a heartbeat.

"When did it happen?" Wanda asked, patting the bed beside her for Isla to take a seat.

The teenager pulled out her phone and got up the picture that made her stomach churn, holding it out for her mother to see. "She found out at lunch. But she did what Mama used to do and that scared me more than if she had been crying none stop."

Wanda placed the phone down with an unreadable expression and wrapped her arm around her eldest daughter's shoulders, kissing the top of her head. "She had you, even if she shut you out, you're her rock. I think just knowing you were there helped her more than you could know." Wanda's voice was gentle and definitely one of Isla's favourite sounds. Somehow she always knew what to say.

"She cried at first and it made me so angry I just wanted to protect her even more," Isla admitted, leaning into her mother. "And then he strutted in like the king of the school and I swear I could have punched him." Her mind flashed back to Y/n crying on her shoulder and Bucky's cocky face and her fist subconsciously clenched into a fist. Wanda noticed this and placed her hand on top, relaxing the tension straight away.

"She's lucky to have you," Wanda said with a smile as she kissed her daughter's head. "What do you say to ordering those cookies Y/n loves? To cheer her up?"

Isla smiled, nodding. "I think she'd love that."

Twenty minutes later Natasha walked through the front door with a box of cookies under her arm. She had intercepted them from the shy delivery guy who was more than happy to accept the large tip she gave him, accompanied by her terrifying scowl. Hearing Isla's news had put her in a foul mood and Yelena didn't dare argue when asked to cover the senior classes later on in the evening.

"Where is she?" She asked as she entered the kitchen, following the sounds of hushed chatting. Wanda stood up to retrieve the box and took Natasha's work bag from her shoulder, guiding her to a chair. Isla smiled and kissed her on the cheek which soften her glare slightly.

"She's still upstairs, my love," Wanda spoke softly and slipped behind her wife, rubbing her hands up and down the tense shoulders that Natasha wore. Her whole body was tense so Wanda's gentle massage made her let out a deep sigh. "We wanted to wait for you."

"She's less likely to bite your head off," Isla joked with a small smile. "I basically kidnapped her off the sidewalk so she's not too happy with me." Both women shot her a strange and look and Isla realised how weird her comment sounded. "She wouldn't get in the car... stubborn, you know?"

"And I know where she gets that from." Nat would have protested against her wife's comment but she was too into the massage for it to stop.

"I'll take her a cookie and see how she is. Being alone isn't good for that girl."

With a plate of three cookies in hand and a bottle of water in the other, Nat climbed the stairs to her room, her mind racing with different scenarios. Best case would be that Y/n would be crying on her bed. Worst case would be emotionless.

And there she was. Natasha's heart sank as she watched the shell of her daughter return to her bed after unlocking her door. Her cheeks weren't tear stained and she hadn't changed out of her school outfit yet. Her knees were pulled up to her chest as she leaned against the headboard and stared at a spot on the wall.

The framed picture of her and Bucky which usually sat on her nightstand was now tossed face down in a corner.

"Hey sweetheart," Natasha said softly, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Your mom ordered your favourite cookies." Y/n didn't move.

Nat scanned her entire body, the silence growing larger in the enclosed space. It unnerved her because this behaviour was such a contrast to Y/n's usual bubbly nature. There was always music playing whenever Nat came in her room, but now there was just a deathly silence.

"I heard what happened. How are you feeling?" No reply. "Y/n, don't shut me out please."

"I'm fine."

Nat let out a laugh. "Yeah, I can tell," she said sarcastically. "Talk to me lenya, it's okay."

Y/n gritted her teeth, digging the pads of her fingers into her knees. She didn't want to break, but the wall in her mind was growing weaker and Natasha knew exactly how to get through it. She'd learned her coping mechanisms from the best of course.

Nat could see it working. "Mama's here, you're okay. You can talk to me baby. Just let it out. What's going on inside that head of yours?"

That was the final straw. Y/n pulled her eyes away from the wall and found her mama's caring green ones staring back at her with love and compassion, and she cracked. Just one look at her mama and Y/N couldn't hold back anymore. She burst into tears and dropped her head to her knees, hiding herself.

Natasha moved quickly, sliding onto the bed beside her and and pulling her close to her chest, cradling her close. Y/n smooth hair was tangled but Nat ignored it and stroked her hand over it like she had done when her girls were babies. Three or seventeen, they were always her babies.

"I've got you, it's okay," were the words that Natasha murmured over and over. They didn't need to discuss what had happened yet. It was too soon. Y/N just needed her mama and a place to let it all out. Not that she couldn't do that with Wanda, but her connection with Nat was stronger. Wanda was Isla's rock, Natasha was Y/n's.

