Moon-Heart | The Last Kingdom...

By sniwstorm

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"Lord, I would never say this to a Saxon, but she needs you. She is of two worlds, if someone were to find ou... More

Act 1.
Many years later...
Act 2.
head canons


455 10 7
By sniwstorm

Horses, men, and weapons, were being ready for departure. While night had fallen, everyone else was on their feet. Everything, and everyone needed to be ready for what was to come. They were going to leave Eoferwic no matter what. King Edward was a mad man, for even proposing the idea of giving up the north. The lives of many people, Saxon people, would be ruined, all because Edward didn't want to attack. Not to mention, he gave no thought to how his dear niece Aelfwynn felt about this false betrothal to the King of Scots. She would be treated as a pond, instead of the Queen she was born to be. Couldn't he see? It seemed like the whole world was trying to point he in the right direction, yet he closed his eyes to it. There was no chance that Aldhelm and Saehild were going to let him get away. And with Lord Uhtred, and the Mercian Guard behind them, the reality of having Aelfwynn back was so close. The only thing that stood in between, was Edward and the Wessex army. They had strength in numbers surly, and Edward was proving to be more stubborn than his farther. Yet, Lord Uhtred and Lady Saehild were going to show the King, that there was nothing worse then a pissed off Dane.

Despite the looming threat of the Wessex guards, the Mercians did not seemed to care. Not matter what they needed to do, Edward would not win. "Come on! Quicken the pace! Sunrise comes swiftly." Finan yelled out to the courtyard, "Hey perhaps don't kill me just before departure." he joked with a solider who threw a spear right before him.

His footsteps led him to a fire where Lord Aldhelm and Lord Uhtred pondered about what was to come. They had to be vigilant and careful about their actions, "Any word if the king will relent?" Finan asked.

"He has shunned all his advisers." Aldhelm answered with his arms crossed.

"He wouldn't turn swords on Saxons, surely."

Uhtred's head twitched, "Tell that to the Mercian Ealdormen." Swiftly, Uhtred turned on the balls of his feet, walking away, "We leave at sunrise."


Standing near the carts, Saehild ran through a list in her head, before turning back to the soldiers, "Have the shields been looked over?" she raised her eyebrows.

"I am not sure, Lady." the solider didn't look her in the eyes, "We have--"

"The shields have been refurbished and are ready for battle." Saehild turned around hearing the voice, to her surprise it was Aethelstan. She had not interacted with him since their...encounter. "Disperse the shields to the others, they will need it."

"Yes, Lord." he responded, "Lady." the soldiers grabbed two shields, one in each hand, beginning to hand them out.

The tension between the two was still fresh and unavoidable. Clearing his throat, Aethelstan nudged his head silently, asking Saehild to walk with him. She kept her eyes forward, feeling like her heart was about to burst out of her chest. So badly she wanted to tell him that she was sorry, but not really, but still, that she was sorry. Yet the scrambled words remain in her own mind. The Lord stopped in a little ally, between two empty huts that could offer some type of privacy. Facing one another in the tight space, both offer a kind smile in the awkwardness.

"I—, "We—" Aethelstan and Saehild spoke and the same time.

"We should get back to the preparation." Saehild fully spoke.

"No, wait." he sighed, "I should offer my apologies." Aethelstan started, "I should have kept my composure and not force myself upon you."


"You are a noble Lady who deserves respect, and I should have remembered that."

Saehild reached out to grab his hand, "Aethelstan." she said in a calm voice.

The boy looked down to their locked hands fondly, "Yet, I do not feel guilt for it." he looked up, "I care for you, Saehild. That wasn't a lie."

Saehild tilted her head slightly, trying to hold back her grin, "I care for you as well." bravely she took a step forward closing the gap between them, "There was a reason I did not reject you."

Aethelstan looked down to the lady, as she was looking up to him through her eyelashes. Suspiciously. the conner of Saehild lip started to curl, locking eyes with Aethelstan's emerald ones. No one, not even god, knew how much the boy wanted to lend down and kiss her properly.

