We can only learn to love by...

By Fictongirl2

171K 3.7K 171

An ordinary girl who pursues her dream of opening her own bakery. Little does she know, the opening of her ow... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Not an update
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
not an update
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44

Part 27

3.2K 87 5
By Fictongirl2

***TW this chapter contains alcohol and abusive/aggressive/sexual behaviour***

Mel's Pov

It was becoming a repetitive cycle with Leah. She would get drunk, end up doing or saying something she regrets or can't remember. And then apologise profusely to me to try and convince me to forgive her. In all honesty, it was draining.

Of course, I love her. But there is only so much one person can take. Am I supposed to expect this to happen every time she drinks? Am I supposed to just accept this part of Leah, even though I know it isn't right?

This was a subconscious battle I was having with myself. Was the relationship worth all this hassle? It felt as though we took 2 steps forward within our relationship, to then take 10 steps back.

I was currently lying on my bed at home, the overwhelming thoughts predominantly consuming my brain. I was taken out of my thoughts to two messages appearing on my lock screen.

As I lifted the phone from the nightstand, I was not surprised to see one of them was from Leah.


Beth has told me what happened last night. I'm so sorry. Please can we talk? Xx

I rolled my eyes at Leah's message, internally sighing. Predictable.

Clicking off the message, I opened the second notification which was from an unknown number.


Hey Mel, it's Beth. I hope you're okay after last night. I got your number from Leah by the way, I was just wondering if you fancy going for a coffee with me. Don't worry, I won't invite Leah if you don't want me to. I just want to make sure you're okay x


Hey Beth, I'm okay as can be. Thank you for checking. Coffee sounds good, I can meet you in an hour if that works for you. X

Less than a minute later I had confirmation from Beth that she would meet me in an hour at my shop. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Beth texting me to check how I was. We had gotten close since the day out at the zoo, and I was beginning to consider her as a good friend of mine.

The hour flew by and before I knew it I was entering the shop to be greeted by Jade.

Jade has worked her socks off since we expanded to Manchester, and I couldn't be prouder of her. As we sat down at a booth and had a quick catch up, the sound of the bell from the front door indicated that Beth had arrived, which was correct as she shortly appeared at the table before taking a seat next to Jade.

The three of us chatted for a while until Jade returned to work leaving myself and Beth alone.

I decided to be the one to break the tension between us. Although it wasn't direct attention, I knew there was a reason for Beth wanting to meet up with me, and I knew that would be to speak about Leah.

"How're you feeling after last night then? A bit rough?" I giggled.

"I'm not too bad. I think there's people who are feeling a lot worse than me. Although, I am jealous of you. You managed to escape the live concert Millie and Rach put on not long after you left, we couldn't get them off the mic." Beth responded laughing slightly as she rolled her eyes at her teammate's antics.

"Look, there's a reason why I'm here. I firstly want to make sure you're okay. Leah was completely out of order last night and you didn't deserve that."

As she finished her sentence, I could see the sympathetic look in her eyes. She was right though, I didn't do anything wrong last night, despite what Leah had said.

"I'm okay, I'm just a bit upset. I was angry at first with the way she acted, but if I'm being honest, I'm more hurt at her words. She embarrassed me in front of everyone and she needs to know that it isn't okay to behave like that." I defended.

"I understand, I really do. She was oblivious this morning to what had gone on, so I had to tell her what had happened. She was devastated when she found out how she had acted towards you. She really does love you."

"She's got a funny way of showing it" I huffed.

"So.... What are you going to do?" Beth questioned.

I took a moment to think about my answer. I still have not decided yet as to how we can move forward with this.

"I really don't know. Of course, I love her. But it's like a repetitive cycle, Beth. I can't be in a relationship with someone who turns that way after a few drinks. It's like being with Jekyll and Hyde. When she's sober, she's perfect, the way she treats me, the way she speaks to me, and how she makes me feel, I couldn't wish for anything more. But then when she's had a drink, its like she switches into a person I don't know, and its certainly not the girl I fell in love with."

"Why don't you take a bit of time just to get yourself sorted, have a bit of space from one another?" Beth suggested.

"Yeah, I think you're right. I think I need a bit of space just to think about things properly."

"Are you going to stay together though?"

"I honestly don't know Beth. That's something I'm going to have to figure out myself."

The rest of the time was spent with much lighter conversation. Beth gave me a run-down on how hers and Viv's relationship was progressing, and we exchanged funny stories from our past.

As we said our goodbyes, I saw Beth out of the shop as I offered to stay behind to help Jade close. I decided the best thing to do was to keep myself busy as it would help to keep my mind off Leah and the drama we were currently being faced with.