Nat couldn't help but let a tear slip down her cheek as she listened to Y/n's heartbreaking sobs. She could do nothing but let her cry, knowing that's what she needed. Blocking out emotions was Natasha's unhealthy habit and she kicked herself for letting Y/n learn it too. She encouraged her girls to let out their emotions, helping them do that if they needed.

Y/n choked out a sob and shuffled so she was hugging her mama's torso, looking for more comfort. "Aren't you supposed to be at the studio?" Always more worried about others, Y/n was selfless to the core.

"Nope. I'm supposed to be with my daughter who had a shitty day." Y/n smiled a watery smile and wiped her tears from her cheeks. "I left Yelena to oversee everything."

"That's a bold decision," Y/n said, her voice still shaky from crying. "But thank you."

"Oh my sweet girl, you don't need to thank me." She gently wiped a stray tear that had escaped down Y/n's left cheek. "You wanna tell me what happened?"

Y/n averted her gaze and looked at the dance company logo on Natasha's team jacket. "I got cheated on. It's stupid."

"You're right, he is stupid."

"She was really pretty too," Y/n cried, her tears appearing once more as the image replayed in her mind. "She's blonde and tall and probably everything he could ever want. I was dumb to think he'd be happy dating me when there are girls out there that look like her."

Natasha saw red. She hated negative self talk, but hearing it come from her daughter who was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen made her furious.

Without saying a word, she got up from the bed and tugged Y/n to her feet, holding her steady as her head spun from crying. She walked over to the full length mirror on the wall and held her daughter in front of it, hands on her shoulders.

"You see that?" Natasha pointed in the mirror at Y/n's reflection. "That girl right there is perfect. She's so much better than any blonde girl who looks like a supermodel. You are beautiful, smart, thoughtful, funny, talented, this list would never end. Y/n Romanoff is perfect and you better remember that."

Y/n could barely see her reflection through the tears that had once again made another reappearance after her mama's speech. She tugged the hands on her shoulders so Nat's arms slipped in front of her and she had something to hold onto. Y/n pressed her cheek to Nat's forearm and leaned on it, feeling her mother hug her from behind.

"If I'm everything you say I am, why did he cheat?" She turned away from the mirror and looked up at her mother who's gaze softened as she cupped her daughter's face.

"Because men are shit," she stated bluntly. "Why do you think I married a woman? Why do you think Isla is dating one? Men are shit and he didn't deserve you one bit. You, my girl, deserve the very best. Not some immature high school boy who didn't realise what he had with you."

"I really thought he was the one," she said dejectedly. Nat kissed her forehead and brought her back to the bed. "How did he change so fast?"

"I don't know honey. But you don't need him anymore. My girl can find someone miles better than him."

"I don't think I want to date."

Natasha stroked her hand over Y/n's hair and reached for the bottle of water laying on the blanket. "Even better. Means I get you all to myself." She pulled Y/n into her side and held up the bottle for her to take. "Crying makes you dehydrated, so drink up."

Y/n took a few sips, feeling the cool liquid soothe her raw throat. She made sure the lid was on tightly before placing it on her nightstand. "Every time I see him in the hallway I won't know what to do."

"Unfortunately that will just fade with time honey. But you've got Isla and Maria who will be beside you at all times. They'll keep him away, you know your sister."

"Im scared she's gonna punch him."

Nat paused for a moment. "Part of me wants to let her, but I guess I have to be a responsible adult and talk her out of it." Her joke worked and Y/n laughed, smiling properly for the first time since lunch.

"Unless you want to be called to a meeting with the principal, then yeah I think so."

Natasha tightened her arms around her daughter and hugged her hard, breathing in the remains of her floral perfume. "You think you're ready to see Isla and Mom yet? They're worried about you."

As much as Y/n wanted to stay in that blissful moment with her mama, she knew she needed to see the others too. And also apologise to Isla who was only trying to help.

"If you'll help me talk to them?"

"Of course sweetheart. Of course."


A/N: I finally finished part 3! I love this little family so much, and I know you guys do too. Sorry for taking so long!! Hope you're all okay xxx

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842K 21.3K 140
Just some oneshots of y/n and Natasha :) Reader is female so I'm using she/her :) I do Scarlett one shots too, those have (Sโ€ขJ) on them The more re...
236K 5.2K 45
VERY SLOW UPDATES Requests are CLOSED for now.
6.8K 68 22
Happy to write almost anything, requests are open! :D I will write Smut ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ Fluff ๐ŸŒป Angst ๐Ÿฉธ Family ๐Ÿซ‚