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By yo_mama1306

4.1K 376 56

A story in which a man named Jeon Jungkook works hard and wants to replace his father and be the Ceo of their... More

i n t r o d u c t i o n
β–ͺ︎ Jungkook's house and company interior β–ͺ︎
β–ͺ︎Y/n's house and company interiorβ–ͺ︎
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t w e n t y - o n e

e i g h t e e n

108 9 0
By yo_mama1306

1 Year Later

Current Location: Incheon International Airport

09:23 a.m.

Walking out from the elevator he was met with his secretary who was waiting for him there. He made his way to the exit of the airport as he dragged his luggage.

He was listening to his father over the phone not paying any attention to his surroundings.

-What do you mean?

-I told you I can handle the company without getting married!!

-I don't need someone in my life!

-I won't marry someone who will be all over my money and wealth!!

"While talking he bumped into someone angering him even more. Without sparing a glance he snapped and continued his way.

-What is this man! A bulldozer? Aishh. "She hissed as she looked at the front to see another handsome man with an apologizing look coming towards her.

-I am sorry on his behalf he wasn't paying attention. "He apologized and she just shook my head.

-Yeah it's not a problem just...be aware that he can bump into someone else. "She dragged her luggage away.

-Make a meeting with the head team. "He said in his cold voice reaching upon his secretary as he nodded his head and took his phone out.

His secretary made a call and arranged the meeting as they went out. He opened the back door for his boss and ran over to the drivers seat after closing the door.

-To Busan. "His driver nodded and started driving.


10:25 p.m.

After they arrived at the destination the boss and his secretary made their way inside the meeting room.

There stood his PA the manager and the boss of Kim Corporation and Park shareholder. Today is the last big event for the month.

Everyone in the room stood up while his PA bowed down. -Good to see you Jeon. It has been so long. "Mr. Park said as they shared a handshake. The same goes to the Kim's.

-Let's start the meeting. "He said as he sat down while unbotoning the black neat coat. His PA turned on the presentation and started explaining the deal.

After their meeting ended everyone expect Jungkook left the hall. He got a call as he read the callers ID. After reading "Father" he debated if he should pick up.

Nonetheless he slide the green button and answered the call as he put the phone on his ear.

-Come to the villa at five sharp. "He held before the line went off. He looked down at the phone and sighed. His time is up.

But he doesn't give up. He will stop this no matter what.


Y/n Pov

19:06 p.m.

I got home after a tiring day at work. I took a shower and wore my shorts with a oversized t-shirt and returned in the living room to Billy as I put him on my lap.

That's his personal place. I stroked his fure and played with him as he turned on his back and I tickled him on the stomach.

My phone rang suddenly interrupting us as I took it and read the caller ID. I picked up immadietly after reading "Uncle Jeon".

-Hello uncle?

-How are you, Y/n?

-I am good how are you?

-I am fine too.

-So why did you called so late? Unless it's urgent?

-I want you to come to the mansion in half an hour.

-Is it that urgent? I mean can't i come tommorow?

-Y/n. Just come.

His voice was full with seriousness trough the whole talk. He ended the call before listening to me even. That's strange. He never does this.

-Champ..I should go somewhere are you fine here alone? "I asked my pup as he just looked at me with titled head. I smiled as he got off me and I stood up.

I went over and wore my shoes before grabbing my keys and my purse and I exited my apartment. I don't like leaving Billy here all alone.

It's not that he will do something it's quiet the opposite but I am sure he is bored when he is alone.

After closing the door behind me and locked i made my way to the elevator. It seems like someone is coming up. It reached till the last floor before returning to my floor.

I got inside and pressed the button as I waited for it to go down. When i reached down the doors slid open and I got outside and made my way to the exit of the building.

I walked to the parking lot and unlocked my car before entering inside and started the car as I drove away.

I looked at my watch to check the time. He said half an hour. I have five minutes left. I pressed the gas and switched to forth gear.

I stopped infront of the huge golden gates of the familiar mansion for me and waited the guards to let me in. They opened the door after seeing me and I got inside as I parked the car.

I got outside the car and walked to the front door before pressing the bell. One of the maids opened the door and bowed as I returned the gesture getting inside after she welcomed me.

I made my way upstairs and to his office as I knocked on the door. -Come in. "I heard him say as I opened the door and closed it behind me.

He is seating on his usual seat as I sat infront of him on the chair. He looked up at me and smiled. But something in this smile is wrong.

-What's so urgent that couldn't wait till tommorow uncle? "I asked him the question that was on my mind since he called." -Wait for a bit. I want both of you to be here.

Both of us? Who else is coming? I frowned looking at him while he continued reading his files. What does he mean by that? I leaned on my chair as I kept my gaze upon his work desk.

After a moment the door cracked open and someone entered inside while I turned to look thinking it's the one he was waiting for.

I was met with his son. Jeon Jungkook. The last time I met him was on my first modeling show. I frowned and looked at him while he mirrored my expression.

He switched hid gaze from me to his father. -Take a seat son. I have something important to tell you. Both of you. "I am getting worried now. What is he talking about?

He took the seat beside me and I focused my attention to uncle Jeon as I waited for him to start talking.

-I called you both becuase I have a great opportunity for both of you. "What opportunity is he talking about."

-First I'll tell you what you are getting for yourself then I'll tell you what you have to do so you can get it. "I only nodded my head and waited for him to continue.

-If you both agree Jungkook will get the Ceo position of Jeon Enterprices and the main factory all for himself also 45% shares from each company in every country and abroad.

I just kept listening puzzled already getting a different vibe from this conversation.

-For Y/n. If you agree you'll get the dream office you wanted and I'll let you support your dream job as well I'll give you a professional team who will only work and listen to your orders. You'll start from the zero like you always wanted.

