Trackstar Antelope

By FinFin_AUS

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Delve into the world of Jamel! A fifteen-year-old Blackbuck Antelope who has big aspirations to become a star... More

Trackstar Antelope Volume 2
Trackstar Antelope Volume 3
Trackstar Antelope Volume 4
Trackstar Antelope Volume 5
Trackstar Antelope Volume 6
Trackstar Antelope Volume 7
Trackstar Antelope Volume 8
Trackstar Antelope Volume 9
Trackstar Antelope Volume 10
Trackstar Antelope Volume 11
Trackstar Antelope Volume 12
Trackstar Antelope Volume 13
Trackstar Antelope Volume 14
Trackstar Antelope Volume 15
Trackstar Antelope Volume 16
Trackstar Antelope Volume 17
Trackstar Antelope Volume 18
Trackstar Antelope Volume 19
Trackstar Antelope Volume 20
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 21
Trackstar Antelope Volume 22
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 23
Trackstar Antelope Volume 24
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 25
Trackstar Antelope Volume 26
Trackstar Antelope Volume 27
Trackstar Antelope Volume 28
Trackstar Antelope Volume 29
Trackstar Antelope Volume 30
Trackstar Antelope Volume 31
Trackstar Antelope Volume 32
Trackstar Antelope Volume 33
Trackstar Antelope Volume 34
Trackstar Antelope Volume 35
Trackstar Antelope Volume 36
Trackstar Antelope Volume 37
Trackstar Antelope Volume 38
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 39
Trackstar Antelope Volume 40
Trackstar Antelope Volume 41
Trackstar Antelope Volume 42
Trackstar Antelope Volume 43

Trackstar Antelope Volume 1

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By FinFin_AUS

Chapter 1: The Mild May

I step outside, and wait on my front door. It's May, about 12 degrees, almost wintertime here in Whigata. My neighbour's trees have turned orange, and soon their leaves will fall to the ground. The soft morning breeze snaps me back to reality; I need to get to school.

I begin my slow walk to school, bearing the cold, humid air. As a Blackbuck Antelope, I'm more used to hotter, drier climates, but it's good that I live in a town like Whigata.

Whigata is a small, agricultural town in South-Eastern Australia, situated on the edge of a desert While it might be a small town, with a population of about 25,000, it's one of the largest in the area. Despite living in a remote, rural town, about 80% of the population is made up of carnivores. Most of the remaining herbivores use their produce, such as wool, eggs, milk and other things to make a living. Carnivores mainly help out with labour, such as producing grain and building infrastructure.

Whigata has two high schools; the one I attend is a mixed school, which is for carnivores and herbivores alike, but the mixed school is pretty... one-sided. 95% of the students are carnivore, and guess who's a part of the remaining 5%? In my Year 10 class, there are only 100 students, and there's only five other herbivores... it can get a bit lonely

The school atmosphere is nice, but sometimes a little tense or intimidating. Let's just say that some of my carnivore classmates may not always know how to treat herbivores. They mean well, but it's sometimes a little rough. But at least they try to be nice.

"Hey, Jamel" I hear my friend speak softly from behind me. My friend Riley. He may be a dingo, but he knows how to treat herbivores really well. "Gee, it's chilly today, isn't it?" he says as we walk along slowly to school.

"Yeah... I wish it was summer though..." I reply, absent-mindedly. "Fresh, warm air, swimming, nice weather"

"No school? You clearly forgot about the big one, mate..." Riley tells me.

"You're right, I'm sorry... how could I forget?" I reply happily. We walk along a bit further, I see a student in P.E uniform, a tiger. He's jogging on the empty road as he passes us... I look at him in awe... I want to be like him someday

As a Blackbuck Antelope, we are amongst the fastest herbivores in the world. My teachers and parents constantly remind me of this, and I don't want to waste a perfectly good body. I never show off, or compete against others, but the annual Sports Day at school is my chance to compete. I think this year I will have the courage to try out.

"The sports day tryouts are happening soon, aren't they?" I ask Riley. He probably hears more about it than I do.

