31 Chocolate

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Spring Peferson was a nice girl. Blonde hair, freckles and cute. Remus panicked when he said her name. She had asked him out a few days ago and in that moment she was his only viable option so that he wouldn't have been crushed with embarrassment.

He regretted it though. He was in too deep to back out now. Spring was actually his girlfriend now and despite not wanting it he could break her heart.

He lied awake that night thinking everything over and cursing himself. Moments after telling the lie about Spring Ash and Fabian had confirmed they were just friends. It didn't work out the first time, why would it work out the second time? So Remus laid there thinking of why he was acting like such a dimwit. Why he was so unconfident.

His thoughts and his dreams drifted off to Ash more times than he'd ever admit. The way she felt, the way she made him feel. He couldn't think of much else besides the kiss. Everything was seemingly back to normal. We'll semi-normal. Ash and Remus weren't as close as they were in Third year. That was because Ash was committed to moving on from Remus and treating him as nothing more as a best friend. Amplified by the addition of Spring.

Spring was a nice girl. A nice and obsessive girl. She was around Remus all the time. Every moment of everyday. Remus thanked the heavens she wasn't a Gryffindor because he wouldn't be able to breathe if she was.

"And that's why we need to pull this prank tonight," James finishes his speech.

"It's a dumb idea prongs," Sirius rolls his eyes.

"Not it isn't. Right Moony? Ash?"

"Well... you've had better ideas before."

"Were you high when you came up with this? It's uttterly ridiculous. You do realize that's not how magic or gravity works right?"

"You need to be nicer to me sister," James mopes.

"You need to be smarter brother. I know the Potter genes gave you more than just our alluring good looks," Ash tosses her hair.

"Fine it was a dumb idea but we still need to pull a prank tonight. We're losing face. People are starting to thing Fabian and Gideon are better pranksters," James groans.

"I agree."


"...I um I can't. Spring doesn't like it when I go out at night," Remus says.

"You're serious?"

"No im Sirius."

"Just tell her you're out doing perfect rounds."

"She has my schedule memorized and she'll know if I lie," Remus shrugs.

"...we could wait for you, until you have permission or time to come with us?" Ash bargains.

"I doubt that'll happen soon," Remus rubs his neck nervously.

"Goodness. I've never been one for girlfriends and we all know James only has time for one girl who doesn't like him back. But even Ash still had time for us when her and Fabian were in their honeymoon phase. Heck she was freer with Finn than you are with spring. What does she have your mother hostage?" Sirius asks.

"Guys, she's my girlfriend."

"But we're your best friends," James says.

"It's different."

"I get it, he's gotta do what he's gotta do. Besides it is his first girlfriend. Remus can just help us plan it out and then go to sleep or go and see her."

"Maybe she'll give him permission to prank with us?" Peter speaks up.

Ash flinches at his voice. She always forgot about him.

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