Remus <3

By yoyoyolmnop

4.2K 130 15

Ash Potter was always close to James and so it was only natural for her to be a marauder. Just like it was on... More

1 Meeting the marauders
1.5 Suspicion
2 lycanthropy
2.5 Once a month?
2.75 First Kiss
3 Summer of second year
4 Brotherly protection
4.5 Hogsmeade
5 Animagus
6 Quiddditch
7 first moon after the turning
8 Fabian Prewitt
9 Wedding pt.1
10 Wedding pt.2
11 Tickets to Quidditch
12 More of a Writer
13 Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor
14 Injured
15 Scars
16 A Pact
17 Poppy
18 A new brother
19 Prefects
19.5 Make up
20 The Map
21 Wolfsbane
22 Sirius
23 Viritisium
24 A Crush
25 Rounds
26 Everyday
27 Charity
28 Friends
29 Finn
30 Toxic
31 Chocolate
What now 32
34 A Potter summer pt.2
35 A Potter Summer pt.3
36 Blessing
37 Blessing 2

33 A Potter Summer

66 1 0
By yoyoyolmnop

Remus stayed at the Potters that summer. Ash didn't know this until he apparatus with Ash and her parents to their home.

Sirius had his own room at this point and just I'm case Regulus ever decided that he wanted to stay at the Potters they had made him a room as well. Right next to Ash's. It was the room Remus would be staying in.

On the first night back Ash woke up in a cold sweat. Something happened to Regulus. She couldn't sleep after that so she slunk down stairs in order to write him a letter.

Remus was already down there. He was sipping on a drink, probably water.

His back facing Ash. He looked like he was thinking. Ash wondered what he was thinking about.

"Can't sleep?"

Remus looks behind him with a start, "oh. Yeah it gets tough this close to a full moon."

"Can you get some letter writing stuff out? I'm gonna make hot chocolate."

"Yeah sure."

Remus does as he's told and watches Ash mix the hot chocolate.

"So... you like chocolate?" Remus asks.

"Yeah," Ash laughs.

"Why'd you say you hated it?"

"Cause you love it. Every time I said I didn't like it you would take it and... I wanted you to have more of what you love."

Remus blushes. That was really sweet of her.

"You didn't have to do that. I would've gladly shared..but thank you. I owe you a lifetime of chocolate."

"You know it's actually crazy what I used to do when I fancied you. Remember when I broke my arm? Or the book I wrote about you? Gosh the way I memorized your scars. It was insane."

"You did that?" Remus stared at her in disbelief. He hadn't noticed any of what she said. If he had would things be different? She liked him that much? He liked her that much as well. Would they have been together if he had known?

"I did," Ash laughs as if she were reminiscing in another life, "I even broke up with Fabian because he didn't make me feel the way you do. Not to mention Theo. The day we broke up was the day I realized I was in love with you. And then it all went wrong and I ended up with Finn instead. Oh well."

"I just-...I um-"

"I get it Remus. It's strange but it's over now. I eat chocolate, I don't draw out your scars on scrap pieces of paper, and I'm not breaking up with boyfriends for you now either. So we can go back to what we were. Friends," Ash smiles.

"But what if- yeah yeah that would be for the best," Remus nods slowly.

"Mhm, what do you think we'll do this summer?"

"Um the book. That you wrote. Can I read it."

Ash laughs at this.

"You already have. A few times if I remember correctly. You never connected Rumes to Remus or Lyn to Ashlyn?"

"That...I had no idea."

"Yeah I thought so. You can be so utterly dim at times. Wanna play cards?"

They played cards for the next hour until they were both yawning and straining to keep their eyes open.  Despite the jokes and the fun they had in that hour a dull feeling of sadness creeped up on Remus. Ash had been in love with him. Had.

"Aye that's my sister you slug worm!" James yanks Remus off of Ash.

It was early In the morning. They had originally been cuddling on the couch in the same position the had been playing cards in. In fact Ash still had her cards in her hand.