"You, uh... gonna try out this year? I think signups are today" he replies. He knows that I like to do a bit of running, but I've never been one to compete or anything. I think I'm ready though

"Yeah, I think I can do it" I tell him. In the world of athleticism, herbivore athletes aren't typically well-known. There aren't any professional herbivore athletes, though you sometimes hear of a high school sports team that has an herbivore teammate. But I wanna do more than that. Maybe someday, I could do something big. I wanna compete with carnivores, and not just myself. All herbivores should be able to compete, if they want to

"You think a practice jog can help out your training? The bell's gonna go any minute now" Riley replied. I smile at him, while I do some stretches

"You bet!" I reply, before shooting off down the street. I wouldn't say I'm very fast, but I feel that I have potential

And so, Riley and I ran through the street filled with red leaves, tinting the road and cars below a beautiful orange, as we raced to beat the bell.

Chapter 2: The Carnivore Legion

"Okay, so I checked out the gym notice board, they're hosting the signups after school" Riley says at lunchtime. "But... if I were you, I'd check with Mr. Harris before you sign up"

"Hmm... yeah, you have a point, Riley. I don't even know if herbivores would be allowed to enter the sports day" I reply

I never thought that I could do something like this... as I leave the classroom, I head over to the gym, going early to talk to Mr. Harris, the sports teacher, and see what he thinks. I get to the gym doors and open them with great force.

The gym is a fairly old building but is very well used. It has a basketball court, which is multi-purpose, and offices in the back for teachers. I don't see Mr. Harris anywhere, but four carnivores, sitting on the benches. Of course, how could I not have seen this. These guys are considered the strongest athletes in the school. I know them, and I can't really call them friends. They're a little rough, and I don't think they're trying to be nice.

There's Abe, a brown bear. He's on the school wrestling team and would be impossible to win a fight against, no matter what species you are. Tye, a Golden Jackal, who has a mean throwing arm for javelin and shot put. Liam, an iguana who broke the 70-year-old high jump record last year, and Sam, a tiger who managed to get to the state finals in the 1200m track race last year. That's the event I want to try out for, so I need to work hard if I have to beat him.

"Oi Jamel, this isn't the place for you. Run along, because you're not gonna make it to the track" I hear Tye say. Abe and Liam laugh along with him, but I see Sam become a bit more uncomfortable. I try to ignore that remark.

"Where's Mr. Harris?" I ask them with confidence. I have to stand my ground, even if I am scared.

"He's busy in his office. Luckily for us, we're all alone" Abe commented. That remark felt really eerie. Four massive carnivores, and a tiny antelope all alone in a big gym

"I-I just want to try out for the long-distance race, that's all" I say after a while. I'm starting to feel a bit less confident about this whole idea. I should have just gone to Mr Harris' office before school and talked to him then.

"Hey Sam, did you hear that? Horns is gonna try and rival against you." Liam butted in. Sam looks like he really doesn't want to say anything.

Sam moved to Whigata a few years from some town on the other side of the state, and is also in Year 10. He's known for being really shy around herbivores, especially at school. I heard that last year, he did a school project with a goat, and because he didn't want to present with her. They both bombed the project, and the teacher wasn't happy.

There's a rumour amongst the smaller animals and herbivores that he moved here after devouring an herbivore, which explains his good athleticism, and why he's quiet around herbivores.

"Uh... yeah... I bet I could do laps around a deer like him" Sam said. His voice was a bit shaky, but I don't think the others detected it.

"Yeah, you better be careful, Horns. Once he starts to overlap you, he might pounce on you, then you'll regret signing up for the race." Abe said. That one really hurt, and Sam definitely didn't like that either. I turned to leave, but as I was ready to move, I saw Mr. Harris enter the gym. He looked a little surprised to see me, as would anybody.

"Hey. James, is it? Is everything alright, are you lost?" he asked as he walked towards me. If the words "athletic" and "strong" had a character, it would be him. Mr. Harris is a black panther, and a big one at that. Despite his intimidating, large, muscle build, he's very nice, and especially considerate of herbivores and other small animals, but you can't help but feel a bit nervous when someone of his size is towering over you.

"Oh... uh... my... friend. He left something in here, and wanted me to get it for him, because he had to see someone. I'll be going now." I said in a hurry, as I left the gym. Well, that's me done. I let my nerves get ahead of me. I'm too nervous to push myself outside of the box in front of others. I left the gym with my head down. I managed to find Riley and sat down with him.

"Hey, how did—"
"I don't want to talk about it".

Chapter 3: The Letter of Chance

"It took guts to even set foot inside the gym. If I were an herbivore, I wouldn't even try to think about the gym all together." Riley said after a while. It's a beautiful sunny afternoon, as we both walk through the streets of Whigata. The late autumn sun is always so refreshing on the skin.

