Alpha Too

By JennyG576

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Book two in my ongoing saga of Angelique and her time jumping adventures with OT7 and living in Korea. Read b... More



77 11 24
By JennyG576

You don't know how long Jimin had been waiting but when you felt his hands as you stepped into the hot tub they didn't feel to wrinkled in your hand.

Your bikini you had found wedged into a pocket of your backpack showed off your body the way you know Jimin had wanted as this wasn't one you had worn yet.

You and Namjoon had used the condom the best you could and just to be safe he had pulled out before he came which had made you upset. "I don't want a baby either but your reason is silly. It wasn't so bad."

"The wine cellar? Or the chairs? So many chairs."

You giggle as he walks to the bathroom and before he can speak as you hear him peeing you say. "Any child of ours is going to have both the good and not so good. We'll just make sure we reinforce some minor things."

You have moved into the bathroom as he is washing his face. Sitting down you pinch his ass. "Besides he will have your good lucks a mixture of our charisma."

"Hopefully your beautiful eyes, but your charisma doesn't go unnoticed. Sometimes you care about us so much it blinds me your love of us."

After wiping you stand up and washing your hands nudge his hip you say. "There are seven of you dicking me down, you all have more money then you'll spend in this lifetime. Kind of need kids to pass it down to. So how about if and when it happens it does."

"I would worry less if you were willing to wait."

Looking in the mirror and meeting his eyes. "Will that help you?"

Namjoon nods slightly so you nod back with acceptance. "Then I promise to help take precautions to not get pregnant this year."

"You'll have plenty of time if you wait until Jin gets back."

Getting your bag you are putting stuff into it when you see the bathing suit at the bottom and say. "I'm not ready to talk about enlistment dates it's the only thing that will never waver. I want to find out with the rest of Army. It feels right that way."

"Okay babe." He says dropping it hurriedly.

And even though you and Namjoon had a perfectly wonderful rushed time you knew what was coming with Jimin. A long drawn out affair. He had, had so much time to come up with his lesson plans. Once he taught you then you could teach the others things they should know if they wanted to.

Upstairs you sat there across from him in the hot tub, the jets churning the water in the dark of night and listened as he explained. He told of times that you had thought you had seen him and laughed. "A couple of times I just barely got out of the room or into it before you did."

As he moves across the water closer to you. "They all tease me about being small and tiny but it helps." His lips are tracing a path from your jaw slowly to your ear. "Do you want to hear your first assignment?" He whispers.

Nodding then sighing as his tongue touches the lobe. You try very hard to concentrate as his fingers touch you through the scrap of cloth you are wearing.

You listened as Jimin moves to sit back across from you explaining things your eyes wide in disbelief a little as he told you about things he had learned and you were impressed.

When you finally move closer your hand trailing from his shoulder to lower in the water your breath mingling with his before he moves in lightly kissing you. "Jungkook is the only one who will put any of this to use really. By the time your with any of the others you will have locked these thoughts away properly."

His lips trail down to your jaw where he nips it. "Tomorrow you can practice it out. If you can slip into his apartment while he sleeps and do something so that he knows you were there then I'll show you another lesson. Are you ready?"

It wasn't just the lessons that had you hurriedly kissing him in answer. A hot, horny Jimin touching you was always something you wanted. His hands palmed your ass as you climbed in his lap ready to learn.

The next morning in your bed you smiled at Jimin in sleep. His dark black hair covering his forehead and one of his eyes as he laid on his stomach. Cuddled up against him you snuggled in more. He had taught you how to move stealthily into a room explaining that the bond with a person could be felt but that a lot of times people just shrugged it off.

You chuckle to yourself as you think of the times he had told you about that he had been there and you had never knew. Even if it was technically cheating the way he had found out some of the things you had talked to with your girlfriends. Getting your phone you open your messages as Jimin sleepily pulls you closer his head now resting against your stomach.

You weren't worried that he was going to wake up. You had worn him out and sensing his headache you had gently massaged his temples until he drifted off asleep at a little urging from you, but still had a few hours before he would wake.

After answering some texts you slip out of the bed to take a shower, getting dressed you look through your closet. The lingerie was easy, the outfit with it was a little more complicated. But if you stayed a couple of steps ahead of Jungkook he would eventually find you, and you wanted to be ready.

At one after lunch you kissed Jimin at the front door as he pinched your ass through the blue romper you were wearing. "If he calls me wondering where you are you're sure you want me to tell him?"

"Yes, because he will for sure call you. And you can give him the hint, he's smart he'll figure it out."

Jimin laughs hard as you walk off swinging your backpack on your skintight outfit. Clothes that were tight and short made less noise. Or so Jimin said you think as you get in the elevator. You knew Jae would be mad at you later for leaving by yourself but today was for you and Jungkook.