"'s just too early," Ash rubs her eyes but can't help but smile at the terrified expression Remus had as James stopped his fist mid air.

"Let's make pancakes," Sirius suggests.

"Sure. We're visiting Remus parents today yeah?" James helps Remus up, completely forgetting why he was down there in the first places.

"Only if we can stop by mine after," Sirius walks over to the kitchen.

"I've been meaning to talk to Reggie," Ash hums.

"You know they might actually like it if Ash visits. They like her more than me."

"Cool. Do you need me to pick anything up for you?"

"No way am I letting Ash visit the people that tortured Sirius," James says.

"You're always so-"

"I agree with him," Remus agrees.

"So reasonable and caring," Ash changes her words.

"Yeah sure," James scoffs.

"Actually I have this really cool Jacket with like a stripe on the sleeve. Could you get that for me. Ooo and while you're at it, matching jeans." Sirius shoots finger guns at me.

"Noted, y'all want anything?"

"No this is dangerous and irresponsible," James objects.

"He has this brown corduroy jacket. If you can you should bring that as well," Remus says.

"You can't be encouraging her right now!?"

"And what do you want James?" Ash grins, she knew who her brother was.

"...bring the ring collection. I wanna give a few to Lilly."

"Nice choice, we'll have to split it," Remus nods.

"And what are you looting Ash?"

"Your diary."

"Pfft...diary. What diary?"

"Sorry. Expression journal."

"Ha ha ha very funny," Sirius pulls me aside and whispers "please not that. I've got a few jackets you'd like, jewelry, cigarettes. You like cigarettes right?"

"Sure, I'll put them next to your diary."

Ash and Remus were the ones putting the ingredients together. Measuring everything out. Sirius and James were decorating and cooking.

Ash and Remus were close. Their conversation flowed effortlessly. It was as if both of them had forgotten the kisses and the confessions. They were just two best friends on a Saturday morning.

Every time there hands brushed against each other they just laughed. Of course their hearts skipped a beat, and they blushed. But it was all brushed off. They were just happy the other person was happy.

"Sirius!" Ash yells.

Sirius burns himself on the oven, "OW! Fnck Ash what is it!?"

"Oh nothing," Ash hums, "just wanted to see what you'd do.l


Sirius tackles Ash and holds his hand directly i fromt of her face so she can see the red mark.

"Incendio," Ash smirks.

Sirius's eyes widen as he dodged Ash's spell.

"You're evil!"

"I was just joking," Ash laughs.

"You we're not!" Sirius argues.

"Was too."

"Was not."

"If I wasn't I wouldn't have missed."

" finger hurts."

Ash rolls her eyes and heals the finger.

They all sat on the train together. Ash was tying up her hair so that she would make a better impression on Remus's mom. His dad left a year or two or so ago because of the werewolf thing. James held the cookies in his lap nervously. Remus was reading his book. A paperback he found somewhere or other. He couldn't help but watch Ash though. The way her hair fell the way she kept an extra rubber band between her teeth while she did her hair. Sirius looking around the train.


"Call me Rem."

"What?" Ash glanced at James.

"Sorry... er what is it?"

"I just asked if it was okay if you sat next to me so that Peter wouldn't when he gets here. Course James could instead," Ash stares at Remus.

"No no I'll do it... yeah," Remus gets up and sits by Ash awkwardly.

"I don't bite Rem," Ash laughs.

Sirius leaned on the compartment entrance with his arms crossed and an amused smile.

"She does bite," Sirius jokes.

Remus can't help but look at James reaction. Remus almost forgot that Sirius and Ash had once kissed. Remus nodded, it's true, Ash did bite.

" least I know she's never kissed Remus or Peter," James sighs in defeat.

"Uh huh," Sirius agrees skeptically. He would bet his kidney that Remus and ash have kissed. Or at the very least came extremely close.


"Ten galleons they've kissed before."

