Flower in the Mirror [Hatake...

Von SlytherinScum

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Yuki Yumetsuki is an orphan of war, belonging to the Yuki Clan of Kirigakure but has been brought to the Kono... Mehr

❄️ Chapter 1 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 2 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 3 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 4 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 5 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 6 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 7 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 8 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 9 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 10 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 11 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 12 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 13 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 14 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 15 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 16 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 17 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 18 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 19 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 20 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 21 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 22 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 23 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 24 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 25 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 26 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 27 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 28 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 29 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 30 ❄️
❄️ Interlude: Introduction to Yuki Yumetsuki ❄️
❄️ Chapter 31 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 32 ❄️
❄️ Chapter 34 ❄️

❄️ Chapter 33 ❄️

1K 69 84
Von SlytherinScum

When Yumetsuki had turned around to see who had approached her, the last person that she had expected was none other than Hatake Kakashi. But it was him – and it sent a thrill of excitement through his chest as she realised that he had sought her out like this. She felt flattered, and she also felt a sense of nostalgic sadness sweep into her chest. It reminded her of her teenage years when she would meet him more often than she met anyone else in her life.

"Kakashi... Kun...?"

As Kakashi had watched Yumetsuki turn around to look at him with her beautiful blue eyes that set her apart from all whom he knew in his life, there was a warmth that spread through his chest. It was blissful, the mention of his name in that soft, gentle voice that he loved so dearly. Kakashi had not realised how much he had missed it until he heard it.

"I did not expect to run into you here..." Yumetsuki trailed off, and Kakashi fond himself smiling as he followed the movements of her lips. She looked absolutely beautiful. He watched as she straightened up. "It certainly has been a while,"

"Well, if I do end up teaching Naruto and Sasuke..." Kakashi responded rather thoughtfully. "I would hope that the two of us would get to meet one another more often..." He looked back at her, meeting eyes with her. "It has been terrible being unable to talk to you as often as we used to,"

Those words conveyed only a silver of what Kakashi truly felt about the situation – he had been yearning to be a part of Yumetsuki's life all his entire life. But here he was, having drifted apart by the busyness of life. He could not believe the sheer injustice of such an existence.

"Yes, that is true," Yumetsuki agreed, almost a bit shyly as she herself knew that she missed talking to Kakashi. "I... I was wondering about that as well,"

Terrible was a very light word to encompass his feelings – it was downright debilitating for Kakashi. He had never felt so lost in what he wanted from life. He had not felt as lonely as he had without Yumetsuki in his sight. He missed her, and he missed those days when the two of them relied on one another.

But the two of them had grown up, and especially Yumetsuki. She was not the same young girl who had all the time for him. Back then, she had only herself, and there was never a night when he could not randomly show up on her front door, during the thick of the storm, just so that they could snack on warm food together. He missed those days from the bottom of his heart.

Now, however, Yumetsuki did not only have herself – she had two very handful young boys that kept her busy day and night. Kakashi knew that now by a brief experience. And he also knew that she had busied herself with her work. Even after giving up her position as an ANBU Captain following the Uchiha massacre, Yumetsuki remained busy. It was clear to Kakashi, especially through Kurenai's in-put, that Yumetsuki had taken Shisui's death very hard.

"You must have had a long day," Kakashi said as he looked at her. "It must have been hectic at the hospital, right?" He reached out to gently tuck her silky hair behind her ear. "How about we grab something to eat?" He looked down the street and smiled. "I'm feeling some barbequed fish tonight... I would love it if you could join me, what do you say, Yuren-Chan?"

For a moment, Yumetsuki stared at the tall man in front of her, feeling that familiar warmth of his skin as his fingers brushed against her skin. She realised now how little she pushed her hair back from her face, preferring the sense of privacy it gave her – only Kakashi had ever made the effort to see her face in its entirety.

When Yumetsuki realised that she had been staring at Kakashi unnecessarily, she flushed deeply, turning her eyes away from him to hide what it could reveal to the world. She mumbled softly, "Yes, that would be absolutely wonderful..." and from a glance at his brightened face, she knew he heard.

Over the years, there was never a time when Yumetsuki and Kakashi got to meet one another without the company of their friends, and within those bustling groups, the two could only look at one another with furtive glances. Tonight, however, everything was different.

Tonight, Yumetsuki and Kakashi sat across from one another in the cosy corner of Yakiniku Q, the fish sizzling on the BBQ rack. It was only the two of them in one another's company tonight. Yumetsuki looked toward Kakashi as he took over the duty for barbequing the seafood for them.

"... I had a mission earlier in the day," Kakashi admitted. "I haven't got many of them if I'm taking in a team. But I couldn't sleep – I wanted to meet you before I go back to see the kids again,"

It turned out that Kakashi had no mission and was in fact meant to be in bed. But he admitted that he did not want to meet his team again until he had gotten to talk to Yumetsuki. She had been flattered, even if he only wanted to talk to her about her boys. But strangely, the conversation took a long time to even reach about Naruto and Sasuke.

"... have you been taking care of yourself, Yuren-Chan?" Kakashi asked, and he spoke in a way as if he had yearned to speak that name. He turned his dark eyes toward her. "I heard you've been taking more and more work on your shoulders again..."

"I am doing well," Yumetsuki insisted, and she looked so earnest that it made Kakashi smile. "I just... I cannot keep myself unoccupied. It feels strange to not be doing anything..."

"Which means that you are not doing well," Kakashi said. Yumetsuki met his eyes with surprise. "You're keeping yourself occupied for a reason, no?"

"Kakashi-Kun," said Yumetsuki, a bit with worry that she had not felt before. She had been doing her best to show everyone around her that she was doing well. Because she was doing well. "I –"

"You like to be busy," Kakashi interjected. "I understand that," He smiled at her again. "But what do you think about being busy with me? Handling Team Seven?"

