34 A Potter summer pt.2

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Sirius's room was a mess. There were posters and clothes and other knickknacks just cluttered around the room. Ash couldn't even walk in withoUt stepping on something, usually something questionable. His mother must have went crazy after he left.

"Yeah. This is is. I know what you're thinking, mom hasn't step foot in this room after he left. This is all Sirius."

"You're sure? I mean she burned his face off the tapestry."

"Ah yes. Another Eason I can't leave, I look dashing in that tapestry. Thread is a good look for me," Regulus nods.


Regulus launches himself on Sirius's bed. Ash cringed at the sight, he would need a shower after touching that health hazard. Ash stood in the middle of the room with clothes brushing her ankles. At this point she didn't even want the rings or jackets or even any loose galleons.

"Remember we're wizards. We can just use magic to fix this place up."

"There's not enough magic in the world Reggie. My wrist will hurt from all the flicking."

"Fine do you have a list. Like a grocery list?"

"A grocery list. Regulus Arcturus Black. Was that some muggle vernacular I just heard?" Ash smiles.

Regulus rolls his eyes and picks up the closest object to him as he lies down on Sirius's bed. It happened to be a magazine, one Regulus puts down almost instantly after picking up.

"Incendio," regulus lights the magazine on fire until all that's left is ash. Then he starts burning every other magazine in his sight. Ash didn't bat an eye. If it was reading material in Sirius's room it probably deserved the fiery inferno that Regulus was distributing.

"You haven't been in here since he left?" Ash makes conversation.

"Mother told me not to. I'm the good kid here," he shrugs.

Ash scoffs, "ironic since you're evil."

"I prefer, 'in a bad situation'."

"So how come you grew the balls to come in here with me today?"

"Mother likes you, also I'm burning his stuff. I doubt she'll mind."

"Know where his diary is?"

"Why would I know that?"

"You're his little brother. He spends the summers at my house. He isn't very good at hiding important things or... organization."

"I'm not a snoop."


"Left dresser, second drawer down, right side under a blue blanket."

"We'll would you look at that. I just love how oddly specific information comes to you in our time of need. Almost as if you had prior knowledge."

"Yeah so I pay attention to my brother, what's it to you?" Regulus glares.

"Hey hey, nothing relax. I keep track of my brother as well...you know since I love him," ash smirks.

Regulus throws a pillow at ash and it hits her square in the back of the head. Ash yelps in suprise, "did you even use the cleanliness spell on it?! What if I get rabies or something Reggie!"

"I'll visit you in St.Mungos."

Ash gets the rest of the stuff that Sirius, James, Remus, and even Peter demanded. Ash took a jacket or two for herself as well. He had a good sense of style and after a few spells they were nontoxic and wearable.

"Should I talk to your mom before I leave?" Ash asks.

Regulus scoffs, "she'd like that but no, I don't recommend it."

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