"Well, I still want to continue running. It's something fun for me to do, and it's good for my health." I reply. "So what if I don't feel comfortable doing it around other animals? I can still run by myself. And if I feel more confident next year, I could try out." I add.

"Actually..." Riley stammers. "I was talking to Sam today during chemistry, and he gave me a note. He wanted you to read it." Riley then handed me a large piece of paper, with somewhat messy handwriting.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but you might be giving some carnivores the wrong idea. I heard about how in big cities, carnivores target those who are athletic and fit. What if you could be a big, prime target for anyone like that?"

I try to ignore what he said, and read the note:

"Dear Jamel. I'm sorry for how I acted today at lunchtime. I know that you have your heart set on becoming a runner in the school cross-country team, and I want to make it up to you. I spoke to Coach Harris, and he said that you definitely have a chance of becoming an athlete. So, I signed you up for the 1200m race trial for next Tuesday. Coach Harris wants to try and make everyone accept you into the team, as some carnivores have hard times accepting herbivores. Best of luck, from Sam."

I didn't say anything for a while. That was so kind of Sam to do. What could I say to him? To Riley?

"Sorry about that. What does it say?" he asked after a while.

"He... signed me up for the team..."

"Oh." Riley said, dumbfounded. He's as surprised as me.

"Today is Thursday. I have five days to train myself up for the race. Riley, I think this might be my big break!" I say in determination.

"Well, Jamel. Whatever you do, whatever happens, whatever the outcome is; I'll support you and be happy for you. This is a really exciting opportunity; don't you forget it. Just remember to be careful though." Riley assures me

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." I reply, as I shiver "It's getting cold now, I should get home before it gets too dark. I'll see you tomorrow, Riley." I say as I leave his yard.

"Bye Jamel."

Chapter 4: Assurance takes a Step Back

"Shocking developments overnight, as a 24-year-old mule was the victim of a devouring in the regional town of Tangouri. Police are investigating the local area, and ask for anyone with information to come forward. Herbivores in the North-West Werrina region are advised to take caution. More details will be released later this..."

Tangouri. That's ten minutes east of our town. It's pretty peaceful, but it's a carnivore-majority community, like Whigata. These attacks happen rarely, but they are starting to increase around the more rural parts of the country. Whenever they happen, the herbivores are more prone to get a bit anxious and concerned.

It's Friday morning. Last day of the school week, and not long until the race. My parents have always encouraged me to kind to carnivores, although they constantly remind me of the dangers of getting too friendly. Some parents, be they carnivore or herbivore, discourage relations with the other at all. Some herbivores are afraid of being devoured, and some carnivores are afraid of being too close to herbivores, because they don't want their instincts to get the better of them.

"24... so young" I hear my mother say behind me. Her voice seems flatter this morning, and sadder.

"Well, as long you feel safe and remember to be cautious around the... larger students" my dad adds.

"I am... I'm always careful at school, you know. Besides, I'll be OK at the race next Tuesday" I remind, before realising what I had said.

"Race? What race?" Mum asks me

"Didn't... I tell you? I signed up for the school athletics race next Tuesday. It's nothing much" I said bashfully. Mum and Dad look at each other, a little nervous. I hope they're okay with it

"Well... Jamel. You have to be certain that you are ready for this. Not just physically, but more so mentally. Being an herbivore athlete is a very big decision, are you sure you'll be safe and OK with the other athletes?" My dad added

"Yeah, I'm with someone I trust. His name is Sam, he made it to the state finals last year. He's pretty confident around me" I said. OK... maybe not very confident.

"Okay... And I guess it's fine. You're with the school and doing something that you like and makes you feel safe. That Mr. Harris, I used to go to school with his brother. He's a really friendly man, and he knows how to treat herbivores properly" Mum said.

Even though I'm aware that Mr. Harris is a nice guy, he still intimidates me. Maybe that's a sign that it's a bad idea. But really, he can't be that bad once I get to know him better. I need to get ready for school, and pack my last things

"And remember; be careful around the older, stronger and bigger kids at school" I hear Dad as I walk down the hallway.

"Will do, Dad!" I yell out, before I open the front door

"Yo Jamel" I see Riley at my front gate.

"Hey, Riley. How are you?" I ask bashfully.