A few days had past since the fall out with Leah, and I had still not replied to any of her calls or messages. I decided to take Beth's advice and to take some time to myself to conclude how I wanted to move forward. Did I want to be with Leah still, or would I be better off cutting the relationship now to avoid either of us getting hurt more than we already are.

Tonight, was our staff's night out. I have decided to reward my employees with a night out in London.

We would start off at a restaurant for a three-course meal and then would head out to the clubs. I'm not one for nightclubs and so I decided to leave it up to the others to determine where they wanted to go. My employees were a few years younger than myself, however we were able to maintain a good working balance between us and so this is a reward for all their hard work recently.

As our meal came to an end, the discussion on where we would be moving onto had begun. Which started a debate amongst the table as they struggled to decide on a place which would suit everyone.

In the end, Jade had the final say and so we collected our belongings before heading towards the taxis outside.

The nightclub Jade had chosen was rammed with people. You were unable to move without feeling as though you were being crushed against someone.

I rounded everyone at the bar and insisted we began with shots, after all, what is a night out with no shots?

The drinks began to flow freely, and I could see how relaxed everyone was becoming as they headed towards the dance floor. I on the other hand was the most sober out of the group, despite this being my idea, I felt as though I had the responsibility of ensuring everyone was okay.

A couple of hours later it was fair to say that there would be some sore heads in the morning. I had attempted to leave earlier but was forced to stay by Jade. I had agreed I would have one last drink and then I would head home.

As I made my way through the crowd of people towards the bar, I was knocked into the person in front of me as I felt a shove in the back.

As I turned to face the person who had caused it to happen – there was no one there. Turning back to the person I bumped into I began to apologise.

"I'm so sorry someone knocked into me."

"It's okay, no harm done." The guy smiled. He was handsome, but obviously not my type.

I smiled in his direction before continuing to the bar.

That was until I felt a hand grab hold of my wrist, pulling me back to the direction I had come from.

"Where do you think you're going?"

It was the same guy I had just bumped into.

"I'm just going to the bar then back over to my friends." I responded, gesturing the group of not so good dancers on the dance floor.

He took a step closer to me before leaning down, his lips were now placed against my ear.

"I don't think so, you're coming home with me." He whispered.

His breath pushed against my ear and the alcohol which he had consumed tonight was prominent in his breath.

"No thank you, I'm going home with my friends tonight." I smiled politely at him.

As I turned to face the direction of Jade and the rest of the group, my view was blocked by a large crowd of people.

Forcing my way through, I finally made it to the dance floor, where I realised Jade was no longer there, nor were any of the others.

Deciding this was my queue to leave, I made my way towards the exit of the club. I wanted nothing more than to get myself home and comfy in bed.

The outside of the club was just as busy as inside, as groups of drunken people were either waiting for their taxis to arrive or were in the smoking shelter, busy with chatting extremely loudly towards one another.

I decided to move slightly away from the doors as this would be easier to get a taxi and so I decided to walk around the corner to a quieter area.

As I stared at my phone awaiting confirmation my uber had been accepted. I heard a familiar voice.

"There you are. I've been looking for you."

My gaze met the eyes of the guy from the bar. Had he followed me out here? I thought I made it clear I would not be going home with him.

"What's a good-looking girl like you doing out here all alone?"

His words were slurred, and I could tell he was not in a sober state of mind.

"I'm waiting for a taxi." I replied, attempting to avoid eye contact.

"I told you; you're coming home with me." The slight aggression which was now in his voice startled me.

I decided it would be best to remove myself from this situation and to get myself into a safer area.

Before I was able to move, I felt hands attached to my hips, forcefully gripping me to ensure I was unable to move.

He moved his head towards my neck, despite my pleas.

"Please, no I just want to go home." I begged, as tears began to fall from my eyes.

Ignored, he continued the firm grasp as he kissed my neck.

"Get off me. Someone please help me" I shouted, desperately trying to be heard.

The street was quiet and not a soul was in sight.

Despite several attempts at pushing him off me, his overpowering had got the better of me. The sobs were now coming quick and fast.

How could I let myself get in this situation?

There were headlights in the distance which were growing closer. I knew if I had any hope of escaping this situation, it would be now.

As the car grew closer, I gripped the hair of the man that had hold of me forcefully removing his head from my neck and kicking him between the legs. The tight grip which had been around my hips had finally loosened as he fell to the floor.

I ran into the round desperate to gain the attention of the oncoming car, which to my relief had stopped.

What happened next was not expected.

I ran towards the driver's side of the car, unable to stop the tears from falling down my face.

"Please, please help me." I pleaded.

The driver's door opened and outstepped a tall blonde.

Her deep blue eyes were recognizable anywhere.


Her voice was laced with a mixture of confusion, desperation, and relief.

It was Leah. Leah was my saviour at this moment. 

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