30 Toxic

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2 weeks had passed. Ash and Finn were still together. They fought hourly. They kissed just as often though. They never moved on beyond kissing though. Ash would stoop but she couldn't allow herself to stoop that low. That didn't stop Finn from telling everyone they had had sex though. Ash didn't care enough to correct the rumor, it was disgusting.

"Ash I'm worried. I trust you, you know I trust you but you can't seriously think Finn is a good guy? Right?" Sirius sits beside her.

Finn was a Gryffindor so Sirius and her were in the Ravenclaw common room, alone.

"What does it matter. I don't see us breaking up soon, or ever if I'm honest," Ash sighs sadly.

She thought of Remus much too often for someone in a relationship but Finn was acting more and more foul these days so she didn't feel any guilt when she pretended he was someone else.

"You aren't serious right now."

"No you're Sirius I'm Ash," ash jokes.

"You have to break up with him. You're wasting away ash. You look years older and you don't smile anymore," Sirius says.

"Yeah? Well... he might not be good for me bet he's the best I can do. You know what that's like. Not having the one you want... replacing them..."

"Yeah...I know what it's like. That's why you can't do this Ash. Remus would understand. If you just tell him-"

"Siri. Padfoot. Sirius. Where is he? Remus can't even look at me straight in the eye anymore. I've really lost him now, we haven't talked in two weeks. That's the longest weve went without talking since we met. Even when we were upset with each other we'd talk, we'd send letters, we'd care. I messed up Sirius, I know. But I've messed up too bad to go back. Some mistakes are permanent. And... I'll never stop loving Rem."

"The full moons tomorrow. Who are you going to see?"

"Remus. I promised him I'd never miss a moon... he wouldn't want me there though. I already had James give him the potion," ash thinks.

Sirius shakes his head. Moony didn't talk much these days. He didn't do much these days. He ate, he slept, he went to class. He was a robot and Sirius knew it was because of Ash. Remus would do anything to see her, anything to see her away from Finn. Those moments were few these days and eventually they were too painful to watch. The pain he felt seeing it outweighed his desire to see her more often than not. So he baracaded himself in his room.

"I'm sorry for talking about him. I hate doing this to you. Knowing how you felt about me and still talking about all of this..." ash apologizes.

The feelings never faded. Sirius was still very much in love with her.

"It's fine, I'm over you," he waves her off.

"Good," she smiles, "you wouldn't mind if Regulus came and joined us... would you?"

"...er no... I guess I wouldn't."

Regulus walks into the common room not a moment later.

"What's he doing here?" Regulus asks Ash before plopping down next to her.

"Talking to me about my toxic boyfriend."

"Ah. I too think you should break it off," regulus says, "Have you heard of the rumors he spread? He goes in a lot of detail about your... endeavors."

"Before any of you get worked up, we haven't done anything but kiss. Finns the type of guy you don't feel safe around, we'll probably do the deed after we get married," Ash says.

"Married!?" Sirius and Regulus both say shocked.

"Yeah... I just... don't want to die alone," Ash shrugs.

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