court of lies | robert's rebe...

By songofsapphire

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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... More

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the court
the wedding
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the fool moon
the baby dragon
the death of a queen
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the champagne problems
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the princess and the queen
the burning embers
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the harrenhal
the lotus
the kingsguard
the harbinger of war
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the winter roses
the dawn will come
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the dorne

311 6 5
By songofsapphire

"she wore a thousand faces, to hide her own."

279, Water Gardens

"I told you this was going to happen.", Elia muttered with her eyes closed, she was fighting back her tears. "I knew this was going to happen."

"The Princess gets what she wants." Ashara shrugged.

They were in the balcony, Elia's hand were on the balcony irons and she was bending forward in her silk ash-coloured nightgown. Her wild black curls were falling to her back. Ashara was behind her, watching her frame with worry in her purple eyes. She too was in her lavender nightgown, they had just received the letter from Elia's mother, Princess Lorenza.

She was to wed the crown prince, Rhaegar Targaryen.

"A part of me hoped she wouldn't this time.", she sighed. "Come now,", she turned to Ashara with fake excitement. "she also sent all kinds of designs for my future wedding for me to choose from. It makes me wonder how long she had been preparing for this day."

They went to her desk and Ashara raised her eyebrows. "Are these Doran's designs?"

"My brother is a genius as usual.", Elia joked. "Look at those jewels, I am not sure if my horse can carry such a heavy saddle.", she shook her head. "Though probably they would want me to enter with a litter -or a carriage depending on the king's mood.", her smile faded no matter how hard she tried. "I heard his moods changed rather abruptly on these days."

"Are you scared?", Ashara asked softly and put a hand on Elia's arm. She turned her face to her best friend, her olive eyes shining with tears, she tilted her head in a pleading manner and Ashara held her hands instead. "Elia, what is it?"

She preferred not to answer and Ashara hugged tightly to her side and kissed her cheek -which made Elia giggle, she tried to swallow the growing panic inside her and took a shaky breath. "It's nothing. I am just overwhelmed and-", she couldn't finish her sentence and started to cry silently while Ashara held her through the night.


279, King's Landing

The fireworks were lighting the night with glee. Everybody -or they wanted to hope that everybody, was celebrating the betrothal of the crown prince.

Rhaegar was wearing a hunter-green silk night shirt and comfortable pants and was sitting on the couch, with two arms on the back of it. There was a small table in front of him, filled with numerous fruits and nuts and almonds. On his back, there was a vase filled with red apples that came from the Cider Hall and two candles were causing the faint vanilla scent on the balcony. The entrance from his chamber to the balcony was covered with deep red curtains that had golden dragons on them, the couch itself was comfortable, a gift from a Merchant Prince from Essos, multiple silk pillows and small seats were on the two sides of the couch and Arthur was sitting on the right one.

His attire was a lot formal with his long black boots, pants and white shirt that weren't seen due to the long purple coat he was wearing -which had little gold star-shaped embodiments on them. Dawn was resting on the balcony rail. It was a tradition to put it there. They were wondering if it would ever fall. Rhaegar was a man with superstition. Dawn was what made them friends, he was sure that it would be what will end it the day it fell.

Nearly 12 years, and she stood there resiliently.

"You see that Arthur?", Rhaegar couldn't help but smile. "It took long, and I admit along the way I had chosen the wrong path for a moment but after all of those talks, quarrels, discussions and meetings, here we are, celebrating my upcoming wedding to Elia Martell."

"The future will be better and brighter than this.", he took a sip from his wine. To honour that day, even Rhaegar accepted to drink with his friend. "The worst period of our lives is now a lot behind us. You got what you wanted and I hope you are happy. You will move to your seat officially and gain experience in the ruling."

"I even missed that sulking, gloomy island.", Rhaegar sighed.

He didn't grow up there even though Aerys was the Prince of Dragonstone in the three years of the short reign of Jaehaerys the Second. Rhaella chose to stay with him in the capital and Aerys lived there alone. He went there for the first time when he was 15, alongside Lucerys Velaryon and his sons; Corlys, Jacaerys and Aurane the base-born one. And he hated it at first sight.

Sure the Targaryen fortress was even more magnificent and ostentatious than the Red Keep itself -or the other castles he had seen until then; Griffin's Roost, Storm's End, Starfall, High Hermitage, Driftmark, the ghost of High Tide, Hightower -from very afar, Casterly Rock, Lannisport, Maidenpool and the other castles in the Crownlands. It was a small Valyrian city, the mark of his ancestors was there but still, he always felt closer to Summerhall.

Or it's ruins.

The other Targaryen fortress is on Andal soil, and home to his great great grandfather Maekar Targaryen and his beautiful Dayne wife, Dyanna. Where Rhaegar himself was born on that dreadful night when his great-grandfather Aegon died with his eldest, best friend, and numerous other kin or friends. Where the legendary Duncan the Tall had saved Rhaella and therefore Rhaegar himself. He always felt a strong tie with that place much to Aerys and even Rhaella's dislike and horror. He had been there numerous times and still, he didn't feel like he knew the castle. It bore too many secrets and stories, it was an unopen book where Red Keep and Dragonstone had lost their charms after Rhaegar reached a certain age and the ability of visual memory.

When he returned from his trip in sad mode, Aerys did scold him and gave him a lecture about the importance of Dragonstone -not just historically but also geographically. Rhaegar was honoured to be named Prince of Dragonstone only a year later when he came off-age but nevertheless, he did not find it in himself to like the castle even remotely. When Viserys was born he even sulked more because he was missing his brother's life.

It all changed the day Aerys got captured in Duskendale. And in the following months when he had to act as the regent to his father's reign, his favourite place in the whole wide world was Dragonstone. He wanted nothing more than to run there and hide until the chaos and storm around him ends. He thought he would be happy to see his father after everything. Sure, they were never that close, Rhaegar didn't remember even one memory where Aerys played with him like normal fathers, there was a barrier between them all the time but still, most of the time they didn't have a problem. They learnt to live together and with Rhaegar's great improvement in state affairs and swordplay, Aerys even said that he was proud of him a few times -and meant them all.

But the man that returned wasn't his father, he wasn't the king anymore. It was only the shell of the man Aerys Targaryen once was. Rhaegar couldn't even imagine the things they had done to him to break him this much. The first year was hard, where Aerys saw enemies everywhere more than usual and hired a foreign man to be his Master of Whisperers. Nearly half of the household was either dead or fired or exiled, his fights with Rhaella were started to hear from the outside and all hopes of him changing were dead. Rhaegar was sent back to Dragonstone the day the king returned and attacked him, blaming him for all the things that happen. Tywin maybe for the first time thought about the good of the realm and protected Rhaegar from Aerys.

The next year was a bit easier. Both Gerold and Lucerys helped Aerys to adjust to the world around him a lot, Rhaella was able to take a deep breath and Aerys summoned Rhaegar to the capital from time to time to let him spend time with Viserys.

His found peace in there -alongside the constant company and friendship of Arthur and Oswell, ended shortly after because this time Aerys' new agenda, the plan he was obsessed with, was to wed him with a pure-blooded Valyrian lady. Rhaegar didn't want to marry in this way but he knew it was useless to fight back. So his visits got more frequent and he had to change his residence once again when that awful storm took Steffon Baratheon and his wife Cassana Estermont from this life.

He had been stuck in the castle ever since, waiting for his marriage so he could return to his home.

"We will see what destiny will show us.", Arthur was still watching the fireworks, reminiscing about the bright stars in his home. "But dare I say that I missed that place too?"

Rhaegar softly laughed and closed his eyes. "Do you think she will like me?"

"Elia?", he wondered. "Both of you have silver tongues with other people but are quite introverted on the inside. I am sure she will like you in the end but don't expect it to happen at first sight."

"What if she won't?"

Arthur seemed like not know what to say. "I haven't met with someone who knows you and doesn't like you yet."

"Lady Atera?", he snorted.

"To be fair, I don't think she likes anyone. She is even distant from her cousin."

"She liked the Redwyne boy enough."

"Another reason why you shouldn't bother about her opinion about you."


"Well, now he's a bit of twat, isn't he?", Arthur joked and Rhaegar laughed loudly.


