Fight for Us

By ittybittywinty

92K 3.9K 655

"Minjeong...I have to take a shower..." She managed to whisper between the kisses, before she pulled her away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (M)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (M)
Chapter 9 (M)
Chapter 10 (M)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (M)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (M)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (M)
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (M)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (TW)
Chapter 50 (TW)
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (M)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 (M)
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76 (M)
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84 (M)
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90 (M)
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94 (TW)
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97 (M)

Chapter 2

2K 90 13
By ittybittywinty

"Darn it! I'm going to be late to meet up with Ryujin!" Jimin cursed, running hurriedly on her university's corridors at a fast pace, she didn't really want to meet up late with Ryujin. Ryujin was a Korean girl that she found at the university taking the fashion master in Switzerland as well.

Ryujin was a blonde hottie and she had quite badass behavior, the reason why Jimin feared meeting up late with her. She could easily kill her with her bare hands. No joke.

She kept cursing her bad luck and organizing the books in her hands, not caring about whoever was walking as well in that corridor.

She suddenly bumped into something hard but soft at the same time and all her books and pages fell to the floor.

"Oh my god!" She gasped and bent in the floor hurriedly, collecting all her papers. "I'm s-so so-" She stopped on her sentence when she felt a feminine, yet masculine hand pausing above hers, both wanting to take a hold on the same notebook.

She looked up to the hand's owner and saw the most beautiful young woman she ever saw in all her life.

Her lazily combed black hair made her look younger...

Her pale skin emphasized her features...

Those deep and piercing chocolate orbs, surrounded by those long eyelashes looking right at her own eyes...

Those eyebrows...

That perfectly shaped nose...

Her plump and slightly open lips...

Her perfectly defined jawline...

...She was just so handsome that Jimin found herself choking on her own words.

She felt her heart melting when she saw her smile, showing off her barely visible dimples.

"Don't need to apologize," She answered in Korean, surprising her.

She blinked her eyes quickly.


She took her hand from under her and gave her the notebook, "Kim Minjeong. I'm your neighbor from the balcony at the right side of your apartment."

She gasped once more.

So she was the mysterious new neighbor?

"Y-Yu Jimin," She replied, shaking hands with her. She was still mesmerized by her eyes and couldn't look to other places. They were just like a magnet, a very powerful one. She swallowed saliva and looked down.

Minjeong got up from the floor and offered her hand to take her up with her, ignoring the fact that her name sounded fairly familiar to her, "C'mon, get up. I suppose you're late for something."

She blinked her eyes again and then looked around, suddenly remembering her meeting with Ryujin.

"Oh my gaaaahhhdd!!!"

Her legs turned into race car wheels and she speeded towards the exit of the corridor. Minjeong laughed softly and then looked to the ground, finding out that, actually, she had left something over there.

"Hey...!" She tried to call out for her, but to no avail. She was already gone. She sighed and made her way towards the other exit.

Jimin sighed deeply, and kept walking in the staircase. She got late to her date with Ryujin and her friend scolded her a bit. Overall, it was an exhausting day. But there was this tiny little detail that made her excited somehow.

That Kim Minjeong that she met in the hallway.

She smiled slightly and kept climbing up the stairs, her tired feet walking one by one. When she finally reached the top of the floor, she breathed deeply and took the keys off of her pocket, heading towards her door.

She looked to the side and saw that the door of the flat next to hers was slightly open. She was a bit curious, so she approached the door quietly. However, when she was going to ring the bell, the door opened widely.


Her eyes widened after seeing who was the person staring at her in the same way.


"Oh.. Jimin? That's your name, right?"

Jimin nodded slowly, blinking her eyes quickly. Minjeong felt awkward so she just scratched her neck's nape with her hand.

"Mmm... alright."

This is awkward Kim Minjeong, so awkward...

"Erm... do you want to drink a coffee?"


"Oh, of course...It doesn't bother you, right?"

"No, far from it."

Minjeong turned a bit and opened her door a bit more wider, "Enter."