"Handling the team?" Yumetsuki asked, confused as she tilted her head at him. "What do you mean? Are they giving you a hard time already?"

"Well, I don't disagree that they are a handful bunch," Kakashi admitted with a chuckle. "And I have still to decide whether I want to take their team. What I mean is that if I do end up as their Sensei... it would be nice for them to learn from you just as much as from me. Naruto and Sasuke, especially,"

"... I see," Yumetsuki said and she looked down at the sizzling fish on the grill, losing herself to her thoughts. "I suppose... it would be nice to see Naruto-Chan and Sasuke-Chan more often... helping in their growth... and Sakura-Chan is a very talented girl as well..."

"How about you come over tomorrow?" Kakashi suggested. "You can have a look at what I'm working with and see for yourself if you'd like to stick around. It'll certainly be a pleasure to have you,"

Yumetsuki tried to weigh the options – she knew that she was starting to get frustrated with the same old routine of making the rounds at the hospital, and it was true that she was taking up any mission that came her way, even those far below her jurisdiction. There were pros and cons to every situation.

There were cons: it would not be nice to interfere in the harmony of a four-cell team. It may also have an adverse effect with the boys looking more toward her than their Sensei. She would be expecting too much from her boys, or maybe setting the bar too high for the pair of them.

And then there were pros: it would be nice to be able to see her boys grow in front of her eyes. She could even help Kakashi in doing so, especially since she knew them so well. She was also the only one who could get the boys to listen to her properly. And it would certainly be easier on Kakashi if she was around, given that Naruto was a Jinchuriki and Sasuke was an Uchiha.

It was so hard for her to pick a side, even with everything laid out like this. And there was also a certain inkling in her that wanted to be a part of something more. Not to mention... how long had it been since she had last been able to spend time with Kakashi? She wondered if she would feel more like herself with him around.

"Learn from me as well...?" asked Yumetsuki in an attempt to buy herself some more time. She looked at him tentatively. "I... well, that does sound like a wonderful idea... I am not sure how it would turn out but... I think I would like to see how it fans out..."

"So, it's a yes?" Kakashi asked, brightened up and Yumetsuki was prompted to smile shyly as she nodded. "Thank you very much, Yuren-Chan. Tomorrow's just a test to see if they're ready to be a Ninja. I just want you to observe them from a distance and see for yourself if you'd like it,"

"That sounds like a good plan," Yumetsuki agreed. "The boys have already formulated such big ideas about you. I would like to see how they are able to perform... I hope they learn a lot from you, too,"

"It's decided, then," Kakashi announced. He reached out to place the tenderest pieces of fish onto her plate. "Here you go, I've been keeping you deprived of it for far too long,"

"Thank you," Yumetsuki replied. "Kakashi-Kun has also become so good with grilling fish,"

"Am I?" Kakashi asked. "And here I thought I was getting rusty! I never like having fish with anyone but you," He smiled at her. "But I'm cross with you, you know?"

"Cross with me?" Yumetsuki repeated, taken aback as she turned her blue eyes back at him.

"I thought we decided that you'd call me Kakashi when it's just the two of us," replied Kakashi. "It doesn't have to be that formal between the two of us, does it?"

"No, it does not," Yumetsuki agreed, a bit embarrassed. "I will be more careful from here on..." She felt her cheeks faintly warm up. "... I am just so used to calling you Kakashi-Kun... but I will do my best to call you Kakashi..."

Both of them blushed simultaneously upon that name, and Yumetsuki quickly busied herself with eating the warm food while Kakashi hurriedly took the fish off the grill before it burned. It was like that between the pair of them as they had their late-night dinner together. Yumetsuki felt rather warm as she sat with Kakashi yet she found that it was oddly lovely. It did not stifle her.

"It was my treat," Kakashi insisted as he pulled out his wallet to pay the waiter before Yumetsuki could even offer. "Please, allow me to do so," Yumetsuki faltered.

Kakashi held his arm behind the woman's back as the two of them walked out of the establishment together. She looked toward him and he smiled down at her, "Allow me to walk you home tonight. It's been such a long time since we've been on a walk together,"

"There is been a long time since we have done quite a lot," Yumetsuki spoke in amusement. "Are you looking to do all of it tonight?" She tilted her head, making her long white hair shower along.

"As wonderful as that sounds, I would like to take my time," Kakashi replied, chuckling, and Yumetsuki felt warm as she walked next to him.

There had been so many occasions where Yumetsuki had had to walk home alone so late at night. Yet it felt warm tonight. It felt wonderful, actually. Before she had run into Kakashi, she had not quite understood how much she had missed his presence in her life. It felt good to have him back with her.

Given that it was quite late into the night, everything was closed and there was nearly no one out in the streets as most of the businesses were closed. Neither Yumetsuki nor Kakashi were the alcohol type so they had taken their time with having dinner together.

A gentle breeze traced its way through the streets, cool to their skin yet as they walked together, it felt very pleasant. Dark, unclouded skies spread across the ceiling of the world, and hanging in the middle was –

"The moon," Kakashi spoke up all of a sudden, snapping Yumetsuki out of her thoughts. "It looks beautiful tonight, doesn't it?"

Yumetsuki looked toward the sky, her eyes falling on the full moon that hung above their heads. It was true – the moon was completely round tonight, glowing a bright white colour that shrouded them in a silvery moonlight. She found herself smiling as she nodded in agreement.

"It's true, isn't it?" Yumetsuki asked, and when she looked back toward Kakashi, she found him already looking toward her. "Right... Kakashi?"

