Trollhunters: The Tale From P...

Od ventisbluedove

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Note: this is a self insert series, although you are free to imagine yourself in my place if you wish <3 Phoe... Více

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter Eighteen

121 7 11
Od ventisbluedove

We were all inside the Tarron's house, the mom blank was cooking pancakes...or at least trying to if you consider pancakes sticking to the ceiling "cooking". Varvatos was socializing with Blinky and Aja was connecting with Olivia and Jim.

"Well... This is my secret life I guess, off fighting trolls." I chuckled.

"It's amazing, I never knew you'd be up to something so remarkable!" Krel had the biggest smile plastered on his face, it almost drove me crazy how much I was blushing by just looking at him.

"It's not all amazing, there are times when it's terrifying too. Like yesterday- or I guess a few days ago if you consider the time loop a day."

"Considering the scientific way of how it works, I wouldn't. Hey, aren't you supposed to be getting your glasses fixed today?"

"I am, but this was more important. It doesn't mean Olivia and I won't get into some serious trouble but at least the day will reset... Again."
I spotted Claire walking over to us and looked up at her as she leaned over the couch.

"Hey Krel, I was wondering if I could get a tour of the spaceship! Aja made it seem pretty cool."

"Oh, of course! I'd be happy to."

"Can I come too? I'd love to study absolutely everything!" Olivia jumped over to us in excitement.

"Sure!" Krel turned to me for a moment, "I'll be right back."
I watched the three of them enter the portal door by the fireplace. Claire was the last to enter, and a sudden negative emotion washed over me.

It was like I almost felt left out all of a sudden. A weird feeling of not trusting Claire came through too, but I had no reason not to trust her. This is her normal friendly manner... unless I missed something.

But Olivia is with them, it's not like anything is going to happen. Nothing would happen anyways, I should just trust krel and Claire. They're just being friends. I sighed, feeling confused about my thoughts.

Luug hopped up on the couch next to me and let out a bark as he rolled onto his back.

I smiled and started scratching his furry belly. It was strange to think a purple ET dog is turned into a corgi with the help of mother, but a good strange.

"Who's a good boy?" I patted his belly and he rolled over to sit up. He let out another bark before licking my face.
"Such a sweet dog." I rubbed his ears and planted a kiss on his head.

"This is insane! Aliens are real!" Claire exclaimed as she walked out of the portal.

"Akiridions." Olivia and Krel both corrected her before turning to look at each other.

"Sorry Akiridions are real. And your house is actually a secret spaceship? I have a million questions." She rambled.

"Ask away Ms nuñez." Mother's voice responded.

"Like, how does your house know my name?"

I frowned looking at her, I didn't understand why either! Luug jumped off the couch and ran off to Aaarrrgghh while everyone gathered in the living room.

I looked over at Olivia standing behind Claire who gave me an annoyed expression with her hands acting as claws. I chuckled at the sight, Olivia never did get along with Claire and I never knew why.

"Your blue thingy worked, everyone seems to remember!" Jim smiled.

I fixed my eyes on krel, he held his hand to his chin as if he was thinking. Knowing him he was already planning a master idea.

"But now we need to unloop time." Aja followed.

"According to your description, the troll appears to be carrying a Dekyon Charger." Krel spoke up.

"What's that? Is that some super high-tech gadget you Akiridions use?" Asked Olivia.

"Yes, but it's a device that recycles energy, not time. So it doesn't add up.

"Porgon is a trickster. He could use troll magic to-" Claire began to explain before Toby cut her off.

"Oh my gosh." He sat down beside me, "It's like Blinky said. Porgon combined troll magic and alien tech. It's like mixing chocolate and peanut butter to make-"

"A nougat nummy?" Jim asked.

"Not just any nougat nummy Jimbo, the nougat nummy of reset buttons."

I practically face-palmed at his explanation.
"Does everything you say involve food?"

"Hey, I have my moments." He proceeded to scoot away from me.

"Your teeth of steel are fascinating." Vex appeared behind Toby, startling him in the process. "Do you use them to chomp your enemies?"

"When this Porgon attacks, he always goes after a component of the daxial array." Krel continued.

"If this troll combines his magic with this... object you're saying, then he could destroy time itself. And that means everything will either explode, or it will freeze completely leaving everyone and everything in a nonexistent plane of thought. Right?" Olivia turned to Krel.

"Uhm... Yes, precisely."

"We must destroy this device before porgon can use it again." Aja stated, before starting to walk away.

I grabbed her wrist and leaned over the couch, "hey, where are you going?" I whispered.

"I'm going to stop this madness." She pulled out of my grasp and dashed for the door.

"-he'll send us back to this morning. Wait, where did Aja go?" Jim asked.

"She walked out literally right as you finished talking."