At his apartment building you park Nari's borrowed car in the guest parking. The ride upstairs is quiet as you think. He had done a live very long and late and would for sure be asleep. Getting in wasn't going to be hard, but getting out without him waking up would be. That is why Jimin had been so thorough.

Outside you stare at the keypad as you punch in the code. You still had your own personal tests to do for your lesson training. And when the door opens to let you in you slide through closing it behind you. His snoring could be heard as you took your shoes off leaving them at the door.

Walking towards his room in your bare feet a bottle in your hand you wait outside the partially open door and not willing to risk it you drop one drop on the first hinge, then two on the second before applying three on the bottom. The oil in your hand disappears into your top as you walk inside and close the door back to where it was.

The blackout curtains pose no problem as you turn your goggles on. Seeing his green hued body laying on his back you approach quietly and are happy to see that he's shirtless and half uncovered.

Knowing you need to work fast you gently get on the bed, leaning in your lips stained with a glossy red you apply one kiss on his stomach and then another. When finished his chest and stomach are covered with your lips and their color spelling out a word.

You fly out of the bed as quickly as you dare your body feeling like it's on fire. Only when you are back in the living room about to put your shoes back on do finally let out a deep breath. He'd better find me and fast.

Your next stop you worked fast and when you showed them with an extra tip how you really needed the delivery today they were perfectly happy to also help with your plan.

The ringing of a phone is what woke him and as he stirred and reached for it.


"Are you still sleeping? Wake up! Your running out of time." Jimin says exasperatedly.

"Time for what?"

Jimin groans. "If you're still sleeping then she passed."

"Passed what?" Jungkook asks as he climbs out of bed going to the bathroom. Putting his phone on speaker as he pees and waits Jimin answers.

"Her first test. You didn't wake up and find her?"

Jungkook yawns and flushes the toilet. "Angelique wasn't here. Or I'm sure I would have woken up." He says as he moves to the sink and blinking his eyes he can only stare at his body. In Korean is 박지민 Jimin's name peppered in red kisses.

Jimin feels the slam of lust from Jungkook and knows the others must have as well. "Wow I really wish I could see it." Jimin says huskily.

Grabbing his phone Jungkook takes a picture in the mirror and sending it to the group chat that includes Angelique he finally asks Jimin. "Where is she?"

"Well that's the thing you have been asleep so long."

"Just tell me Jimin-ssi." Jungkook says throwing on some jeans and grabbing a shirt.

Thirty minutes after 5:00 Jungkook pulls up to the furniture store. They sold everything from sofas to bedding and as he walked in to the store he didn't waste anytime looking around he went right to the counter.

"Excuse me, did a young woman with very blond hair come in here today and buy something?" Jungkook asks the man.

"Yes, are you the cookie man?" He has an envelope with a drawn chocolate chip cookie and milk with Private written on it. "Yes that's me."

"She bought some things and said they had to be delivered today and that she was expecting you to know where. I'm sorry but I am not allowed to tell you where."

Jungkook thinks briefly about paying double what Kiki had but sighs wanting to play the game. Tipping the man he takes the envelope and getting back into his car he opens it.

Kissing you the way I did got me so hot for you. I had to try very hard to not give in and kiss you lower and wake you up. So if you find me you have one hell of a blow job coming.

Please stop at the convenience store for some snacks. If you remember what my favorite drink and chips are you'll find the next clues.

The paper smelled like her and there was a kiss mark at the end. It's like she's courting me as if we were in school. This school game feels like something I didn't really get to enjoy. Your so fucking hot Kiki.

You fluffed the pillows with the new sheets you had just pulled from the dryer. Not saying anything you kept working the dusk coming fast as you threw the comforter out on the daybed you had bought today.

In the store Jungkook looks around before heading down the chip aisle with his basket. Putting a couple bags in his eyes fall on the yellow bagged honey butter chips. Getting it he smiles seeing on the back a envelope which he pockets when he sees the purple post it under.

Behind my favorite drink is a clue, behind my second favorite drink is a big reveal.

Jogging over to the drink aisle he grabs a couple of his favorites and then goes for the Chupa Chups strawberry soda and is rewarded with another post it.

Where I am we have been before.

He lifts the hazelnut flavor pack and smiles as he grabs a coffee to go with it. A second envelope is added to the first in his pocket and after grabbing a few more items he walks by the ice cream case and grabbing a couple items he sees the Ube Melona and picking up two he sees another post it with a question mark so he adds that to his pocket as well.

In the car he hurriedly opens the first envelope marked with the number 2.

I want to make love to you under the stars so I'm waiting under them.

Grabbing the other envelope he practically rips it opening it and reads.