Remus turned green, he was nauseous at the thought James would find out about the kisses he and Ash shared in the past. Sirius was still recovering from James finding out about his kiss. Which was a lot less heated than the kiss Remus and ash shared. Sirius and Ash's kiss was more of a peck from a friend feeling bad for another friend, an in the moment thing.

Remus and Ash's kiss on the other hand. Went too far for too long to be passed off as a friend kiss. And he knew why. He halfway knew why, it was because he was in love with her.

The green was easily canceled out by the pink rising in his cheeks, because again, he's smitten.

"12 they've never even thought of kissing," James counters.

Ash eyes Remus who has retreated into his book attempting to hide.

"We'll it looks like Sirius owes my brother 22 galleons."

"No I do not. She winked. Did no one else see her wink?! James owes me 22 galleons. Remus you know you've kissed, come on back me up."

"We've Uh never kissed," Remus blushes.

"Oh that doesn't prove anything. He'd say anything for Ash. She's got him whipped."

"What is your obsession with people kissing my sister Padfoot?"

"Wings and Moony have kissed!! I bet they laugh at us when they do."

"I don't think I'd think very much kissing Rem," Ash smiles to herself.

"We'll that at least proves that she's thought of it," Sirius says.

"She's thought of it just now. Not prior so no. It proves nothing."

"Settle down, Moony how should we approach your mother?"

"Oh um-"

"I'm here," Peter scurries in.

"Here," Ash hands Peter a cookie.

"Th-thank you," Peter blushes.

"I think you all can just be yourselves. I like you all, she's my mother so she'll like you as well."

"Like us all. He's in love with Ash," Sirius mumbles.

Ash and Remus spent the remainder of the ride reading and talking.

Then they arrive at the station. Remus arranges for a cab and they head to his home. It's smaller than the Potters house but Ash found it delightful and lovely.

Remus knocked on the door three times. His mother answers, an apron draped along her waist. She was shorter than all of them and seemed to resemble Peter more than Remus. But she had a careful soft quality that Remus inherited.

"Mother," Remus smiled.

"Aw look who's finally come back home. Goodness all this time away and I doubt you'll even tell me of your adventures. Your hair is getting much too long, we'll need to trim it while your here. Goodness," Remus's mother rambles.

"Before I do my chores... these are my friends," Remus moves aside to introduce everyone.

"Them? Let me guess, James, Sirius, and Peter? It's all you ever talk about, I practically know them already.Sirius is the party one, Peter the shy one and James the lovesick one. Though really I think Remus is the lovesick one."

"This is James, Sirius, Peter, and Ash," Remus introduces.

"Ash? That's a new one. I've never heard of him? I guess you can always make new friends though. Well let's see him."

Ash's heart dropped. His mother didn't know of her. Then again why would she?

Ash steps into view with a bright smile and the basket of baked goods in front of her.

"It's a pleausre to meet you Miss Lupin," she sings more than says.

"You! Oh my! I apologize! Oh so you're the girlfriend. My son refuses to talk about. Always goes red as a tomato, spluttering and blushing at the mention of you, then again how can I not mention you when his room is plastered with your face. Did you know he hung up a picture of you above our mantle? Oh and the picture he keeps of you in his wallet. It's the only reason I don't worry after him too much. You know he always seemed too reserved and... sad for love. I'm overjoyed he has you though. I will admit I snooped at the letters he wrote you, he's a clever one though. Never wrote the name until it was off in the post. The romance novels have paid off though, goodness al that money I spent on pride and prejudice and what else... why I see they were am investment now. My word the camera does not do you justice, I was beginning to think he photoshopped those pictures of you, didn't believe you existed quite frankly. My son he's a troubled one... I'm sure you know considering the boys know but we'll there are many pictures of you and him laughing. I'm great full he can laugh because of you. Tea? You really are beautiful. And smart, even in the pictures I could tell you were even smarter than my Remus, and I am fully aware how intelligent he is as well. In fact when he was just 3-"

"Mother, I um. I think you've embarassed me enough."

