Contractual 📄❤️

By MoonTaekook77

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The life of two people who are not interested in marriage but got entangled. Let's see how they survive in th... More

Our Time


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By MoonTaekook77

Tae was working on his regular desk and Namjoon and Jungkook works from their cabin.

"You look beautiful" Jimin complimented Tae as he was looking homely.

Taehyung smiles "I'm always beautiful"

"Can't deny," Jimin nods.

Taehyung smiles softly and starts to work, Jimin also concentrates on his work.

Few minutes of working, Yoongi came there and called Tae "Mrs.Jeon"

Taehyung widened his eyes hearing that, then looked around and found people looking at him. He closed his eyes, sighing.

"Mr.Yoongi, please call me Taehyung," Tae said, still not used to being called by his husband's surname.

"Sorry Mrs.Jeon" Yoongi apologized but not correcting.

"Taehyung" Tae corrected him.

"Yes, sorry Taehyung" This time Yoongi called correctly as Tae said.

"Do you want something?" Tae asked the assistant of his husband.

"Mr.Jeon asked the files that came from T-nagar branch for clearing accounts"


Every Jeon textiles branch has an accounts department but Jeon corporation in chennai is the main branch, so some of the branches send their doubtful files to the main branch like pending accounts and finance. But T-nagar textiles always send their files here to solve problems. Taehyung and Jungkook talked about this during their honeymoon.

Taehyung confusedly thinks of various reasons behind it. Why is Jungkook involving in other branch business while they have many works in Jeon corporation building?

"He wants to see the files that were sent here," Yoongi said. 

Jimin scoffs "You are not able to take it alone"

Jimin, who was listening to Yoongi replied, he was irritated by the fact that he needs to work on other branch accounts.

Yoongi immediately turned towards Jimin, his neck would have cracked, that's how much speed he turned.

He looks at Jimin observing and thinking why the voice is similar. Maybe he is the one... He shakes his head, shu-ing his thoughts, and maintains a professional posture.

"Why is that?"

"We have more than hundred files from T-nagar textile," Jimin irritatedly said.

"More than hundred?" Yoongi confusingly asked Tae and he earned a nod for him.

"Then, I will escort men's to take it" Yoongi said.

Tae glanced at Yoongi expecting the assistant to say something or leave the place, because he was just standing more like staring at Jimin without saying anything.

Taehyung waves his hand "Excuse me"

Yoongi blinks his eyes "Oh yeah, I will leave now".

Yoongi left the place after glancing at Jimin one last time.

"Tae, don't you think he seems sus," Jimin whispered to his friend.

"I don't think so. He's good person, I had met him before and he said Assistant Min is very loyal and genuine person"

"Who said that?" Jimin asked.

"You know he" titled his head expecting Jimin to get it.

"He means who?" Jimin cluelessly asked.

Tae Irritated-ly called "Jimin", he takes deep breaths and mumbles my husband slowly.

"Ohhhh your husband" Jimin blink his eyes continuously, rubbing his shoulder on Tae's teasing him.

"Shut up, Jim" Tae diverted his gaze to the system, concentrating on the laptop screen ignoring the tingling feeling he just felt in mentioning of Jungkook.

After working, Tae and Jimin are waiting in the bus-station. Jimin nudged Taehyung's shoulder "It's Mr.Jeon's car right?"

Taehyung nods after confirming "Why don't you go with your husband, afterall you both live in the same house" Jimin suggested.

"He may have work" The moment of being alone in Jungkook's car didn't fix him, In their room it's just the two of them but in the office many may look at them.

"What work does he have at night time?, expect bed work" Jimin wiggle his eyebrows

"Will you shut...." Before Taehyung could complete his words Jimin loudly shouts "Ohh my god, he is coming our way".

Taehyung looked at the car surprisingly, Jungkook didn't talk to him the whole day, they didn't behave like a wedded couple in the office so he doesn't expect Jungkook actually came to pick him.

"So romantic, Your husband came to pick you from office" Jimin is more excited than the person who is going to be picked.

The car stopped in front of them, Both friends look at the door waiting, Namjoon opened the door "Tae, let's go".

"Ceo Jeon, Where is Mr.Jeon?". Jimin asked, looking inside the car.