"And what makes you think that Andric is different from Robert?", Arthur rolled his eyes and ate an almond while Rhaegar snorted to that. Then he took his wine goblet and leaned back by throwing one hand to the back of the couch, he leaned back comfortably. "Elia's heart is so big and generous, there isn't a person in this world that she cannot love.", Arthur assured him with sincerity. "At least, you will be friends. Be sure of that."

"And what if she doesn't wish to marry me?"

"She is two and twenty, if there was anyone else she wished to marry she would by now.", Arthur frowned. "Though as your friend I must be honest with you, just because she didn't want to marry another, doesn't mean she wants to marry you."

"What if I am forcing you into this marriage?"

"Rhaegar I will ask you a question and I expect full honesty from you."


"Did you propose to Lady Atera because you chose her out of the three options or did you do it because you knew your father would declare the girl you didn't choose as your future wife -and it wouldn't be Cersei Lannister?"

Rhaegar seemed uncomfortable for a second. "That's what everyone thinks? The second option?"

"I do not know what everyone thinks -and I have a little care for it. I am merely asking you a question. Which one?"

"Of course the first.", Rhaegar rubbed his face. "Though both options are bad and insulting in some way. But my father told me I could choose my wife and everything Jon said roamed around my brain and I thought about the possible Tywin danger. I do not need to protect Lady Atera from him but Elia? The matter between the Lannisters and the Martells is personal, Arthur. I didn't want to put Elia into a risky position, a position that I do not even know if I can protect her."

"I don't know what makes you say these but this is one of the stupidest things that you had ever thought."

"Well, thank you, Arthur."

"Well, you are welcome Rhaegar.", both narrowed their eyes at each other, it was Rhaegar who broke the silence.

"Where is Oswell?"

"Do I have to say it out loud?", Arthur groaned and Rhaegar grimaced.


"How many times I must warn him to be careful?"

"He is being more careful than Lewyn, weird enough.", Arthur frowned. "Though at this point, I doubt if Lewyn even cares about someone finding out."

"I truly don't want to talk about my future wife's uncle's oath-breaking activities.", Rhaegar grimaced once again. "It's a lot easier turning a blind eye to the whole thing."

"I mean, he didn't marry her not sired a child."

"And should we congratulate him on that?", Rhaegar asked with soft disbelief. "Going to brothels once or twice is not a bad thing, you didn't swear to be celibate after all. But openly having a paramour? He is putting himself at risk."

"You know Lewyn.", Arthur tried to find a common ground. "He is loyal to the king and to the king only-", which was a lie but Arthur refused the acknowledge it. "-but he is in love with that woman."

"Would you look at that?", he rubbed his face. "I am trying to send you to a brothel while one of my friends doesn't leave one and my future uncle by marriage keeps a paramour in the capital nonetheless."

"Your obsession with my late-night activities becomes a little weird.", Arthur grimaced. "Being celibate is loosely implied as we both know, my friend."

"I just don't want you to be alone.", Rhaegar said innocently. "I would love you to find a wife of your own and sire children -so in the future, they can marry with mine, but unfortunately life made you choose another path and I respect that. But the world is too big for you to be alone."

"What do you want me to do? Find a new best friend in a brothel?", Arthur whisper-yelled and Rhaegar couldn't help but laugh. "You laugh a lot these days."

"Because I am happy.", he simply shrugged. "I truly do not understand you, my friend. I sulk and you complain, I laugh and you complain again. There is truly no way to please you sometimes.", he playfully shook his head.

"I am pleased every time you shut up.", Arthur raised an eyebrow. "Would you want to try?"

"Oh, is that so Ser Dayne?", Rhaegar narrowed his eyes and threw the almonds on the table to Arthur, therefore starting a small food fight.


They arrived at the council meeting as tired as a person could. Normally only the small council members, the king and Rhaegar -when summoned, would join the meeting. Since Gerold himself was inside, usually they would not require another guard on the door, only when the meeting had crucial importance and nearly most of the time, that guard would be Barristan.

Today things were different because the sole purpose of the council was to discuss Rhaegar's upcoming wedding and for some reason, Gerold had ordered all of his fellow kingsguard to join.

Aerys was sitting on the head of the table, Rhaegar on the other head. On the right there were usual council members; Tywin, Lucerys, Gerold, Owen, Qarlton and Varys, on the left there were the other kingsguard members; Barristan, Lewyn, Harlan, Arthur, Oswell and Jonothor. Extra chairs had been added for Aethan, for Paxter Redwyne and Victor Tyrell -who served as an ambassador for his cousin and liege lord Mace, High Septon himself, Jon Connington -much to Aerys' despise, the Lord Commander of the City Watch, and Ser Willem Darry and Rhaegar asked for another small chair to be put next to him so that Myles could sit and learn. He felt Tywin's jealous eyes on the boy, surely he was imagining his own son sitting there instead of a relatively lesser house's son.

After everyone was seated, Aerys made a motion to Gerold. "You asked for all of us here, start."

"I asked for this meeting to discuss how to best arrange the safety of Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia, during their entourage in Dorne and the wedding here but-", he passed out a letter to the king. "-this arrived on the morning, it seems we may have to plan something else."

Aerys frowned and took the letter, raised an eyebrow while reading it, and then sent a look to Rhaegar. "It seems your cousin wishes to celebrate your wedding with a 4 days-long tourney and feast and hunt in Storm's End. He humbly asks for your appearance alongside your future bride. It will take place in a fortnight.", he turned to Tywin.

"It would be unwise to refuse the offer, your grace.", his Hand said. "Lord Baratheon is a Lord Paramount and as you stated, kin to the royal family. Surely it would be more appropriate if we held the tournament in Dragonstone or the capital but with that, the crown might save a large portion of the treasury."

"I think the same.", Aerys approved. "It is nice of him to make such a grand jest."

Jon sent a glare to Rhaegar and even Arthur seemed like he was going to snort but held himself. "Probably advised by Jon Arryn, your grace.", Varys said. "It seems like a grand tourney. Will we be able to secure the prince and the princess' safety?"

"I can arrange the defence of a tumbledown castle on an open field if you give me enough time.", Gerold said with his usual stern tone and a smile appeared on Lucerys and Aethan's faces. "But this new event causes me to rethink my plans."

"Such as?", Varys asked. "If this tourney is truly happening under the wings of Jon Arryn, then we can expect the Vale Lords too, adding to the Storm Lords. Surely, Dornishmen would also join as a part of Princess Elia's entourage. Not inviting the Reacher Lords -especially Lord Hightower, would be a grave insult. I do not doubt your skills, Ser Gerold, but maybe it would be wiser if the crown would advise Lord Robert to host the tourney in the capital instead."

Gerold didn't even feel the need to answer him. "The original plan was Prince Rhaegar to go to Dorne with a grand entourage, alongside his own bannermen, and three-four kingsguard -Arthur, Lewyn, Oswell and myself, and bring Princess Elia to the capital -using the royal fleet, protected by the Velaryon fleet, which was the perfect plan. No problem would arise. But now this tourney, happening in Stormlands where the Marcher Lords are placed, just around the corner of the Reacher Lords -which we all know there is always a too excited young lord who would love to start a feud with a Dornish Lord, now they will attend too."

"You suggest not attending?", Aethan frowned. "This doesn't sound like you."

"I am not saying his grace shouldn't attend, on the contrary, I think it is vital for him to attend.", he sent a look to the prince. "There are rumours of a rising Vulture King in the Dorne, the Reach-", his eyes got darkened and he sent a look to Aerys. "-might go crazy at any time and the Marcher Lords are openly threatening the crown. People love the prince, smallfolk and noble alike. Seeing their prince attending to the tourney, using land travel -not sea, would give them morals and lift their spirits. It would be a good event for him to mend some broken hearts."

"Marcher Lords wouldn't give up that easily. All of my reports-"

"If you cut my word one more time you will not be able to receive any more reports.", Gerold snapped. "It is early morning and I had been on guard the whole night, I have no time for nonsense. You listen to me when I speak in this council, I don't know how things work where you came from but here we do respect each other.", Varys' small eyes narrowed but he kept his mouth shut. "Prince Rhaegar must use land travel to connect with the people. What those lords want doesn't matter once the smallfolk accept Princess Elia as their new princess. He can win hearts during the tourney with a few boons from the crown, it is the people's support that actually matters."