"Thank you," She said and bowed lightly, flashing her a bright smile. Doing as if she was still in her birth country, she took her shoes off and walked inside of the house with a spare pair of slippers. She looked around. The structure was a perfect copy of her own apartment, only the decoration changed. Most of it were pictures of what she supposed was her family.

"Do as if you were at home," She said, closing the door, and walking towards the kitchen. Jimin turned for a moment and caught sight of her walking wearing her jeans and an unbuttoned white shirt, with a colorful t-shirt under it.

She glanced back at her family photos. She saw her parents, and, apparently, she had one sister and two brothers. She caught the frame in her hands and smiled. She looked so youthful in that photograph.

Minutes passed by and she didn't even realize. Suddenly, she startled her.

"Jimin?" She said, staring at her. Jimin gasped and quickly put the frame back on its place.

"Y-yeah?" She turned to her left.

She chuckled and approached her, "Your coffee's done."

"Oh... thanks."

"That's my family."


"My sister's Ning Ning, my older brother is Chanyeol and my small dongsaeng is Mark. "

Both sat on the couch and Jimin took a sip of her own coffee. Minjeong looked at her for a moment and smiled lightly, "What about your family?"

Jimin gazed back at her and smiled sadly.

"If you know who Yu Banks owner is, then you should know me."

Her eyes widened and she stuttered for a moment. No wonder her name was familiar from somewhere.

"...You're the Yu Jimin?"

Jimin giggled softly and looked down, "My mother passed away when I was a baby and my father's always busy with work, so...yeah."

"Ah... I'm so-"

"Don't be sorry, I got used to it already."


"So, what's your favorite music genre?" Minjeong asked her, trying to lift up the mood.

"R&B and classical music. I like songs that can calm me down. I can also play the piano. Actually, I brought one with me."

"Do airplanes allow that?"

"I have a private jet."

Oh, right. She's only the daughter of the richest man in Korea.

"And you? Where are you from?"


"Which part of the city?"

"My family is far from wealthy so we live in a house above our supermarket, on the outskirts. It's our bread winner."

"And how did you get here then?"

"I won a scholarship. My parents could never afford full paid studies for me in a country like this," She sighed, "Those that are unfortunate have to take advantage of all the chances we find. It's the only way we can succeed."

She nodded in understanding. She always lived in luxury, so she couldn't imagine how it was to be on the other side of the spectrum. Somehow, she felt sad for her. She seemed so sincere with her words. Someone like her didn't deserve to live off other peoples alms.

"I see."

"And just to get things out of the way, I do have to warn you that I'm also not normal, I guess."

Jimin gave her an incredulous look. "What do you mean?"

"I have the parts of a female, but with a male genital and I wanted to tell you while we were still getting to know more about each other. So if I can't do something, like change in the same room as you, for some odd reason, now you know why. And it's also your chance to make a run for the door before we actually get closer."

Jimin laughed and shook her head. "Don't worry, it's not as odd as you make it seem."

Minjeong shrugged with a smile.

All of a sudden, Minjeong remembered the thing that Jimin left on the floor on the hallway and that she picked up. She left the cup on the small table in front of her and indicated to her to wait a little, "Wait, I have something you left earlier."

She frowned.

What could she have left that she had in her possession?

Not too long after, she came with a small notebook in her hands, and handed it to her, "Here. I think it is yours, right? It has your English and Korean name on it and lots of photos of Kendall Jenner and Shin Chan."

She laughed awkwardly and nodded shyly, "Y-Yeah-ah..." Her cheeks slowly gained a pink shade, "I guess it fell to the floor when we bumped earlier...God, I get distracted so easily."

Before she even realized, she had just finished having dinner with Minjeong and they were chatting joyfully. Minjeong told her a silly joke and she laughed soulfully, making Jimin smile and laugh as well. She looked for a moment at her wrist watch and gasped in shock.

"God! It's so late..." She muttered, and then looked at her, "I'm sorry, but I really have to go home, get a good bath and have a nice sleep. I'm exhausted."