"He left in my car so I had to take his car" Namjoon said.

"Ohhh" Jimin sadly says, he was hyping up to make his friend happy but he didn't know it would hurt Tae, he side eyed him.

"Come, I will drop you both" Namjoon opened the back door for them.

Jimin gets in the car. Why will he miss the chance of going in a luxurious car and he can save bus or taxi money.

In a rush Jimin failed to notice Taehyung's disappointed look, Tae saying to himself that he didn't expect Jungkook to behave with him like husband and wife but still he somehow expected it like every other wife.

"Tae, get in," Jimin said happily, trying to cheer up Tae. 
Taehyung gripped his bag and entered the car.

Jungkook put his phone away when he saw Taehyung "Oh you're here, why are you late?"

"I work overtime," Tae replied uninterestedly.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked to see the different behavior of Tae.

Taehyung sighed, He let out the dishearten he felt before was shown through his voice.

"Nothing, just tired," Tae said the half truth.

"Don't overwork from on now"

"Then who will take care of my family?" Taehyung said while removing his bag and dupatta and stopped at Jungkook's words "I will take care".

Taehyung looked at him briefly. Should he be happy that someone is there to lessen his burden or be sad that the care he is receiving is only for a year.

"Don't joke around" Tae smiled and left the washroom to freshen up leaving offended Jungkook.

"But I'm saying it for real" Older shouts in sulking.

Tae came to sit beside Jungkook after freshening up, wearing a T-shirt and loose pants.

"What are you still working on?" Tae asked as he saw Jungkook working seriously even at home.

"Analyzing the faults which is send by T-nagar textiles"

"You're taking so much interest in T-nagar branch, are you planning to shift there?"

"Nope, I'm planning to take action against them" Jungkook simply said.

"What?" Taehyung's eyes almost pop out.

"Yes, They keep sending the work pending to the main branch and the sales rate from that branch is also not good" As he collected from the information, there's no profit in the T-nagar branch.

"Only accounts department people are irresponsible there, why take action against the whole branch?" Tae asked.

"Do you think the Head of the T-nager branch didn't know about this?, He knows everything and he's part the sh*t whatever they're doing" Jungkook said with a tight lipped.

Taehyung held Jungkook's shoulder "Don't do it, the CEO of T-nagar is not a good person"

"What do you mean?" Older wants to know more about the certain branch.

"He had threatened me. He said I should not tell anything about his doings to appa or he will ruin me" Tae wasn't afraid of his threats but he doesn't want to pressure Namjoon with this problems.

Jungkook was raging in anger. The CEO is an employed person under Jeon corporation just like Taehyung, how dare he threaten someone who works like him.

"So please don't do anything against them, it will end up hurting you" Tae is definitely afraid of his family getting hurt. 

"But ignoring them will not solve the problem" Jungkook is not a normal employee to ignore the problem, he is going to take over the business some day, giving a peaceful environment to his workers is his responsibility.

"Why don't you understand, they're dangerous" Tae's voice increased.

"Taehyung, I'm not a normal employee here, one day dad will give me the responsibility to take care of the whole Jeon corporation. If I back off now fearing them, how will I take care of this business in future?" Jungkook also raised his voice.

"We can tell appa about this and he will take the things more securely" Tae suggested.

But the young blood will not listen "So you're underestimating me.Dad will do things better than me, that's what you're saying?" Jungkook asked sternly.

"That's not .... ",

"Taehyung just leave me alone, you're irritating me now"

Taehyung opens his mouth to say something but closed, as Jungkook turns away to continue his work.

Taehyung is not stopping Jungkook intentionally but he is afraid something will happen to him. He knows how Ceo Kang is a big thug.

(Mr.Kang: Ceo of T-nager branch)

{📢Small correction- I mentioned Nam-gil was working in Daegu branch but that's in S-Korea,I changed it somewhere in Chennai that is T-nager, so Nam-gil is working in T-nagar and Mr.Kang is his father.

If you forget who is Nam-gil, then Tae's blind date fixed by in the first chapter📢}

Taehyung didn't sleep that night overthinking about Jungkook's safety. Jungkook didn't sleep either because he was busy collecting the evidence against Mr.Kang.