You got both my drinks. So I can say I'm at your place under the stars.

Did you happen to get any ice cream?

The question mark comes to mind so he says. Hey babe, I got you two Ube popsicles.

Smiling as you hear him you add some strawberries cut in half to the tray of mini sandwiches and snacks. Walking with it in one hand you undo the screen and put the tray down.

Well you should hurry so it doesn't melt. I'm outback.

When it dawns on him he throws the car into gear reversing before heading out of the parking lot and driving straight. Only minutes later he pulls up outside and stares at his secret house. Going inside he looks around hearing nothing and seeing less as it's dark inside the only light coming from the sunset outside. He puts the ice cream in the freezer and calls out.

Walking to the patio door he opens it and when he sees how the backyard is transformed he's breathless. Twinkling lights that look like lightning bugs are in the tree. But under a huge domed netting is Kiki kneeling on a bed her hair piled on top of her head. A fan gently stirring the air even from where he stands. The moon is high in the light purple and blue of the sky, the bottom color a blend of pinks and oranges.

"This is beautiful."

He walks to the opening and undoing it before coming through he puts the drinks and snacks down. Walking to you he has grabbed you and pulling him to you he kisses you gently at first before deepening it.

When he pulls away staring into yours. "The fact that you planned this tonight for us touches me deeply. You really do pay attention even about the little things. Thank you."

I love you so much Kiki, I've never been scared about anything as much as this. But I would never not choose you for me.

You sigh at his words feeling them in your soul you finally speak. "Every time we have to do this again I've only ever wanted time. Time with all of you. But every time felt so short. I want to give back to all of you the way you have always given back to Army. I loved you all for so long before I knew you were mine."

Your body molded to his he whispers against your neck. "One time after the first reset. I was in Los Angeles and I felt the strangest sensation. But when you came to our Las Vegas concert I felt the pull of you, way before you came backstage. The air felt different the second I got off the plane that day."

"I was dropping my Aunt off to the airport that day, she had to get back to Los Angeles. I felt a current go through my body and slammed on the breaks." Feeling the blush spread from your cheeks to your ears he laughs at the image of you taking a shower and using your shower head to get off.

I took my own cold shower when I got in the room. The other's weren't there and I knew I would be left alone because of the Covid and needing to rest. It was a while before I got that feeling mostly out of my body. I kept wondering what was happening to me until we met that first time.

He pulls back suddenly and as you see his thoughts unfold you gasp shaking your head. "I don't see how that can happen. Regularly if you were to invite me to a music shoot I would go. But I'm not there Kookie, I know that I won't be."

"But you could, can't you try to meet us then?"

He's looking at you intently and not wanting to ruin the night with him you nod. "Of course I can try." Kissing him again you nudge him and laying back against the mattress he follows suit. Your hands intertwined as the sky darkens and the stars come out. You meteor watch and both ooh and ahh.

"This makes my light show seem silly. This is so beautiful and the fresh air. Thank you again." As he leans in kissing you your clothes seem to slowly melt away as he pulls it down your body and away. When you flash him with your crotchless panties it's only mere seconds before he is laying between your legs tasting you.

Finishing he works his way slowly up your body, his shirt now off as he kisses spots on your body some leaving light marks as he does. "When I saw all those kiss marks and the fact that I didn't wake up for any of them got me so hard. If I had caught you I would have pounded you silly."

Well you kind of did. I could sense your dream, I was getting very strong images of you wanting me to kiss other parts of you.

Pushing against him you turn your body until you are now on top as he rolls with you. Kissing him you say. "Well now I'm going to have to retrace my steps and see if we can have a better outcome."

His heart hammering in his chest his thought makes you almost choke on what you had just swallowed. "Oh my God Jungkook you Pabo." His mocked cry of our children from him making you roll your eyes but happily.

When he had thrown his boxers on to get ice cream you sat up now that he had adjusted the bed to sit up partially. When he returns also with some cups of ice you make his drink as well as yours and he smiles at the small side tables you had put by each side. "You really thought of everything. And we can sleep out here, if it gets to cold we have a blanket and each other."

His head is back as he eats and watches the stars. Finally able to be alone with your thoughts you sigh internally. Jungkook wanted more time with you and thought the ON music video set would be the perfect time to meet.

While they knew about Jason and his murder they didn't know that you had missed a era of BTS not able to even think of them at that time. Not even BTS could compete for the affection of a broken heart. Jason had been killed the first week of January and it took you six months to heal, they would be back in Korea and quarantine had started which had been fine as you just stayed inside anyway.

As he continues to lay there happily snacking and watching the sky you get your phone and pulling up your texts you tap on the keyboard.