"Agh! Right as I said be careful!" He darted for the door and I practically jumped over the couch to follow him with everyone else behind me.

I raced out the door with Jim, tripping on the doorstep in the process and knocking him down.

"Ow! Phoenix-"



And as if I blinked, we were all suddenly teleported back to this morning, inside the Tarron's house.

"I cannot believe she did that!" Jim started heading toward the hallway.

"Hey- easy," I held my hands in front of him, "she's like that okay? I'll go talk to her."

He let out an amused scoff, "Too late."

I turned around and Aja exited her room, holding her hand to her head. She looked up and let out a gasp from seeing us standing in front of her.

"Sorry, I got carried away." She continued walking past us and I followed.

"Yeah, you did, you knucklehead." Toby said, mouth stuffed with pancakes.

"Knucklehead." That is a fun word, but it does not sound like a nice one." Aja started opening the front door.

"You can't just rush off into battle like that." Jim walked up behind me.

"I said I was sorry." Aja rolled her eyes.

"You said you're training to be a warrior, but it takes patience."

"That is what Varvatos said!" Vex came up from behind me. I jumped as he slammed the door on Aja.

"I once rushed into a place called the dark lands by myself. If my friends hadn't helped me, a lot of people would've gotten hurt."

"You don't understand. My mama and papa did get hurt," Aja started to pace around, "and now bounty hunters are after us. This is why I am training to be a warrior."

I glanced up at Vex and I could've sworn his expression turned into a saddened one.

"This is why I cannot be patient." Aja dropped to her knees from the emotional outburst. "I cannot lose anyone ever again."

Krel and I got down on the ground with her. How Aja was describing her feelings almost felt similar to mine two years ago, all I could do was just... feel sympathy for her.

"I don't think that's something we can control Aja." Krel hugged his sister lightly.

"The king in waiting is correct. No amount of training can prevent tragedy. And the lake hunting boy is also correct." Vex placed a hand on Jim's shoulders, practically weighing him down in pain.

I chuckled in amusement watching him struggle.

"You cannot vanquish our current foe yourself." He continued.

I began to stand back up with Aja and Krel but felt a sudden sharp pain in my leg. 'Nope, I'm staying on the ground.' I thought to myself.

"Okay... What is your plan?" Aja asked, finally willing to listen.

"You can't defeat Porgon without separating him from the Dekyon Charger. If we attack right away, he'll panic and just restart the loop."

"So we have to trick the trickster troll?" I asked.

"Exactly. And to do that, we'll need some dwärkstones."

"Awesome... What is a dorkstone?" Olivia asked.

"It's an explosive rock we trollkind use in battle. Though in other situations it can be used for distractions." Blinky explained.

"This all sounds really cool... But before we make this plan official can someone help me up?" I raised my hand.

Jim grabbed my hand while Krel reached out for my other and they hoisted me up off the ground.
"Thank you... Anyways, we may continue." I blushed in slight embarrassment.

"Alright, first, we need the day to reset, that way we have a fresh start."

"It shouldn't be that hard, if porgon is sticking to his time then the day should reset in 15 seconds." Olivia turned her phone screen to us.

"You've been keeping track?"

"Uh-huh. I figured it was important, seems like it's not my original thought. The days are in fact not getting shorter so we have plenty of time. Although-"

"I think we get the idea, Olivia." Claire cut off Olivia before she started to ramble.

Aja spoke up, finally able to get her fighting in, "Alright! Let's do this!"


Finally, with a plan, we made our way to the front of the planetarium. All the students who were here were either bringing in their projects or were coming just to watch.

We were walking in a line as if we were migrating birds, Aja leading us. You could practically hear Stitch's harness and my sword jingling from a mile away.

The whole thing was embarrassing for me, everyone turned to look at us and we were just walking in like we owned the place. I could feel my heart pounding as I noticed everyone.

We stepped into the building and its cool air conditioning gave me light chills. Looking around I could see everyone at their tables waiting for the teachers' inspection.

How they all had volcano projects stunned me. Last time I did a science project I had a whole solar system displayed.

"Yeesh, these kids have no creativity. I pity you." Olivia whispered to me.

"Does everyone have a stone?" Jim turned to us.

We all nodded and started heading in different directions.

I followed Olivia and Krel while the others turned the opposite way.

Krel planted his stone first as we walked past Steve and Eli. They were bickering about who knows what while Krel ever so gently crouched down and placed the stone on the volcano.

I noticed two students turned away from their project as they started to tape up a falling picture on their board.

I carefully dropped the stone into the volcano and continued like nothing happened. My heart was almost pounding out of my chest and the chill building suddenly felt hot.

"You okay?" Krel asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I chuckled, "I just uh... I get nervous, like really nervous when I do stuff like this." I avoided his eyes.