"Land travel seems wise but also dangerous. Are you sure you can protect my son?"

"Him going to Sunspear with sea and then crossing three whole regions on horseback makes no sense, your grace.", he tilted his head. "I love traditions, it is what keeps this realm alive but for once, maybe the prince should not go to receive his bride himself and meet with her during the tourney for the first time."

"And why is that?", Aethan leaned to his back.

"While his appearance is crucial, I think Princess Elia should not be seen.", he shrugged. "Even in her own home, there are people who are going against this match. Simply crossing the Reach, Westerlands and the good part of the Stormlands would be a fool's job. I cannot guarantee her safety though we would do everything to assure it. But I think, she should come with a ship instead -it would be shorter and a lot safer."

"Wouldn't people look down at it?", Lucerys questioned. "Think she is too arrogant?"

"She will have a lifetime to win over people, I think no harm would come if she would wait at least to the wedding -to be sure that a wedding would still take place."

"It does surprise me that you do not care about our prince's safety as much as that foreign princess.", Varys spoke again and Tywin wished Gerold to cut him in half. "What if someone would do something during his grace's journey, what then?"

Gerold's ice-blue eyes turned to him and Lucerys kicked his feet under the table to warn him. "Gerold.", Aerys warned him verbally. "No need for childish feuds, focus on the matter."

"Arthur and Oswell will accompany the prince.", he spoke with a harsher and louder tone. "In his journey to the Storm's End, on horseback, a sennight later. Accompanied by his own bannermen, as I said. Meanwhile, Lewyn and Jonothor will go to Sunspear to escort the princess to the Storm's End with the royal fleet -on the flagship, surrounded by the Velaryon ships -and welcomed by the Celtigar and Bar Emmon ships. On the return, since the wedding will take place shortly, we all would return together."

"And who will protect the king?", Varys pursed his lips.

"Me.", Gerold gritted his teeth. "And Barristan, and Harlan. Leave the kingsguard be, I have been slaying people in war before you were born from your mother's womb, boy. Do not talk about matters you have no clue about."

"Are you sure this would be sufficient enough?"

"Yes, your grace.", Gerold bowed his head with respect. "Surely one or two Targaryen troops will also escort the prince to Storm's End and I will write an order directly to Lord Baratheon about the precautions he has to take. Summerhall already belongs to us, I know how to protect it there, it is my turf. We would also warn Lords Mertyns and Buckler to keep Mistwood and Bronzegate alarmed, also Lord Tarth -who also happens to be our second cousin, would surely keep the coastline clear. And Lord Estermont does not allow even a single unknown ship to bass the shores. Keeping Storm's End secure is an easy task."

"And what of your nephew?"

"And what of my nephew?", Gerold turned to Varys and Lucerys took a deep breath.

"He has to attend to the tourney to cut off any unnecessary rumour. I do understand that a man of his age could be prickly and unnecessarily proud and is ready to do a grave mistake. I suggest keeping the girl in here as a gues-"

Gerold stood up so quickly that his chair fell. Myles openly gasped and Rhaegar's gaze went to him with worry. He saw the way Lewyn and Barristan shared a look, ready to interfere if something happens. "No one will touch my niece.", his voice was deadly and Aethan observed him with a weird look.

"To keep your nephew in li-"

Lewyn closed his eyes and Barristan pinched his nose, Gerold reached to Varys in a few quick steps and held the man in his collar and pushed him to the wall. Tywin was watching it with wry amusement and Aerys rolled his eyes. Only Rhaella and Myles were shocked. "I will put my hand from your little mouth and pull your tongue out from it, then make you chew and eat it if you say one more word about my nephew or niece. They do not have to be kept in line, they had been loyal to this crown before the king made something off you. Do not test my patience or tempt my fury-", something his grandfather Maekar used to say. "-or else I would make sure you would regret it."


"So long story short, there won't be an entourage to Dorne and you are free to do whatever you want to do.", Paxter said, chewing a pear loudly. "You will return to Arbor, I believe?"

"No.", Atera's back was turned to him and she was putting her necklaces to chests delicately unlike the last time. "I think it is time for me to return back Oldtown.", she said so softly that Paxter did not grasp the heaviness of it the first moment.

"What?", he asked with a huge pear bite in his mouth, he quickly put the fruit on the table and stood up, chewing as fast as he can. "Are you sure about that?"

"Well I cannot stay in the Arbor forever, can't I?"

"Who said that?", Paxter frowned and gently pulled her hair back to her ear and held them together on her back. "Of course, you can."

"We both know I can't.", Atera stopped her movement and turned her head ever so slightly towards him, but didn't see him. "Oldtown is my home, I cannot run away from the truths, from Leyton, forever, Paxter. I have many unfinished business there and the longer my return takes, the worse they became."

"Are you talking about Rhea?", he whispered to her ear. "The secret plan that you think you are keeping from everyone"

Atera smiled unintentionally and turned to him, Paxter's hands held her waist almost immediately and Atera put her hands on his chest. "There is no plan at all, you best to remember it if you care about your life."

"Now that's a threat I will take seriously.", he offered her one of his charming smiles. "But I must ask you again, as your friend, is this what you truly wish?", he looked concerned now, before she manage to speak, he quickly explained. "You hate Rhea more than the world itself, and she is trying to marry you with her brother, Axell, for ages. You will have to deal with that. The whole thing with Leyton -caused by you-know-who, he did not forget it and neither you did. It will come up in the first possible situation. Then there is Alerie, drowning in hysterics as usual. Your aunt will visit you and she will not be happy with the whole royal thing -and neither will Olenna, though both hate this for different reasons. Doric is still in Essos, no one knows when he will return. He is there, are you sure you wish to see him after all these years? And then this happened, don't you think Rhaegar will hear it if he doesn't already? As you said, they will force you to attend the princess' service, attend the tourney and all to shut up the Marcher Lords. You would be safer and happier in the Arbor, we both know that."

"I do appreciate your concern.", she leaned her head to his chest, her hands holding his wrists. "But I am not a child anymore, I have to deal with my problems myself. I am not approving it, but, yes, I might have a plan to ...close the Rhea subject. Alerie is not even the last of my concerns, she lost her grip, and now she is Mace's problem, not ours. He also is not a problem for me, my aunt and Olenna? I had been dealing with them my whole life, I excel at it and Leyton? He is my brother. Sooner or later I will have to speak to him again. I would rather it be on my terms, not his."

"Give me a day or two ten, to arrange my business so I can-"

"No.", she cut him off and left his grip. "Arys and I will go. You and Victor will stay here."

"Our business-"

"Who gives a damn about your business? I need you to hear as my little eyes and ears. I want to know everything in my absence."


279, Oldtown

"Good morning, my lady.", Jacen Oakheart entered her chambers while she was putting on her necklace. "Lady Atera's entourage is seen from the castle gates, I wanted to inform you."

Rhea put her mirror rather harshly and turned to him. "What? Is she coming here?"

"The betrothal between Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia is announced already, there was no reason for her to keep staying there.", he comfortably sat on the couch. "My cousin has a little taste for the capital."

"I thought she still was quarrelling with Leyton and he did not mention this about me."

"How can he mention something he doesn't know?", Jacen smirked. "It seems my own brother didn't think of informing too."

"Why is she coming here?", Rhea hissed. "Alerie again? You told me their relationship was sour -after she sent that little fool's letter to Leyton."

"That's what Arys said to me.", he shrugged. "I don't see why he would lie. But as much as I understood from Alerie's happiness that she had summoned her once again and Atera decided to come this time."

"Do you think she has any ulterior motives?", Rhea asked rather worrisome. The last she had seen her was a year ago, she didn't think a person could change a lot in that one year but even before that, Atera was always the person she feared the most because, unlike Leyton's children, she loved quarrel with him. She wouldn't keep her mouth shut and let her be just for Leyton's sake. "Why hasn't she returned back to the Arbor?"

"Paxter is still in the capital I believe, they spotted no Redwyne flags.", Jacen raised an eyebrow. "Please don't tell me that you are scared of a girl."

"That girl nine and ten now, not a child anymore."

"Eight and ten.", Jacen corrected her. "There are still two and a half moons until her name day."