"Uhh... Yeah, I'm fine. You seem a little tired today. Will you be OK for the race on Tuesday?" he asks shakenly. I can tell he's trying not to talk about the Tangouri Attack in front of me.

"Yeah, I'm a little tired, but it's just a morning thing. I'm bad at waking up"

"No kidding. Remember that time last year, when you woke up and came to school in---"

"Is that Sam over there?" I interrupt. We both stop and see a large tiger walking towards school hurryingly on the other side of the road. He was wearing a uniform but was moving as if he needed to get somewhere in a hurry. I'd love to thank him for signing me up

"We still have about 40 minutes until school starts. He must be doing some training?" Riley says.

"Our winter uniforms aren't the most comfortable thing to run in..." I say to myself. "Hey Sam!" I call out from across the street. He stops dead in his tracks, then runs off down the street, towards school. "Well, we know it's Sam. But, why the rush, I wonder? I just wanted to thank him."

"Maybe after that attack in Tangouri, carnivores are being more cautious about how they... Oh! Sorry Jamel! I didn't mean to talk about that in front of you, I just...

I stop listening to him. Everyone's acting so freaked out about herbivores all of a sudden. Riley's trying to avoid talking about it, Sam was dashing down the street, even after I wanted to talk to him. I just hope that no one at school treats me weirdly, or that I get targeted now. Devouring Crimes are increasing across the regional towns, but it's never been so close before. I guess what freaks everyone out is how close it was to Whigata.

We turn into the school gates, and everyone is pretty quiet. More carnivores are concerned about the devouring, and I notice that most of them are trying very hard to avoid me and make eye contact. Others jump right out of my way and try not to look at me. It makes me feel uncomfortable, and awkward. I know that they think they're doing it to keep me safe, but deep down, they don't realise they're doing it to keep themselves safe too.

"This is kind of weird, isn't it?" I say to Riley. He doesn't respond. Maybe he's worried

I walk up to my locker, and see Dom, a lion. He's well known for being one of the biggest animals in the school, and usually bumps into students without realising how big he is, namely me. I was unlucky enough to have my locker beneath him this year.

"Uh... Jamel... would you like to... get your stuff first... before I go? He says in a shaky, nervous voice.

"Oh... thanks, Dom" The least I can do is be friendly and accepting to them. It might help them calm down.

"Jamel" I hear someone call. I turn around and see Coach Harris in a good mood to see me. He walks over in a slower pace. Finally, someone acknowledges me. "Did you get the note last night?" he asks.

"Uh, yeah. He gave it to Riley. I can't thank you enough for---"

"I would like to see you after school, involving some training methods. You'll need to be trained... differently to the others if you want to do well." His voice turned a bit sterner, similar to the voice he uses when he's talking to adult carnivores.

"Oh, sure... I-I can be there. Thanks again for the chance" I say as he turns around and walks off. "He seemed a bit moody this morning. Still, it's a change of pace from everyone trying to stay out of my way" I then say to Riley

"I wonder what he meant by 'different training methods' hopefully he won't go too hard on you." Riley said worried.

"I'm sure I'll be OK. He's a good coach, so he should know when I'm at my limits. Now, we should try and get to class now, before it's too late.

Chapter 5: Training with the Panther

The rest of the day ran pretty smoothly. Some carnivores started to make eye contact with me again, and my classes ran pretty slow. Maybe because I was so excited for the training session with Coach Harris. I want to succeed in any way possible and hope that I can do my best and show that herbivores can do as much as carnivores. Eventually, the clock struck 3:25PM, and I raced out of my SeaSpeak Class to the gym.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Jamel" I hear Riley, as I rush past him.

"Yeah, at your place, right?" I say, before turning around amongst the rush of students. I'm too excited, I can barely stop to talk. I'm sure Coach Harris will have a 1 on 1 session planned, with all sorts of training methods, just like the real athletes do.

So, as everyone is making their way to the school gates to go home, I carry my bag over to the gym, ready for whatever Mr. Harris has planned for me. For the first time ever, I swung open the gym doors in confidence and strength, feeling as if I was the strongest animal in the world. Huh, I guess it wasn't going to be a 1 on 1 training session. Abe, Tye and Liam are standing in the middle of the gym, and the lights are dimmer than usual, and they look like they're wearing their sports uniform. Something seems a little off about this...

