Haywire (Yandere! Ticci Toby...

Da satellitelvr06

17K 336 480

---(TW)--- [Possible mentions of: Gore, stalking, SH, physical abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse, trauma, pan... Altro

alone with the thoughts i dread
my new little obsession
no one else should have you
the one who watches
face to face
red rain
dead and exhausted
the forgotten school
living nightmares
anxious sleeper
red puddles
truth be told
train tracks
golden meadow
one bird with two stones
going to nowhere
the man from earlier
crying through kisses
the mission
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬
the deal
[End credits and special thanks]

the party that changed me

2.7K 38 41
Da satellitelvr06

I had a new mission, I just needed to find someone useless and kill them. It seemed simple especially for me, I wasn't used to getting jobs this easy. But I guess it wouldn't be too bad to have a break from torturing victims. Though I did occasionally find it amusing to see them squirm with fear of their lives.

I'm Tobias Erin Rodgers, a serial killer with tourettes and whatever other mental disorders. A lot of fuck wads decided to give me the nickname 'Ticci Toby' how sweet of them, eh? I'm numb to pain inside and out, so I lack a lot of empathy or whatever. But that never really bothered me because I forgot a lot of my past. But.. the nickname stuck with me now I'm only known as my flaw.

I was assigned to kill by one who I shall not say the name of. Though he is a well known being but people always think I'm insane...

I decided to find a lowlife at a highschool party, surely no one would miss a terrible person. So I gathered my last bit of sanity and decided to try to lay low. I get my appearance can be frightening to many and unsettling to others. I changed from my normal hoodie into a plain all black outfit. And I added a disposable face mask to hide my hideous scar on my face. Honestly I don't remember how I got it, I just know its a burden I have to carry with me.

I looked around my shitty apartment for anything I'd need for a quick execution. I found a pocket knife on a milk crate I use as a table. My apartment was the size of a small walk in closet, it didn't even have a bathroom. I slept on two used mattresses stacked on top of eachother. I had two pillows, lucky me, even though they were both cheap and had stained pillow cases. They were better than nothing. My apartment didn't have a light either, and there were holes in the walls, revealing the insulation and cheap wood it was made with. There was a roach or a spider every once in a while, but I they even this place is too wrecked for their liking. And why would they want to keep me company anyway? It's not like I had anything like food or water to give.

I put the pocket knife in my back pocket, sure I could havebrought my axes.. But that would be suspicious. And it was clichè for such an uneventful killing. I stepped outside of my apartment and it lead directly through a run-down hallway. I stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets and left the building. It was dark so I could duck through alleyways and get to the nicer neighborhoods. The ones with the people who think that their old enough to do stupid shit then argue their mature.

My neck jolts to one side from a tic, but I don't pay any mind to it. Its not anyone would care about it anyway. No one ever paid attention to me and I'd like to keep it that way.

I walked though the streets and dodged all street lights I could. Living in the dark for so long made me well adapted to it. I dodged any of the crackheads and just anyone in general. I just walked empty minded like any person would. I was able to make it to the opposite side of town, all of the perfect houses and perfect yards made me feel uncomfortable. Its a rare feeling that I get, but it tends to lurk around in unexpected areas.

I get to a house on the far end of the pristine roads. It just so happened to be located on the edge of a dark forest. I laugh to myself a little when I got to the house. How perfect...

There were a few young adult/teens smoking and drinking on the front porch. Though they seemed useless they haven't proved to be totally losses. I didn't hesitate to walk inside and I almost regretted it. There was loud music blasting and everyone was bunched together in large groups. They were all half drunk and laughing. Some were throwing their guts up or blacked out in a corner.

The bright ass RGB lights they had flickering was the worst fucking part. I could barely tell where the hell I was. I tried to get through the crowds of people and ended up shoving a few drunks off of me. And got to the kitchen, god it was even worse, people making out and drinks spilt making the floor sticky. I hate sticky floors..

I avert my attention to the dining area. Seemed less crowded and maybe I could sit and watch for a bit. If i was gonna kill someone tonight I'd have to see what they were like. I may be a insane mass murderer, but I'm not gonna just kill a good guy.

I walk to the dining area and sit on the opposite end of a table. There's a two girls sitting on her phone and talking to eachother. I took my pocket knife from my back pocket and slid it up my sleeve. I just sat silently watching and listening, even though what they were talking about seemed just like worthless drama.

I sat there watching for a while until one of the girls left for whatever reason. Leaving the one girl with me, she seemed alright, she wore a simple hoodie and some plain sweatpants. I could tell she was an introvert, just by her shrinking posture and the was she stayed on her phone to avoid conversation.