"Yes because that's our problem, isn't it?", Rhea's eyes were sending flares to him. "Leyton will get softened when he sees her. She is his only sister after all, and what will I do then? The moment I took a breath of relief she returns!"

"I think your tantrum is pointless. It's not like you can send her back. Also, I do not think she is coming here with distasteful thoughts. Or else she would come moons ago when Alerie first summoned her. She is probably heartbroken and humiliated and seeks Leyton's sympathy. A Dornish had chosen over her -that cannot be easy to accept."

"We will see about that.", she spat.

Meanwhile, in the Pearl Mansion -where Alerie had moved with Mace, Willas and Garlan and her household, which belonged to Atera's mother once, where she went after the last problem with Rhea on breakfast, Malora was accompanying her sister.

"They had prepared her chambers."

"Good.", Alerie took a troubled breath. "Where do you think she is? She should have been here ages ago."

"She will be here soon probably.", Malora opened her book. "It seems you had missed her a lot."

"Of course I did. Didn't you?"

"I missed her as much as you do.", Malora said with a frown, not looking at Alerie. "But I think she is not coming here to answer your hopes."

"What does that mean?", Alerie scowled at her sister.

"My lady,", a Tyrell knight entered the room and bowed to Alerie. "Lady Atera went to Hightower."

"What?", Alerie asked with confusion and Malora sighed and rolled her eyes. "I ordered her to be taken here."

"She wanted to go there first, my lady."

Alerie sent a look at Malora's figure and sent him back. "It seems she didn't miss us."

"Don't think like that.", Malora mocked her. She couldn't believe the way Alerie refused to see things as they were. "She wanted to see our father first, probably."

"Then we must go there.", Alerie stood up with dedication and Malora followed her with a groan.


"Welcome, my lady.", Rhea curtsied her. She was Leyton's wife but not the Lady of Oldtown and as a true-born lady, Atera held a higher office than Rhea, a legitimized bastard. "I hope the journey was easy."

Atera observed her with a blank face then smiled. "The road was long, I am quite tired."

"You will rest in your chambers first if you wish?"

"I want to see my brother first.", she raised an eyebrow. "Is he in his chambers?"

"Leyton is not at the castle.", Jacen called from behind, slowly approached to the newcomers, smiled and opened his arm. "Cousin.", Atera answered his smile and they shared a small hug, and then he patted Arys' shoulders. "Welcome you too brother. Informing me beforehand would be nice."

"We had informed Leyton.", Atera frowned. "Didn't he tell you?"

Jacen and Rhea shared a look. "Let's wait inside of the castle until he arrives, the air is rather cold.", she smiled and Atera didn't reject, and followed her.

"I wish to see the children."

"As you wish.", Rhea offered her a kind smile and shared another look with Jacen.

Girls were in their classes and Baelor was in the town with Garth. Only Humfrey and Gunthor were brought to Rhea's big chamber -Lynesse was also coming.

"Look at you!", she claimed. "You grow up so much.", she hugged Humfrey -who was one and ten. "You will be as tall as your father."

Hightowers in general was a tall family. Atera herself wasn't short too. She bend the knee to look at Gunthor better -who was only five. "My sweetling,", her eyes were filled with warmth and love, and she kissed his round cheeks. "oh, I missed you so much.", the boys were giggling. Leyton, Rhea, Alerie and the rest of the grown-ups had seen Atera a year ago, yes, but it was more than three years since the children last saw her. Gunthor barely remembered her.

The doors opened and a girl with a slender figure covered in rose-petal-coloured silks and shiny pink diamonds. Her silver-gold locks were falling to her back elegantly. Three and ten and yet, Lynesse was as beautiful as Atera. She couldn't even believe that it was her when she first enter and she sent a confused look to Rhea, when she closed her eyes in an approving matter, Atera turned to her youngest niece with surprise.


"Welcome back, aunt."

Her face got even softer. "Come here, honey.", Lynesse approached to her with a bright smile and they hugged tightly. "Let me look at you properly.", then she turned to Rhea. "She grew up to be a young lady. I pray to the Gods that she would have a bright future ahead of her."

"Time flies fast, my lady.", Rhea only answered while observing her daughter. Everybody knew the strained relationship they had.

"How is my brother?", she asked with a neutral face that showed both her maturity and hurt. "I hope he is healthy?"

"He is quite fine.", Rhea smiled. "He is in the harbour right now, controlling the new ships."

"Inform me at once when he returns.", Atera ordered and then left the room to rest herself. But when she entered she saw an anxious Alerie -in a rich golden gown and hair braided, and Malora, in a quite simple navy gown and her brown-white hair was just felling to her back in a careless manner. "Alerie?"

"I thought you would come to my mansion.", she said with a hurt tone.

"My mother's mansion you mean?", Atera raised her eyebrows and Alerie got the cue rather quickly.

"I am sorry, I couldn't think-"

"It's alright.", she calmed her down. "Malora, it's so lovely to see you. You look as gorgeous as usual."

"Welcome to Oldtown once again.", Malora stood up and hugged her. "Though, now none of us is even close to you in beauty matters."

They were aunts and nieces but their relationship was always closer. Baelor and Alerie -Leyton's eldest children, were twins and four years older than Atera. Malora herself was three years older than her and Garth -his second son with his third wife, born only two days after Atera herself. She always had a more sibling-like relationship with those four.

"Alerie?", Atera tilted her head and held her hands. "What happened? Please tell me I did not hurt your feelings."

She pouted unintentionally but then smiled. "No, no, but we made all those preparations for you. I couldn't think you wouldn't want to be there."

"Do not bother yourself with thinking these things.", she rolled her eyes. "Bring Willas and Garlan to me, I want to see my nephews."


279 AC, Sunspear

Princess Lorenza was sitting on the head of the table, on the right there were Lord Tremond Gargalen, Lord Dagos Manwoody, Lord Harmen Uller, Lady Larra Blackmont, Lord Andric Dayne, Lord Calder Dayne and Lady Nymella Toland.

On the left, there were; Lord Anders Yronwood, Lord Quentyn Qorgyle, Lady Delonne Allyrion, Lord Trebor Jordayne, Lord Franklyn Fowler, Lady Wylla Wyl and Lord Daeron Vaith.

The fourteen noble lords and ladies had the right to seat on Princess Lorenza's council. Houses Dalt and Santagar were landed houses, not noble ones therefore they did not attend the council meetings -it was a change that firstly Prince Maron applied in his days.

"Please let me congratulate you for dearest Elia's match, aunt.", Lord Quentyn said.

He was the son of Princess Luella Martell, the youngest sibling of Lorenza, Lewyn and their brother Laszlo -sadly both had passed away long before their time, and there was only Lorenza and Lewyn now. He was also the brother of Lady Cassella -Lord Andric's lot-hated wife.

Pretty much everyone in the council was either kin to each other or had deeply rooted bad blood.

Lord Tremond was the brother of the late Lady Alena -who married Lord Ansel Dayne and gave him four children; Andric, Arthur, Ashara and Allyria. Sadly both she and her husband died three years ago. Tremond was now the uncle of the Lord of Starfall -and the Sword of the Morning.

Ansel Dayne's mother was a Jordayne and he had three other siblings; Davina, Alphard and Calder. Davina gave up all of her claims in High Hermitage and made her first marriage with Bartemius Toland and had beautiful Nymella -the Lady of Ghost Hill now, then she had a natural-born daughter named Ellaria with Lord Harmen Uller and made her second marriage with Lord Dagos Manwoody -it was a love match. She had already given him two sons and announced that she was done with having children. So Lady Nymella was his cousin and Lord Dagos his uncle by marriage.

Lord Alphard had preferred to marry the heir of Lemonwood, Lady Dorcas Dalt and gave up all of his claims in High Hermitage, therefore his younger brother Calder became its lord and married Linden Santagar -who did not belong to the main branch.

Andric himself was married to Quentyn Qorgyle's only sister Cassella -a marriage that he did not wish for but had to comply and now everybody was saying that Larra Blackmont was his paramour. While both preferred not to say anything, Prince Doran himself warned people time and time again, claiming all those words were lies. Though still, the elders of the Sunspear did not forget the hot-flamed love between them.