Wait what? What is he talking about? Are you kidding me? My eyes widened as I got even more worried. -What? "That's the only thing I could master up to say as I glanced at the man sitting beside me.

-What is the deal we should agree to so we can get all of this? "Jungkook's voice cut the train of toughs as I looked up at uncle Jeon.

-You both have to get married. "He answered as I nodded my head without thinking much. -To get married...What!? "I freaked out after realizing. What the! Is he out of his mind!? How could he even?

-What are you talking about? Why do you want us to get married? I mean why us? "The questions came one after another from me as he leaned on his chair. His facial expression unreadable.

-I gave you time Jungkook. You didn't take it seriously and now I should take care of it myself. Also Y/n if you don't have anyone in your life there is no need to deny.

Is he out of his mind? How did he reached to this point. Sure I am single as fuck but I can't get married this soon only for a deal. I can reach my dreams all alone I don't need this marriage.

The whole time Jungkook haven't spoken a word. I looked at him to see any reaction but i got only a cold face. His cold aura is all around him while I tried to find any emotions.

Nothing. I can't read him he is like a stone without any emotions. I slumped in my chair and sudden silent fell. My mind is already fighting with the tough of me getting married. And that too to Jeon Jungkook. What's happening right now?

I don't need to think twice my answer will be always a straigh no. Why will I accept when I don't even know him that well. I am sure he doesn't want it too.

What's this situation I had put myself into? It's messing with me. The deal is really good and all but if I am not ready for any relationships. I can't get married. Marriage is not a deal.

-Here. "I looked up to see uncle passing two file folders. Both were black and a name on top "Marriage Contract". This is some kind of joke.

I scoffed lowly as I took the folder and opened the first page.

This agreement contain the entire purpose of the relationship which both parties will get into. Both parties shall keep respect to each other just so they can complete their tasks for this agreement.


"Both parties have their own benefits after they agree to the contract."

"Both parties will have to support and understand each other solely so they can make their relationship stronger." What's this? I continued reading every detail.

Too immersed in reading I was about to snap but he beat me as he spoke first.

-I won't agree. "His voice laced only coldness and disagreement yet it's deep and husky as I agreed with his choice."

-I am not agreeing also "I looked at uncle after finishing reading the document."

-Unless you both have someone in your lives I'll let you choose this option but if you don't have anyone then-

-I don't want to marry him/her! "After finishing I looked at him and he did the same as I averted my gaze away.

Uncle just sighed and looked at both of us. -Do you both have a proper reason to not accept this marriage? "He suddenly asked us.

I stayed silent not knowing what to answer. -Even if I don't have a reason I won't accept getting married to someone. "I stated quickly."

-Do you know what may happen if any of you guys disagree... "He started looking at both of us. I got chills because of the coldness in his eyes.

-Jungkook...you'll be removed from the boss position and I'll take every hold you have right now on each bisuness we are running.

My eyes widened as I looked at Jungkook. Why isn't he reacting. I tried finding something in his eyes only to be disappointed because there is nothing.

-And Y/n...I'll make sure to put the company you work at trough financial bankrupt and get's destroyed before it can even start shining.

-What! "I got speechless. What is he doing? Is he going nuts? How can he talk like that as if it's some kind of joke." -I am giving you both time to rethink everything and come up with an answer.

-That's ridiculous. "I stood up and walked to the door as I held the doorknob." -Think about the conclusions after you disagree Y/n.

I stopped for a second and breathed out. It's so messed up. My mind is messed up. I opened the door and walked out not caring to turn around.


23:34 p.m.

I got home late. I planned to be there for only ten minutes so I can return quickly. I feel bad for letting Billy alone too. I took off my shoes and let my keys on the table.

Billy came to me with a quick run and I took him in my arms. If he's not her I don't know what I would've done.

I walked to my bedroom petting him while having flashbacks from the conversation I had earlier with the Jeons.

How could I accept this offer when I myself don't want to get married. I tried strugging off the tough but it only increased.

I layed on the bed on my back and stared at the ceiling. Staring at nothing I just kept getting flashbacks of uncle's sentences.

What if I had a partner already? He would've let me off the hook.

What if I was already married to someone? He would probadly give up.

What if Jungkook had someone in his life?

What if he has and it's the reason why he is disapproving?

Why is uncle Jeon making it so hard for both of us?

Why did he threatened me with putting my company under bankruptcy?

Was he mad at me or something?

Did I made any mistake recently without me knowing?

But he wasn't joking..

What if he really take down Jungkook from the boss position?

I know that Jungkook is a one of the best bisuness mans around the world too...

I can't imagine him without working...

What if uncle really take action in this situation?

How did I ended up being asked to get married when I myself am not ready for a relationship.

I would lie if I say that his offer didn't caught my attention.

I got pulled out from my tough when I felt Billy snuggling in a hug to me.

I played with his fure while he was snuggling in the mattress.

So many questions in my mind and not one of them being answered.

What am I gonna do?

Should I accept? Do we really need feelings?

What if we accept but we keep distance?

What if I accept but he doesn't like it and get's pissed off?

I closed my eyes and sighed quietly before hugging my pet and soon I dozed off.

That's what I call a deep overthinker ~~

First of all I am sorry for not updating sooner! I had planed on posting it earlier actually but I didn't like how it come out and made so many corrections.

I wanted to tell you that soon the contest of this story is going to become a little bit more interesting :)

Take it in the good way cuz I would like to spice up the content of the story too!!

Also I hope you had liked the chapter and my story and I appreciate all the readers!!

Thank you very much for all of your support till now!!!

I want to announce that soon my exams are going to end and the summer break is staring!!

So ofc I would go to trips but nevertheless I'll keep updating whatever I have time!!

Much love and care ❤️

Your Author 🥰

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