Forbidden Love [Completed]

By callmeCRAZY8

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Love comes in forms of different perspectives, rather it's designed to fulfill happiest or shatter someone in... More

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886 66 9
By callmeCRAZY8

"Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins."

As I watched Amaya read, I couldn't help but smile as I looked up at her. I had my head rested against my arm as I was laying next to her in bed while she was sitting up against the headboard.

I was completely mesmerized by the way she was speaking, and my heart was sinking more and more.

Amaya was perfection and I'm in love with her.

My eyes never left hers as she was reading to me, which made her look over at me after a moment. I saw a smile on her face before she reached over and caressed my cheek.

"My Angel."

"My.. girl." I sighed, making her smile brightly at me. I smiled before shutting my eyes for a moment as I laid there and felt her hand on my cheeks.

After a few moments of her reading to me, I felt her move a little and I opened my eyes. I saw her look down at me before smiling, which made me smile.

"Sit up." She said, which made me sit up. I saw her smile at me, which made me smile. "I have something for you."


"Close your eyes." She smiled at me.

After looking at her for a moment, I closed my eyes and felt the bed move. I heard a drawer being opened then shut as my eyes remained shut, making me curious as to what was going on.

"Ok, open your eyes." She spoke, making me open my eyes.

I saw her holding a small box, which made me furrow my eyebrows as she was smiling at me. I looked down at the box as she was holding it out to me and I slowly reached over to grab it.

When I looked down at it, I stared at it for a moment before looking at Amaya. She was smiling at me, motioning for me to open the box as I was holding it.

I slowly started opening the box as Amaya was watching me. I felt my heart start beating fast in my chest as I was staring at the box before opening it.

As I placed the top of the box on the bed, I saw some plastic paper covering whatever was inside. I pulled it out then stared at the necklace that was laying there.

I pulled the necklace out, then saw Amaya smiling at me. I read what it said on the necklace and instantly looked at Amaya before smiling.

My Angel was written on it and I couldn't help but feel myself become emotional.

"Let me put it on you." Amaya said as she reached over to grab the necklace.

After I gave it to her, I turned around then scooted closer to her. I saw her arms come over my head before placing the necklace on, which made me look down at it.

I smiled as I touched it before turning around then saw her smile at me. I looked down at the necklace again before touching it, then looked back at her.

"I love it."

"I.." She stopped before smiling. "I hope you would." She smiled. "It looks good on you, My Angel."

I smiled before moving closer to her as she gently cups my face. I saw her pull me towards her before our lips touched, and I smiled against them.

The way my heart was about to explode in my chest was insane.

Our kiss started getting more heated and I felt my heart beating like crazy in my chest. It felt like I couldn't breathe cause the feeling was taking my breath away.

After a moment, we pulled back and the look that Amaya had in her eyes made me fall more in love with her. I wasn't sure when I would tell her or if I even would, but the feeling was crazy.

In this moment, I wasn't sure what was going to happen but after a moment, I felt myself laying down on the bed with Amaya right beside me.

My hand was now on her cheek but the kiss was still heated. I never let my lips leave hers as my eyes were still closed, and my heart was still beating out of my chest.

After a moment, I pulled back and saw her staring at me as her mouth was slightly open. I saw a smile on her face before she pulls me back to her and our lips met again.

The room was getting hotter and I wasn't sure what was going on. I felt my body catch fire as her hand started roaming down my arm before reaching my stomach.

Her hand was now underneath my shirt, making my stomach clench and I felt her smile against my lips.

As her hand was roaming my stomach, my breath was getting caught in my throat. I had to pull away for a moment, and saw Amaya look at me.

She smiles before grabbing my wrist, making me stare at her as she pulls my hand towards her stomach. I look down as she glides my hand up her shirt, touching her skin.

As my hand was gliding up her stomach, I met her eyes as she was looking at me. I saw her smile as my hand was now touching the end of her bra, which made my throat close up for a moment.

"It's ok." She gently spoke, making me stare at her.

I kept watching her before moving closer to her, gently kissing her for a moment before pulling back. I felt my hand slide over her skin towards her back before I was touching her bra hook.

As my eyes were asking permission, she smiled to let me know that it was ok. I slowly unhooked her bra before moving my hand towards her shoulder, pulling her bra strap away.

My hand went back to her stomach, hesitantly waiting as I was staring at her. I saw her slightly smile before grabbing my wrist, making my hand move upwards until I felt her breasts.

