Contractual ๐Ÿ“„โค๏ธ

By MoonTaekook77

379K 17.9K 12.6K

The life of two people who are not interested in marriage but got entangled. Let's see how they survive in th... More

Our Time


4.5K 225 62
By MoonTaekook77

Taehyung absent mindedly looking at the laptop screen. Jimin shaked his shoulder, calling him.

"Huh?... What?" Tae flinched then looked at Jimin.

"What happened to you?, You're staring at the screen for minutes"

Taehyung looked at the screen then let out a sigh

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked worrying.

"Jungkook took action against T-nagar branch ceo Kang"

"Woah really, that's good, at last we don't have to overwork for them" Jimin clapped.

"Ceo Kang is a dangerous person. He tried to misbehave with me when I went there. I'm afraid he will do something to him" He can't work knowing his husband is in dangerous place.

"Mr.Jeon is not someone who's afraid of a person like Kang'' Jimin knows Tae is worried for nothing.

"I know, I'm afraid of him getting hurt. You know he collected every information himself secretly" Tae eyes glistening, Jungkook is the single man behind Kang's fall down so he is afraid that Kang will do something to his husband.

"Thinking of Kang will find out about his research and try to change things, he didn't sleep the whole night and he never listened to me at all, I advised him to take Appa's help but he had a fight with me" Tae complained about his husband's actions.

Jimin laughs at Tae's cute angry face

"Don't laugh" Tae lightly slapped Jimin.

"Seriously, you're behaving like a typical wife" Jimin again laughed and earned a glare.

"I understand your concern for his safety but he is the son of our Namjoon sir and future heir of Jeon textiles, he has responsibilities too" Short male seriously said.

"Yeah I understand" Tae agreed with Jimin half-heartedly. Jimin hugged Tae "Don't worry, he will be alright".

Taehyung nods. But his heart is not calming, he glances at his phone from time to time hoping Namjoon or Jungkook to call him to inform that everything went well. At last he himself dialed Namjoon number.

Taehyung📱: Hello appa, Is everything okay?
Namjoon📱: Don't know Tae, police officer just called me and informed that Jungkook didn't take any of the officers.

Taehyung📱: What?, He went there alone? "he asked panicking"

Namjoon📱: Don't worry Tae, he went with Yoongi.

Taehyung📱: Appa, send cops there.
Namjoon📱: If Jungkook wants, he would have taken them, let Jungkook handle it in his way.

Taehyung📱: What are you saying appa?, he's alone there, what if employees stand with kang and attack him. "At the end his voice turns into a whimper".

Namjoon📱: Ok ok, I will send cops there, you don't worry.
Taehyung hanged up the call.

Taehyung is scared of seeing Jungkook hurt, He thinks what if employees trust Kang and attack Jungkook. But he doesn't know how clever his husband is, after all they are a newly married couple. Taehyung didn't see how Jungkook works in this kind of situation so he gets afraid.

Namjoon knows very well about his son and his working style, he never interfered with Jungkook's way of working, because his son always proved that he's capable of doing anything.

Taehyung works lazily, he is not in his regular spirit because of his thoughts. He was unaware of the surroundings and people, but his heart beats fast hearing the employees taking Jungkook's name.

Tae went there "What happened?" he asked, titling his head.

"There's a video of Mr.Kang being arrested and Mr.Jeon is the one who filed a complaint against him"

Taehyung took a phone from the employee's hand and watched the CCTV footage.

After watching it he immediately took his bag and went out "Jimin inform Mr.Hyun that I am taking a half-day leave".

"What?Hey Tae, wait..  Now I have to hear Mr.Hyun's stupidity".

Namjoon was shouting at Jungkook for not taking the police officers with him, at the same time Taehyung entered the house.

"Dad, he would be alerted by seeing the police. He thought I was just a spoiled kid. What can I do?His low thinking about me is the key point I used against him" Jungkook said to his nagging father.

"We don't care about your success or failure more than your health" Taehyung walks straight towards the cabinet, takes the first aid box and cleans the bruised hand.

"It's just a small scratch" Jungkook moved his hand back.

Taehyung glares at him making Jungkook obey him. After sticking the bandage on, Tae hugged Jungkook.

"Hey what are y....?" Jungkook looked at Namjoon asking what to do, and Namjoon actioned him to continue in a teasing way.

Jungkook heard sniffing around "Are you really crying? Seriously, it's just a small scratch".

"Thank god, anything big didn't happen. I kept thinking about your safety" He looks at Jungkook with teary eyes.

Jungkook doesn't know how to react to it, he just wipes the tears. Someone crying for him is so new and he doesn't know how to calm him down. He lightly patted Tae's back.

"Don't do things recklessly" Tae pointed his index finger towards Jungkook.

"Okay, but I did everything well, as planned" Jungkook at least expected the little praise, He did a good job but Tae and his father just scolding him.

Taehyung glared at him, "I told you before, whether the plan went well or not is not my concern. I want you to be okay" Taehyung said, raising his voice.

"Ok ok, I will be careful in future" Jungkook smiled. Taehyung hummed and hugged Jungkook.

Weeks passed, The newly wedded couple starts to do their regular work and they start to joke around like friends. Everything is going okay for them.