"Lady Saehild!?" a guard called out, right as their lips ghosted over each other.

Aethelstan swallowed the lump in his throat, "We should get back."

Sighing hard, Saehild dropped her hands placing them in front, "If we are to be leaders, then we must fulfill our duties...but what may come after?" Not giving time to response, she pushed passed trying to find the guard who was calling.

"Ah, Lady" he huffed in relief, "Lord Aldhelm is asking for you."


"You sent for me?" Saehild addressed her father, finding him standing over a fire alone.

Aldhelm squinted his eyes and titled his head, "No, "hello father?"", he opened his arm, inviting Saehild to stand next to him, "How have you?"

"Well, it feels like the Wessex guards are burning holes through me." she told truthfully, "The more I ponder about it the more uneasy I feel."

"You are prepared, Saehild." Aldhelm flashed a smile to the fire, turning his head to his child, "The men trust and look to you, as one of their leaders now. Aethelflaed and Astrid would be proud."

Saehild's head shot up, at the mention of her mother. She was even surprised to be talking to her father again. After the argument, she did not think that he would want to talk to her. A part of her did want to resolve the tension between them, especially in this moment. It had been some time since Saehild had seen her father vulnerable. He always tried to show the girls that he was strong and could fix any of their problems. So badly, she wished to go back and enjoy being naive again, yet there was no time. She had to be a leader now, be the leader that her mother and father knew she could be. She had to be the leader to brake the madness of these lands. 

When Edward confronted his child, and then denied to save his other, it was as if a fire had been lite inside him. Standing in that throne hall Saehild's words rang throughout his head, "do not become a dog of Edward.". Aldhlem vowed to keep his promise, and after his screaming match with Saehild, the lord realized that right in front of her, he was breaking that promise. Right in front of his precious child, he was letting her down. No, he could no linger let his daughters down. They had lost their mother and their home, Aldhelm would no longer stand at Edwards side and oblige to his rules.  

"Ah!" Finan shouted walking towards the pair, "The father and daughter warriors."

"Go along." Aldhelm nodded to Saehild. "We leave by sun rise. Be ready."

Silently she bowed her head to the two, going back to her duties. Much still needed to be done. Weapons must be sharpened, men must be feed--but most importantly, everyone needed to be ready for a battle.

"She takes after her father, that's for sure." Finan smiled watching Saehild be such a natural. "They've all grown up to fast, wouldn't you say?"

Aldhelm looked to his child and flashed a smile. He never wanted to admit it, but she had grown some much. She no longer wanted to wear her hair with ribbon and flowers, but needed it to be pulled back so that she may fight. She no longer wanted to wear her flowing gowns, but opted to wear trousers so that she may move more easily. The men looked at her as a commander and no longer a small child learning no how to hold a sword. Indeed he missed the days where Saehild would ask for his help with the most mundane task, but she no longer needed his aid.

"Indeed, my friend."

"Come," Finan patted Aldhelm's shoulder, "We have an army to prepare."


In due time, the army was ready to leave. The sun shined bright on the day, a sign that the summer was here and the hills would be in full bloom soon. It seemed like everyone was ready to leave, nobles and leaders all sat on their horses, awaiting Lord Uhtred to lead the charge. As her station, Saehild was in between Lord Aldhelm and Aethelstan. The men wore their chain mail with sword at the ready. Saehild wore her leather chest guard with her freshly sharpened weapons. All three of them rode second in line as the leaders and commanders of the men. Against Saehild's hope, Lady Aelwish and Edith choose to ride along side them, instead of further back where they could be protect if it came to a fight. Both of the young ones, changed their deminer. The Wessex army had stood down, and no longer stood along the walls. It was most likely that they were standing outside the gate, ready to face the enemy.

Soon enough Lord Uhtred, Sihtric, and Finan finally showed themselves, mounting their horse, with the rest of the group. The Mercian nobles watched quietly, with their hands crossed, as Lord Uhtred grabbed onto his reins. "We ride." the Dane looked back, "Open the gates!" the horse started to trot near the gate, while everyone followed.

