Trollhunters: The Tale From P...

By ventisbluedove

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Note: this is a self insert series, although you are free to imagine yourself in my place if you wish <3 Phoe... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter seventeen

128 5 9
By ventisbluedove

It was like the feeling of something grabbing you in the dark.

Like burning yourself with something hot.

"Phoenix." Jim shook my arm as he whispered me awake.

I groaned, not wanting to wake up.

"Phoenix, wake up!"

I turned my head and just barely opened my eyes to look at him.

"You were having a nightmare."

"I was?"
Suddenly a sharp pain shot through my leg, "ow!" I sat up in shock only to smack heads with Jim.

"Ow!" We both exclaimed.

I rubbed my head and lifted my pant leg. The skin around the cut had turned dark and it felt as though something was digging into my skin.

"That doesn't look good." Jim pointed out.

The pain got worse by the second and I wanted to scream in pain.

"Jim... I need Vendel." I gripped the blankets.

"But you said he didn't hurt you."

"I was wrong, it hurts so bad. Please." I wanted to rip my skin off, it was almost unbearable.

"Okay, it's okay." He stood up above me and grabbed both of my hands to pull me up.

I dropped back down and held my leg, letting out a groan. "Ah frick"

"Can you not stand?"


"Okay um... I'll carry you on my back."

I looked at him annoyed but I had to accept. I put on my glasses and pulled myself up onto his bed. He quickly slid on some shoes and turned his back to me.

Feeling awkward, I carefully hopped onto his back.

The sharp pain shot through my leg again and I gripped Jim's shirt as I tried to breathe through it.

"Don't choke me- you're hard to carry enough as it is!" He bent down and handed me my phone and stitch.

I held them both tightly over his shoulders as he quietly made his way through the hallway.

"You need to open doors for me." He whispered
The stairs creaked, giving Jim an endless amount of worry.

We made it to the garage where the motion sensor light turned on, temporarily blinding us both.

Jim yawned, passing it onto me as he carefully placed me down. I wobbled on one leg as I held the other with my hand.

The pain seemed to decrease if I held the wound tightly. Now in the light, I looked down and my heart dropped.

It looked as though dark veins ran all along my leg. The skin was cold to the touch, it hurt so bad it was hard to believe I hadn't felt it happen.

Jim handed me a helmet and clipped on his own. I wasn't in the mood to wear it but safety first. He helped me onto his Vespa and climbed on after I was situated.

After pressing a button on the wall to open the garage door, he started up his Vespa.

"What are you two doing?"

We both looked over at the door and there stood Olivia with messy hair and pajamas.

"I'm taking Phoenix to troll market."

"Why?" She walked over.

"Angor Rot-" I groaned after another wave of sharp pain, "cut me with a poisonous blade." I sighed, "I need Vendel."

"What? I have to come with you!"

"No, this is serious Olivia, not another day trip to Troll Market." Jim said sternly.

"But what if something happens? You're my cousin! I brought my scooter I can keep up!"

"Jim... Let her come."

"Fine, but hurry."


Olivia drew an arch with the horngozel while I stayed slumped over on Jim's back. I glanced down at my phone seeing it was 4:20 am. I was so tired but the pain was keeping me awake.

We walked in through the crystalized door and made our way down the giant set of stairs.

"Are you sure our scooters will be fine out there?"

"Yeah, I've left mine out there before, they'll be okay."

"So what happened that made you-"

I planted my face in Jim's shoulder as if it'd stop the pain.

"Sorry..." She looked down.

"It's fine... I'll tell you tomorrow." I groaned. The pain felt like it wouldn't end, and if I was being honest I've probably dealt with worse.

We reached the market and the trolls looked at us as if we had done something bad.

Being down here was nothing new to them, only Olivia had been here one other time while Jim and I had been multiple.

"Blinky..." I pointed in front of us.

"What?" Jim looked back at me.

"She said blinky, as in blinky is right there." Olivia pointed in the same direction.

Jim let out a soft gasp, "Blinky!" He called out. "Olivia, go ask him where Vendel is."

Olivia ran over to Blinky who was chatting up another troll and got his attention. Blinky looked over frightened and made his way over to us with Olivia.

