EK: Canem, impossible not to...

Per Erilaguiri

34.6K 3K 1.8K

Sanem lost her parents and older sister in a car accident when she was only eight. Mirhiban, the wife of Aziz... Més

1. "Uh uh. No. N🤨 way"
2. Aching
3. "H🔥t & Spicy"
4. Us or n🤔 us?
5. See you later, alligator 🐊
6. Belongings
7. Ay, those swedes..!🇸🇪
8. 💞 Indeed in deep need 💞
9. Yes. He w😔uld break.
10. No expiry date ♾️
11. The R💘meo suite
12. First aid on his knees 🚑⛑️
13. Palpable l❤️ve
14. What..? A misunderstanding..?
15. Skin to skin
16. On fire. 🔥 Or fired..?
17. Hot bacon nipples
18. Shelling their future
19. K ! } N A ¶ ¶ € }
20. Delicious alligator food..?
21. "Mr Post-it"
22. "Ami V."
23. Her very own sulky turk
24. N3v3r 3v3r & for3v3r and 3v3r
25. Tricked and unarmed
26. Mrs Divit's pink "baby-maker"

The epil❤️gue, I supp❤️se

1K 109 128
Per Erilaguiri

She was born the 14th of February, and Sanem made a big fuss out of it as being the more romantic part of them, or...was she? Wasn't it even more romantic what Can thought, that every day of the year should be San Valentine's Day, not only the 14th of February..?;

"that is all commercial crap, bebek, to get people to spend money, and, frankly...I only care about you and our beautiful little baby girl...just look at her! She's a copy of you, Sanem!"

Sanem had already forgot about the suffering during the delivery; what Can had in his arms right now was definitely worth all the pain she'd been through. Yes. She had cursed Can badly in the delivery room, over and over again, but...as soon as they had placed her daughter in her arms...all the bad things had faded away. She had looked up at Can with tears in her eyes and a big grin on her face.

"She's so...tiny, so amazing! And she needs siblings, Can, she needs brothers and sisters, don't you think so too? And...I would like to name her Demet, in honor of my sister, do you mind..? She looked at him with dark, questioning eyes.

"Demet...our gorgeous Demet does need siblings, of course she does, and we will start to work on that as soon as possible!"

Can grinned back at her and wondered if he ever could be happier than in that moment. Hardly. But! He was wrong.
A year later Sanem was pregnant again. With twins. They were rather shocked when they found out, but in less than 2 minutes the Divit family had accepted it and couldn't wait to tell family and friends. Elle and Michele were born a bit too early, but both were healthy and just needed some help to get used to how to breathe with their lungs on the outside of mum's belly. Yeah. Michele was a strong and dark boy, a copy of dad, while Elle, the girl, was a bit less strong but also a copy of dad. When Can had Demet on his arm and showed her her siblings, he had the widest grin ever on his face. The very proud Daddy Divit.

Four years later unfortunately they experienced a tragedy; Matthew and his wife passed away in a car accident, and left their 8 years old son Ronnie behind. Sanem was devastated, just like Can, as their friendship with the couple had grown strong, and for a moment she wondered...car accident, 8 years old...destiny had reproduced her own sad story. Then and there a piece of Sanem's heart suddenly fit in with the rest of it, as she hugged the sad boy dearly and promised him solemnly that he would stay with her and Can and their children forever. When she held Ronnie tight against her chest, she did her best to make him feel what Mir had made her feel all those years ago...loved and taken care of. She cried when she met eyes with her husband, who smiled and nodded at her in a reassuring manner. And both wondered in silence...Demet or Elle?

The sad story had been reproduced, yes. But the first time it really turned into the most beautiful love story ever, so why wouldn't the second one do, too..?


They built themselves the house (or maybe we should call it the mansion) they needed in a private and quiet area called 'Hide and seek', near one of Miami's still (well, almost) untouched beaches. Sanem put her heart and soul into every square centimeter of it, and it really was shown off when it was ready; beautiful, bright and funcional.

She took a few years off to spend with the children, even if she did smaller refurbishments of one, maybe two houses, each year. They spent much time on the beach in the afternoons and on weekends, waiting for Can to come home early to join them, and they normally traveled to Turkey every summer vacation.

Family and friends from abroad visited them several times a year, and they still were best friends with Eric and Calleigh and also met up with H often, Demet's godfather, with which Sanem still had that special bond. Yeah. Many times no words were needed between them, and it made her feel so safe. Even safer when he one day showed up on the edge of the beach and caught Sanem's attention from far. Sanem walked over to him and hugged him dearly, stepped back and met eyes with him.

"She's dead, isn't she, H?"

He peered at her and then nodded.

"She's gone forever, yes. I wanted you to know."

With that he put his sunglasses back on, the ones she and Eric had gifted him years ago, briefly caressed her cheek and then he walked off.
Sanem watched him do so, a bit sad by the news though. May Kassandra rest in peace. Just like Sanem would sleep in peace from now on; she could forget about the dangerous blonde, as she would never ever harm Sanem again, or try something with her family. She sighed and turned around with a small smile on her face and walked back to the children. Ronnie was waiting for her and looked at her with his blue, wary eyes. He was more than overprotective with them all, especially with Sanem and his now siblings, and just a bit less with Can, as Can...he was actually quite strong. Right.

"Mum? Uhm..Sanem? Is everything okey?"

Did he just call her mum..? Sanem got overwhelmed and really had to fight her tears back. She managed a smile and got down on her knees in the sand just in front of him.

"Now it is, my son, but I would really appreciate a hug, any chance for one..?"

He didn't hesitate not even a second. He put his thin, tanned arms around Sanem's neck and held on hard to her, in the way young children do, and he heard what she whispered to him.

"We won't let go of you, Ronnie, don't forget that. Never ever, Son."

"I know that, Mum."

Can watched them from far. No need to hear their words to each other, it was more than enough to see them. He bit his lip and blinked away his tears, bent over and got rid of his shoes. The sand was warm under his feet when he started to walk towards his whole life; all he ever needed was right in front of him, on the edge of the sea, and he got impatient to get to her, to them.

This was life. The Divit life.

★★★THE END★★★★

Dear Readers,

I hope you have enjoyed the story; for sure you wouldn't read this if you hadn't, but...anyway, I hopefully will write another one about this amazing and so loveable couple. I do need some time without any pressure during the summer though, and to work on the idea I have in my head, and, well, start it up at some point.
Until then...please, take care, be happy and live your life today, as tomorrow could be the last day on earth.

Carpe Diem.



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