Fight for Us

By ittybittywinty

92K 3.9K 655

"Minjeong...I have to take a shower..." She managed to whisper between the kisses, before she pulled her away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (M)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (M)
Chapter 9 (M)
Chapter 10 (M)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (M)
Chapter 17 (M)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (M)
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (M)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (TW)
Chapter 50 (TW)
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (M)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 (M)
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76 (M)
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84 (M)
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90 (M)
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94 (TW)
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97 (M)

Chapter 16

867 29 7
By ittybittywinty

The middle aged man adjusted his clothing and sighed, knowing another long day of hard work was coming ahead. He adjusted his bowtie and cleared his throat, before taking a quick peek at the hour on his watch.

6:15 AM.

Of course that, at that hour, it would be expected that the Yu residence would be dead silent; Jimin would probably wake up hours later since she she slept for a long while when she had the chance to; and also considering the fact that her father was out of the country and would only come back in a pair of hours.

He smiled as he fixed his shirt's collar, and kept walking in the hallway.

However, what surprised him right away, was the noise he heard coming from Jimin's bedroom.

He frowned and turned around, wondering if it really was Jimin. Jimin was someone who slept a lot and that was a well-known fact; besides, considering that she had come back from Switzerland the day before and she probably was jet-lagged, it would be expected that she would sleep a little more than usual.

His eyes slightly widened when he saw a young female exiting Jimin's bedroom. She was fairly tall, and slim. She wore a pair of tight-fitting black jeans and a white t-shirt under a black, leather jacket. Her hair was jet black, and all messed up.

Suho crossed his arms and looked at the young female interestingly, noticing as she slowly closed the door with her right hand, before she turned around, ready to leave.

"Do you need any help?"

The young female immediately stopped in her tracks and stared at him, surprised as ever. She gulped down, clearly nervous with the unexpected situation.

Suho stared at the young female's face; he couldn't deny that she was, indeed, very beautiful. She had chocolate brown eyes, eyebrows that accentuated her eyes and thin shaped lips; for not saying that her jaw looked quite sharp.


He looked back to where she had come from. It was Jimin's bedroom. That simple fact made him quickly realize that the young woman standing some feet away from him was none other than Jimin's fiancé.

Suho chuckled silently as the young female bowed hurriedly, as if showing him she was sorry for being disrespectful.

"...It's okay, you don't need to explain yourself," The butler said, making the young female lift up, "...But do take care of miss Jimin well. She's suffered enough already."

Jimin woke up and smiled, extending her arms on the bed.

However, her eyes immediately opened as soon as she didn't feel anything at her side. She was expecting to, at least, feel Minjeong's presence nearby or see her, but that wasn't clearly the case.

The other side was made, and empty.

She sat up on the bed, hugging the sheets close to her naked body, and frowned after looking around her bedroom.

"Unless she..."

Jimin kneeled on the bed and pushed Minjeong's pillow away. She found a folded paper and took it, opening it up.

Princess Rina ^^!!

I am sorry I left before you even woke up but I didn't want to bother you because you were exhausted. Get down and eat something, okay? Don't forget you're still pregnant.

Love you, Win.

She stopped reading and her lips instantly curved up in a smile. Minjeong was just so adorable and sweet towards her, that she just couldn't help but feel immensely happy.

She held the note in her hands and caressed her belly, smiling down at it.

"Eomma's so sweet, isn't she?"

Minjeong's mother couldn't help but look at her daughter with a cheeky smile as she served her breakfast. She was the only one who knew Minjeong hadn't spent the night at home, and that it hadn't even been half an hour since she had come back home; so, it would be quite an understatement to say that she wasn't curious about her daughter's whereabouts, even though she was already having suspicions of it.

She crossed her arms above the table as she saw Minjeong munching on her noodles with vegetables, licking the sauce off of her lips with her tongue once in a while. Her wet hair glued to her neck; and some drops of water dampened her red t-shirt. Of course, her mother's suspicions were intensified as soon as she saw Minjeong was going to take a bath, right after she got home.

"Did you really get so dirty that you had to have a shower as soon as you got home?"

Minjeong looked at her mother, seriously. She blushed slightly and parted her lips, trying to come up with an excuse.

"It was raining in Bundang," She said, nodding as if trying to convince her.

Taeyeon chuckled and shook her head, "Honey, you don't need to come up with excuses...It was impossible not to notice how messed up your hair was when you came in."

"T-the rain," She said, trying to prove her point.


Her mother sighed, "I know you slept with her, honey. You don't need to deny it," She took in a deep breath, "You're young, your hormones are all up, you have a beautiful fiancé, and you have your own needs as well...It's okay to have sex, Minjeong. You don't need to be ashamed of it. What you need to be is careful. You're not married yet."