"I can't say I disagree," Kakashi replied, smiling. "But I was talking about the moon here," He reached out to pull at her cheek gently. "You're always so stressed out... so it's nice to see you smiling,"

As she registered what he had spoken, Yumetsuki continued to stare at him in surprise. The pair of them had come to a stop not far from her home, and even under the shroud of the trees, Kakashi could vouch for how beautifully vibrant Yumetsuki was – her name truly lived up to her beauty.

"What are you ... talking about..." mumbled Yumetsuki, embarrassed as she looked away quickly. "Kakashi-K... I mean... the things you say at times... I am doing well..."

There was a loud bark as a large fox came barrelling toward them, and Yumetsuki reacted quicker, using her Ice to halt Raijin before he could launch himself onto Kakashi. He barked continuously until Yumetsuki held her hand up, giving him a stern look that silenced him at once.

"Raijin, this is not the behaviour I expect of you," Yumetsuki told him, crossed with him. "Firstly, it is the middle of the night. Secondly, there is no threat – this is Hatake Kakashi, you do know who he is,"

"I'm pretty sure he attacked me because he knows its me," Kakashi muttered, rubbing the back of his head. "I don't think he ever liked me, right, Raijin-Kun?"

"Don't act so chummy and oblivious," growled Raijin in response. "Yumetsuki-Sama! You're arriving later than you mentioned! I was about to come seek you out!"

"I apologise for worrying you, but I am home now," Yumetsuki replied. "There was no need for you to attack my company," She turned to Kakashi. "I apologise, Kakashi-Kun,"

"There's no need to apologise," Kakashi assured her quickly. "I think I've overstayed the welcome tonight as well," He smiled at her. "Shall I look forward to your presence tomorrow?"

"Yes, please expect me," Yumetsuki confirmed. "I will be a bit late due to a few appointments but I will definitely be joining you,"

"That'll be wonderful," Kakashi said, his exposed eye closing in the extent of his smile. "Good night, Yuren-Chan, I hope you have a good night's rest, and thank you for your time,"

"Thank you as well, Kakashi-Kun, for accompanying me tonight," Yumetsuki replied. "It was wonderful to spend dinner with you. Good night as well, thank you once again,"

"I'll be having the sweetest of dreams tonight, thank you," Kakashi confirmed. "See you in the afternoon, then, Yuren-Chan, stay safe,"

With that, Kakashi had left Yumetsuki in her garden. She watched him leave before releasing Raijin and heading back into her home. It was completely silent and dark, and as she checked on Naruto, she found him to be sleeping. She decided unwind and lay down, changing into her nightgown. It wasn't until she laid down in her bed that she realised that she had constantly been smiling.

Somehow, for the very first time in a long time, Yumetsuki found herself smiling seemingly without a reason. She had found a lot of joy and happiness in her work and with Naruto and Sasuke – but rarely had she found herself smiling at a time of leisure. And for it to persist like this...

Maybe I really will do well with being around Kakashi-Kun, and my boys.


It was very early in the morning when Naruto had to leave for his training mission with Kakashi. Yumetsuki had was already awake when she heard him come downstairs, yawning and complaining about having to wake up so early in the morning. He rubbed his eyes as he came to a stop next to Yumetsuki, who had been sitting out on the engawa, meditating in the morning breeze.

"Meiko-Chan," whined Naruto as he fell into her lap, jolting her into opening her eyes as she looked down at him. "Meiko-Chan, I don't want to go out so early in the morning... why did he want us to come in so early in the morning? Meiko-Chan, I'll be good and have breakfast today!"

"But your Sensei told you not to have any breakfast, Naruto-Chan," Yumetsuki replied. "You are supposed to head in for your mission without it today," She smiled as she stroked his sunny hair. "But I am glad that this has installed the importance of breakfast in you. I suppose I must thank him,"

"You don't have to thank him," Naruto said crossly. "How can Meiko-Chan thank someone who is starving me?" He rolled around in her arms, whining. "He's so mean to us all – he said he hated us!"

"But you also pranked him before he introduced himself, did you not?" Yumetsuki asked but Naruto just pouted in response. She moved his hair out of his eyes. "Why does Naru-Chan not want for me to meet his Sensei?"

"I told you, Meiko-Chan," Naruto said, sitting up rather aggressively. He grabbed her face so that she would look at her. "He's seriously weird, Meiko-Chan! Seriously! Who tells someone he hates them just when he met them? Or that he keeps things to himself? I don't get him at all! And I don't want you to get his germs, dattebayo!"

"I see, I understand," Yumetsuki replied, fairly amused by his behaviour but suppressing her smile in his presence. "Come on now, I want you to go shower and change into your clothes. I will pack you a wonderful lunch, alright? Once you are finished with your training, you may have it, alright?"

"Thank you, Meiko-Chan, you're the best!" Naruto cheered, pressing a quick peck against her cheek before running off in the direction of the bathroom to shower. "Meiko-Chan, you're so much better than our Sensei! I wish you were our Sensei!"

By the time Naruto returned back downstairs, the kitchen was wafting a delicious smell as Yumetsuki cooked lunch for Naruto. She had already had her own shower and breakfast, preferring it earlier than usual, and usually she would be making breakfast for her boy. Today was different.

"You must take this mission as something special," Yumetsuki told Naruto as she packed the lunch into a bento-box. "Your Sensei is going to be seeing you all in action today for the very first time. Make sure that you work well as a team and show your best side to him,"

Naruto took the bento that Yumetsuki had packed for him – he was a bit resistant when she packed three more into his backpack, citing that there was no need for her to send anything made of her golden hands for the likes of Sasuke and Kakashi, and that it was enough for her to just make some for him and his Sakura-Chan.

