10 Wedding pt.2

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The dress was delivered. It was beautiful but nothing could of made it befitting of the price tag. 7,000 galleons. Ash had wanted one og her friends to help her with the dres and getting ready for the wedding. James had begged her to invite Lilly, so she didn't for Lilly's safety. Sirius begged her to bring Alice in hopes she might change her mind and be his date. Leaving only Marlene as a viable option.

"Dumbledores left tit....." Marlene gazes at the dress in amazement.

She sprints to the window and opens it revealing the night sky. It was purple, just before it was to become dark.

"Marlene, what was that for?" Ash smiled.

"I had to make sure the stars were still there. I thought the dressmaker stole them to make this dress. How much was it?"

"Not much, I'll tell you after I put it on."

"Lies. You're going to upstage Narcissa at her own wedding," Marlene states.

"I thought so too when the dress arrived but Cissy assured me that nothing could upstage her dress. Cost double mine," Ash said.

They spent the next hour getting Ash into it and doing her hair. The dress really was like the night sky, Ash was glowing in it. The sleeves and neckline were lower allowing for a necklace to sit beautifully. It was the only jewlry she had because it came with the dress and the dress itself was already too much without extra accessories. (I can't include a picture to anything close to how beautiful I want you to imagine this dress is)

Ash looked into the mirror at the necklace, the moon phases were silver and draped around her neck with the full moon as the center piece. It reminded her of Remus.

"Wow," Marlene stepped back to admire her handiwork.

Ash hair seemed to drape around her perfectly complimenting the dress. Ash decided to ignore the silver accessories Marlene put in her hair despite Ash telling her the dress was enough.

"I'm never dating another man," Marlene gapes.

"Thanks," Ash smiles.

Ash truly did look beautiful, it was enough to make her forget what kind of event she was going to.

"Hurry up and get down here so you can compliment me!" Sirius yells.

"Wait Ash. The dress is on. Tell me how much it cost," Marlene stops Ash.

"7... thousand... galleons," Ash mumbles.

"I've just put my mangy hands all over a 7,000 galleon dress," Marlene whispers in shock, "Regulus Black you have done it this time."

"He sure has," Ash agrees as the two of them make it to the stairwell where everyone was waiting. Marlene was trailing behind Ash attempting to keep the dress from touching the floor but also not touch it at the same time.


"Sorry sorry it's just..."

"I know."

Ash didn't want the cliche stair seen where the girl comes down looking stunning and no one can muster up any words because she's just that breathtaking. She was going to get it though. She was too afraid to move quickly in the dress and so the excruciating excursion to the bottom of the stairwell began.

Remus had his eyes on the girl. How could he not. He was staring, gaping really but there was no way anyone would notice because all eyes were trained on Ash. Ash avoided eye contact with everyone. He couldn't stop looking t her though. He had never wished to be a pureblood before that moment. Never wished he had the kind of money to drop 7,000 galleons on a dress until that moment.

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