And there it came the bad blood between Houses Dayne, Blackmont and Qorgyle. House Dayne also had a very long-termed feud with House Yronwood since the days of Dyanna Dayne, and Anders Yronwood's special hatred towards Prince Oberyn and loose loyalty towards House Martell created another bad blood. It didn't help that his daughter was betrothed to the Allyrion heir, his own sister was married to Quentyn and he himself with a Jordayne cousin.

So even without the whole Targaryen complicity, the waters in Dorne weren't calm, to begin with. Lorenza's decreasing health, Doran's rather abrupt and harsh stand, Oberyn's carelessness and Elia's absence from the court didn't help at all. But if there was one thing that the whole Dorne agreed was that this match was a horrible idea. They all loved Elia, whether they were a noble or a smallfolk, whether if they were a Dayne or a Yronwood, all loved Elia and they all remembered quite a lot what happened the last time a Martell princess was married to a Targaryen prince.

Generations of war followed it.

Surely one could argue that those rebellions had nothing to do with Myriah Martell -at least not personally, but everyone with a brain knew that the main reason of the war was the Dornish hatred rooted in the hearts of the Marcher Lords -and a bit Reacher and Storm Lords. They didn't have the energy and power to start all over again when the last rebellion took place only less than two decades ago. Surely they could find a more suitable match for Elia in Dorne -even Baelor Hightower would be better than Rhaegar Targaryen.

"Thank you Quentyn.", Lorenza didn't even bother with a smile, she knew what would follow.

"But,", he swallowed and tried to form a sympathetic smile. "of course you would know better, but, maybe we shouldn't aggravate the Marcher Lords when we have a new Vulture King threat on our doorstep."

"Since when Dornishmen ran away from the Marcher dogs with their tails between their legs?", Lorenza raised her head. "Your ancestors would be ashamed of you."

"Cousin,", Tremond leaned forward, his uncle was her father, Grant Gargalen the former Lord of Salt Shore. "Quentyn is right. The last time we had to deal with that threat it was the time of Daeron the Second -remember who his wife was? Sure, today is a new day, we all woke to a new dawn but do you think it is a coincidence that we have a Vulture King threat once again when we just announced the betrothal of yet another Martell and a Targaryen?"

"This Vulture King,", she sighed and turned to Larra. "does it has anything to do with you?"

"Why would it be?", Larra raised her eyebrows, this was another blood feud. Lorenza believed in the lies of her niece, saw Larra as Andric's paramour and despised her for it. And Larra wasn't a person who would let people throw insults at her face.

"The first one was one of your kin, do the math."

"Fairytales.", she made a 'click' sound hitting the roof of her mouth with her tongue and Tremond rolled his eyes. "There are too many houses in this realm and so many knights, so many people using their own personal coat-of-arms. You cannot blame me every time an outlaw uses a vulture as its symbol."

"What this Vulture King even wants?", Lord Fowler asked. "First one rose against to the king, second created problems for the Stormlanders, third claimed himself the King of the Seven Kingdoms as we didn't have enough usurpers for that time period and fourth supported the Blackfyre bastard -went against Dorne. What this one wants to do?"

"We don't even know if it's a real threat or not.", Yronwood rolled his eyes. "My troops say they saw nothing on the Red Mountains."

"And yet mine says different things.", Andric leaned back.

"You go and play in Torrentine and leave my mountains be, Andric."

"We all live in that mountains though. And trust me, if I were an outlaw I wouldn't use the Boneway."

"Then thanks to the Gods you are not an outlaw.", he snorted. "You would have a very short carrier if you think using the Prince's Pass is a safer route to the Red Mountains than Boneway itself."

"Let me give you a lesson about the gate that you are protecting Anders; Boneway is too narrow and dangerous. It has all these stoney slopes and twisting passes. Whereas Prince's Pass is ultimately safer and offers an easier route inside to the mountains."

"Every Dornishman can survive from the Boneway, it even gives the advantage to that outlaw because I cannot send an army after him in any kind of situation. Also, it leads to Summerhall. Now, if Prince Maekar would be still alive and ruling the Marchers, even I wouldn't dare to use that path because I do not want to die when I am this young and handsome but Summerhall is in ruins now. This outlaw must be quite unlucky if he would meet, I don't know, Prince Rhaegar when he visits there. But other than that, Boneway does not threaten him.", he leaned forward. "Whereas, Prince's Pass is too crowded even on its worst day, it's too plain, you cannot possibly hide there. Also, it is quite wide and lengthy, Fowler can send an army or Manwoody. And House Caron protects its other way in the Marchers. Hiding there would be stupid."

"Yes, you are right in all that.", Andric agreed and Lorenza raised an eyebrow. "But there is one thing you forget, a very crucial information in such times like is."

"And what is that?"

"Prince's Pass also goes through the Reach.", he deadpanned. "We all heard the rumours, have we not? That Hightower girl was supposed to marry the prince but the king changed his mind at the last minute. Now I don't know any of you but if the same disrespect was shown towards my sister-", he pressed the words. "-I would be rather angry."

"Do we have to listen about your obsession towards the Hightowers in every council?", Lady Allyrion wondered. "Your father managed to make peace with Leyton Hightower, have you ever thought maybe it is your fault that peace does not exist anymore."

"My father made a lot of mistakes in his later days.", Andric smiled but it did not reach to his eyes. "Making peace with them was the worst one. You cannot trust the Reachermen, they are our enemies no matter how much we play the house with them. But what I am talking about is a whole other matter. The girl is humiliated now. Don't you think he will not seek revenge on Elia? That man can influence the Tarlys and the rest of the Marchers. What would be better than starting a revolt in Dorne with a Vulture King so the already aggravated Marcher Lords can send their troops to us?", he raised his eyebrows. "Think about it for a second."

"I agree.", his uncle Calder, was the first one to speak, both had discussed it on their way to Sunspear last night. "Leyton Hightower might seem like a man of reason -and maybe he is, we cannot know that. But his brother?"

"A friend of Dorne.", Dagos looked at him with the object. "Come on Calder, I hosted that man in my own home and trust me, he is not more than a threat to us than the little dragon prince."

"That boy is a menace.", Tremond gritted his teeth. "And that 'little' dragon prince will be king one day.", he looked directly into Lorenza's eyes. "Aerys was a promising young man when he was a prince. I hosted him in my house too. He had a silver tongue and was as charming as a man could be. I thought we finally will have a good king. Not as crazy as Aegon and not as feeble-minded as Jaehaerys, a true king, I hoped. Surely a lot charmer than Viserys the Second and Maekar had a stronger will than Daeron the Second himself. He was different from his namesake. People even whispered that he was what Baelor Breakspear could've been if his brother didn't blow up his brain. And now look at him.", all of them looked at each other with discomfort. "A madman. Madder than all maybe. And you want to send your only daughter to that rat hole?"

"Elia is a Princess.", Lorenza defied them. "She deserves a prince to herself."

"You weren't thinking like that when you were desperately going after the Lannisters.", Yronwood smirked.

"I would be happier and sleep better at night if she would marry the Hightower pup instead.", Larra interfered.

"I thought you already sleep well at night.", Quentyn hissed to her and Larra only smirked.

"Better than your sister for sure. Sleeping alone doesn't help the nerves. Or so I've heard."

"You disrespectful-"

"Enough.", Lord Uller hit his hands to the table. "Lorenza we all love Elia.", agreeing sounds filled the room. "I had your little one as my squire and God knows I had to stop myself from praying for that little shit's doom.", he said affectionately.

"Maybe you shouldn't have bothered.", Anders smirked. "Next time you had that urge, let it be instead."

Harmen sent him a look and Dagos patted his shoulder. They were good friends. "And your eldest ...certainly is a person that I did not expect you to give birth to or Aethan to sire. Between them, Elia is a Goddess. She has a sharp mind and-"

"If this little speech of yours will continue for you to plea that I will disinherit Doran and she'll rule after me, then let me stop you now.", Lorenza stood up. "She is my daughter and only I can decide about her future. Do not think this is the final decision. We still will go to the capital. One wrong move and I will return back here with my daughter.", she turned to Yronwood. "You will protect the Boneway at all costs. I want you to send their watchers all the time.", then she turned to Fowler. "You will do the same with Prince's Pass.", then she turned to Andric, and her eyes got colder. "And you will behave with Leyton Hightower. If my daughter will get to harm in any kind of way because of those Reachers, I will blame you first. Understood?"