"Now, now, Naruto-Chan," Yumetsuki said. "There are two things that must always be shared with others around you – food and happiness. I want you to have a good time with your team, and I want you all to grow up in a healthy way. Now, Naruto-Chan, I hope you will share it with Sasuke-Chan, Sakura-Chan and your Kakashi Sensei,"

Even if reluctantly, Naruto agreed in the end. He allowed Yumetsuki to kiss his head and bid him goodbye before he headed off. Yumetsuki herself headed off for her work soon after, directly reaching the Konoha Hospital for her morning appointments. There were plenty of patients waiting for her, and Yumetsuki did her must to provide for them in her usual spirits.

Following her morning appointments were classes that she needed to conduct at the Konoha Academy for not only the students but also graduated Genins and some Chunins. It went for several hours, and by the time that Yumetsuki had finished with her work, the sun was high in the sky.

Third Training Ground – that was where Yumetsuki was informed that the training would be taking place. She had masked her Chakra completely, hoping that none of the children would notice her as she observed them. But when she arrived upon the site, she found a rather strange sight –

With the sun almost striking twelve already, six hours since Naruto had left the house, Kakashi appeared to have just arrived at the grounds, "Hi, good morning! It was such a pleasant night, wasn't it?"

"You're late!" shouted both Naruto and Sakura as they jumped to their feet, having clearly tired themselves out on their feet until they collapsed onto their little bottoms.

"A black cat crossed my path, so..." replied Kakashi and he trailed off when he noticed that none of his students even began to believe his word. He cleared his throat. "Let's move on," He placed an alarm clock upon a tree stump. "Alarm set at twelve PM,"

This was an entirely new sight for Yumetsuki – she had heard that Kakashi had begun to take his time with things but never had she expected to actually show up late. She did not hold it against him this time, given that she was part of the reason why he had stayed up late. But she hoped that she would have to talk about it to him, especially regarding the team.

"Today's topic is to get one of these bells from me," Kakashi informed the children as he held up a duo of bells in front of them. "Whoever can't, will have no lunch. I'm sure Naruto's lovely Nee-Chan sent some for all of us,"

"What?!" Naruto shouted. "How did you know that?! How do you know I have a Nee-Chan?!" He grabbed onto his backpack. "I knew it! Meiko-Chan can't be trusting the likes of you! The lunch's only mine!"

In addition to Naruto's shock, Yumetsuki felt a bit embarrassed, hiding her face behind her hand as she thought about it. She wondered if she had truly become so predictable in the eyes of Kakashi – he truly did appear to know her better than she knew herself. Sasuke glared at Kakashi and Naruto both for hoarding the lunch.

"If you fail to do so," Kakashi continued, ignoring Naruto's cries. "I'm going to tie you there, and eat lunch in front of you," He pointed to the tree stumps once more. "Got it?"

"But wait, why are there only two bells?" Sakura asked, and Kakashi gave them a closed-eye smile.

"Since there's only two, at least one will have to be tied to the log," Kakashi replied. "That person will fail since he failed to complete the mission. The person will go back to the academy. It might be just one or all three. You can use your Shuriken. You won't be able to get this unless you have the will to kill me,"

"But that's too dangerous, Sensei!" Sakura protested at once, shocked as she tried to comprehend what was happening. Yumetsuki rubbed her forehead.

"Yeah, you couldn't even dodge that chalk eraser!" Naruto exclaimed as he laughed, and Yumetsuki felt it was not needed right now. "Meiko-Chan sees things even with her eyes closed!"

"In society, those who don't have many abilities tend to complain more," Kakashi told him. "Just ignore the guy with the lowest score. We're going to start after I say, 'Ready, start,'"

The comment was rather harsh, and it did just what Kakashi wanted to show Naruto – the blond reacted in anger and without a thought, pulling out his Kunai as he rushed in the direction of Kakashi. However, it did not take Kakashi more than a second to twist the boy around and hold the Kunai against the back of the Uzumaki boy's own head.

"Don't get so hasty," Kakashi told him. "I didn't say 'start' yet. You haven't learned any patience from your Nee-Chan," Naruto glared at him. "But it looks like you have the will to kill to me now. We're going to start now, ready, start,"

It appeared that her name was going to be a constant topic today, and Yumetsuki could only watch in silence as both Sasuke and Sakura dispersed from Kakashi's eyesight. Yet her own godson remained, standing out in the open to challenge Kakashi heads-on.

"Let's have a match fair and square!" Naruto shouted at him. "I'm going to show Meiko-Chan!"

"Hey, aren't you a little weird compared to the rest?" Kakashi asked rather bluntly. "You haven't got anything yet to show your Meiko-Chan, you know?"

"What's weird is your hairstyle," Naruto retorted, and Yumetsuki could see that Kakashi was a bit offended.

Naruto did not think once more, Yumetsuki could tell by his actions, and he went rushing in the direction of Kakashi once more. He halted, however, for a moment when he noticed that the Jonin was pulling something out of his Ninja pouch.

"Shinobi Battle Skill Number One, Taijutsu," Kakashi announced. "I'll teach you that first," He located what he was looking for and pulled out a book. "What's the matter? Come and get me,"

"But, um, um... why did you take out a book?" Naruto asked, confused by the sight in front of him.

Yumetsuki was a bit confused as well – she had no idea what sort of books Kakashi was reading lately. She tilted her head as she caught the book's name: Icha Icha Paradise. She had never heard of those books, and she was quite sure it was something of a unique name, or maybe slang because she had also not heard that name before. She wondered how interesting it was for him to be doing this.

"Why?" Kakashi repeated. "I got curious to how the story is going to develop," His eyes turned to the book, focusing on the words. "Don't worry about it, it's the same whether I read this or not,"

This happened to enrage Naruto once more as he clutched his little hands into fists and he continued his trajectory toward his Sensei, "I'm going to pound you!"