"Lord. Yes, Lord" the soldier oblige.

Riding out, it was as predicted. Edward and the full force of the Wessex army was waiting outside the gate, sword and shield in hand. Saehild held a serious face, preparing herself for anything that Edward might try. They rode out just enough to face the King, but also enough to retreat behind the gate. Aldhelm squinted his eyes, and trotted to be at Uhtred's side. Edward too, was in his chain-mail, but seemed oddly calm. When the two Lords stopped, the king turned his horse around facing the trail, confusing all.

"To Bebbanburg then, Lord Uhtred?", King Edward asked, speaking to the air.

Shocked by the answer, Uhtred began to buck his horse but was stopped by Lord Aldhelm, "Let the king have his moment."

The Dane shot a subspinous look to the lord, but understood what he meant. "If that is your command."

"I will need someone loyal to hold the border lands in Northumbria."

Carefully Uhtred and Aldhelm rode to be next to the King, as the rest followed. They seemed pleased with the response, maybe Edward wasn't as bad of a king that he was showing to be. With a nod and a gently smile, Uhtred faced the Saxons from the king.

"We confront the Scottish king on the road! We break his alliance with Lord Aethelhelm and a bargain for Aethelflaed's daughter." Weirdly a sigh of relief came over Lady Saehild as Uhtred spoke. Finally it felt like her world wasn't falling. "We retain Northumbria for the Saxon people!"

The men cheered loudly, banging their swords on the shields, in a hooray. The conner of Saehild's lip tugged upwards hearing the response. She turned her head to gleefully smile to Aethelstan. They had the army it would take to get Aelfwynn back, how could she not show joy. In the serious moment, the boy cracked a smile seeing how joyful the lady was. It was like he was seeing her smile of pure joy, all over again. He cherished that smile. He too, was happy that his father had heeded his words, but the battle was still ahead.

"To Bebbanbrug!" Both the youngins turned back to see Finan rallying the crowd. Clearly he was just as happy and relived as everyone else.

Together King Edward, Lord Uhtred, and Lord Aldhelm, led the army on the road. Right behind them, Lord Aethelstan and Saehild rode, as leaders and warriors. Out of all the children, those two always showed promise of becoming Mercia and Wessex next great protectors. Their respective fathers, couldn't have felt more delighted that this was their children's fate. Their birthrights were finally being fulfilled. And the children themselves, well for the first time in her life Saehild finally felt like Lady Saehild. Not a bastard who got lucky, but the Lady she was born to be. Riding alongside her father, and so many fierce warriors, without question made her feel alive. She was Lady Saehild, Daughter of Aldhelm, not just the half-Dane.


The journey was long, but the sunlight provide some joy. It was nice not have the saddle freezes to one's bum. Not much talking was done, only words about battle plans or what King Constantin and Lord Aethelhelm may be up to. Occasionally, Saehild would flash a smile to Aethelstan, which he would return. They two stopped, however, when Finan and Sihtric started making jokes about it. From time to time, Aldhelm would turn around, offering his daughter water, but it was more to say that he was watching them instead. It was in fact, that he did see Aethelstan leave Saehild chamber in a distressed way. And through Finan he had heard the small advancement the boy was trying to make on his daughter, and how fondly he had talked about her through the years. It was not hard to put to and to together. He knew the boy to have a good heart, but how could a father not watch over his child.

About halfway to the destination, Sihtirc was sent out to scout the road ahead, to make sure that land was clear of any spies. When he returned, someone was riding next to him, but they were to far for Saehild to make out, coming to a halt.

"Look who I found on the road ahead." Sihtric nudged his head, to the boy next to him.

"Cynlaef. You're late" Uhtred scolded.

"Lord, I've had a momentous journey, so much to tell." Cynlaef shifted on his saddle smiling to himself, "First I found myself lost by the broken bridge in--"

"No!" Finan cut him off, "No, not the time Cynlaef."