She moved towards me before kissing me, making my heart pound in my chest as my hand was feeling her skin before pulling away.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, pulling my hand from her shirt. I saw her stare at me before grabbing my hand, never breaking eye contact as she gripped my hand.

"Remi.. it's ok." She gently said as she looked at me. "Please.. touch me." She moved my hand back underneath her shirt, making me stare at her as my hand touched her again.

We stayed in that position, kissing and touching each other. I felt her hand under my shirt after a moment, making goosebumps on my skin, and it made her smile against my lips.

After a moment, she pulls back but starts kissing my cheek. I felt her kissing towards my jaw before reaching my neck, making me throw my head back as she kept kissing me.

Then kissing started turning into sucking, making me bite my lip as she bit down a little. I felt myself biting my lip before stopping as she was kissing all over my neck.

After a few minutes of bliss, I heard my phone start ringing. I felt Amaya pull away as I reached over to grab my phone, and saw Kate's name on my screen.


"Hey, I'm sorry for interrupting you. I was wondering if you can come watch Asher and Sophie for a few hours. My friend is coming to pick me up and take me out tonight."


"Thank you so much, Remi. I owe you."

After I hung up, I looked over at Amaya as she was looking at me. I looked back at my phone before sighing, tossing it on the bed before laying my head back down.

"What's wrong?"

"Kate wants me to watch her kids while she goes out tonight." I look at the time on my phone, noticing that it was a little after five.

"I'll come with you." Amaya said, making me look at her. "I don't mind." She smiled.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." She smiled.

That made me smile as I leaned towards her and kissed her.

After we got ready to go, and I hooked her bra back up, I placed her into the wheelchair before pushing her out of the room and down the hall.

As we were entering the kitchen, Alina looked over at us as Amaya explained to her that we were going to my house to watch my sister's kids.

"Ok. Have fun." She smiled before walking towards us, then leaned down towards Amaya and kissed her cheek.

We went to the front door before going out, and I pushed her towards my Jeep. I stopped at the passenger side before opening the door, then looking down at Amaya as she was watching me.

She smiled as I lifted her up into the Jeep. I made sure she was ok, then she leaned towards me and kissed me gently on the lips.

That made me smile as I pushed the wheelchair towards the back of the Jeep, then placed it inside.

After I was done, I got in then looked over at Amaya as she was buckling up. I smiled at her as I started the engine, then pulled out of the driveway and onto the road.

I was focused on the road when Amaya slipped her hand into mine, making me look over at her as she was looking at me.

She leans her head against the headrest as her eyes were on mine, making me glance at the road a few times as I looked back at her.

I felt her rub her thumb over my hand, which made me smile as I kept driving. I could feel her staring at me as I was focused on the road, and my heart was ready to explode.

When we made it to my house, I pulled into the driveway before shutting the engine off. I looked over at Amaya as she smiled at me, making me smile as I opened the door then got out.

I grabbed her wheelchair from the back before pushing it towards the passenger side. I opened the door, then lifted Amaya out and placed her in the wheelchair.

Once she was sitting, and I closed the passenger door, I pushed her towards the front door of the house. I opened the door once I was stopped in front of it before pushing Amaya inside.

As soon as I shut the door, I heard Asher yelling as he was in the living room. I pushed Amaya into the living room before stopping once I saw Asher jumping on the couch.

When he saw me, he screamed before jumping off the couch and running towards us. "Aunt Remi!" He jumped into my arms, and I held him before looking at him.

"What's up, booger?"

"I missed you!" He held onto my neck for a moment before jumping out of my arms. "Aunt Maya!" He yells before jumping into Amaya's lap, making me look at him.

Then Kate came around the corner and I looked over at her as she approached me. "Why did he call her Aunt Maya?"

"He's been calling her that ever since that day." She chuckles before crossing her arms. "I don't know."

"I love it." Amaya said as she looked at us while Asher was sitting in her lap. "I don't mind it." She smiled down at him, and that made me smile.

"Thank you again, Remi." Kate said, making me look over at her.

"I don't mind."

"Oh my goodness, I love your necklace." Kate said as she admired it. "Who got it for you?"

"Amaya did." I said, making Kate smile at her.

"It's gorgeous." She smiled, which made Amaya smile at her.