"Master Jim, what happened?"

"It was Angor Rot. Where's Vendel?"

"I do not know at the moment. Perhaps you could-"

"I am right here." We all turned to the tall yellow troll who stood before the troll clinic. His amber staff glowed ever so lightly as always. "Bring her inside, quickly."

We all followed Vendel inside, Jim being a bit more cautious of how he stepped. It was times like these where it seemed as if Vendel was always listening around here, like he heard all the secrets and rumors.

I looked over at Olivia, her face was filled with worry. Turned to Blinky, he had the same expression written all over his face. I could only imagine how Jim was feeling.

We stepped into the main room, it opened up into a room you'd find in a humans hospital except it had its own touch. The walls were stone just like everywhere else in this market, the tables made of carved wood, the tools made specifically for troll stone skin.

"Put her down on the table." Vendel instructed Jim as he gathered some tools.

Anxiety filled my mind as I examined the items. I had always felt nervous around Vendel despite him always being a gentle giant around me, but now that he was examining me it was a whole other type of nervousness.

Jim placed me on one of the empty tables. The slight movement of my leg sent the same shock through me, but somehow it felt more bearable here.

"Oh, you brought the annoying one." He noticed Olivia standing next to Blinky.

"Hey!" She snapped.

"Nevermind that... now tell me what happened Phoenix." He gestured to my leg.

"I-it was Angor Rot..." I lifted my leg onto the table and pulled up my pant leg. "H-he found my home and he ambushed me I think... I tried to fight him off and I was careful of the blades-"

"Well he certainly cut you and now it's infected." He pulled out a magnifying glass and leaned closer.

"Is there anything you can do?" Asked Jim.

"No. At least not at the moment."
I squeezed stitch as I held back the sudden urge to cry.
"A human turning to stone is almost unheard of, but there is a treatment. I don't know the incantation but I know the ingredients needed."

"Well, do you have them at least?"

"I do not, but I can get them. Although, it will take some time. As for the incantation, I do not know when I can get a hold of it." He held his hands behind him and stood up straight.

"Well, is there anything you can do to...sustain it?" I asked.

"I can help with the pain and slow the infection, but it'll only grow worse until I can completely heal it." Vendel turned and headed to the opposite side of the clinic.

"Will you be okay..?" Olivia asked quietly.

I nodded and gave her a wary smile.
"I will search my entire library for a cure for you phoenix, I shall not rest until I find one. You have my word." Blinky placed a hand on Olivia's shoulder and another over his chest.

Knowing Blinky was kind enough to help gave me a warm feeling. I felt grateful that he was willing but I didn't want to put him through the trouble either.

"This ointment should help for now. Come back in a week and I will apply it again." Vendel walked over carrying a container of greyish liquid.
"My apologies beforehand...but this will hurt quite a bit for you."

He began to gently spread the cold liquid onto my leg and just as he said, it hurt.

It was like the pain I was already feeling doubled. I groaned and squeezed stitch as tight as I could as I held my eyes shut. Jim took my hand and I practically squeezed it to the point his hand would break.

It was taking every bone in my body to not move. I thought it was unbearable before but this was so much worse. It was like I was being cut open and there was no numbing it.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and all I could do was try and hold them back. I couldn't scream, not when Olivia was right here.

Vendel began to wrap my legs in a cloth, tying it into a knot near my ankle.
"I would suggest keeping it covered from the sun. It will be sore but you can at least walk on it by tomorrow."

"Thank you Vendel." Jim said quietly.
I leaned against his shoulder so I could try to collect myself again.

"I am sorry I could not do more dear Phoenix." Vendels voice became a bit softer than usual. "You can leave when you're ready." Vendel gathered his things and headed out of the building.

"Let's get you back... The sooner the better." Jim sat me up.

I looked down at my leg now covered in a dirty tan cloth. I couldn't even imagine trying to hide this from Aja and Krel...but I might have to. I don't want to worry them, especially after today.


It was all silent, only the sound of his Vespa and Olivia's scooter could be heard through the woods. The subtle sounds of leaves crunching under the wheels and a light breeze complimented it nicely.