Once more, Naruto tried to punch the man but was stopped in his way. He tried to make a roundhouse kick but was once more stopped seamlessly by Kakashi. The blond tried to throw another at their Sensei, but Kakashi had already moved behind the boy.

"A ninja should not let the enemy get behind him multiple times, idiot," Kakashi told him.

Yumetsuki felt a bit worried, wondering if she had neglected in teaching Naruto enough. Her eyes turned to Kakashi, who had his hands in a Tiger hand seal, and she wondered if he was planning on working in a Fire Style Jutsu. But the stance was... not quite... right...?

"Naruto, run, you're going to die!" shouted Sakura all of a sudden but it only served in confusing Naruto, who looked around for where she was yelling from.

"You're too late," Kakashi announced. "Konohagakure's Secret Taijutsu Hiden Art...!" He jabbed his Tiger Seal right into Naruto's butt. "A Thousand Years of Pain!"

Naruto screamed as he went flying into the air and right into the lake nearby. Yumetsuki had never had her jaw fall lower than the day it did that afternoon. She was stunned, shocked, scandalised – her entire face felt warmer than her Lava Style. She dropped her face into her hands, unable to see. She could not begin to imagine what new sides she would be witnessing of Kakashi today.

"Let's see..." Kakashi said as he returned to reading, but Yumetsuki was sure he was amused. He must be aware of her reaction. It felt like he did not even have to look at her to know how she felt.

All of a sudden, Naruto sent two Shuriken out of the water, but both of them were effortlessly caught by Kakashi, "What's wrong? You won't get any lunch if you don't get a bell by noon. Looks like someone doesn't appreciate the effort Meiko-Chan put in making their lunch,"

It was simultaneously embarrassing and flattering that Kakashi knew that her boys liked her lunch this much. She bit the inside of her cheek, wondering what else was in store for her today.

"I already know!" Naruto shouted as he climbed out of the lake. "I'll eat Meiko-Chan's food!"

"You said you're going to exceed the Hokages," Kakashi commented as Naruto's stomach groaned loudly. "But your actions say otherwise,"

"Damn it!" cursed Naruto. "Damn it! I can still fight even if I'm hungry! I was just off guard a while ago! Damn it, I'm hungry so my powers are..." Kakashi walked away from him. "But I have to get a bell no matter what... I can't... I can't fail at a place like no matter what! I'm going to become a ninja! I have to prove it to Meiko-Chan!"

Using his newly acquired Shadow Clone Jutsu, Naruto sent half a dozen of his Clones to appear out of the water, running toward Kakashi. The Jonin glanced over his shoulder at the blond boy. But Naruto was already pumped, "Security is your greatest enemy! Now for my favourite Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu, dattebayo!"

Every single one of those Clones went dashing toward Kakashi from head-on. But Kakashi was unbothered. Even when one of the Clones caught him from behind, he only expressed surprise.

"Ninja shouldn't let the enemy get behind them, right Kakashi Sensei?" Naruto said. "Using the Shadow Clone Jutsu, I had one of them come from forward from the bottom of the river and sneak behind you!"

By now, all of those Clones were holding Kakashi down and in place. However, rather than using this chance to grab one of the two bells, or even both of them – Naruto decided that he only wanted to attack and humiliate their Sensei, completely forgetting the main objective for the training.

"Here's one for that attack on my butt earlier!" shouted Naruto as his Clone descended upon the restrained Sensei. "Now... allow me to punch you!" He slammed his fist down but Kakashi had vanished from there, causing him to punch himself instead.

Yumetsuki rubbed her forehead when she realised that Naruto had not grasped the concept of Substitution Jutsu or how to locate them. Instead, Naruto and his Clones began to fight amongst one another, accusing each other of being the imposter rather than realising there was no Kakashi there.

"You're Kakashi Sensei, I know! You used the Transformation Jutsu!"

"You smell like Kakashi Sensei! The smell of an old man!"

It took embarrassingly long for Naruto to get the wonderful idea of disengaging the entire Jutsu, and the moment that he did so, he realised there was no Kakashi or imposter – it was only Naruto who stood in the middle of the grounds, his own face swollen from his own punches.

Those very swollen eyes fell onto something glinting on the ground, and he noticed – "A bell?" right by the roots of a large tree. What he failed to notice in adjacent to this was the trap that Kakashi had constructed, "What the heck is this?!"

For Naruto had caught himself into a new problem – this time, a trap. As soon as Naruto had reached for the bell, a rope sprang out from the ground and snatched his ankles to hang him upside down by the tree before his fingers could even graze the bell in the grass.

"You have to think when using Jutsu," Kakashi told him as he reappeared and claimed the bell from the ground. "They can be used against you," He looked up at the boy. "Also... don't get caught in an obvious trap, you fool," Naruto glared back at him. "A Ninja must see through deception!"

"I know that, dattebayo!" Naruto shouted back at the Jonin, wiggling around as he still hung upside down from the tree. "I'm going to show you! And I'll show Meiko-Chan!"

"You know, I'm telling you because you don't get it," Kakashi told him. "Listen up! Your movement are wasteful! You're not going to show anything to anyone with that!"

Yumetsuki turned her attention to Sasuke when she saw him make his move next – he sent about half a dozen of his Shuriken toward Kakashi. They all struck Kakashi, but once more, the children failed to notice something that Yumetsuki felt she wanted to teach them next.

"No way!" Naruto screamed in shock and horror. "You jerk Sasuke! You overdid it!"

