Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher...

By AJSwagmire

15.4K 144 763

Just some cute, fluffy one-shots about the ships Harfin, Zopher, and Wyvannah/Jordannah from the Disney Chann... More

Harper or "Daisy's" Excursion Part 3.5
Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
Theories for SOSS s3
Crush Factor 2:The Crushening
Sick Day
Harfin Headcanons
That's What I Love About Sunday
Number One Problem
wait in the truck
Crush Factor 3:Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Labor Of Love
Give Heaven Some Hell
Secret Sweethearts
Tall Stack
It FINALLY Happened
Zoey Campbell:Ultimate Babysitter
Stadium Kisses
Time and Time Again
Can I Have This Dance?
Author's Note-Important!
Weddings Are Overrated, Right?(Part 2)
Time Is Of The Essence
All In Due Time
Father's Day
Time Flies When You're Having Fun
Speak Now
Wyatt's Big Break
It's Just A Matter Of Time
Don't Touch Me
Homecoming Night
Running Out Of Time
Let You Go
Caught In The Act
That Night
Lie Lie Lie
Whiskey Glasses
Sweeter Than Hot Chocolate (Christmas Special)
Nightmare at Nationals
Summer Heat
Risky Business
Loving You Is A Losing Game - Part 2 (collab with killiancaptainhook)
Random Thing
Time's Up (S4 Finale)

In The Meantime

187 7 5
By AJSwagmire



To say Griffin and Harper now probably had permanent hearing loss from how loud Savannah was screaming would have to be an understatement. Griffin's ears had actually popped from how loud she was screaming and Harper's ears were ringing. After they were sure she'd calmed down enough, they removed their hands from their ears. "You done screaming like a banshee there, Savannah?" asked Griffin teasingly, earning him a smack upside the head from Harper. "Ow! What'd I do?" "I'm sorry. It's just.......finding out you guys have a kid in the future has to be some of the best news I've ever heard." defended Savannah, a stupidly large grin on her face before she remembered something Harper had said moments earlier.

"Wait, you said that the springs were really nasty smelling in the future? Any idea how that might've happened?" she asked curiously, picking up a crystal to examine it. Griffin just shrugged his shoulders. "Nope. All Nick said was that whatever it was that happened to them happened shortly after our fifteenth wedding anniversary in 2049." "Then that's where we're going. Come on." said Savannah, starting to turn on her heel and run for The Tremont. "Absolutely not!!!" exclaimed Harper and Griffin simultaneously. "Look, Savannah. It's late and we've got school in the morning." said Griffin tiredly, shaking his head. "I know, but, if we go now----" "And correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you need to be helping your mom and Jordan clean up inside the hotel right now?" asked Griffin curiously, making Savannah's eyes widen.  "Shoot. I totally forgot. Look, we'll talk about this later at another time, alright? In the meantime, let's just make sure to stay on top of our game and keep an eye out for any paranormal activity. See you later!!!" called Savannah hurriedly as she ran for The Tremont. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A few minutes later as Griffin and Harper walked back to the hatch, they couldn't help but think about how telling Savannah about Nick probably wasn't the best decision. Suddenly, in the middle of their conversation, Harper remembered something Griffin had asked Savannah. "Wait, who's Jordan?" she asked curiously. "Okay, so remember how Savannah grows up to become Mrs. Barker? Well, when I first got here, I wasn't looking where I was going and crashed into another boy on the veranda. And the boy had introduced himself as Jordan Barker." said Griffin, growing more tired and letting out a huge yawn. "Wait, then that means....." said Harper, the realization dawning on her. "Yep. I met Savannah's Seahorse. Now, come on. It's already late enough as it is." said Griffin tiredly as he and Harper climbed back into the hatch and then snuck through The Tremont lobby and back upstairs to his bedroom, completely unaware that Wyatt and Zoey had changed their clothes, snuck into the basement and were now down in the bunker, about to head off for 2024. "I still think you're being a bit too dramatic about this." said Zoey, shaking her head as she set the dials on the radio. "Yeah, well. Can you blame me? It's been a rough past couple of days, and I think just going to see and make sure that Griffin's alive and well in the future will do me some good. Now, come on. Let's boogie!!!" exclaimed Wyatt as he and Zoey watched the lights flicker and then ran off for the hatch. " "Let's boogie". Really?" asked Zoey, annoyed as she and Wyatt went up the steps. "What's wrong with me saying "let's boogie"? " asked Wyatt curiously. "Savannah's 1960s hippie slang must be rubbing off on you---Ahhh!!!" screamed Zoey suddenly as she went through the hatch.