"You can tell Aja and Krel if you want... You know about this." Jim said softly.

"I don't think I want to... At least not right now."


I looked down at my leg, there was no lying that it was feeling better, and yet a slightly noticeable pain still lingered.

"Jim watch out!"

Jim stopped his Vespa abruptly from the sudden yell from Olivia. "Olivia-" he started.

A red troll covered in gold jewels dashed right past us yelling some sort of phrase before disappearing into the trees.

"Looks like we got ourselves a rouge troll." Jim's armor magically appeared with his sword materializing in his hand.

"Looks like he stole something too." Olivia adjusted her glasses as if it'd help her see in the dark.

"Master Jim!" We all turned our heads in the direction of the voice.

"Blinky- what are you doing out here?" Asked Jim.

"That bonehead robbed us of our valuables! And you needn't worry Phoenix, I am working on your case as we speak." Blinky held up a book in his hands.

"Phoenix, go back to my place with Olivia, I'll handle this."


"Go, please. You're hurt already and I can't have it happen again."

I sighed and hopped off his Vespa as I slid my phone out of his back pocket. I noticed my limp and hoped it would disappear by morning.

"I'll be home before sunrise, try and get some sleep you two."

"We will!" Olivia smiled.
I climbed onto the back of her scooter and she took off right before Jim.

I wanted to help go after the troll in all honesty, but I wasn't exactly in the best shape at the moment. Who knows, maybe Jim will have an exciting story to tell tomorrow.


Jim shook my arm gently, waking me from my sleep.

"It better be morning, Jim." I rubbed my eyes and stretched. Letting out a sigh I opened my eyes only to see Aja standing over me.

"AHHH! Aja- what on earth are you doing here?!" I quickly sat up.

"The Jim and I have run into a bit of a situation." She crossed her arms.

"And we're going to need your help."
I looked over at Jim who was sitting cross-legged on his bed.

"Um..." I glanced down at my leg, "okay? What can I do?"

"Well, the troll we've been after has reset time again. So I thought I'd save some by coming to Jim."

"Wait- again? How much have I missed? And why are you showing your true form to Jim?" I stood up and sat down next to Jim.

"It's a long story, but I've been through today 30 times." Jim stretched.

"31, if you count now. Now come on, we need to stop him from attacking the fair... Again." Aja walked over to the door and began to open it.

"Not yet." Jim picked up his phone and began typing.

"More waiting? You sound like Varvatos."

I stared blankly at the ground, what was going on? This is the weirdest morning of my life.

"Porgon doesn't go down easy. This isn't a three-person... Two-person-one alien... Whatever, job. We need backup. Phoenix, can you text the other one and tell him where to meet us? I'll send you the location."

"Sure..." I picked up my phone off the floor and unlocked it.

Aja closed the door and sat down on Jim's desk chair.

"Okay, while we're waiting, can someone tell me what's going on?"

"A month ago- well, last night for you, when I went after that rouge troll it found something in the woods and it just.. vanished."

"Vanished? As in, into thin air?"

"Yeah, and since then I've been following it and for a while now it's been attacking the science fair."

"The science fair?"

"Stop repeating me, but yes and we haven't been able to stop it since."

"And you remember all this?" I gestured to Aja.

"I think it might have something to do with my serrator. Though of course, I don't remember as much as the Jim."

"So then... How long have you been experiencing this?"

"Four times. It's starting to get annoying."

"That's... A lot less than 30." I giggled. "Well while you're texting everyone I'm going to get dressed." I got up and walked over to my bag.

My leg felt noticeably better this morning, I could walk on it without feeling any major pain. Although I should still be careful with it, it could get worse if I do one wrong thing.


My eyes were fixated on both of my feet, one with my knee-high sneaker and the other with a sandal. Everything had to be on my right leg, my brace and a cut slowly turning me to stone.

"Alright, we're all here." Jim spoke up.

I looked up and saw Krel and Aja in front of me. Instead of staying with Jim, I slid over right next to Krel. Olivia gave me a sly smile which made me smile in return.

"So what are we here for exactly?" He asked.

"Jim will explain." I gestured to Jim and started petting Stitch.