Andric only nodded unintentionally and turned to Larra to make a face while Lorenza ended the council.


279 AC, King's Landing

"So Aethan brought a lion to the capital.", Rhaella raised her eyebrows. They were having a family dinner again, with the suggestion of Gerold of course. She and Aerys were sitting on the two heads of the table and Rhaegar was in the middle.

"I don't want you to go near to that creature.", Aerys pointed to him with his fork. "You hear me?"

"Why would I go near a lion?", Rhaegar huffed. "It would be a horrible way to die, I venture."

"That's why I don't want you to go there."

"And where he will go?", Rhaella asked. "I heard some words that you will form a personal entourage to go to the Dorne and bring me my daughter-by-law, but then I heard that you will not?"

"Lord of Storm's End is too kind to throw a tourney and a grand feast for us.", Rhaegar made a face to his mother while keeping his voice neutral. His father didn't like Robert that much but loved Steffon like a brother, there was no reason to anger him. "She will go there directly -Aethan and Lewyn will accompany her, and I will go to Storm's End directly."

"I need you to take care of a few things while you are there.", Aerys was chewing his food. "I heard Robert still stays in the Eyrie, tell him that his behaviour is unacceptable."

"Why Tywin doesn't write him a letter?"

"Tywin is being too harsh with him. I want you to speak to Robert personally, as cousins."

"We are second cousins."

"Still cousins.", Aerys pressed. "Tell him that he can take the Stark boy with him if he wishes but he will go to Storm's End at once."

"The Stark boy?", Rhaella raised an eyebrow.

"Rickard's son.", Aerys answered. "They had been fostering there together for ages. Both are grown men now, they must learn to leave the nest and fly away."

"Jon complains about Robert a lot.", he informed them. "Says he is not just absent but does not even respond to the letters."

"Maybe he is answering the letters of the Lord of Griffin's Roost?", Aerys' voice was sharp. He never liked that boy, he was always too close to his son, whispering things into his ear. He didn't like whispers at all. "Which he is not."

"We both hear the same things about his father.", Rhaegar took a patient breath.

"I don't want you to trouble yourself with Jon's problems."

"I don't!", Rhaegar objected.

"Then what is the reason for your thoughtfulness?", Rhaella asked in a kinder manner. "If it's not Jon? It surely cannot be about your future wife, you didn't even meet her yet."

"It's Arthur.", he blurted. His parents loved Arthur as a son. "He has a problem for weeks now, and dreads to tell me what it is."

He didn't see the look between his parents. Or maybe he ignored it deliberately, he wasn't sure of it either.

Their marriage started on the wrong foot. They didn't get along as siblings. Jaehaerys and Shaera were a weird couple that loved neither each other nor their children, only power but despite it, Rhaella was their favourite child whereas Aerys' only duty was to sire a child, the Prince Who Was Promised. After Rhaegar was born, he was for no use anymore and he spent the three years of the short reign of his father escaping from his assassins.

He wanted to marry one another, he made a plan with Rhaella to stop this marriage. He knew they would never consent to it if it would be Aerys who objected match but Rhaella's heart got broken by the knight she had a crush on and as ever the dutiful child, she accepted the match. Aerys had to give up on one person he ever loved and accepted his destiny with Rhaella -knowing she hated it as much as he did.

At first, it was normal, after Rhaegar's birth and that dreadful night they got close only for a while until Jaehaerys sent him to Dragonstone and kept Rhaella with him. Then Aerys fell back to his old habits, he saw Rhaella again once he took the crown and for a while, things were truly alright. He had his mistresses, Rhaella didn't have problems with conceiving a child and they mourn for their losses together.

But then a tragedy struck and it was the time that the old Aerys actually died -Duskendale only took the ability to lie from him. After that incident, Aerys was a changed man. His actions towards the world got harsher, and he was even monstrous to Rhaella. He had blamed her for infidelity while it was him who was never loyal to her at the beginning. He had confined her to her chambers, made her sleep with Septas and a kingsguard in her chambers, and didn't even let her go to her balcony. And yet, they kept losing children. He had done horrible things after every loss and finally, he had given into the High Septon, swore himself from women and focused only on Rhaella -it didn't stop his emotional abuse.

Always blaming her for things, seeing enemies and crimes everywhere was always there but he always stood at that line, never crossed until Duskendale. Afterwards, his emotional abuse sometimes turned into a physical one. That little redness on her arm was on her cheekbones a fortnight ago and on her neck three moons ago. They weren't that frequent though there was always an intimidation attempt every time they were alone without Rhaegar and Viserys. If Rhaella would tell this to Rhaegar, she couldn't stop his actions and she would rather endure these than risk her own son. There was only one line Aerys hadn't crossed yet -though Rhaella didn't think he would. Ever since the Duskendale, Aerys didn't visit her chambers, she was free of him at least in that.

Only Gerold and Barristan knew about it, about the physical force he applied to her and while she saw the way both of them were greatly displeased by it -and she was sure Gerold had warned him, they had to stand there and watch. Especially after he first returned back, things were horrible and Rhaella had a purple eye for more than a month -thanks to the Gods that Rhaegar was in Dragonstone back then. Arthur had witnessed one of those acts two moons ago, though he didn't exactly saw what had happened, he surely heard her cries. He didn't guard her ever since, she was thinking that Gerold had stopped him. Both of them now realized that Arthur was thinking about Rhaegar more than they had thought, anyone else, namely Oswell, would go and tell him at the first chance he got. Not because he didn't care about him but because he cared about his feelings more than his well-being.

Well, it was obviously the opposite for Arthur Dayne.

"Maybe he missed his home?", Rhaella suggested. "He didn't visit Starfall ever since he became a kingsguard."

"He doesn't want to.", Rhaegar murmured. "You know Andric."

"Andric needs to grow up if he wants to be the head of his house.", Rhaella frowned. "Arthur is his brother, he needs to learn that he cannot control people and respect Arthur's decisions."

"It is Arthur who needs to grow up. He made a decision, he needs to stand behind it. What now, will he dread from him till the end of his life?", Aerys scowled. "Surely he will come here for the wedding. What will Arthur do? Hide in the corner?"

Rhaegar and Rhaella shared a look and decided not to answer.


279 AC, Oldtown

"Brother.", she curtsied to him deeply and lowered her head, didn't look at him and waited for the first move from him.

Leyton had finally returned back home with deeply surprised Baelor and Garth behind him. His eyes were expressionless, he observed his sister up and down. She had taken a bath after seeing the younglings. Her hair was bright with candlelight and her curls were falling to her waist. She was wearing a dark grey tulle dress with a long shiny silver vest and a small silver tiara with seashells on it.

She had grown up ever since he had seen her.

"My most precious sibling.", he said after minutes with a very warm tone and Atera looked at him with a small smile -that only grew when she saw Leyton's. Leyton opened his arms and embraced Atera tightly, smelled her scent and placed a small kiss on her hair. He hated fighting with her, she was his only sister. "I had missed you."

"I missed you too.", Atera murmured. Alerie and Malora were behind her with Arys, Rhea and Jacen standing next to each other and watching the scene with fake smiles.

"If I would know that you would come here today, I would welcome you personally."

"Rhea welcomed me well enough, brother.", Leyton saw the way Alerie rolled her eyes but he didn't pay attention to it, he was happy that Atera returned here to truly seek peace between them. It seemed to him that she was even ready to let go of her past quarrels with Rhea.

"Atera.", Baelor respectfully bowed his head at her. "Your absence in here was distractfully painful. We hope you returned here completely."

"This is the plan.", she smiled and looked to Leyton hesitantly. "If you allow me brother."

"Allow?", he deeply frowned and held her hands. "This is your home as much as it is mine. I would only be glad with your presence."

"Well you missed a lot since you went away.", Garth raised his eyebrows. "We will have to fill the gaps and it will take hours to do that.", Atera laughed at him and unlike Baelor, he actually took a step forward and hugged her. "We truly miss you, Atera."

"I missed all of you too.", she narrowed her eyes at Baelor. "Though some of you cannot even bother yourself with hugging me."

Baelor rolled his eyes and gave her a side hug and patted her back. "You know I don't like hugging people."

"And you think I do?", she mocked him.