"Hey guys" I say sheepishly. No response. No reaction. They just keep staring at me. I put my bag down on the nearest bench and wait for Coach Harris.

I look back over to them. They're still staring. No noise, no reaction, no movement, except for their heads that keep turning at me, like owls. Even when I'm staring at the ground, I can notice them watching me.

This is really awkward. Do I say something? Am I supposed to question them? Do they know that it's rude to stare at an herbivore? I remember Riley telling me that a carnivore will always make eye contact, no matter who they're talking to, whereas herbivores will try to avoid contact with carnivores they don't know or trust. When he was telling me this, he noticed I was looking off into the distance.

This feeling of awkwardness is slowly turning into anxiety and panic. What are they thinking about? What am I supposed to do? Why hasn't anyone said anything yet? Is Coach Harris going to be here soon?

After a minute, I stop looking at the ground and look at the vast, dim gym. I can't see too much, but I get a good look around to see everything. It seems like everything is used well, so nothing seems dusty or worn down. Thankfully, this is able to take my mind off the other three staring at me. GAAHHH!!! I just remembered them being there, a flood of distress and fear washes over me, and impulsively pushes me to pick up my bag and hurry out of the gym as quickly as possible.

As I push the door outwards to leave the gym, the gym lights flashed onto full beam, I turn around, and see Mr. Harris step out from his office.

The entire time I was sitting there, why did I not check his office?

"Jamel. So good to see you." He says in an inviting tone. "Good job today, guys"

Abe, Tye and Liam break out of their trance, and move off to their bags on the bleachers. They talk a bit amongst themselves.

"Uhh, hi Mr. Harris" I say as I walk slowly towards him, still noticing that I'm not making eye contact at all "Why were they standing there like that, it was kinda freaky" I ask him while standing closer.

"I'll explain later" he says to me. "Good workout today boys. Keep on practicing at home" he calls to the others

"See ya, Harris" they all say as they leave.

"Now, what they were doing was a Focus Exercise. They tried their absolute hardest not to be distracted or swayed by anything at all and to keep focus on one thing: the competition"

The competition? Am I a threat to them?

"But they need to be ready for anything, and to not feel intimidated by the competition, nor lose their cool. It was also a test for you to see how you would undergo the stress of a carnivore staring at you without any other reaction."

"Will I be stared at a lot during a race?" I asked. There seems to be a lot more to sports than I thought.

"Maybe not during a race, but usually before you will be stared down a lot. I had you timed from in the office, since you arrived. You clocked in at 1 minute 36 seconds, which will need to be improved." He replied

"Oh... I see" I say a little surprised and disappointed. "Is there anything else you wanted to see me about?"

"Well... We need to get your equipment in place." He says as he reaches for a box nearby. "I didn't know if you had a sports uniform, so I got you one from the uniform shop." He pulls out the crimson school P.E shirt, with the school emblem adorned on the left pocket. With it, came dark shorts, which looked a little faded. "And the school recycled these shorts after previous students donated them. Now, do you have any running shoes?" he says as he looks down at my shoes.

I wear dark boots, which are suitable for school wear, as well as the walk from school to home. I use them for running as well, but they aren't the most comfortable, so you wouldn't see an athlete wearing them. "I don't have any shoes for running" I say, a little embarrassed.

"Do you know anyone who might be able to lend you a pair?" he asks. Maybe Riley has some I could borrow, but I'll need to check if we're the same size. If not, I could always go into town tomorrow and get some.

"Well, maybe. But I can always buy some in town."

"Make sure that you are with someone while getting shoes. Most sporting stores don't usually deal with herbivores, so you may have troubles finding service." Coach Harris informs me

"...But... I'm only getting shoes. It shouldn't be anything too complicated, right?" I say, unsure.

"The employees there may get the wrong idea, that you are there to mock them, or waste their time. Why don't you take Sam with you tomorrow, you two are close, right?" he states.

Yeah, we've never spoken to each other, and he ran off on me this morning after trying to thank him. We're thick as thieves, the two of us. Inseparable, even. "But you will be encouraged as an athlete once you get on the track. Speaking of which, let's check your running form." He adds.

And the rest of the afternoon was dedicated towards strengthening and physical training. I changed into my running uniform, and Coach Harris taught me about stretching, pacing, and warming up. It was going pretty well, until he decided to jog with me.

"Mind if I run along with you?" he said, as he ran along my left side while doing my second lap of the gym.