However, almost like a one-trick pony, Kakashi's body had turned out to be a block of wood. Kakashi was constantly using the basics yet it felt a bit worrying for Yumetsuki that it escaped the Genins entirely. She made a mental note about working on it.

With Naruto restrained, Kakashi went after those who were hiding in the bushes. The first one to be caught by him was none other than Sakura. He was quick to put her out of commission by showing her an illusion of a gravely injured Sasuke. Yumetsuki rubbed her forehead as the pink-haired girl let out a scream and fainted in the middle of the field.

Both Naruto and Sakura were out of the game, and Kakashi found Sasuke next, the boy ready to engage with him. But Kakashi appeared unbothered, "Shinobi Battle Skill Number Two, Genjutsu," He looked through his book. "Sakura was easily lured,"

Sasuke stood in the middle of the field, not quite unlike Naruto had in his callousness, while Kakashi leaned casually against the tree, still focused on reading the novel in hand.

"I'm different from them," Sasuke told him.

"Why don't you say that after you get a bell... Sasuke-Kun?" Kakashi asked as he pushed himself forward and walked over to face Sasuke.

It was Sasuke who made his move first, attacking the Sensei with Shuriken. Yumetsuki noticed that Kakashi found the need to put his novel away for the Uchiha male. It was clear that even if not threatened by the boy, he was giving a lot more attention – and respect – to his abilities.

Kakashi dodged the Shuriken at once, jumping back and allowing Sasuke to pursue him. The boy tried to use Taijutsu in an attempt to subdue the Jonin but with a falter in his effort, Kakashi was able to deflect him entirely.

Out of all three of the Genins, it was Sasuke whose finger reached the bells the closest, able to touch them before Kakashi threw him away from himself. Yumetsuki was not surprised by Sasuke's expertise. He had always been the one to focus entirely on his physical prowess.

"Well!" Kakashi commented. "I'll acknowledge that you're different from others,"

Sasuke did not acknowledge him very much, used to the compliments from every single person in his life, and instead focused his energy upon utilising the Uchiha statement, the Fire Style: Great Fire Jutsu. He managed to erupt a sizeable fireball in the direction of his Sensei.

Yet Kakashi had vanished completely from sight, and Sasuke was not equipped enough to realise in due time as his Sensei appeared from within the ground, using Earth Style: Double Suicide Decapitation Jutsu to bury the boy up to his neck.

"Shinobi Battle Skill #3: Ninjutsu," Kakashi commented as he crouched down next to Sasuke's head. "How's that? You can't move, huh?" Sasuke looked away from him angrily. "Although you're just starting, you've already started to make your mark,"

Once more, Yumetsuki rubbed her forehead as she realised that none of the Genins had managed to hit the mark yet. She glanced back to where Naruto was. He had released himself yet rather than going to help his teammates, he had unpacked his bento.

"I don't have to naively take those bells!" Naruto said gleefully. "I'll just eat in secret right here! I'll eat all of Meiko-Chan's food so none's left for that creepy Kakashi Sensei, dattebayo! Itadakimasu!"

But the boy was halted in place as Kakashi appeared above him, "Hey!"

"I was just kidding around!" Naruto replied quickly.

"Too late!" Kakashi told him.

On the other side of the training grounds, Sakura had collapsed once more upon seeing the 'severed' Sasuke. And even as she came back around, she was more interested in him than about getting the bells. Yumetsuki turned her attention to Sasuke when she felt his Chakra grow cold.

"I'm the only one who can kill that man," Sasuke told Sakura.

"Huh?" Sakura asked. "What? You mean Sensei?"

"At that time... I was crying," Sasuke said. "My..." He halted. "I'm an avenger. I must become stronger than that man... I don't have time for setbacks like this,"

It made Yumetsuki realise that things were not as it was upon the surface. She had been hoping that Naruto and Sasuke would improve over the years yet she wondered if she was not doing enough of an effort for them. She felt sorrowful, and as defeated as the three Genins as the bell rang in the distance.

In the end, Naruto was strained against the tree-post, while both Sasuke and Sakura were completely done with the situation, sitting nearby. It was clear that all of them were very hungry and could only stare at the lunchboxes sitting in front of them. Kakashi stood in front of them.

"Oh, oh, your stomachs are growling," Kakashi said as he crossed his arms. "By the way, about this exercise... well! There's no need for you guys to go back to the Academy,"

"What?" asked Sakura, taken aback as Naruto cheered up. "I... All I did was lay unconscious. Is that okay?" But it also cheered her up as she began to jump up and down, yelling "Yahoooo!"

"Then, then!" Naruto started, still tied to the tree post. "That means the three of us..."

Every single one of the three were very pleased by this, and even Sasuke appeared to have a rare smile. But Yumetsuki could see that peculiar smile on Kakashi's face, and she knew what was coming. And those words hit her as much as they hit the Genins.

"Yes, the three of you..." Kakashi said as he smiled a closed-eye smile. "Must quit being Ninja!"

It hit Yumetsuki like it was personal failure of hers – she wondered if she had truly neglected them by working on her own missions. Both Naruto and Sakura froze midway into their cheers while Sasuke stared at him in shock.

"Quit being Ninja?!" shouted Naruto. "What do you mean?!"

"That's because you're all squirts who don't have the qualifications to become Ninja," Kakashi told them. Sasuke reacted by rushing at him, but Kakashi easily subdued him against the ground, sitting on top of him. "I'm saying you're squirts,"

"Don't step on Sasuke-Kun!" Sakura screamed but Kakashi ignored it.

"Are you kids thinking being a Ninja is easy, huh?" Kakashi questioned. "Why do you think you're doing this exercise in teams? To put it simply, it's as if you guys have no understanding of the answer to this test,"

"Answer?" Naruto muttered.