Next morning, Taehyung opened his eyes and looked around. He doesn't know when he fell asleep between his thoughts. He searched for Jungkook but the older one was nowhere to see, he lazily got ready for office.

Taehyung came down after getting ready, sat at the dining table. Raman made his way to the kitchen to take Tae's breakfast.

"Good morning Tae" Namjoon greeted him with a dimple smile.

"Good morning appa, where is he?" Taehyung's eyes searched around the hall.

"Oh Jungkook, he went to the T-nager branch," Older of them answered casually.

"What?" Tae stood up from the seat.

"You know what Jungkook did?He filed a case against CEO Kang with a proof" Namjoon smiled, feeling proud of his son.

"Appa, why did you allow him to go alone?" Tae asked in a shaky voice.

Namjoon is confused by his other son's behavior "What does that mean? He is grown up boy, of course he can go alone anywhere"

"But Ceo Kang is …" Tae legs not standing in one place.

"I know Taehyung and I trust my Jungkook, he will not do anything without thinking" Namjoon smiled confidently.

"I understand your concern and don't worry, you're husband not someone weak"

Taehyung sat on the chair in defeat, and prayed for Jungkook's safety.

"I'm proud of Jungkookie, he came to the main branch just a few months back but already started working. After all it's his responsibility to look after the company and he didn't sit back watching someone stay in Jeon corporation doing a crime"

"Why is this father and son duo saying the same thing?" Tae thought.

"Jungkook's safety is important, he should take things slow," Tae said, pouting and angry at Jungkook for not listening to him.

"He said he will call the cops for help so don't need to worry" Namjoon said, Taehyung still not convinced but nodded.

Other side
Jungkook barged in the T-nagar branch office without earlier notice.

Mr.Kang rushed to him after getting the news of his arrival "Hello Mr.Jeon".

"I want to check around the factory" Jungkook said.

"Why sir?, I mean workers are doing their job, it will be a disturbance for them. You can rest in my cabin sir" Mr.Kang suggested with the most innocent smile.

"I said I want to check on the factory" Jungkook pressed each word and gave a sharp glance.

Mr.Kang paused for a moment, he can't avoid Jungkook because he's the son of the founder, at the same time he can't allow him too.

"Sorry sir, I can't allow you. You're just  in-charge of the other branch like me, Ceo Jeon is the one superior for us"

Jungkook is also working as a CEO of the Dubai branch under Namjoon like Mr.Kang is the CEO of T-nagar. Despite of being the son of the founder, Namjoon let him work as normal people with a salary. So as per rules Jungkook is just a CEO until Namjoon transact all the autonomy on his name.

"Ohh I see, you are going as per rules then" Jungkook signaled Yoongi who came up with a paper.

The paper states that Namjoon gave permission to search on T-nagar branch and Jungkook is incharge of the inspection so he has all rights to take decisions regarding T-nager branch now, with company seal and Namjoon sign under it.

"I think now I have a permission to go" Ofcourse Jungkook will come up with the perfect plan.

Jungkook takes back the paper, more like pull it away forcefully from Mr.Kang.

"Yoongi Hyung, I want all the employees of this building being assembled here in ten minutes"

"Yes sir" Yoongi goes to the CCV room to announce it, Jungkook roams around watching every detail. He enters the storage room.

"Sir, that room is dusty and it's just a storage room" Mr.Kang panickingly said.

"I didn't plan to visit this room but after seeing your reaction, I badly wanted to know what was inside" Jungkook said smugly, raising Kang's heartbeat.

Jungkook pushed the door open but the storage room was clean and tidy. He looked at Mr.Kang smirking.

After taking a few files Jungkook came out and saw all the employees assembled. He handles the files to Yoongi.

"Hello everyone, I think it's not fancy meeting you all. I heard some forgery happening in the T-nagar branch" Jungkook said, eyeing the employees, he got it from the employees' confused look that Mr.Kang was doing it all by himself with his term and not all employees are not involved in it. 

"No sir, nothing like that is happening in our branch," Kang said nervously.

"Really but I have proof against you" Jungkook action-ed Yoongi who immediately handed the file to one of the employees and that file passed through all the employees. The file contains the production is high and the income rate is low.