"Uhh... Well..." I said, and just before I said he could, a sharp drill in the back of my head, pushed me to move away from him, and I drifted to the right. I don't know what happened. It's as if my mind physically pushed me away from him. Then suddenly, I started to move faster away from Mr. Harris. Why is my body doing this? I want to run with Mr. Harris, yet my body is trying to tell me that he's... dangerous maybe? Or maybe I'm challenging him. Is it just a teenage thing? Maybe this is just being an athlete, and I'm being competitive. I stopped running once I got back to my bag. Once I stopped, I had to sit down

"Jamel, what happened? Do you have cramps?" Mr. Harris asked, sitting down in front of me

"No, I just... Well... it's hard to explain, but I was just driven away when you came close to me. It's as if something inside was pushing me away. I'm sorry for being rude, it's probably something you athletes do" I said.

"Ah, I know what's happened. Instincts. You see, as an herbivore, it's only instinctive to feel nervous if a large carnivore, like me, is running up against you. Your mind thinks that, deep down, I'm chasing after you when I'm actually not. You'll always feel this pushing motion, maybe it'll be stronger when you're racing. It's important that you don't feel the need to stop, or trip up while racing, otherwise the other carnivores will get the better of you." He said. He seems to know a LOT about animals. He looks outside, "I think it might be time to finish up for today." It's hitting dusk, I didn't realise how long I had been in here. It must be about 6:30PM by now.

"Thank you so much for today, Mr. Harris" I say

"Please, call me Coach Harris. And it was wonderful to have you along. I really think that you have a potential to be an athlete, Jamel. Remember to buy some shoes tomorrow and take Sam along with you." he reminds me. Maybe not Sam, but Riley would be more than happy to help me out.

"Thanks Coach. I'll get onto it and see you on Monday" I say as I exit the gym.

And it was as simple as that. I've never had so much fun doing something like that before. I look outside; gee it is getting dark. I'd better get back home soon while there's still some light left. Just as well, because all that training has left me tired. Maybe the walk home can cool me... wait.

My instincts. Someone is nearby, I can sense it. I look around and can't see anyone at all. But I definitely felt something. Maybe it was just my mind acting up, and I was still startled from Coach Harris. I shrug it off and make my way towards the school gates, where my instinct kicks in again, this time for good reason.

A shadowy figure turns the corner to reveal himself. He's a bit taller than me and looks like a carnivore. I stop dead in my tracks, almost jumping out of my skin from fear. It's too tall to be Riley, and he knows better than to scare me like that. In a quick second, my mind lists and scratches off all the possibilities of who I think it might be, based on their height and build, until only one name is left.

"S-Sam?" I ask, quivering in fear.

The shadowy figure steps into light. It is Sam. He walks right up to me, about a foot away. He cranes his neck down to look at me. I want to move. I must move, but I can't. I'm too scared. He looks kind of startled as well, and out of breath.

"Jamel" he says in a gasp of air. "It's dark. Do you want me to walk you home?" He says. He's staring at me as if I just shot him. Those eyes are the most intimidating thing I've ever seen, his mouth is open and panting, revealing so many, dreadful, scary looking sharp fangs. He's right up against my body, and our faces are about a foot apart. To any herbivore, they'd get the idea that they are going to be devoured. No wonder he doesn't talk to any herbivores at school, he doesn't know how to.

"Uhh... Sure. Thanks" I reply



Why would I say that?! He's showing all the signs of a bloodthirsty carnivore, been acting suspicious since the moment I met him, he offers to walk me back home safely... and I say "YES?!"

Well... on the plus side, no one would think of messing with someone of his size.

._./|\._. Dreamtime Story 1: The Honey Sandwich ._./|\._.*

Jamel: Hey, Riley?

Riley: What's up?

Jamel: You know how bears really love honey?

Riley: Yeah, I heard that some have actually attacked beehives to get some.

Jamel: What if I found myself in danger, and I had a honey sandwich on me? Do you think that Abe guy would stop and eat the sandwich?

Riley: I'm pretty sure a bear would have other things in mind, but you could always carry a sandwich if you feel unsafe.

Jamel: Yeah... I guess that would be kind of silly. Still, I wonder...

*This is my attempt at an "omake" type story, where I get characters to talk about something unrelated to the main story, and kind of create a fun little sub-story. Please let me know what you think of both stories!

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