Kate walked to Amaya, talking to her for a moment as I walked around to the couch. I sat down then saw Asher run towards me before jumping into my lap. I sat there as Kate talked to us about how Sophie was sleeping, and her bottle was in the fridge once she woke up.

"I won't be long. Just a little break from all of this." She chuckles.

"We understand." Amaya said, then I nodded as Kate looked over at mer.

"Thanks again." She said, making Amaya tell her that it was ok.

After a few minutes, Kate's friend was here. She gave Asher a kiss on the head, telling him to be good before telling us bye and walking out of the door.

Asher jumped off of my lap before playing on the floor with his toys. I leaned back then saw Amaya in the corner on my eye moving closer to the couch where I was sitting.

She reached over and grabbed my hand, making me smile at her before looking at the tv. I saw some cartoons on, but it didn't interest me enough to keep watching, so I focused on Asher.

After a few minutes of Asher playing, he walked over to Amaya before offering her a toy. I saw her grab it, then Asher asked if she would play with him, and brought her more toys.

Amaya smiled at him, and proceeded to play with him.

I watched in amusement, and it caught Amaya's attention. She looked over at me before smiling, and that made me smile as I saw Asher bring more toys.

They continued to play as I looked at the tv. I finally turned it to something else, which Asher didn't mind cause his focus was on Amaya.

It was honestly the cutest thing.

"Aunt Remi." Asher said as he was standing at Amaya's legs.

"Yeah, booger?" I looked at him as he was looking down at his toy. He looked back at me with a smile on my face before starting to get shy now. "What?" I ask, making him look at me.

He laughs before looking over at Amaya, who looked at me before looking back at him. He looked at me for a moment then looked down at his toy that was in his hands.

"Are you- you- are-" He was stumbling over his words and Amaya chuckles before looking over at me.

"What, booger?"

"Marry aunt Maya?" He questions.

I furrow my eyebrows before looking over at Amaya, who was looking at me. I looked back at Asher as he was looking away, making a face before laughing.

"Am I going to marry Amaya?" I ask, seeing him nod.

Amaya looked at me then back at him, and it felt like my throat was closing up. I didn't know what to say, and now everything was coming back to me that I tried so hard to ignore for the last day.

I was hoping that I wouldn't have to say anything, but Asher came back towards me after going to his toys for a moment. I watch as he stood in front of Amaya, looking at me then Amaya looked at me.

"You don't have to answer." Amaya said, making me look at her. I felt my heart sink as she looked at Asher before patting his hair down, then smiling at him.

After a few minutes, I heard Sophie crying from upstairs. I got up and rushed upstairs before coming into the bedroom where she was laying in her crib.

I grabbed her, then shushed her as I walked back downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to grab her bottle from the fridge, then walked to the living room where Asher was playing on the floor again.

As I sat down on the couch, I saw Amaya watching me as I held Sophie in my arms and fed her the bottle. I smiled at her as I made sure she had the nipple in her mouth, then looked over at Amaya.

My focus went to the tv after a moment as I kept glancing down at Sophie. I could feel Amaya stare at me for a few moments, then looked over at her as she was looking at the tv.

"I always wanted a family of my own." Amaya said after a moment, making me look over at her. "I was still young when I was thinking about it but I didn't want one at that time.. just in the future." She looks down at herself before wiping her eyes.

"You want to feed her?" I ask.

Amaya looked over at me before nodding, making me smile as I stood up and placed Sophie in her arms. I saw the smile on her face as I made sure she had her before sitting back down on the couch.

As I watched Amaya fed Sophie, it made my heart hurt to know she will never get to experience that. I couldn't stomach the thoughts that were running through my head as I thought about her.

It hurt.

Amaya was giving a short amount of time to enjoy life, and she couldn't even do that. I watched her feed Sophie, feeling my heart breaking inside of my chest cause of all of this.

I didn't know what to do.

The next few hours went by pretty fast. I fed Asher, gave him a bath and made sure he was ready for bed when it was close to seven.

He was ready for bed, and Sophie was back sleeping upstairs.

I was sitting on the couch with Amaya holding my hand. I looked over at her as she was leaning over a little, and I could tell that she was uncomfortable.

"You want to sit on the couch?" I ask, making Amaya look over at me. "You can sit on my lap." I said, making her smile.

After I stood up, I leaned down before lifting her up and sitting back down. I saw her look at me as I smiled at her before making sure she was comfortable in my lap.

"Are you comfortable?" Amaya asked.