Jim began to explain everything, but instead of listening to him I became lost in my thoughts, thinking of what to tell Aja and Krel.

I fixated my gaze on my leg and thought, 'I don't want to worry them, but at the same time they should know right? If I tell them it would only worry me too. God why do you have to overthink phoenix!'

'There's a cure so I won't turn to stone, and Vendel has it under control. You know what if it spreads more then I'll tell them. Olivia is already worried, I don't need to worry them too... But they're my friends, they should be worried about me just like I'm worried about them.'

"Wait, wait." Krel's voice broke me out of my thoughts and I turned to look at him.
"I'm supposed to believe this peculiar, skinny-legged human when he says the space-time continuum has been altered, trapping us in the same auto-chronic cycle-"

"Time loop." Jim corrected him as if he was wrong.

Krel's big words intrigued me, 'he's so smart.'

"And yes, something about your alien tech-" Jim started.

Krel gasped, "I do not like that word! I can't believe you told him about us."

"Focus little brother." Aja placed a hand on his shoulder.
I tried to stifle my laugh, those two being offended was pretty amusing.

"Wait hold up! You two are aliens?" Toby piped up.

"No way! I knew something was off about you two! That house on the corner could not be finished in a day, and you two suddenly become friends with my cousin? Stellar awesome!" Olivia examined the two as if she'd notice any sign of extraterrestrial form.

I rolled my eyes at Toby's use of the word despite being told it was not a good one to say.
Aja nodded, almost seeming annoyed.

"Awesome sauce!" Toby took a step back, "Carry on."

Olivia took a step beside Aja, still curious about everything.

"We need to stop this troll and get out of this endless cycle of repetition." Aja stated.

A subtle sound from the brush behind Jim caught my attention.
"Master Jim," Blinky and Aaarrrgghh made their way out of the tree line, "I must insist that we resume our search for Porgon."

"Woah! Who- what are these?" Krel asked, taking a subtle step behind her.

I facepalmed, wanting to laugh right then and there.

"Bounty hunters!? I will protect you my royals!"
We all turned our attention to Vex who appeared behind a bush and began charging at Blinky.

Not even a second later, he tackled Blinky and tossed him. Aaarrrgghh charged at Vex and began to attack him, "Glorious!" Vex threw a punch.

Aaarrrgghh threw another punch.

"Glorious! You are encased in some kind of stony armor." Vex began to examine the giant troll.

I looked at the two in awe, one second they were throwing hands and now they're studying each other.

"Glorious." Aaarrrgghh copied the word and threw a lighter punch.

Oh, I spoke too soon.

Vex stepped backward and picked Blinky up off the ground, as he screamed in fear.

"Get away from Varvatos Vex's charges or suffer the slow and brutal pain of all your eyeballs being swiftly plucked!"

"Stop! He's good!" Aja and Jim said in sync.

I was practically bewildered by whatever just happened, it wasn't even shocking that the two jinxed each other.

Vexed dropped the four-armed troll, "what multi-eyed monster is this?"

Blinky immediately became offended by the statement.
"Monstrosity lies only in the humans' hearts! Do not judge a book by its cover."

Jim sighed, "This is Blinky, my mentor, and trainer.

"Lively! He was just attacked by my mentor and trainer." Aja gestured to vex as he took a stance behind us.

"Varvatos wants answers, or more punching with the big one!"

"It's a long story."

"Obviously, and one that just keeps repeating, if I'm correct and this keeps happening the days should be getting shorter and shorter. Unless this is a different cause of which I'm thinking, I'll need to see what we're up against first." Olivia pushed up her glasses.

A roar suddenly came from the planetarium where the science fair was being held. We all ran to the edge of the hill to see if Porgon was in sight.

"If we heard that all the way out here, imagine how loud it must have been in the building!"

A blue light began to shine through the windows of the building.
"Quick! Your blue bubble thing, it'll shield their memory!" Jim pointed out.

Aja took out her serrator and formed a shield around us right as the light sent a shockwave through the town.

3383 words!
Next will be the second part, as well as some jealousy from MC ;)

I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next week!

K thanks byeeee!

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