She smiled.

"Alright, no problem. Come here when you want to."

She grinned back.

She wasn't that bad.

"Yeah, and I have a Korean neighbor!"

"Omo," She heard her best friend gasp, "Korean?"

"Her name's Kim Minjeong. She's in her second year in music."

"A musician, ehhh Yu Jimin~"


"Come on, you have to move on from Jeno someday. "

Jimin sighed and rubbed her arm.

"I still like him, Gi."

The silence that followed afterwards made Jimin quite anxious. She knew that being with Jeno did her no good, but she had to admit she still liked him. In the end, he was her first love, no matter how much it hurt her by only thinking about it.

"Jimin ah, do I have to remind you why you broke up with him?"

"I know... but-"

"Remember that time you bought lingerie and dressed up sexy for your 5th month anniversary, along with that romantic dinner you had prepared for him? Because you weren't afraid of giving yourself to him and yet, what did he do?"

"He didn't come-"


Jimin pursed her lips and sighed.

"Gi, I don't want to have a boyfriend or girlfriend now. Okay? I will not have a girlfriend or boyfriend anytime soon."

"But you have a nice candidate~"

"Minjeong is just a friend. Nothing more than that."

Jimin was beyond embarrassed.

Never in her life she'd think she would have to ask this to someone, but to think she would have to now, it just made it plain awkward for her.

But, who should she ask? Ryujin?

No, she lived in the other part of the city, far away. It would take some minutes for her to reach her home.

But then, the other possibility, it crossed her mind; and it just scared the hell out of her.

She still could ask Minjeong to do it.

She had been battling with the difficult decision of asking her to do her that favor for the past few minutes, but her desperation and the fear that she could leave her apartment at any moment and so, getting her helpless, overcame her and she just decided to do it.

She called her number and tapped on the bathroom counter anxiously, waiting for her to answer.


"Minjeong! Hello there~"

"Why are you calling? I'm just next door-"

"I have a problem. A big one."



"Can I help you?"

"Yeah...uh... could you go to the supermarket and get me something? I'll pay you afterwards."

"Of course, what do you need?"

She bit her lip, and closed her eyes.

"I ran out of tampons and my period just came. "


"I'm so sorry, Minjeong. Believe me, I wouldn't ask you this unless I was really desperate."

"...It's okay, I'm used to running those errands for my sister..."

"...I'm sorry."

She heard her chuckle before she spoke lively, "So, what's the brand and the size?"

She fidgeted for a moment, before she finally gave in. What bothered her weren't the tampons or the brand itself...but the size.

"Tampax Pearl...Super Plus size."

"...Okay, I won't take long. I'll ring your bell as soon as I get there, okay? I'll be quick."

She smiled softly, "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome."

As soon as she hung up she breathed out a heavy sigh. She was so embarrassed she had to ask herfor such a favor, but then, she felt immensely relieved at the same time.

It was with great anxiety that minutes went by. Jimin walked around her bathroom, impatiently praying to God that her improvised toilet paper pad would last until she got to her home. If it ever failed and a single blood drop went down her leg as she tried to keep a conversation with her, that would be the moment she would die from secondhand embarrassment.

When the bell rang, hell broke loose.

She rushed to the door, just stopping for a brief moment to get her purse and get some money.

She opened the door and was met with a smiling Minjeong, who handed her the supermarket bag.

"I hope I didn't take too long," She muttered, noticing that she wasn't wearing anything but an oversized hoodie that went down to half of her tights.

"Thanks, " She smiled at her, taking the bag with her, "Here."

Minjeong frowned as she stared at the money on her hands.

"Jimin, you gave me 20 francs-"

"It's okay...And thank you, again."

"It was just a little favor, Jimin. Don't worry."

Jimin smiled, "Let's have dinner out today. Is 8 PM good for you?"

She grinned back, "I'll pick you up later. I'll leave you now."

"Thanks!~" Jimin said, smiling cheerfully, as she opened her apartment's door, just before Minjeong closed hers and got inside.

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