25 Rounds

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Ash met Remus outside the Ravenclaw common room. They would be doing rounds together. She saw him lounging on a banister and thought he was the cutest.

"I think we should use the map and bust a bunch of people today," Ash says.

"Then we'd be too good at our jobs."

"Rem. Has anyone ever told you you were dull?"

"I don't surround myself with liars."

"You know. I feel bad for Filch."

"I suppose I understand some of our pranks go a little too far," Remus nods.

"And he's a squib. I mean he's got a hard job. Maintaining the castle, and he's a squib."

"I didn't know that."

"I just think it's unfair. How we treat him and how serious he takes his job despite being the worst option for it."

"But you have to admit he's cranky," Remus laughs.

"Those were the cards he was dealt. You know some squibs integrate with muggles when they find they don't have powers. It's why we have muggle-borns. But Filch stayed and took the worst wizarding job just to stay around the magic, and I can't blame him."

"The cards he was dealt," Remus repeats, Ash had used those exact words when describing him so many times.

Remus was brilliant and amazing and she could never judge him simply because of "the cards he was dealt".

"I'm a pureblood. I grew up around magic, I love magic. I could never give it up. Even if I was pranked every other day and met with tasks I could never dream of performing."

"I understand. I'm a werewolf and yet I'd rather that than give up chocolate frogs."

Ash laughs, "I'm more of a fizzing whizbees girl."

Ash hears a loud clang across the hall. Across a few halls. Her and Remus follow the noise. A Ravenclaw boy sits there meekly. Alone but Ash had a feeling he wasn't always alone.

"And what are you doing past curfew?"

"Do you like older men?"

"What?" Ash looks at the boy who still sat on the ground, gazing at Ash, dazed.

"I just um- HI, I'm a 6th year. What's your name?"

"What are you doing out after curfew?" Remus reminds him that he was there.

"Me and my friends went out to the black lake. They ditched me after you all came. Bet they're back at the common room."

"Well that's 20 p-"

"Hey hey hey. I'm a ravenclaw. Besides he's already been ditched by his friends. I think we can let it slide. And to answer your question. I dated Fabian Prewitt in third year," Ash helps him up.

He stares at their intertwined hands for few seconds before blushing and allowing Ash to jerk him up to his feet.

"When...when do you patrol?"

"Every Wednesday and Friday. Stay out of trouble okay? I hate taking point from my house."

"I don't. 20 points from Ravenclaw," Remus puts a hand on Ash's waist. The 6th year doesn't fail to notice, Ash however paid no mind to it.

"Go back to your common room and go to sleep."

"Right. Um- my, my name is Sean," the boy stutters and makes his way to the Ravenclaw common room.

"20 points was harsh," Ash says once he's out of view.

"5 points for being caught. 15 points for flirting," Remus rolls his eyes.

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