"Really? I thought it was pretty simple."

I watched as Olivia stopped in front of two girls as she was holding the stone behind her back.
"Cool volcano you got there, "Elephant toothpaste" is it?" She began asking questions.

"Hey." Krel placed his hand on my shoulder and I jumped. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded, "Mhmm."
'oh God, he knows something is off.'

"You can tell me anything...but if you don't want to, I understand."

I looked down at the ground in thought as we met back up with Jim.

"Okay... Where's Olivia?" He counted every one.

"Oh, I'm right here." She said as she walked up to us.


"I have a feeling once our transduction effect wears off, it'll make quite the distraction." Krel blinked and his eyes turned the beautiful black and blue.

"So will this." Jim held out his amulet, "For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command." He levitated and glowing armor surrounded him before covering his body.

I looked over at the two siblings who were staring at him in awe and spoke simultaneously. "I want one!"

The sudden roar of porgon echoed through the planetarium and I covered my ears from the sound. We all turned to the direction it came from and rushed over as we unsheathed our weapons.

Porgon dropped down in front of us and we all slid to an abrupt stop. He unleashed a slobber-covered roar directly in front of us before throwing his fist down on a table, smashing it in half.

The building was filled with people screaming at the sight of the strange red creature. Krel and Aja transformed as if on command and Olivia let out a gasp.

"I knew it!" Eli shouted from behind us.

"Awesome!!!" Olivia jumped up and down.

"Now!" Aja called out.

Down in one of the hallways, blinky set off the dwärkstones and all the volcanos erupted in sync, filling the room with smoke.

The fire alarm immediately started going off, adding more noise to the chaos. I couldn't handle everything at once and covered my ears as I kept an eye on Porgon.

He smashed more tables and Varvatos could be heard somewhere in the room.

"Glorious!" We looked up and Vex came in, swinging on the rotating solar system. "Die time, troll!"

Vex threw himself off the planet and kicked porgon across the room, knocking the Dekyon Charger out of his hand.

"Okay boy, fetch!" Krel called out. Luug came running and caught the Charger as if it was a chew toy.

He ran over to Krel and me, dropping it in Krel's hands.
"Got it." He stood back up.

I looked up from luug and noticed porgon hop to his feet.

"Oh no."

The troll started charging at us, letting out another roar. I held my sword tightly, ready to fight when suddenly Aja jumped over us from above and fired a shot from her serrator.

Porgon tumbled back and before he could get up, Jim swung down from the solar system and impaled porgon right through the stomach.

The troll turned to stone and broke into multiple pieces, leaving a pile of rubble. The smoke cleared and Blinky came out of his hiding with a laugh.
"A "Por-gone" conclusion!"

"Thank seklos, that was terrifying." Krel sighed.

"Extremely." I turned to him and noticed everyone taking pictures. "Oh hell..."

"Guys, we're in trouble." Olivia groaned.

"Actual freaking monsters! Who knew you were such a bad girl phoenix!" Mary exclaimed and stepped closer to Blinky who was being blinded by the flashes. "Or do you prefer creatures? I wanna make sure I get my hashtag right."

I crossed my arms and glared at her before the main doors opened and caught my attention.

"Detective Scott to dispatch. Perimeter secure. We are on site." The man spoke over his radio as he walked in with another officer.

"Roger, what are you looking at?" A man spoke through the speaker.

"I... Honestly can't say." The other officer said as they turned to us. Shock-filled expressions covered their faces.

"All right, all of you, I wanna see both hands in the air!" The detective exclaimed.

We all immediately held up our hands, I was over this already and just wanted to go home. I glanced around and I could only imagine how chaotic this looked to anyone else.

"Or um.. however many you have."

Aja and Blinky held up their extra set of arms.

"Varvatos Vex should rip out this man's tongue and flagellate him with the object of his own insolence!" Vex pointed a stone hand at the man and everyone stood back in fear.

"Get councilwoman nuñez on the line." The detective whispered into his radio.

"Any ideas? Other than big blue murdering our way out of this?" Toby asked.

"Um.." Jim looked over at me and I shrugged in response.

Krel looked down at the Dekyon Charger, "wait... I might have a solution. If I can initiate the self-destruct mechanism in the Dekyon Charger, we can reset the day again. Except this time, the charger will be destroyed and your troll menace will not find it!"

Jim hesitated before speaking, "But then today will never have happened."

"Which means... We never become friends." Aja said in disappointment.
Krel and I shared a saddened glance.

"Worry not," Blinky spoke up, "fate will no doubt reunite us all in due course. The truest of friendships have the power to transcend both time and space."

Krel began to tamper with the mechanism, "...are we ready to do this?"

