1.5 Suspicion

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It was close to the middle of the night and much after curfew. I found myself in the kitchens conversing with the house elves and eating a piece of bread when I heard the door open.

"Look who it is! Little Potter, reckon she's following us around?" Black says dramatically as he makes his way to sit on the table next to Ash.

"Considering I was here first... no," Ash sighs.

"Let's compare schedules sister," James whips his out and lays it out on the table, the other boys follow in his stead.

"Considering I'm a Ravenclaw, I doubt we'll share very many," I say.

"We have potions, and flying together," Remus says.

"That we do. We have a doubles potions tomorrow morning, I'll see you boys tommorrow," I lift myself off of the table and make my way outside.

Not before stopping by Remus for another second, something was interesting about the scars. They were knew and old and everywhere, at the same time I couldn't tell how he got them. An accident? Accidents don't happen periodically. Self-harm? Not like this. His parents? No blade could do this. Ash would figure it out by the end of the month, or 2 if he was sneakier than he let on.

Potions was a breeze. Slughorn had taken an immediate liking to Ash. She was good in all her subjects but she was gifted in potions. She sat with James and his friends during this class. In between James and Peter and directly behind Remus with Sirius sitting next to him. She watched out of the corner of her eye as she saw a lunar calendar reveal itself in Remus's parcel. She would remember this piece of information.

Peter was lagging behind as Slughorn was explaining the dreamless sleep potion. Ash did her best to catch him up, while James kept disturbing the class with Sirius. Remus was focus on his own work, talking notes from the professor and the helpful tips Ash was giving Peter grom behind him. She described the ingredients and techniques more than the overall formula, taught Peter that crushing something rather than cutting could drastically change a potion and sometimes what was out of the recipe is better than what's in it.

Flying class went by just as smoothly. James and Sirius were occupied with showing off their natural skill. While Ash was occupied with trying to convince Peter brooms were safe. She knew how to fly on one of course, better than James at times but she knew getting one upped by his sister was not something he would embrace at the moment.

Remus sat in the middle of it all, absorbed in his book but when it came to the actual flying he did just fine. Not as skillful as James or bold as Sirius but not nearly as meek as Peter. He was perfectly balanced and did just enough to return back to his book. Ash smiled to herself, she found it adorable, especially when she herself read that book last summer and was just as captivated by it. Her admiration only grew as the boy got to the end of a chapter, bookmarked the book and helped Ash with Peter. She knew then that if nothing else came out of having James as a brother, a lasting friendship with Remus Lupin would,

The rest of her classes were easy enough. She sat with Regulus in Transfiguration and Charms and Xenophilius in the others. She had breakfast with Lilly, Marlene, and Alice. Lunch with Regulus, and Dinner with the Marauders as they called themselves. Peter had insisted Alice be a Marauder as well, despite not being around as much and being a Raveclaw.

She spent a lot of time with the Marauders though, she would prank with them until unseemly hours and found herself just talking in the common rooms after dinner about absolutely nothing. At some point she found encountered the Prewitt twins in the midst of a prank with the Marauders. Since she was friends with both they ended up joining forces, Dumbledore had pink hair for weeks.

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