A group of frat boys walked in and sat in the seats around her. One of the cocky blonde guys spoke up, "What cha lookin at?" He said tilting her phone to get a better look. She quickly held the phone to her chest, "Fuck off". I raised an eyebrow, you never really see people stand up for themselves. And she was critically outnumbered, but maybe one of these guys could make a good victim. I grew a little less tense and leaned back in my seat.

"Woah woah... calm down.." the blonde on said raising his hands as if he weren't a threat. "I just curious on what a pretty girl like you is doing sitting all alone.." the guy crossed his arms and sat back in his seat. "That's none of your buisness so fuck off-" she said, she was trying to act intimidating, but she was shaking. Obviously she was the one scared and the frat group seemed to get a riot out of it.

One of the guys behind her seat slipped what looked like a pill into the girl's drink while she wasn't looking. All I didn't was sit and watch, I knew where this was going and I was almost tempted to help her.

"No need to act so defensive damn.." the blonde one said with a fake offended stare. The girl stayed quiet, she seemed genuinely scared. A few of the other boys laughed as if they just heard the funniest joke ever told. They were obviously intoxicated and flat out drunk. You could smell the alcohol and overpriced cologne reeking from them.

The girl reached for her spiked drink and without thinking I hit the leg of the table with my foot. The drink spilled on the roofie who slipped the pill in it. "Oh shit! Come on man.." he shouted. He tried to shake out the spilt drink from his shirt and pants. The blonde glanced over to me as if he knew it was me. I glared right back at him for a moment but focused my attention to the table, sometimes looking up for a bit to see where the conversation was going.

"Oh come one we could have some fun! Come with us! Come on!" The blonde said while standing up and forcefully tugging on the girl's hoodie. "GET off!" She yelled at him tugging the opposite direction, trying to pry his hand from her. "I'm not being nice anymore, come on-" she said jerking her put of her seat. One of the other frat boy pushed her to go with them. I decided enough was enough when they tried to force her upstairs. I scooted my chair out rather harshly. I could feel the adrenaline start to build in my veins.

One of the brunettes looked back at me confused and tapped the blonde's shoulder. Before they could react I grabbed brunette by the back of the neck and shoved him out of the way. He stumbled back, he obviously hadn't had someone stand up to him before. Serves him right.

I grabbed the blonde's hand from the girl and clutch his wrist, digging my nails into his skin. He quickly let go, "The hell is wrong with you man?!" He yelled in my face. I didn't flinch a single bit, it was a terrible come back anyway. "I s-should be asking you the same q-question" I said flatly. I released his wrist forcefully pushing him back a bit. My grip on the pocket knife in my sleeve tightened a bit. I was willing to shank him here and now. But I wanted to see if I could get a rise out of him, it would be more fun that way. My neck jerked again and I whistled, tourettes have the worst fucking timing.

It seemed to humor the group though and some laughed at it. My neck jerked again and I snapped my finger. They seemed to think my misery was hilarious, yet the girl stayed quiet. She just looked like she wanted to be put of this hell-hole. "The hell was that huh?" He scoffed and mocked neck twitch with his own over-exagerated version of it.

These guys were starting to piss me off even more and my grip on the knife tightened more. "You heard h-her.. fuck off" I said pushing the blonde away from her. He stumbled back a little and an agitated expression grew on his face. I wanted to wait for him to take first hit but this dickhead was getting on my nerves. "This wasn't your fucking buisness, why the hell do you care eh?" He said shoving my shoulder. I stood still with a cold empty expression, though most of it was hidden behind my mask.

"I'm not go-gonna let you just go and rape some g-girl you fuckwad" my anger towards this guy was peaking and started to feel no mercy. My hearing started to muffle and my hand with the blade shook. The blonde looked taken back on what I said as if him and his buddies didn't try to spike her drink. "You wanna fucking go you freak!?" He said, on of his friends held his arm so he wouldn't step forward. The first smart thing they've done... But there was the dredded name calling once again, I don't think I've been called that since highschool.

I superssed my visible anger down but the agression was still there. I sighed and a hint of a dark grin appeared under my mask. "If you insist..." I said gesturing to the door to the backyard. I wasn't going to fight in the house, it left too much evidence.

The blonde scoffed and a cocky smile grew on his face. "You really think your the shit huh?" He crossed his arms. I was growing impatient with all the bark and no bite and decided to take the matters into my own hands. I stuffed my pocket knife into my back pocket and right hooked him square in the jaw. He was blown back by the punch and he let out a groan rubbing his jaw. Everyone else was stunned by what I had done and my smirk grew beneath my mask. This could be fun.

I had found a victim.