"Yes," Kakashi replied. "The answer that determines passing or failing of this test,"

"That's... what I've wanted to ask about for a while now," Sakura admitted.

"Man, are you guys brainless or what?" Kakashi asked. "Don't you get the meaning of the three-man squad?"

"Jeez!" Naruto shouted. "What of three people to a squad?!"

"That's teamwork," Kakashi told them, utterly disappointed as they all reacted with shock.

"You mean, working together?" Sakura asked.

"Exactly," Kakashi replied. "But it's too late even if you realise that now. You might've been able to take the bells if the three of you had come at me together... well, it's too bad,"

"Why use teamwork if there were only two bells?" Sakura questioned suddenly. "If the three of us were to desperately go take the bells with one having to hold back, that wouldn't be teamwork. That'd create internal discord,"

"Of course!" Kakashi replied. "This is a test set up to purposely place you against each other. It's under just such conditions where one's own interests aren't the issue. The intention was to select those who could prioritise teamwork. Despite this, you fools! Sakura! You were only concerned with Sasuke and you didn't even know where he was. And you didn't care for Naruto who was right in front of your eyes,"

Sakura bowed her head in embarrassment.

"Naruto! All you do is run solo," Kakashi continued. "You get all riled up, and you think selfishly, especially when it comes to your Meiko-Chan!" Naruto grimaced. Kakashi looked at Sasuke, pressing his foot onto his head, "You labelled the others as hindrances and acted on your own. Missions are carried out in squads! There's no mistaking that Ninjas need unsurpassed individual skills. But 'teamwork' is considered more important than that.

"Individual actions that disrupt teamwork throw the team into crisis and lead to death. For example," Kakashi pulled out his Kunai from his pocket and held it against Sasuke's throat. "Sakura! Kill Naruto, or else Sasuke dies!" He watched them react in shock. "... is what will happen,"

"On top of having a hostage taken, you're faced with two impossible choices and end up being killed," He put his Kunai away into his pouch. "Every mission is a life-risking assignment," He stood up and walked over to the Konoha's Memorial Stone. "Look at this. The many names engraved on this stone. These are all Ninjas who are called heroes,"

Yumetsuki understood exactly what Kakashi must have kept in mind with bringing the team here. She felt a bit concerned about this but she also knew that the children needed a bit of a reality check. She herself had suffered quite a bit upon seeing this display. She could now see why Kakashi had wanted her here.

"That, that, that, that!" Naruto exclaimed. "I like that! I've decided now to get my name engraved there, too! A hero! A hero! I'm not going to die like a dog!"

"But they're not just ordinary heroes," Kakashi told them.

"No kidding," Naruto replied. "Then, what kind of heroes are they?" Kakashi turned his head away to look at the memorial. "Hey, hey!"

"They are heroes who were killed in action," Kakashi revealed.

"Killed in action?" Naruto questioned, his cheerfulness refusing to understand.

"It means they died during a mission," Sakura told him. Naruto stared at her before realisation sunk in and his smile vanished. They looked at their Sensei.

"This is a memorial," Kakashi said. "The names of my friends are also engraved here," He looked at them. "I'll give you guys one more chance! However, after noon, it'll be a harsher battle to take the bell. Those who want to take on the challenge can eat lunch. However, don't let Naruto have any," Naruto grimaced. "It's punishment for breaking the rules and attempting to eat lunch on your own. If someone lets him eat, that person will be disqualified on the spot. I make the rules here, got it?!"

Yumetsuki looked up as Kakashi appeared next to her, and she could not find the strength to look at him in the eye after everything that she had witnessed, "I see why you wanted me to come and have a look at this. I feel embarrassed... I have failed both of those boys. How could I have not done more for them? I tried to make them better people... yet..."

"Why are you embarrassed, Yuren-Chan?" Kakashi asked gently, and his touch was even softer as he held her chin, making her face him. "You said it yourself – you worked on making them good people. You gave them the love that they deserve. You're not supposed to worry about how they are as Ninjas. That is my duty,"

"I know what you mean..." Yumetsuki mumbled. "But to know that the two of them gave such little attention to teamwork... Kakashi... there is so much all three of them have to learn. It would be so burdening for you do so much... I should have worked on laying the foundation first,"

"I worry when you take so much on your shoulders, Yuren-Chan," Kakashi said, his hands cupping her cheeks into his palms. "Your love and care, and my training and attention – it will make them formidable Ninjas in the future. This is why... I was hoping you'll be able to help me where I lack,"

Kakashi looked down at Yumetsuki as she processed what he had said, and then she nodded slowly, "Yes, you are quite right..." She nodded more assertively. "I would like to help out in any way I can,"

"Thank you, Yuren-Chan," Kakashi said, smiling as he pulled her close to give her a quick hug. "And look at this – they're already learning, by sharing your delicious food made with love,"

As Yumetsuki and Kakashi looked back at the Genins, they found that Sasuke and Sakura had begun to eat what she had packed for them, while Naruto kept his stomach from growling on the sight of the food, "I'm okay with not eating lunch! No sweat at all, dattebayo!" He had barely finished his sentence when his stomach groaned again. "No sweat..."

Suddenly, unexpectedly, it was Sasuke who held his lunchbox out to Naruto. Sakura mirrored Yumetsuki's surprise as she saw this, "H-Hey, Sasuke-Kun! Sensei just said..." She looked around the place to see whether their Sensei was anywhere nearby.

"It's okay," Sasuke told her. "There's no sigh of him right now. The three of us are going to have to work together to get those bells. It'll be trouble for me if he becomes a hindrance, so..."

For a moment, Sakura thought about it and then she quickly offered up her lunchbox as well, making Naruto blush deeply at the sight of his crush. Sakura was not very pleased by having to feed Naruto but she swallowed the bitter pill to get it done.