Saehild snickered at the boy, rolling her eyes. He looked like a disheveled mess. His once neatly done hair, looked like branches hanging from his head, and his face was laced with dirt. They were Danes, they thrived in the wild, but they were not pigs. The lady wonder when the last time he was near a river to freshen up. It was nice to see him alive, however, she had not heard of him since the massacre at Rumcofa. She had hear he had survived, but no one knew about his whereabouts.

"What news do you bring?" Uhtred asked.

"Just what was seen by scouts two nights ago." Sihtric began, "Constantin's men preparing a boat near his port at Dynbaer."

"One boat will not transport an army." Edward stated curiously.

"It could be an advance guard, sailing with Constantin himself?" Uhtred theorized.

"Constantin is a great king. He would not arrive into a fortress by the sea gate like a trader." the king stated. For the first time ever, Saehild finally agreed with Edward. When Aethelflaed would return home from treaty singings with the Scots, she would tell of how boastful Constantin was as a man and king.

"He could be bring a gift for the wedding feast?" Sihtric suggested, making Aldhelm and Saehild skin crawls.

"No this endeavor is a show of strength." Edward realized, "He will lead as many men on the road as he can gather."

Lord Aldhelm nodded in agreement, "I agree. It is unlikely he will arrive south by sea. Constantin is strategic. He will know how changeable the tides are, the risk of summer storms."

"Alright, we stay with the plan. With luck his full army will take days to gather." Uhtred said with false confidence, "Onward."

Continuing, the band began to ride on. Sihtric and Cynlaef rode to fall into  the middle of the line, not braking the movement. Aldhelm patted Cynlaef's shoulder in greeting, as he rode by. The Danish boy was somewhat shocked seeing Saehild and Aethelstan alongside each other. While still in view, he gave Aethelstan a knowing look making the boy's cheeks turn red. Without moving her head, Saehild could see the change in complication in the corner of her eye. Where they that obvious? If it weren't for Finan's comments and joke, may be they would go unnoticed. Although her father had said that the men looked up to her, Saehild feared that if they saw what was happening between her and Aethelstan, they would think less of her. To get Aefwynn back and secure Bebbenbrug, she needed the men to see her as strong and formidable, if they were to trust her.


Luckily the scouts had found a prefect spot to set up camp, where they would be close enough to Bebbenbrug, sadly it was not as secluded as one would hope. With an army as large as this, it would be hard to conseil them for much longer. Luck be it, the plan was to move by dawn through the woods, around the fortress remaining at a distance. This would offer them some type of cover. The chill in the air, caused Saehild to throw over her cloak, the arm holes allowed her to pull the fabric close to her body, not to catch the breeze. There so no smell of death, but Saehild feared that the chill meant more. Throughout the whole ride it was warm and kind, but now the clouds rolled over, and the wind picked up speed. It could just may be natures natural course, but still it caused worry.

Upon arrival, the men started to unload the tents and carts, setting up what they would need until the battle came. All going well, most of the soliders held a calmness to them, but at the same time ready to change anything on the order. The nobles and guards dismounted their horse, alike, stretching out their sore limbs. The first ones off were the young boys, who seemed to be faster then most. Finally reunited with his friend, Cynlaef could not hold in his knowing grin.

" and Lady Saehild?" Cynlaef raised his eyebrows poking at Aethelstan, walking to his side, "I saw how she looked at you, and you her."

Aethelstan scoffed, "I will not speak of Lady Saehild and my relationship. She is a respectable noble Mercian Lady." Aethelstan bit his togue.

However Cynlaef could always tell his bluff. The Dane boy stood in front of the Saxon boy, with his arms crossed, "If you won't tell me, I could just go ask her."

"Yeah, right." Aethelstan rolled his eyes, paying more attention to his horse.