"As you all can see, The production of the branch is high but the income is very low, what's the reason Mr.Kang?" He looked at Mr.Kang sharply.

"I..i sir that… the selling rate of our products is low, that's the reason for income is low"

"Yoongi Hyung" Jungkook called his assistant, again Yoongi passed another file and it mentioned the selling rate is the same as the production rate so obviously income rate should be accurate as selling, if not then it means someone would have changed the income rate.

"What is this?Income is so low compared to the selling rate. How is this possible?" Employees started to talk with themselves.

"Dad was increasing the salary of the employees who are providing the best selling in every branch but your branch didn't reach the target" Jungkook clearly using income checkmate to increase the anger of employees.

Yoongi smiles at Jungkook, the younger one was using the greed of the employees. If they get to know that they didn't get any increment because of Mr.Kang, they'll definitely vent their anger on Mr.kang.

"What?We have an increment plan?But we didn't get any information about it" Another employee asked.

"Ofcourse you will not be informed, because you're ceo enjoyed all the money selling our products to the local market. The product which you all produced from your hard work" Jungkook said glaring at Mr.Kang.

"No, you're blaming my father," Nam-gil inferred.

Jungkook raises his eyebrow and looks at Yoongi. "Mr.Kang only son, Kang Nam-gil" the assistant to Jungkook. 

Jungkook nods at Yoongi before saying "And why would I blame your father for no reason?. I didn't hold any grudges with your father, moreover, this is the first time I am meeting Ceo Kang"

"You hold grudges, but not on my father but me" Nam-gil shouted, confusing the incharge.

Jungkook was confused for a moment. "I don't have time to take revenge on a son of a mere CEO of my company"

"Taehyung, remember now?"

Jungkook is curious now, how is his wife Taehyung is involved in this.

"Stay in your limits" Yoongi warned him as he noticed Jungkook didn't say anything, he has to stand for Taehyung because Tae is now his boss's wife so basically Tae is like another boss for him.

"I and Taehyung had date before, now that Taehyung is your wife so obviously you hold a grudge against me because your wife maybe still in love with me" Nam-gil said what he built in his nonsense mind.

Some of the employees gasped, Everyone knows that Jungkook is married but only few know Taehyung is the one he married. Tae visited their branch for inspection under Namjoon order but he only returned back crying, because Mr.Kang scared him away.

"Oh yeah yeah I remember now" Jungkook placed his hand on head like he was scolding himself for forgetting. But the reality is, he enjoying the show, he likes to make people know their place now Nam-gil is a play toy for him to show his place.

"But you know, I don't have time to remember your stupid a$$" His expression changes dangerously "What a joke my wife loves you?" Jungkook laughs, mocking "Did you ever see your face in the mirror? How funny some people think way beyond their imagination" Jungkook respectfully insulted him.

"Don't try to cover the topic, You are taking revenge because of Taehyung".

"Mrs.Jeon" Jungkook corrected him the way of calling him "call him Jeon or kim"

"That's not matter, he …" Before Nam-gil  completes his word Jungkook's cold voice interrupts him.

"That is an important matter for me, I don't care what you called him before but now he's my wife and my partner in business" Jungkook's anger increased.

Mr.Kang nudged Nam-gil to keep quiet, Jungkook handled everything professionally till now if he gets into his personal life, that's not good for them.

"These are the files I got from your storage room" He took files from Yoongi "this is the original production details for years. We got modified one to our main branch. So the files clearly fabricated".

The employees started to talk to themselves, they thought for a second that Jungkook was framing Ceo Kang for revenge but the proof was in front of them.

"Yoongi Hyung, call the police" Jungkook's voice echoed in the place.

Mr.Kang tried to run away pushing Jungkook, but Yoongi caught him on time and Jungkook grabbed Nam-gil hand twisting behind his back.

The employees backed away shouting, someone from the crowd called the police.

Few minutes later police arrested Mr.Kang and whoever was helping him.

"Jungkook, you're hand" Yoongi pointed at the blood area which was caused by Kang pushing.

"It's nothing hyung, handle the evidence to our lawyer, he will continue the case from the police station, if everything is clear then I'm going home, Dad must be worried for me"

"Okay, treat you're hand," Yoongi said, Jungkook nods before leaving.
To be continued

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