"When the day resets, does it mean literally everything will reset? Like everything everything?" I asked him.

"Yes, why?"

I grabbed his face and swiftly pulled him into a kiss. He stumbled backward with a dazed smile and shook his head.

"Wow! You go, little brother!" Aja cheered.

He then held out the Dekyon Charger in front of us and everyone placed a hand over it. He took one last glance at me as everything began to glow a blinding blue and the day reset once and for all.


"Phoenix, are you ready to go?" Aunt Kristy called from downstairs.

"Yeah, just a second!" I hopped around on one foot as I struggled to get my shoe on over my brace.

"Phoenix let me help you." Jim crossed his arms.

"I got it- Woah!" I stumbled backward and Jim caught me as I was just a foot off the ground.

"You don't need to hurt yourself any more than you already have." He pushed me back up. "Why don't you wear your one sandal one shoe thing?"

"Because then you can see the bandages sticking out from my pants."

"So what? Just say you tripped last night, but don't force it. You know your shoe won't fit.

I held my gaze for a moment, "Fine." I began to take off my brace so I could take off the sock I just put on. He had a point, my shoe never fit over my brace before so why force it now?

I finished tightening my brace right before my aunt called me again, I grabbed Stitch and started to put on his harness as I rushed down the stairs.

"See you later Jim!"I waved through the railing.

From what happened last night, my leg certainly feels better. Although I shouldn't push it, I just couldn't help but feel like I could do anything!

"Good luck at the eye doctor!" Barbara called out to me from the kitchen before I rushed out the door.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Olivia whispered to me as we dashed to the car.

I nodded with a more reassuring smile than last night and opened the passenger door to my aunt's truck.

"What took you so long?" She asked.

"I tried to put my shoe on over my brace... It didn't work out so well."

"Okay, well now we're going to be late I don't know how bad traffic is." She started backing out of the driveway.

"We'll be fine Mom." Olivia leaned in from the backseat.

"Don't let me forget that I need to buy a knee lock for the front door. I'm hoping we can get back there by tomorrow. And don't go breaking your new glasses Phoenix! I already have Olivia's new phone to pay off I don't need to get you two new pairs."

I huffed a smile knowing full well I haven't broken a pair of glasses in at least four years until now.

"Do you think we can stop by the planetarium afterward? I wanted to meet up with a friend."

"Yeah... Is it that new boy you've been talking to? I hope he's nice." Kristy smirked.

"He's not new anymore! And yeah he's nice I guess but another friend will be there too."

"What about that cafe boy who always pays for you and Olivia's Tuesday snacks? Do you still talk to him?"

"Yeah I still talk to him- why are you even asking these things?"

"Okay I'm sorry, I'll stop... But I'll get Olivia to tell me everything."


"Oh yeah!" Olivia teased, "She has a crush on that "new" boy too! He's super smart and she is always talking to him!"

"Olivia!" Blush filled my face in embarrassment.

"Alright, alright." She held a mischievous smile.


I walked into the main part of the planetarium where everyone was holding their science projects. How they all had volcano projects stunned me.

I looked around and spotted krel and Aja in the back. Holding onto Stitch's harness, I made my way through the crowd of people leaving the building.

"Who's the king? I'm the king? The king of science!" Steve called out as he passed me.

I raised an eyebrow watching him follow everyone else before I continued walking.

"Hey, at least two people on this planet will always appreciate your genius." Aja smiled at Krel and sent me a wink.

I stood quietly behind the boy with a smile.

"Uh.. who?"

"Obviously me, you knucklehead."

"Oh, thank you Aja, but who's the other one?"

"Turn around!"

Krel turned around and a bright smile appeared on his face.
"Phoenix, you're here! And you got your glasses fixed!" He pulled me into a tight hug.

I blushed and he let go with the same flustered expression.
Clearing his throat, he turned to Aja.
"I-I'm sorry you had to miss warrior training Aja."

"That's alright, for some reason I think I can be patient. Besides it was worth it to see you two like that."

"Oh, hi Jim!" I waved to Jim right as he ran into Aja.

"Woah, sorry there. Hi Phoenix. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, everything is... Awesome sauce." Aja smiled.

I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Hey, that's my line!" Toby piped up from behind Jim and continued to follow him.

Krel scoffed, "What a completely ridiculous human expression."

"And a weird one..." I looked back at him and Toby.

"Let me put everything away and we can go. You know, you didn't have to come to meet us Phoenix."

"I know, but I wanted to. Besides I'm going to the cafe afterward to meet up with a friend, I thought it'd be nice to hang out for a bit before."

"You two are so adorable."

"Aja!" Krel and I said in sync.

"What? It's true."

3819 words!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I definitely did!
I umm... I think that's it!

K thanks byeeee!!!

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