"See?" Kakashi said, smiling at Yumetsuki, who appeared to have lost some of the burden on her shoulders. "They're good kids," He stretched his arms. "Now's my time to give them the good news,"

The food had barely hit Naruto's mouth when a gigantic Shinobi-influenced hurricane that erupted behind the three children. Yumetsuki didn't think he had to go this far but she could only watch as Kakashi appeared out of the hurricane, "You three!" They all jumped into defensive mode.

"You defied the rules so that means you know what's coming," Kakashi said. He began to go through Hand Seals as dark clouds overtook the sky and thunder roared. "Do you have anything to say?"

"But! But! But!" protested Naruto. "You said it yourself! These guys!"

"What?" Kakashi demanded.

"We're a three-man squad, right?" Sasuke said.

"That's right!" Sakura added, gaining inspiration from her crush. "The three of us are one, so!"

"That's right! That's right! That's right!" Naruto shouted. "That's right!"

"The three of you are one, eh?" Kakashi Sensei said as he neared them. Then, suddenly, he stopped in his path and smiled at them. "You pass!"

"What?!" exclaimed all three of them.

"We passed?!" Sakura shouted. "Why?!"

"You guys are the first," Kakashi told them. "Up until now, it was always just dunces who would meekly listen to what I said. A Ninja must see through deception. In the world of Ninja, those who break rules and codes are branded as scum. But those who abandon their friends are even worse than scum,"

"He's... he's... kinda... cool..." Naruto whispered, his eyes tearing up. Sakura cheered slightly and Sasuke looked quite satisfied as well. "How... how can he be cool?!"

"That's it for the exercise," Kakashi announced. "Everyone passes! Team Seven starts their mission tomorrow!" He gave them all a thumps-up.

"I did it, dattebayo!" Naruto cheered. "I'm a Ninja! Ninja! Ninja! I'll show Meiko-Chan!"

"Oh?" said Kakashi, smiling strangely at them, and the Genins were a bit freaked out by it. "On the mention of your Meiko-Chan... I had someone very special to me oversee your performance today,"

Yumetsuki didn't think it was necessary for Kakashi to introduce her like that because she knew that neither Naruto nor Sasuke were fans of him. But she had no choice but to reveal her presence, much to the shock of the three Genins as she walked up to stand next to Kakashi, giving them a gentle smile.

"Today was quite something, no?" Yumetsuki said tentatively on the sight of their shocked expression. "But I am glad that you all learned the lesson that was needed to be learned prior to your missions... I am a bit worried but I have high hopes for all of you in the future,"

"I'm sure you all know her as Yuki Yumetsuki," said Kakashi. "But to me, she is Yuren-Chan. Since all of you are quite handful, I've asked for her to give me some insight and help where I need it with you lot,"

"H-How do you know him?!" screamed Naruto, shocked out of his wits as he began to flail around in his restraints. "I can't believe this! Meiko-Chan! I thought you said you didn't know him! How can you know someone so weird!"

"I did not say I did not know him, Naruto-Chan," Yumetsuki said patiently. "And I thought you found him cool now? Your Kakashi Sensei is not someone new to me, you know? I have worked here..."

"It doesn't make sense," Sasuke said coldly as he looked at Kakashi. His words were oddly cutting, "How can she know you? She's always busy, and her morals are way different from yours,"

"Is that jealousy I smell?" Kakashi asked, appearing smug. He suddenly reached to wrap his arm around Yumetsuki's waist, pulling her flush against himself. She looked at him in surprise, her hand reaching his chest. "Don't we, Yuren-Chan?"

"Yuren-Chan?" repeated both Naruto and Sasuke as they reacted to what they were seeing in front of their very eyes. "What do you mean Yuren-Chan?"

"Hey, we have a past together, I have my own nickname for her," Kakashi told them. "It's wrong for you to assume it's exclusive to you,"

"You don't know Meiko-Chan as much as I do!" Naruto shouted. "She's my Nee-Chan! I've always known her! You don't know her at all!"

"I do not think there is a need for us to have a competition over this..." trailed off Yumetsuki, confused by this and a bit flustered by their behaviour.

"Yuren-Chan and I know each other from way back," Kakashi said rather smugly to be talking to children. Yumetsuki looked at him with warming cheeks, seeing the sheer pride he held in just knowing her for a longer duration. "And that is from before any of you was even born,"

"Get your hands off my Meiko-Chan! Stop touching her!"

Naruto continued flail around in his restrains, and his glare could burn Kakashi's hands off every spot that he kept around the white-haired woman's body. But without the ability to manipulate anything, he could not even form his Clones to try and overwhelm his Sensei right after he had accepted them. Yumetsuki felt embarrassed at the terminology by the young blond.

"What relation do you have with him, Yumeko-San?"

Sasuke was cold in his disregard toward Kakashi, and his eyes were entirely on Yumetsuki. And it appeared almost as if he was offended that she could even consider someone like his Sensei as a part of her life. Yumetsuki had never seen him look this disgusted with anything, and she felt even more worried about how he would react to her after this.

"They do look good together..."

Sakura was blushing as she looked between Yumetsuki and Kakashi, and especially the way her current Sensei had so passionately pulled the tall woman into his arms, and the way her former Sensei held onto his body in return – it felt very natural on them, and she did not feel very wrong about her comment... until both Naruto and Sasuke turned their heads at her –



A/N: By far the longest chapter I have written for this story. Insanely long. Took me so many hours. It feels a bit filler-ish but it was needed her. Will get into more stuff soon.
Kakashi and Yumetsuki have come back together and are closer than ever. What would you like to see next? Pls comment about the chapter as a whole, too. I worked hard. 


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