"Of course." I smiled, making her smile.

She leaned towards me before kissing me, and when we pulled back, I caught sight of Asher looking at us from the chair, and he smiled at me.

We got more comfortable then watched tv, and I enjoyed holding Amaya in my arms. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at the tv.

After a few minutes, Asher fell asleep on the chair. I moved Amaya onto the couch before walking to him and picking him up to take him to his bedroom.

As I walked upstairs with him, I felt him move around as I entered his room. I laid him down on his bed then covered him up, before kissing his head.

"Aunt Remi?" He spoke before rubbing his eyes.


"Will you marry aunt Maya?" He asked as he kept his eyes closed. I sat on the bed then stared at him as he was laying there for a moment before opening his eyes and looking at me.

"Why do you want me to marry her?"

"You love her?" He asked.

"I do love her. Very much." I wiped my eyes before looking at him, knowing that I couldn't tell him the reason why I couldn't answer that.

He was too young to understand.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm fine, booger." I smiled before leaning over and kissing his head. "Get some sleep."

"Promise me aunt Remi."


"That you will marry her." He held on his hand before pointing his pinky finger towards me.

As I stared at him, I felt my heart wanting to break inside of my chest. I looked down for a moment before sighing, trying not to cry as I looked back up at him.

I reached over and wrapped my pinky around his, seeing him smile. "I promise."

"Love you, aunt Remi."

"Love you too, booger." I leaned over and kissed his head before walking out of the room. I walked back downstairs to the living room and saw Amaya sitting on the couch watching tv.

Once I sat down, she moved closer to me and I wrapped my arms around her. I saw her smile at me before leaning her head against my shoulder as we watched tv.

The next hour came around, and Amaya was asleep next to me. I knew she was uncomfortable so I lifted her up into my arms, and held her. I made sure she was leaning against the arm of the couch as her body was on me.

As I looked over at her, I slightly smiled before reaching over and caressing her cheek. I stared at her as she slept, and she looked peaceful.

"I love you, Amaya." I whispered. "So much. I never loved anyone as much as I love you. You make me a better person and I'm thankful to have you in my life." I wiped my eyes before looking back at the tv.

Kate finally came home as I was on the verge of falling asleep. I heard the door shut then saw her walk in the living room before looking around as she walked towards the couch.

"Where's Sophie and Asher?"

"Sleeping." I saw her look down at Amaya.

"I guess everyone fell asleep. Sorry for taking so long."

"Don't. I understand that you need a break from everything, Kate."

"Thank you." She smiled before looking down at Amaya. "Why don't you two stay here? She's already asleep."

I looked at Amaya before nodding. I reached over to grab her phone to text Alina, to make sure it was ok and tell her about it.

After a moment, I lifted Amaya up then stood up. I saw Kate watching me as I walked to the hall and downstairs to my room.

It felt weird having her in my room cause it was honestly such a depressing room. I didn't have a window, besides a very small on in the top cause this was a basement at one point.

I had concrete walls, which had been painted over the last few years. I managed to get Mason to put some flooring in cause I didn't want to walk on concrete.

As I placed Amaya down on the bed, I covered her up before smiling at her. I walked back upstairs to grab her phone and Kate was watching me as I was looking at the text message that Alina sent.

"She's in bed asleep. Her sister said it was ok."

"I'm guessing her sister is the boss of her?"

"Pretty much. She's all that Amaya has, so.." I paused before nodding, and looking away cause I didn't want to get emotional.

Kate smiled at me before walking towards me. I saw her hug me, then pull back as she grabbed my arms. "I'm proud of you, Remi. You've changed so much cause of her and.. I'm just glad to see you happy."

As I looked at Kate, I nodded at her as I knew she was glad that I wasn't who I was a year ago. I knew a lot has changed, but I wouldn't say Amaya has everything to do with that.

I have yet to tell her that I was interested in what Amaya believed in, but I guess that's for another day.

"Goodnight, Remi."

As I walked to my room, I saw Amaya laying on the bed. I sighed before turning my LED lights on and shutting the door.

I crawled into bed, facing Amaya as she was sleeping. I felt my heart start hurting again as I looked at her but I shook my thoughts away and placing my phone, and Amaya's phone on the table before charging hers.

As I turned back towards her, I leaned to her to kiss her. I leaned back and stared at her for a moment before sighing.

"Goodnight, Amaya."

After that, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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