"Alright then." Cynlaef whispered. Swiftly he dropped his arms and started to turn to Saehild dreaction, with no fear in asking her what was going on. Not thinking that his fiend would actually have the head to ask her, Aethelstan reached out to yank Cynlaef back by the collar of his shirt.

Flipping his body Cynlaef widen his eyes, and gestured with his hands, "So?!"

"Fine." Aethelstan sighed, "...we kissed."

Giggly, the Danish boy pushed the young Lord by the shoulder. He was happy that Aethelstan might have found someone, for now at least. Maybe them, him, and Aelfwynn could all live their lives intertwined, more then they already seemed to be. Aethelstan pushed him back grinning ear to ear, it was some what nice to tell someone of him and Saehild, especially Cynlaef. The two had always exchanged their thoughts freely. When they were small, the two would joke about them marrying the sisters, and having one huge half Dane half Saxon family. Yet, it was all still a dream. Right now the focus needed to be on Bebbenburg, taking the fortress might just solve all Saxon problems, bring peace once again.


Being at the end of the parade,  Saehild was on of the last to dismount. During the last leg of the ride, she had switched positions, to be closer the Mercian guard. She felt it was only right to ride along side for some of the journey, and it allowed for Aethelstan and Cynlaef to catch up. And as much as she loved the men, she could no longer take the small embarrassment that was Finan's jokes, and Aldhelm's prying eye. As she was about to jump down, she realized that her father had already dismounted and was there to help her.

Aldhelm held out his hand for her, as she swung her leg over, "Thank you, Father." Saehild held onto his hand landing on her feet.

Saehild looked over her father, trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on. Surly scouts would be sent out soon, and the reports for the spies should be coming in. But sneakily, she may have or may have not been looking for a certain boy, which she found easily. Aethelstan was talking to his father and Uhtred, not doubt about what the next steps where going to be. In front of her, Aldhelm took note of what she was doing. He was not dull, and he was her father. Of course he could see in her face that she was becoming smitten with the boy. He knew love, more importantly, he knew young love.

He cleared his throat gaining back Saehild's attention. She looked back to him as he raised his eye brows and gave a knowing smirk, "What?" she furrowed her brow, "I have no idea what you may be assuming."

Aldhelm snickered at her, turning on his heel and walking towards the middle of the camp, with his little Mercian at his side. There was much to be done in a short amount of time. Just as an ease, was settling into both of them, Aethelstan and Cynlaef came running up seemingly flustered.

"Lord Aldhelm." Aethelstan called, "The spies are at the rendezvous, its said they have pressing news."

"Good or bad?" the Lord asked.

"We are not sure. Sihtric as already began riding out." Aethelstan tighten his thumbs around his belt, looking to Cynlaef.

Aldhelm let of a sigh in frustration, "Join them." he directed his daughter.

Saehild nodded her head, focused on the task at hand, "Go first." she told the boy as they mounted their horses, "My horse is at the back, I will meet you on the road."

"Nonsense." Aethelstan said readjusting the saddle, "It will be faster if you ride with one of us."

Feeling like all eyes were on her, Saehild watch as Aethelstan extended his hand for her, "Fine." she grunted.

With the help of Aldhelm, he hosted her up on to the saddle, flaring out her cloak across the bum of the horse. Reluctantly she wrapped her hands around Aethelstan's waist, to not fall off, of course. Once they where settled, all let out a breath preparing themselves for whatever the news could be.

"I want her back safe." Aldhelm nodded to the boy.

He nodded back to the Lord, promising to take care of Saehild. Looking to Cynlaef, the two spoke with their eyes, they were ready. Jolting the horses, the beast started to gallop out into the woods.


The feeling of riding a horse, with no control felt odd to Saehild. She hadn't rode with anyone since she was two-and-ten. By then Aldhelm had finally allowed her to start riding on her own, she would always be thankful for Aethelflaed for convincing him that she no longer needed an aid to ride. But she had to admit, it was kind of nice. She noticed more, not having to worry about what laid head. She could heard the wind better, listen to the small raddles in the trees. The forest seemed more clear, they were no longer blurry from the fast pace. Just as she was starting to rest her cheek to Aethelstan's back, they came to a halt.