The only issue was how to execute the homicide. I couldn't do it in the house or around his friends, that would be too obvious. Ah yes..the forest that would work nicely. I quickly form a plan in my head and say, "Let's go t-then.."

I opened the door leading to the back yard. He gave me a glare and went out the door. I was suprised to see he didn't try to make a scene in the house. I was about to go out the door but I remembered. The girl.

I cocked my head around and she was still surrounded by the group of guys. They didn't have the guts to stop me so I took the girl by the wrist and pulled her outside away from their grasp. I didn't mean to be forceful or intimidating towards her, but it came naturally.

I set her at the patio tables, "stay" I said pointing to the chair. Her eyes widen and she quickly sat herself down. She stared at the table still obviously scared by me. I could care though, she should be thankful that I saved her. She looked at her phone but kept it off.

I turned to look around and I stuck my hands in my pockets, walking over to the blonde moron. "Well are we gonna f-finish this?" I ask plainly gesturing the the forest. I could smell the alcohol reeking from his breath when he got in my face, "fuck yeah let's get this show on the road eh?" He laughed and walked to the forest. I checked around to make sure no one was watching and followed him into the forest.

He was awfully stuck up, this was gonna be a good one. My wrist twitched and I made a whistle sound. Damn tics.
The blonde laughed and we made it to a small clearing in the forest, it was eerily quiet and the trees watched with anticipation. Little did they know I was going to give them a show...

I took off my sweat shirt so I wouldn't have any restrictions and I stood there waiting for him to make his move. He scoffed and tried to swing at me, he missed terribly. I leaned back dodging his punch. I grabbed his wrist with one hand and the back of his neck the the other. I spun him around and shoved him to the ground. He face planted into the dirt, he let out a yelp as he hit the floor.

He squirmed and wiggled to get out of my grip my by expression remained cold and my eyes held and empty gaze. I let go of the hand that was holding his wrist and grabbed my pocket knife. I made sure his face was smothered in the dirt before raising my arm and shanking him directly beside his upper spine. He let out a muffled cry and he started to try to flail. I dug my nails into his throat and twisted the knife in to his spine. He tried to scream but it was all just inaudible.

He croaked and stopped struggling, but I didn't stop there. I took the blade out began to repeatedly stab him over and over and over and over. Everytime I didn't his body twitched was his skin was pierced by the steel blade. He soon stopped moving and the air in the forest had gone colder. I flipped him over and his face was covered in dirt and his nose bled. I stared into his eyes coldly as I held the blade up to his neck. He cried and wanted to escape but I slit his throat with a deep cut before he could beg for mercy. He let out one last cry before going completely limp in my grasp.

I stared at the pool of crimson growing beneath him and I started to laugh and twitch uncontrollably. It was such a rush, I couldn't help but feel a little excited by it. After a few minutes of watching his lifeless body bleed out I use his shirt to clean some of the blood from my knife. Though I adored seeing the blood on my hands it felt gross to have the blood of a sex offender on me. My mouth twitched at the thought and my expression immediately went cold again. I sighed and wiped any blood I could onto his clothes.

Soon the adrenaline faded and I was back to my numb state. I sighed and looked back at the body as his blood glistened in the moons rays. I decided it would be best to leave him there so someone could find him, then his friends would learn a lesson as well. Maybe the voices are smarter than I had once thought.

I let out one last laugh before closing my knife and putting sweatshirt back on. Shoving the knife in my pocket I walk back through the forest. The night was colder than before, it seemed like trees didn't like my show as much as I thought they would. I mean.. everyone needs a little thrill every once in a while. I ticked at the frustration of the forest not being thankful for my gift. How ungrateful.

I put up my hood up and walk to the edge of the forest to try and see the girl. I wanted to see if she had obeyed my order, and suprise.. she was gone. Though it wasn't a suprise she had left. I can see why she would, honestly who wouldn't. I sighed and ran across the edge of the forest until I got to a less populated place.

I was left alone with my thoughts once again. Though it wasn't lonely, the little voice always had something unpredictable to say. Always something like, stab them, stab yourself.. or something along the lines of it's right behind you or it's gonna get you again.
I didn't want to see it again.. for a while at least. I needed a break.

I decided to just sleep for a few hours in the forest. Though it was risky because of the dickhead I killed. I figured why not live a little on the edge. I kept up my hood and headed even further away from the cold body. Thought he night was cold the face mask was suffocating me to the point that I wanted to rip my hair out.

I headed deep into the forest again and rip the mask from my face, stuffing it into my pocket. The cold air hit my scar and I push the hair from my face. I sat agaisnt a tree and cautiously close my eyes. Maybe I could get an hour of sleep tonight, wouldn't that be a surprise.

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