My Mate is our Principal (Com...

By AngelaLayton8594

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The day Danny starts his new job is the day he finds his mate after a fight. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13


1.3K 31 3
By AngelaLayton8594

After we relax Danny joins me, but only after he shuts the doors. He washes my back as we are facing each other while I am almost literally sitting on my knees. I wash his neck to his chest admiring my handy work on the hickey I gave him earlier.

Hey he marked me and even though I am not a supernatural being I should be able to mark him back.

Danny starts moving lover before he washes my butt only to start teasing me.

"Danny you are playing with fire again."

I look into his eyes and see his wolf showing.

Of course it is his wolf, such a horn dog.

Danny partly lifts me up and set me on his hardening dick making me moan enjoying having him in me again.


I push my breast into his face reflexively and that starts another mating session until we cum five times together.

"Sorry my queen, I just could not help it." Danny says smirking.

"Never and I mean never be sorry for that."

I was still catching my breath as we just finished and we were going fast.

"Good." Danny says showing mischief swirling in his eyes.

Soon we finish getting clean and then get dress before Danny has to take a call.

Two month later.............
I have been going to classes with having lunch with Danny, but what he does not know is I have been feeling nauseous more and more as each day passes. Of course I eat everything he gets me, but I eat slow and thankfully I have only puked when Danny is busy aka not next to me. It has been hard to hide this as Henry has noticed and I had to make him keep it a secret. He even thinks I might be pregnant, but again I made him keep that a secret. So today Henry is taking me to get a pregnancy test as Danny has to stay at school for a board meeting.


I count down to the last bell signaling end of school.


I wait impatiently for everyone to leave as I know Henry is outside waiting for me.

I mean I am very excited to see if Henry is right, but also so nervous as I have not graduated yet. On top of that I have not had my ceremony to introduce me as Danny's true mate and Queen.

Once everyone was gone I walked out and see Henry talking to Danny. Instantly my nerves kick in thinking the worse, but I know he would not break his promise. Danny looks at me and I can see his wolf in his eyes. In two big steps Danny pulls me in for a kiss making me pull him down more trying to deepen our kiss.

Lately we have only had short kisses as Danny has been busy or tired and I have been busy with school.

Danny purrs, but breaks our kiss leaning his forehead on mine.

"I have to go." Danny sighs a bit annoyed.

"I know."

Too soon for my likes he pulls completely away leaving me to go to the board meeting. Henry looks at me and I nod before we head to get the test.

I look at the timer on my phone seeing I have two more seconds before I get to know if we are a mom or not. Once it goes off I look at the test and see it saying I am pregnant. Instantly I smile happy I am carrying the future prince and or princess to the Werewolf Kingdom. I lift my shirt up seeing a slight bump as I used to think it was only because I was not exercising like I used to mixed with eating more since finding out I have a mate. Instantly I call Danny who growls a pond answering making me cry and hang up.

He has never done this and instantly after hearing his growl my heart drops.

Henry walks in and tries to comfort me as best as he can, but it still ended with me sleeping in my new room.

Well it is now my room until Danny apologizes and maybe we make up.

As Danny has been back and immediately is needed I am laying here in my new room missing his warmth. This bed and room is comfy, but not as comfy as Danny's and my bedroom. I try to sleep, but it does not come easy even though I have eaten dinner and took a hot shower.

My alarm goes off and it feels as if I had only ten minutes of sleep, but so get up and get ready for school. When I walked to the kitchen I see Danny cooking shirtless making my mouth water, but also feel dry. I look at all his back muscles making me remember the one night kissing his back tempting him. Instantly I am being kissed feeling those amazing mate feelings until I feel his phone vibrating right on my leg near my now wet pussy. Danny of course answers as his nose flares staring at me with lust.

I guess he can smell my arousal.

I walk back into my room changing before heading back to eat.

At school it was no different as I find his office locked and hear a meeting happening. So I head to the lunch room seeing Becka and Jack kissing at what used to be our table. I look away and wait in line to get food before walking to the table.

"Hey bestie, how do you feel?" Becka asks.

I have told her and Jack about everything up to falling asleep last night.

"Besides feeling rejected and nauseous, I guess okay."

Harvey sits down next to me.

Oh yeah we have become friends and now Harvry is Alpha of my old pack.

"Hey." Harvey says bumping our shoulders.


"So you have not told him yet?" Becka asks.

"Told who what?" Harvey asks.

Even though we are friends he was not part of our text chat last night.

"No even though this morning was okay until his phone went off."

"What am I missing? Told who what and why am I now hearing about it?" Harvey asks.

In those two months Harvey has been more protective than the other times in my life.

Both Becka and Jack looks at me making me sigh.

"I am pregnant and when I tried to tell him he was in a board meeting and growled after picking up. So now we are really on a rocky boat."

Harvey growls about to get up, but I grab his hand stopping him.

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