Now Tae is walking here and there outside of Namjoon's room, clenching his hand making it as a fist in nervousness.He wants to ask help from Namjoon for his sister's operation and marriage. Even though they didn't call him to pester for money like always, he has to do something for them.

The purpose of his marriage itself is for his sisters happiness. But he doesn't know how to ask Jungkook for money and he feels shameful to ask him, yeah he married him for money still he valued the Mangalyam as pure and he has no heart to demand money out of it so he decided to ask help from Namjoon.

"Ohh Tae, what are you doing? Namjoon came out of the room and noticed Tae was thinking something deeply.

"Huh.. yeah Appa, I- i want to ask something" Tae said with hesitation.

"What is it?"

Tae felt really small at the moment, he felt ashamed to ask for money from Namjoon again and again, even though he paid back little by little.

Namjoon understands something is bothering Tae, he holds his hand "Is everything okay?".

"Appa, can you lend me some money?Sooyun noona needs money for the operation and Min-seo's marriage" Tae didn't look at elder man's eyes.

"Why are you hesitating to ask?, you're my son-in-law and you have all the rights on Jeon's money" he hands one of his card to Tae.

"No no appa, I need twenty-five lakhs and I will pay you back"

"Yaah what are you saying, who lends money from their dad. Take it" Namjoon forcefully handed the card to Tae "Spend something for you too" Namjoon moved past him after giving the black card.

" no I can't accept it" Tae words lowered as he noticed Namjoon already went away.

Tae went to his home after work. Normally his two sisters come out to ask about money but his mother is the one to ask that out. But today Sooyun and Min-seo didn't mind his visit.

"Tae, how are you?" Mrs.Kim made Tae sit on the sofa and gave him a glass of water.

"Amma, I lend some money from Appa"

"What? Are you still arranging money?" Mrs.Kim asked.

"What do you mean by that?, Ofcourse I have to arrange the money for operation as soon as possible"

Min-seo who came out to take something to eat heard Tae's saying "If we wait for you to arrange the money then I would have given birth already"

"Min-seo, I need time too. What do you think of me, a money making Machine?"

Min-seo rolled her eyes "Stop your drama, you're husband arranged Sooyun noona's operation".

"What?" Tae looked at his mother, "Yes Tae, he came with hospital details and all. He said the operation is fixed next saturday".

"He also said he will arrange my marriage. At least, you did one good job in finding a rich husband" Minseo words make him look like a gold digger.

"Amma, I need to go. I will call you later" Tae left the place immediately.

"Wait Tae, you didn't eat anything" Mrs.Kim called him.

"Aghh I hate him so much" Minseo said for no reason.

Mrs.Kim just looked at the way Tae ran out.

Tae ran to their shared room, his mind thinking many things, why did Jungkook suddenly helped his family?, Is he always thinking of helping them?, Why didn't he informed him?.

Taehyung opened the room, standing there catching his breath, he ran fast to reach the room.

"Ohh, why are you running?, Are you okay?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung takes the water jug, drinking the water from it to calm his breath "You went to the hospital with my sister".

"Oh yeah, the doctor said next Saturday will be an operation".

"Why didn't you tell me anything about it?" Tae asked.

"I was busy with the Kang's problem so I forgot to inform you"

"You have time to go to the hospital with my sister but don't have time to tell me about it, how funny" Tae thought.

"What are you looking for?" Jungkook asked thinking the reason for Tae to rush here.

"You should have told me before going to the hospital".

"Your sister said it's okay to not to tell you. So I thought she would have told you" Jungkook confusingly said.

Taehyung gulps his tears, His family needs him when they need money, now Jungkook gave them a money so they don't want to tell him. He felt humiliated to ask money from Namjoon just for who, the careless family.

"Hey Tae, are you okay?" Jungkook gets near his wife seeing that he is not in a good state.

"I.. no" His tears betrayed him.

Tae sits on the floor hiding his face, only sobbing sounds can be heard.

"Hey, What happened?" Jungkook panicked seeing Tae.

Jungkook sat near Tae, He held the crying man's hand and pulled him into his arms.

"It's Okay, it's okay" He pats Tae's shoulder.
"How come they didn't care for me? He hiccups crying "I did everything for them then why… why?" Tae sobbed.

Jungkook hugged Tae caressing his back in a soothing manner.

Taehyung wiped his tears, backed away from Jungkook "I'm sorry".

"Are you okay now?" Taehyung nods before going to the washroom.

"What made him cry so much?" Jungkook mumbles to himself.

Taehyung woke up because he felt uncomfortable, he looked at shirtless Jungkook. Jungkook is sleeping on his back facing the ceiling and he is holding a pillow tightly.

"He is sleeping without a shirt but here I am sleeping with a bra" Taehyung sleeps in comfy clothes in his home but here, he has to sleep with a man so he always wears the clothes that cover his entire body, sometimes it's annoying to sleep with full clothes.

Tae glanced at the sleeping man "He is sleeping and I will wake up before him so it's okay to remove my clothes".

Tae opened his kurti top, lifting it above his head, and removed the hooks of the bra, not removing it fully "Now I can breathe well".

After massaging his softies for a few minutes, he slept.
To be continued

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