Jungkook wants us to

meet for ON

But it's not doable.
I would love for it
to be. But that's the
month Jason is murdered.

Knowing he could be busy you put your phone back down and watched the night change with one of the men you loved.

When you were pulled under him later as he had kissed your body awake slowly you sighed as he slipped inside you and as he took you hire and hire the love between you both was so bright it seemed to light the backyard almost completely before it sharpened and then came back into itself as you both came together.

Sighing happily against your shoulder he smiles and then kisses it. "Jimin-ssi is so sneaky. I want to learn this early too." He rolls off of you laying back and sighing.

"I know you can't meet us for ON now, I understand and I'm not mad obviously. But it would have been good there. We'll figure it out another way."

Jungkook sometimes was his most brilliant after an orgasm, his brain worked more like a woman's and when you saw his thought you laughed. "Okay sure, I'm in. If I meet you then I'll show you how to sneak in and out of rooms too."

The first time we are together sexually? Swear it?

"I promise to teach you how to be super stealthy the first time we are together." You say holding up three fingers.

Confused until you show him an image of yourself in a green dress, your sash covered with patches Shyla and Trish by your side doing the same. "It's called the Girl Scouts, it was actually fun. Lots of places to explore in Vegas."

He's yawning as he nods. "Come cuddle, let's go back to sleep."

And knowing the reason Jungkook had trouble sleeping regular hours had everything to do with being lonely at times you hugged him tightly your head against his chest listening to his heart slow down as he drifted off on his own.

The morning birds is what have you both going for inside as you pull your crotchless underwear back on. But once inside under Jungkooks white down comforter his hands touching you intimately as your hips rise to meet his pleasing fingers.

Two days later sitting on the couch at your place you are shocked when Namjoon bursts through the door. "This should be locked." He says as he puts the keys he was holding into the bowl on the table.

"Yes, hello, how are you?"

Shaking his head he smiles and stalks towards you. Your eyes widening as he grabs your hand pulling you up. "I have something I want to show you."

"Is it bigger then a bread box?" You ask and he stops as you had been trailing behind him you stop. "It's something my grandmother says to my Da when he says he has a surprise."

"Ahh. Well then this is definitely bigger then a bread box. But when you see you will even agree. But first I need to see what you have been up to with Jimin and Jungkook. Don't I?"

As you have crossed the threshold to your room you can feel the heat radiating off him towards you and your reaction is just as strong. Moving into his arms you let him kiss you as he picks you up in his arms shoving you against the door. Grinding himself against you makes you gasp.

Whoever taught you that dry humping you need to find her and learn that.

He laughs and bites your jaw sharply. "Oh I will. Even just like this here with you it feels amazing." His tongue is in your ear as one hand slides in your shorts letting his finger mimic what his tongue is doing has you coming apart fairly quickly and the rush of images you push out to him has him pulling his hand out.

Breathing out as he touches his fingers to your lips your tongue tastes yourself on his fingers and his eyes go even darker as he walks with you to your bed. Pausing only to pull your shorts off you pop your breasts out of the shirt and when he attached his lips to one nipple while sliding inside you making you gasp you are both overwhelmed with all of it.

Calling out his name as you see Namjoon's thoughts your eyes fill and when he hugs you tightly his orgasm washing over his body when his shuddering is complete he finally looks at you. His thumb going to your eye catching the tear.

"It can work Angelique, you have to trust me. I will make this work, please believe in us."

Your sigh is long and deep before you speak. "Okay I'll believe in you all. I have no choice with it being the last next time anyway."

Kissing you your shocked at his next words. "That trick of Jimin's could work for me. I just have to remember it."

"You want to learn to be stealthy?" You ask thinking of how big and well adorably clumsy he could be.

"Well it might be a lot of hard work, but I'm willing to try as many times as you need to learn it all." You say as he starts laughing.

"Give me ten minutes and I'll be ready again."

"Ten minutes? Want me to teach you something else cool I learned?" You ask before waiting as you lick your palm, your hand gently going to his flaccid dick. And when his eyes widen as he instantly is hard. Even his head feels a little buzzed like he hadn't even been tired.

By the end of the second round he delights in Jin's power and licks at an ache on your thigh. "How will we get any work done now?"

"Well Yoongi, and Hobi haven't learned it yet so rapline can still survive."

"This is one of those things that I wish we had learned early. Not just for us, have Trish and Nari tried it out?"

You nod against him suddenly hungry for food. "Yes, come with me to the kitchen, we still need nourishment even if we can help each other to heal quicker. I'll tell you how Trish found out. It's very funny and I already asked if I could but only to you."

He smiles as you grab his shirt putting it on, grabbing his boxers you pass those over which he slides into. "Well I can't wait to hear it then."

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