"Leave it be.", Leyton warned them with warmness. "Boys, go to your chambers to rest. Arys, I'll see you tomorrow, go and spend time with Jacen, surely you too had missed each other as well. Sister, let's go inside.", he took her hand and placed it into his arm and entered his chambers, Alerie, Malora and Rhea following them. They had sat on the black couch in the corner. "I am glad to see you here, Alerie.", his voice was loving but his words carried a warning. "I hope you decided to return back here too with your aunt."

"We will talk with Mace, father.", Alerie answered rather simply. "But I don't see why not.", she said after Atera tapped her rib with her elbow.

"Good.", Leyton approved.

"The boys grew up a lot.", Atera sighed. "And Lynesse? I hope her future will be as beautiful as her face."

"They grew quickly much to our dislike.", he shared a look with Rhea.

"Please tell me you are not thinking of number eleven?", Atera raised an eyebrow and Leyton turned to her with a fake surprise.

"Atera Hightower, watch your tongue."

"I was just japing.", she mocked.

Leyton only rolled his eyes at her and turned to Malora instead. "How are you, my dear?"

"I am fine as usual. We've been spending time with Atera."

"Great.", then he frowned slightly. "Why didn't Lord Redwyne and Ser Victor accompany to you on your journey here? I hope everything is alright. You used Roseroad I guess, I would saw you in the harbour otherwise."

"Everything is perfect.", she tilted her head. "Paxter is still staying in the capital, he has things to do before returning and Victor is accompanying him. He offered his ship for me to use but I wanted to have a little time before I came."

"Something happened?", Leyton frowned and Atera thought, great, he had no idea what had happened.

"What may happen?", a secretive smirk appeared on her lips and Leyton knew better than to ask.

"Did you have the chance to see the girls?"

"They had been busy with their education today.", Rhea answered. "I was planning for them to see each other at dinner tonight but Atera wishes to rest."

"You know how road makes me.", Atera rolled her eyes. "I think I must sleep for a week."

"Just like Malora.", Alerie joked. "She would sleep all the time too, if we would let her."

"And you wouldn't sleep at all if you would have given the chance.", she shrugged. "I am sleeping for both of us."

"It's such a beautiful thing for one to have siblings.", Rhea said rather sadly. "I wish I would have a sister too, whom I can trust, share my happiness and sadness, share my secrets.", it was no secret that she wasn't close with Melessa. They had quite different characters.

Atera's face fell with that comment and reached out to hold her hand. "You are a part of this family too, Rhea. I find myself quite alone too time to time. Sure, I have three brothers but none of them are sisters. Anything you want to live with your own sister but cannot, you can live with me."

Leyton was touched by Atera's compassion and Alerie was pale with shock, her widened eyes were focused on Atera's face and not even Malora was expecting this much change. But Rhea seemed to believe it, her eyes got a bit teary.

"I would be only honoured for that."

Atera squeezed her hand one last time. "Brother, I wish to rest if you allow me."

"Of course. Go and sleep."

She had left the room with Alerie and Malora, her sincere smile got faded with every step she took and when they turned from the corridor, she had her usual stoic face.

"Do not show this much favour to Rhea.", Alerie snapped at her. "Or I can assure you that she will abuse it."

Atera scowled at her with a look full of insolence towards her. "Are you teaching me what to do?"

Malora groaned and Alerie's eyes got widened, she remembered who she was talking to immediately and tried to explain. "I was just-"

Atera raised her hand and Alerie shut up immediately. "If this snake grew up this much, it is your fault.", she looked to Malora too. By 'you', she meant plural, as all of them. "You couldn't manage to handle one thing without me.", and then she walked towards her room with fury, leaving a puzzled Alerie behind her.


279 AC, Sunspear

"I don't want it.", Elia pleaded rather calmly.

She arrived at Sunspear in the morrow, Ashara was with her other ladies, preparing her room while she went to visit her mother. She had a headache again so the curtains were closed, and only flashes of bright light would come into the room through fences, creating an anxious environment.

Lorenza was sitting on her divan with her crown and expensive gown, looking to the wall, averting Elia deliberately. Elia was in front of her, on the floor, shaken like a bird.

"I told you to at least think about it.", Elia shakes her head ferociously. "At least a bit before you rejected it with this much determination. Maybe he is your destiny, maybe he will bring you happiness", Lorenza tried again. "When everyone is against me and your brothers, when we don't know what happen next, we might use him as a support. I heard that he is clever and talented, a promising prince."

"Mother you don't understand.", Elia's tears fell to her face. "I saw a dream-"

"I had enough of your dreams.", Lorenza hissed to her and let go of her hands. "They are not true, only ways to distract yourself, nothing more Elia! Grow up!"

"And what if they are true? What if I marry him and a disaster would follow?"

"You are not a child anymore Elia. You cannot make plans about the future due to some dreams. Open your eyes to the reality. Do you think this Vulture King came out of nowhere? Do you think Anders Yronwood's hatred towards Oberyn got lessened in the past years?", she asked to her sternly. "I am dying Elia, do your dreams also tell you this? What do you think will happen when I die? Do you think your brother will wear my crown with ease, with peace? Do you think his wife will be useful to him? A silent war had started the moment Orson Yronwood died."

"Then do not talk about happiness to me.", Elia's voice was sharp. "You are sacrificing me for your mistakes, for Oberyn's mistakes."

"What do you think will happen if we will not take caution? Are you this eager to see the dead bodies of your brothers' and Mellario's and even little Arianne's?"

"Gods be good, no!"

"Then start acting like your age."

"Why Oberyn doesn't get married?"

"If I would believe even one second that marrying Oberyn wouldn't fasten our downfall, I would betroth her to that Yronwood girl right this second. But we both know your brother. Rather die than take responsibility."


"Elia I gave a promise to myself.", Lorenza looked at her for the first time. "You were born as a princess, you overrank every lady in this kingdom. Do you truly I would let you marry a minor lord? What Aerys did was disrespectful and our house and region had been enduring insolence for hundreds of years.", she held her chin. "I vow to change that and now you are going to be the queen, you will have all the power in the world that I couldn't have.", her eyes softened only for a second. "I know it hurts right now, breaking your heart but as your mother, I promise you this; the time will heal you. And trust me, you will be happy.", she didn't believe herself.

"They say you weren't happy when I was born because I was a girl.", Elia wiped her tears and looked at her mother's surprised face strongly. "How ironic is it that now you need me to protect your sons."

"Stop crying Elia!", she raised her voice. "How many times I must tell you about the reason for this match? Necessity of this marriage? You cannot act like a little girl when it is your family's lives on the line."


"If I tell you to marry, you will marry.", she cut her line. "This will prove your loyalty towards me and your brothers. And trust me, loyalty is more important than anything -even from happiness.", Elia didn't answer. "It is your decision in the end.", Lorenza said finally. "There are two paths on your way. You will either follow me or..."


Elia entered her room and didn't find her ladies but her brother. Doran was sitting on her couch and reading a book and he stood up with worry when she entered. "Sister?"

Elia threw herself into his arms as she used to do. "Brother."

They hugged for a while but then Doran gently broke it. "I guessed that you didn't want this marriage.", he said while caressing softly the traces of her tears.

"I saw it coming.", Elia tried to smile and Doran understood.

"One of your dreams?"

"Mother sees this as a solution to our problems. But I know that it will be only the beginning of bigger ones."

Doran took a deep breath, he didn't believe in her dreams too, she never saw something clear, only images that anyone can interpret differently. "Do you think it is wise to shape your life based on metaphors and dreams?", Elia snorted at this and threw herself to her couch. "Anytime something that bothers you happen, you see those dreams and let them affect you. Haven't you ever wondered why you don't have them in a normal time?"

"Oberyn told me-"

"Our brother is many things but wise is not one of them.", Doran sighed and caressed her cheek with the back of her hand. "Don't you think your brain makes up all of these as a coping mechanism? Maybe you are only afraid to marry the prince and you are trying to force yourself to find a reason for it?"

Elia knew better but also knew it was pointless to argue with Doran, he had a way with words. Even her mother -and Oberyn, tried to avoid discussing things with him too much, everybody knew they would lose against him. Elia also had the same talent but hers worked only on other people. She didn't hold such power when it came to her family.

"Tell me at least you met him?"