"Nonsense. I could never embarrass you enough. Oh Ash Potter thank you. Thank you so so much for dating my son. And to think every time he told me he was going to the Potters I assumed it was for James. I used to think he was gay, I mean making me starch his his shirts and cut his hair just for a sleepover at the Potters? Don't get me started on what he made me-"

"Um I'll show you all to your rooms. Yeah, this way," Remus practically drags Ash away from his mother.

James, Sirius and Peter follow close behind. Immediately after reaching the bedroom James bursts into laughter. Remus had braced himself for a reaction. Prepared to be hit or scolded by the usual protective James. Instead he was being laughed at. Was Ash dating someone like him really so unfathomable?

"Ash and Remus," James chortles between aggressive laughter.

"Cool it Prongs. She used to think it was James and Remus," Ash rolls her eyes. In reality she quite liked that his mother thought they were dating.

"Oh," James laughs some more, "that would have been more realistic than you and him."

"Let's give him a moment to catch his breath," Sirius snickers.

"Um where are we staying?" Peter asks.

"Right we'll I only have one guest room so I thought James and Ash would room together and Sirius and Peter can stay in my room," Remus offers.

"Not happening. James sleepwalks," Ash shoots down his idea, "I'll sleep with Remus in his room. The three of them can bunk in the spare."

Ash picks up her suitcase and brings her stuff into his room before he can even say anything.

"Whatever sis," James shook his head still chuckling softly, "dating, pssh."

Remus rushed into his room and started picking up. It was cluttered. Postcards, letters, books, clothes, paper, homework, Potion ingredients. For someone so tidy at Hogwarts he was a mess at home. Ash felt worried that if she looked too hard she'd find a pair of underpants. So she didn't look too hard. Instead she flopped onto his bed and let out a sigh.

"S-sorry for the mess. Um your things right... um we can-sorry um please sit- you're already... this drawer, you can use it. Sorry I'm blanking how long are you staying? 3 weeks right? Right. Um drawer you can put your- I-I won't look or anything um.. sorry I-"

"Is this your first time with a girl in your room?" Ash sits up, still on his bed just watching him run around cleaning.

"What? Uh... no? No no my mom comes in here from time to time. Mostly to get me to clean it. Kind of hoping I had listened now."

"...Aw I mean it makes sense. I don't know why I asked, of course I'm the first girl."

"S-sorry is it obvious?"

"A little."

"Did um... did Fabian used to-"

"Oh no no no, um he did meet my parents but we mostly went out, kept it in Hogwarts and uh yeah. But Sirius knows no bounds and James is even worse so boys in my room aren't really..."



"So what are you reading right now?"

They talked and soon it was time to visit Regulus.

"Stay safe alright," Sirius pulls Ash into a hug.

"I will you can let go now....Sirius?"

"I got it," James pries Sirius away and hands apAsh the floo powder, "remember the things."

Ash uses floo powder to transport to Reguluss house. Regulus immediately takes his fireplace off the floo network and pulls Ash into his room. Ash Just sighs and let's him.

"You're crazy. When I got your message I said that you were crazy," Regulus bábeles, "insane Ash. I don't know who you think you are especially so soon. It's summer! The lord is in and out of this house what if he gives you the mark? What then and if you think for a second-"

"Come with me."


"Live with the Potters. Live with me, we have space, come on. You're richer than use but we are no where near poor. In fact we aren't even far off from you. Come on. Live with me," Ash begs.

"I can't."

"You can"

"They hunt me down. I was the reason they didn't chase Sirius but if I'm gone... they'll look for me. I'm all they have left."

"You need to leave. You can leave. But right now I'd your last chance. Right now is your last chance to leave."

"Ash...I'm in love with you."

"...Then come with me."

"Right. I can't. I'm alright aash. This is what being born Regulus Black means. It's alright. I'll be aalright."

"Regulus please."

"How long had you known. That i had feelings for you."

"Sirius. He went on this spree. Basically coming up with a bunch of tactics to show you were in love with me. You passed every single one of them so... I knew for about one year now."

"You we're always so smart. Know let's go raid Sirius's room."

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