"I thought this is where they said to meet?" Cynlaef asked circling his horse.

"It is." Aethelstan stated, "We're five miles past the marker." he explained.

As the two stared at each other in confusion, Saehild started to look around feeling uneasy. Sihtric was always precise about meeting spot, he would never lead them astray. The surrounding woods were quite and clear. They couldn't have missed them, if anything Sihtric would have waited for them. The two boys continued to argue with each other, saying that the other was wrong and that they should just go back. Everything started to become a blur, the sounds in the air started to become a ringing, and the woods started to become one. The three were in a bad way, and Saehild knew it, while the other two didn't want to admit it. Trying to slow down her breathing, Saehild looked to the ground focusing. Forget all the noise and focus. She blocked out the auguring and listened to the sound of her breathing. As she did so her heart rate slowed and her blinking became less rapid.

A crinkle from her left side, caught her attention. Gasping under her breath, her hand tightened around Aethelstan's waist alerting the boy, "Saehild?"

The lady didn't answer, but kept tightening her grip. Her eyes darted back in forth through the woods looking for the sound. It couldn't have been made by an animal, this was too close and too rough. Catching on, Cynlaef unsheathed his sword, as Aethelstan unconsciously placed his hand over Saehild curling his knucles. All kept their eyes opened and focused. The sound brushed closer, causing all to jump. Slowly, Saehild gripped Moon-Heart, noticing that Aethelstan didn't have a weapon in hand. Suddenly two men on horse back jumped out from the dense woods, startling the young ones.

"I told you it would work." Sihtric laughed with the spy.

"Damn you!" Saehild closed her eyes.

Relieved, Cynlaef dropped his sword, as Saehild put away Moon-Heart. All three sighed in frustration, this was not a time to play games. "You need to quicken your pace."

"Thank you for the lesson, Sihtric." Aethelstan said sarcastically, "What have you learned?"

The Dane sat tall and swallowed hard, "We are too late." he simply said. All three faces dropped. How could Constantin already be there, it was impossible. Saehild feared so much more. What of Aefwynn? What if she was already married off, and was bond to live a life of misery. Angered, she dropped her forehead to Aethelstan's shoulder, causing him to slightly look back to her. They were all defeated, but he could feel the hope slipping.

"Let's go." Sihtric turned his horse, "We have to inform the others."

Without another word, Sihtric and the spy rode off back to camp. Saehild still stayed in her disappointment, if one more thing happened her heart would deflate. Seeing the distress she was in, Aethelstan gave Cynlaef a nod for him to go ahead before them. Hesitating, Cynlaef nodded back and head back to camp with the others.

"Hey." he whispered making Saehild lift her head, "Do you need a moment?" 

Saehild flashed a smile, "No, no. I will be fine."

"We still could have a chance." he rubbed his thumb over her hand.

"Let us pray we do." Feeling Aethelstan's movements, it made Saehild's cheeks burn. She cleared her throat sitting up, straight readjusting her hand, "Come now. You heard Sihtric, we have to hurry."

"Of course." Aethelstan shook his head abruptly, grabbing the reins looking ahead.

In haste they rode back to camp, not speaking a word to each other. Saehild appreciate it the care that Aethelstan was showing, but truly she just didn't know how to acceptance it. Growing up, she knew that her father loved the Lady Aethelflaed, but yet he never showed it psychically, and was always through acts or something else. The Mercian royal household was always about duty and honor. There was no time for love. Yet Saehild would always remember the fairytales that her mother would tell them at bed time. How the prince would fall in love with the common girl, or how the knight fell for the princess. Those were simply fairytales, her life was meant to sever the Mercia, and that was it. But her heart seemed to have so much more room.

Whatever she was feeling, she could deal with it later, they needed to keep a clear path if they still wanted a fighting chance. Constantin was already within the fortress, throwing the plan off course.


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