"...I don't want people to judge Jimin, eomma."

She breathed out a smile, "No one's going to judge her, honey. It's normal for your age. What happens is that most people are still close-minded know, premarital sex is not well seen in this country. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's just that people don't talk about it."

She grinned, "But I know you're responsible so there's nothing bad to worry about."

Jimin's cheeks puffed as she munched on her early morning meal, and ominously grabbed a glass of water to drink some. She extended her arm and, with her chopsticks, picked a piece of spicy meat wrapped in lettuce and brought it up to her lips.

"Does it taste good?"

Jimin looked up and smiled softly, "It tastes so, so good~," Jimin said, munching on it and picking up some more.

The butler smiled and sat in front of her.

"I saw a young lady leaving your bedroom this morning..."

Jimin licked the spicy sauce off her lips.

"Did she leave by the door?"

"She was cleaning something in your bedroom, and well...I caught her."

Seeing Jimin's uneasiness, he just smiled.

"What's her name?"

"Min...Minjeong," She whispered before resuming back to her meal.

"Minjeong..." Suho whispered, before smiling, "She looked like a good girl to me."

She smiled shyly.

"So she's your fiancé."

She nodded, "Yep."

"...Your mother would be so proud of you."

Jimin looked at him silently, then lowered down her view as she put her chopsticks aside of the plate. She extended her fingers and took a deep breath.

"...I'm pregnant."

Suho stared at her in disbelief, his eyes widening slightly.

"Is it Minjeong's?"

She nodded hurriedly, before they immersed into silence again for long seconds.

"Does she...does she know it or-"

"She does, " Jimin answered shortly. Her short answer and the fact that Minjeong came to visit her that same night made Suho realize that, not only Jimin's fiancé knew of the pregnancy, but she also supported it.

The door of the kitchen opened up some seconds after, only to reveal Jimin's father coming in. Kim Suho, the butler, immediately got up from his seat, and bowed down in respect.


Jimin looked at her father, and forced a smile, "Hello father."

"Did you talk to your fiancé?"

She nodded, "Her family is coming tomorrow evening, as you said."

The banker nodded, "Well. I really hope they're up to my expectations," He sighed, "Have a nice day, daughter."

He then diverted his attention to the butler.

"Please serve some tea and pastries...There are some guests coming up in a few minutes."

"Of course, sir."

Jimin's father left the kitchen, closing the door. She immediately lifted up from her seat and walked towards the sink, leaving there her dirty dishes and eating utensils.


The butler's voice made her turn around gently. The older man just smiled reassuringly at her.

"I won't tell anything about Minjeong coming here or the baby. Don't worry."

She looked down, and proceeded to clean her stuff.

Suho tried to divert the topic elsewhere, "I'll make tea and bring some fresh pastries in no time."

A maid entered the kitchen as soon as she heard some noises outside of it.

"Miss Jimin, your father wants you in the living room."

Jimin looked at the maid and nodded, "Of course."

Jimin sighed and walked out of the kitchen, the maid closely following her behind.

"Oh, Jimin..."

As soon as she heard that voice, she stopped on her tracks, and stared at the young male who was looking back at her. She had to admit it had been a while since she had last seen him; and that he had changed quite a lot as well. It was with some surprise that she greeted him, as she just didn't expect to see him around again so soon.

"Jeno, " She said, and smiled quickly, "It's been a while."

He nodded, "How was it in Switzerland?"

Jimin was going to reply, but her father cut her words.

"Well, she apparently fell for some kid from the outskirts of Seoul who's studying music and they got engaged," Her father said, taking a sip of his tea.

Jeno's expression changed quickly, as if he was disappointed, "Oh...You're engaged, Jimin ah?"

She nodded.

"For a month and a half."

Ning was going to ask what Minjeong brought inside of that white bag as she entered inside of her bedroom; which meant she had, obviously, gone shopping; but she quickly gave up on her idea as she didn't want to bother her.

She turned to her mother, who watched everything with a smile.

The young girl frowned and pursed her lips.


"Mm?" Her mother asked, approaching her.

"Why has Minjeong unnie like this ever since she came back? It's like she comes and goes whenever she feels like it, it's not fair~..."

"Well, she's getting married and she's got a beautiful fiancé so it's understandable that she's busy, isn't it?" She said, grinning, as she sat next to her daughter, "You know, love can make us change and see things we didn't used to see or do before, honey. It's such a wonderful feeling, to be in love..."

"But you know, she just came with a bag from a shop and..." She leaned in, lowering down her voice tone considerably, "You know, it looked to be from an expensive brand..."

Taeyeon sighed, "You know...You know how rich Jimin is, honey. Maybe your sister...Maybe she feels like she should give her an expensive present, you understand? Maybe she feels insecure about not being able to give her something of her...let's say...level."

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