"Zoey!!! What's wrong?" asked Wyatt curiously as he quickly scrambled out of the hatch to make sure that she was alright. "I don't remember the jolt being so energized. It almost felt like I was being thrown out of the hatch." said Zoey with a nervous shudder. "You sure about that?" asked Wyatt skeptically, turning his head back towards the hatch. "Yes, I'm sure Wyatt. Now, come on. There's no time to waste." said Zoey as she turned on her heel and started to walk towards The Tremont, Wyatt right behind her, the two of them completely unaware of all the rust forming on the hatch because of the black ooze dripping off the hatch's edges and onto the ground. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A few minutes later, Wyatt and Zoey had now arrived at The Tremont and were happy to see it wasn't on fire and looked through one of the windows and saw Griffin happily chatting with Wyatt in the lobby, Sarah working at the front desk and, much to Zoey's shock and absolute horror, her and Topher were cuddling with each other on one of the lobby couches. "And you said Topher was way out of your league." said Wyatt chuckling, earning him a smack upside the head from Zoey. "OW!!!" "Alright, you happy now? Griffin is alive, The Tremont isn't gonna burn down and we're all happy and healthy. Now, let's get going before someone sees us." whispered Zoey, starting to turn on her heel before she was quickly stopped by Wyatt. "Wait, hold on. Where's Harper?" he asked worriedly, scanning the lobby through the window for any sign of her, but to no avail. "If I had to guess, she's probably just out by the springs. Now, come on. Before someone sees---" began Zoey as she and Wyatt heard a car coming and quickly hid behind the corner and saw Ben's pickup truck pull into the driveway and out came Ben, Jess and Harper......wearing sunglasses and using a walking stick. She was blind. The twins watched on in confusion and mild horror as Harper felt the ground with her stick and carefully made her way up the porch steps and into the lobby. After a few more minutes of hiding, they got up and watched as Harper and Griffin laughed and cuddled with one another with out a care in the world. "Okay, so, Harper goes blind in the future. At least nothing really terrible is gonna happen." said Wyatt hopefully before Zoey tapped him on the shoulder. " I wouldn't be so sure about that." she said worriedly as she pointed back at the lobby, where it looked like Harper was having trouble breathing and then a few minutes later, she just went limp where she was sitting, making everyone panic.

Within minutes, an ambulance had come and Harper was loaded onto a stretcher and taken to the hospital, everyone else following the ambulance in Jess' Subaru. "Okay, I take back what I said. Why is it our future's always gotta suck in way or another?" asked Wyatt in exasperation, watching Zoey start to run for the barn. "Where are you going? We gotta get back home." "Not before we find out what happened to Harper so we can prevent it in the present, just like we did with Topher's coma and Griffin dying." said Zoey determinedly, pulling her and Wyatt's bikes out of the barn. "Now, come on. If we hurry, we can get to the hospital shortly after our future selves." said Zoey, hopping on her bike and starting to pedal. "Right behind you. Last one there is a rotten egg." said Wyatt teasingly, starting to pedal just a little bit faster than Zoey. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After almost two hours of waiting and hiding so their future selves wouldn't see them, Wyatt and Zoey were now standing outside Harper's hospital room and watched Griffin gently rub her back as she vomited into a little plastic bucket through the little window next to the door. "You wanna knock or should I?" asked Zoey worriedly, starting to look a little pale. "Does it really matter who knocks? I mean, it's getting pretty late. We should probably get back----" began Wyatt, now starting to get cold feet. "Oh, no you don't. We're already here so we might as well get this over with." said Zoey angrily as she gently knocked on the door. "Come in." called Harper tiredly as she sat up straighter in her bed. "You don't need to worry, Mom. It was just a false alarm again." said Harper reassuredly. "Uh, it's not your mom." said Griffin worriedly, his eyes looking like they were about to bulge out of his skull. "Well, who is it then?" she asked curiously. "It's Wyatt and Zoey." he answered uneasily, feeling like he was about to pass out. "Okay. I don't see how that's a problem." answered Harper, now a little confused. "No, Harper. It's Wyatt and Zoey.....from 2020." said Griffin slowly, sweat starting to run down his forehead. "How is that even possible? I mean, we destroyed the radio." said Harper in disbelief, making Wyatt and Zoey's eyes widen in shock. "You what?!?!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meanwhile, back in 2020, Griffin was sound asleep in his bedroom, despite there being a massive thunderstorm outside, when he suddenly felt a chill go up his spine, waking him up as he watched something or someone scratch the wallpaper before a loud rumbling sound was heard and various things in his room were thrown around, causing Griffin to fall off his bed and suddenly get frostbite as the temperature in his room dropped fast before the window fogged up and started to bulge out and then just shattered into a million little pieces, confusing him. "What the---?" he asked aloud to no one in particular as his mind started to race in a million different directions, wondering what this new ghost could possibly want before he felt another chill go up his spine and saw a crudely folded piece of paper underneath his desk. Picking it up, he unfolded it and read it aloud to himself. "Things to do in the past: Stop Mom and Dad from breaking the radio. Investigate the springs. Don't let Aunt Zoey and Uncle Wyatt go to 2024." said Griffin calmly before what he just read fully registered in his mind a few minutes later and quickly rushed down to the bunker and, much to his shock, horror and slight annoyance, the dial on the radio had been set to 2024. And honestly, he couldn't blame them for going to the future in the first place. Just a few days earlier, he was at risk of dying by Judge Walker's cold, undead hand and them wanting to make sure he was alive and well after all the paranormal chaos of the last few days wasn't something he was surprised they would do for him. Even if they didn't say it often, Griffin loved Wyatt and Zoey to death and would do anything for them and vice versa. He just didn't expect them to go this soon.

However, before he could go through the hatch and bring them back to the present, the lights began to flicker rapidly and the dials on the radio began turning at an alarming speed and noticed them stopping at certain years for a few seconds before they would start spinning again. "1929? 1960? 2049?" he asked curiously, trying to figure out what was happening with the radio and the dials right before he sniffed the air and noticed the bunker began smelling like the springs and quickly ran over to behind the radio and noticed the crystal was starting to lose its blue glow and black ooze was slowly dripping out of it. But before he could reach his hand into the radio to remove the crystal, he was zapped by a sudden energy bolt, burning his hand and sending him flying backwards right before everything went dark. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And that's that. Now, this might be my last one-shot for awhile since I unfortunately have summer school(Boo!), but I promise I'll do my best to keep a consistent writing schedule. 'Til then, Ciao 4 now, my besties. Love you all!!!! <3<3<3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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