3 Summer of second year

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Second year summer was more than Ash could have hoped for. Sirius had somehow convinced his mother to allow him to visit the Potter house and Peter and Remus followed.

"There she is," Sirius yanks Ash into a bone crushing hug, "my heart's desire."

"And there he is, my brother's friend," Ash doesn't return the hug much to James's approval.

"Rem! How have you been dealing with your furry little problem?" she smiles.

"Like always, in excrutiating pain," Remus pulls her into a hug, this one she returns much to Sirius's dismay.

"So he get's a hug and I don't? I bet you're even going to give Peter a hug!" Sirius complains.

"Correct," Ash pulls Peter in for a hug.

"I hate your sister James."

"I'd rather you not feel anything for my sister at all," James threatens.

"I jest I jest," Sirius raises his hands.

"I know. You wouldn't be standing if you weren't."

"Alright I've got the guest room set up. One of you will have to stay with James but the other two get their own room," James's mom says.

"All good with me, I'll be bunking with Ash," Sirius swings an arm aroun Ash.

"You are hilarious. Go unpack," mom says without a hint of amusement in her voice.

Despite that, Sirius still took the liberty of waking Ash up in the mornings by crashing onto her. The first time her wind was knocked out. The second time she was more prepared. Everytime after that had Sirius wishing he hadn't ever entered her room. Other than that there visit was wonderful.

Whenever Sirius and James would play quidditch, having just been accepted onto the team, Peter would watch and Remus and Ash would stay inside. Usually they would bake or read or watch a movie. Today they were watching a movie while baking.

"You have to stop eating all the chocolate chips Rem," Ash swats his hand away.

"If you really think about it I'm only depriving my future self of chocolate."

"Back away from the bowl before I put you on decorating duty," Ash threatens him with a spatula.

Remus back away, "You got me, you got me. I can't believe Gale would do that to Prim."

Ash looks over at the TV surely enough it was the bomb scene, "Always knew there was something off about him."

"I remember you saying he was your ship a few hours ago?" Remus questions.

"That was when he was feeding her family, he is not doing that anymore," Ash concentrates on the recipe.

Remus leans over to get a better look of it as well, "Did we pre heat the oven?"

"Hmm? Why don't you put the chocolate back and find out," Ash looks at Remus's hands that were now behind his back.

"Merlin's beard did Peeta just slap Gale with a bouquet of Primroses?!" Remus attempts to distract her.

"I've read the books Rem. But I'll play along. I'll look over at the TV for an unnessecarily long time while you stuff your face full of chocolate," Ash sighs before turning her attention to the TV and pretending her peripheral vision suddenly doesn't work.



And when Ash turns back she can't help but burst out laughing. Not only was Remus's mouth full of chocolate chips, his lips and apron were too. It took ash a few minutes to catch her breath and even longer to look at Remus straight in the eyes again. He looked ridiculous, even after he had finished eating the chocolate and he was back to his old self. Ash was still laughing.

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