Doran shook his head. "I haven't but Oberyn did when he visited Starfall."


Doran seemed hesitant. "I wouldn't trust Oberyn's judgement on this for two reasons; he dislikes him because he blames him for Arthur being a kingsguard and leaving home and he hates every possible suitor you have."

"He liked Baelor enough."

"And we all know what happened next.", Doran deadpanned and then both laughed at Oberyn's taunts.


279 AC, King's Landing

"You finally got what you wanted.", Jon entered his room with great irritation and Rhaegar groaned when he saw it.

"I thought you would need another week to finally accept this decision.", he tried to lighten the mood but Jon kept deadpanning.

It was only a week ago that he had proposed to Atera and Aerys called it off in the same minute, announcing his betrothal to Elia instead. Ever since Atera had left the court with her cousin. The original plan was to keep all of the ladies here until Elia comes so she could choose her own ladies but due to Robert's tournament, most of the ladies left the court too, instead, they started to get prepared for Robert's tourney or the upcoming wedding.

Paxter Redwyne kept staying at the court with the young Tyrell boy, both were nerving Lucerys and thanks to their presence Rhaegar even learnt new curse words from him. And Gerold was fuming. Oswell had told him that it was Gerold himself who objected to the wedding in the first place but he probably didn't think everybody would talk about his niece. Rhaegar also knew from Myles that he had tried to speak with her before she left but she had refused -her cousin refused it too by her orders or so it seemed. Rhaegar deeply regretted what had happened and wanted to apologize to her personally when she returned -if she would return.

And Jon was so angry that when he went to check on him the first day, he warned him with an awful tone and slammed the door in his face. Arthur was too stunned to speak and for once, he didn't use this incident to taunt him and let him cool down for a week. Still, Rhaegar would rather have him or Oswell here so he wouldn't be the only target of Jon's anger. He would even settle down for Myles but it was late at night, and he was all alone.

"You finally got what you wanted and I hope you are happy.", his words were exactly the same as Arthur's from a week ago but they lacked sincerity. Arthur said them with great hopes and happiness, and Jon said them as if he made a horrible mistake. "I truly hope that I will be the wrong one at the end of this story and we will laugh at this past fortnight or so."

"You worry too much.", Rhaegar stood up and approached to his friend. Arthur was his oldest, closest and best friend but Jon came close. They had met when they were only boys, they grew up together. Rhaegar was a ward for his father and later, both squired for Lord Steffon Baratheon in Storm's End. In the long year of his wardship, it was Barristan who was his protector, while Arthur was squiring for Lewyn in the capital. After he got his knighthood and then named the Sword of the Morning, and both Rhaegar and Jon got knighted, they all went to Dragonstone together. This time it was newly appointed Oswell who accompanied them, not Barristan and it was Arthur who became Rhaegar's sworn shield. Arthur and Jon hated each other at first sight and it only grew more while he and Jon became friends rather quickly. "I listened to your advice and proposed to Atera. What else I was supposed to do when the king himself dismissed it?"

"Hightowers are proud but I am sure with an apology-"

"My father would never do that and you know it.", Rhaegar shook his head. "Maybe it is for the best."

Jon just looked at his face for a very long time. "For the good of this realm, you pray that it is for the best."


279 AC, Oldtown

She wasn't in the mood for a big family dinner so she just invited Rhea, Alerie and Malora to her chambers for a private one.

"Alerie?", Rhea asked. "You don't eat or drink or talk. Are you ill?"

"Thank you, I am fine."

"I heard Mace was going to lead the watchers till the Prince's Pass to House Fowler's watch in order to find that Vulture King before he creates actual problems. I do understand that you are worried about him but-"

"Don't worry, Rhea.", Alerie cut her off with obvious discomfort. "No one can hurt Mace."

Rhea raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes. "But I heard the situation is quite dangerous. Ever since the betrothal was announced, Leyton was receiving letters from the Marcher Lords one by one. Urging him to do something. I don't understand Mace's impulsive behaviour. Leyton is his father by law, he must respect him more and wait until he makes a decision."

Alerie stopped eating and sent her burning gaze to Rhea but before she said something Malora interfered. "There is nothing to be dramatic about.", her voice was harsh. When Atera sent her a side eye, she changed her tone. "There are always talks of a riot or uprising all the time. It scarcely becomes true. Also, Mace is the Lord Paramount of the Reach, my father, while his father too by marriage and his most powerful bannermen, is his subject in the end. Mace is our liege lord, he doesn't have to ask or wait."

"Yes,", Rhea put down her spoon and sent Malora a fake smile. "but your father is not happy with Mace's decision. He will talk with him privately tomorrow."

"Enough!", Alerie raised her voice and Rhea flinched. "Do not interfere with the things that are none of your concern Rhea!", she yelled and Atera leaned forward with a scowl.


"Everyone must know where to stop.", she pressed the words with gritted teeth.

"This incident had upset you clearly. Maybe you need to go to your mansion, hm? Sleep, rest."

Rhea raised her eyebrows with surprise and bit her lips, Malora rubbed her face and took a deep breath and Alerie seemed so hurt. "It's not like I will stay here. I only sat down at this table for you."

She got up and turned around to leave the room and Malora followed her. "I didn't want to hurt her.", Rhea said afterwards.

"It isn't about you Rhea. Alerie has always been like this. Fragile, weak..."

"She is.", Rhea looked to her with caution but amusement. "I understand her though, it isn't easy after everything..."

"What 'everything'?", she frowned.

"I am talking about the pregnancy issue.", Rhea whispered to her.

Everybody knew Alerie and Mace longed for another child -Alerie, more than Mace. Willas was three and Garlan was two, still, Alerie was trying too hard to have another and the more she couldn't get pregnant, the more she became obsessed with it. This resulted in a rather nasty argument with Malora which she screamed the truth into her face; she was overreacting and there was nothing wrong and she needed to stop making her boys her entire personality and spend some time alone.

"This still continues?", Atera rolled her eyes.

"Unfortunately.", Rhea raised her eyebrows again and then watched her sister-by-law's face, deciding to believe her sincerity. "Atera I want to thank you."

"Why?", Atera frowned while drinking water, she was not a wine person.

"People whisper all kinds of things from my back. They say I am a witch, a liar, and such things. There are even rumours that I have eyes behind my head."

"Yes, I looked for it but couldn't see it.", she joked and both laughed, then Rhea put a hesitant hand on her arm.

"I want to thank to you because you finally decided to let go of our old grudges and obviously give me a second chance. Thank you for standing with me."

"I was a child a year ago.", Atera turned her head. "But now I see things clearly. My brother loves you dearly, it is only just for me to try and do the same."

"Thank you.", this time Rhea's smile was sincere but Atera's only stayed as fake.


"Atera!", Mace called for her the next morning. She had been here for four days already and still, they didn't have a chance to see each other.

"Mace?", she turned and both bowed to each other respectfully. "It's good to see you."

"And you too. It's been what now? A year, since I last saw you? It was weird, I was used to seeing your annoying presence every day since I was 7.", she had fostered in Highgarden under the tutelage of Olenna Tyrell. Atera only rolled her eyes to his jape and Mace pointed to his room. "Please, let me have a word with you."

"What is the subject?", she asked while entering to the know, knowing damn well what this was about.

"I heard that you've been rather close with Rhea ever since you returned."

Atera sent him a smirk. "It seems Alerie had complained about me.", she pouted and mocked.

Mace forcibly smiled at her. He knew he was in a game and he knew he had to play it by the rules in order to win. "I just wondered the reason for this fondness, that's all. Because we both know that you hate her like poison."

"Feelings may change, Mace. You can love someone you didn't or you can stop loving someone you did, right? And as much as I saw, Rhea is not a threat to our family anymore. She is busy with her children and weirdly enough, with charity. And she is quite devoted to my brother."

"You shouldn't believe her lies. We must stand against her for Alerie's sake."

"Alerie is the Lady of Highgarden. The most powerful woman in the Reach. Still, she cannot win over one woman and begs me for help for moons.", she rubbed her face. "You should've helped her with other things to stop her obsession to spread."

"Atera, I am not trying to give you council. You do not need it, I know. I am just worried about Alerie, that's all.", Mace offered her a sympathetic smile.

"And as you said, I do not need your council."

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