29 Finn

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Ash had talked to Dumbledore and he immediately agreed that Finn should come to Hogwarts. He hadn't known about the werewolf village and after taking a few house points he wrote the invitations for not just Finn but a few of his friends as well. Of course all of the villagers couldn't come because there was simply not enough room for them all.

"Where's Ash been?" Sirius asked.

"Maybe she went to drop off the wolfsbane tonight," James said.

"No that was two days ago."

"Huh then I have no idea. Do you think she's alright?"

"You guys know about the Wolfsbane?" Remus says.

"I'm her brother mate, of course I know," James says.

"Yeah she told me that you, james, and regulus knew I think 2 weeks ago," Sirius said.

"Peter doesn't know?"

"Ash doesn't like Peter."

"Ash likes everyone."

"No remus," James laughs with Sirius, "ash likes no one."

"She likes us."

"Yeah only us," Sirius laughs.

"We all have fan clubs. You know that right? Ash, Sirius, you and me. Poor Peter is left out but even he has Mary. Anyways a lot of people like us," James explains.

"A lot of people like Ash but you probably didn't notice her fan club until that day at lunch where the entire Hogwarts population lined up for a chance," a Sirius continues.

"And there was a reason Moony. You see the Potter genes are strong. We're irresistible, it's not her fault. The things is, she's mean, vicious, really just cruel. People don't ask her out because as much as they want to date her they're scared-"

"Or they thinks she's already dating you-"

"Anyways. That's why when she announced that she was ready fir a relationship they jumped at the chance. Truthfully, I applaud Fabian for putting up with her and me. People don't mess with Ash but they do mess with her significant others, myself included. I mean you'd think after the death threats he got and the pranks I pulled on him he'd love her less, but nope."

"Fabian was a great guy. Even I approved of their relationship," Sirius nods.

"Back to the point I was trying to make. Your fan club stays away cause they know you're off limits, you go out of your way to not date or even look in the direction of a girl. For the most part, sometimes they flirt with you and you are just oblivious. My fan club backs off because, well, I'm in love with Lilly-flower. And Sirius's fan club does not back off at all because well, he's him."

"Guilty as charged."

"My sister on the other hand. She's evil. That's why her fan club stays away."

"She's not evil-"

"To you Moony. She's not evil to you. Or me. Or James. Or Marlene. or regulus. Or Evans. But she is evil," Sirius agrees.

"Goodness Moony you must be blind."

"Blinded by love."

"No." James and Remus say in unison.

"No? Why'd you say no?" James asks Remus in shock.

"What do you mean? Why'd you say no?"

"I know why I said no. You're not allowed to like my sister. Why'd you say no. You'd be lucky to be in love with her. Lucky I say. LUCKY!"

Remus <3Where stories live. Discover now