Begin Again

By Straightnochaser9

368K 13.3K 9.8K

After 8 generations the American mafia finally had birthed not just one but two girls. Demontre and Angelic... More

I'm so happy you're here :D
1. You dumb piece of sh!t
2. The Consequences Of A Mistake Is Death
3. Little Dumpling
4. Never Count A Women Out
5. I'll See You In Hell
6. If Only We Knew
7. Currently Under Attack
8. It's Just A Bullet Graze
9. A Brand New Brighter Future
10. It All Started With Pure Bliss
11. Oh Sugar Snaps
12. I'm All That You Have
13. She's All I Have
14. My Sister Saved Me
New Characters/ Twins Now
15. 26 Pieces Of Rhubarb Pie
16. Why Can't We Just Kill Her
17. Going To fold Quicker Then A Taco
18. They Know Who We Are
19. You Were Kidnapped By My Sister
20. Fucking Animal
21. Thicker Then Blood
22. Sugar Biscuits
23. Trust Has To Be Earned
24. Pubic Hair Of Penguins
25. Did You Have To Stab Him
26. Never Have Enough Garlic Bread
27. Pent Up Murderous TensionοΏΌ
28. Sugar Babies Feeding Me
29. And She Gives Great Head
30. Fallen Penis Pieces
31. Pure Sex & Muscles
32. Shoot Him In The Dick
33. I'll Beat You All With My Shoe
34. She Could Suck The Soul Out Of Anyone
35. Dude Dont Call My Sister Fat
36. So You Can Eat His Bootyhole
37. Someone's Dirty Little Secret
38. A Selfish Idiotic Bitch
39. Just Survive The Night
40. Im Such A Stupid Girl
41. Optimism In My Life
42. You Fucked Up
43. I Wish I Didnt Break Down
44. Sexy Stranger's Name
45. Get A Passion For Dicks
46. I'm Just So Tired
47. You Fucking Bozo
48. No Need For The Foreplay
49. Forgive You And Forget You
50. Kill Those Jackass
51. Strange Tingling Sensation
52. Was She Really Going To Shot Me?
53. Easy Breezy Beautiful Cover Girl
54.The Bitch Is Crazy
55. Go So I Can Blow Your Father
56. The Calm Before the Storm
57. Lets Go Save Those Girls
58. Set The World On Fire
59. All You Need Is One
60. Yeah Its a Trap
61. Welcome Home
62. Your Own Personal Hell
64. To Young To Die
65. Taking my power back
Pretty fireworks
66. Own Personal Whorehouse
67. She's Dead
68. She Needed This

63. Moment Of Weakness Is My Gain

1.1K 52 15
By Straightnochaser9

"Thank you," I kindly said to the masked man as he threw a bottle of water through the cell. "You're thanking the man holding you hostage? Talk about Stockholm syndrome." Philip said while unwrapping the turkey and cheese sandwich we all had received.

"Ok first of all we all know that he didn't kidnap us, second I'm just being polite." Shrugging I take a bite of my sandwich, as I think about how we've been down here for at least a week. It could be longer because we don't know how long we were under our drug haze.

Elle has only be down here twice, she hasn't touched any of us and has been feeding us. As prisoners this has been pretty easy, which makes us even more worried that shes doing her worst to Angy. And the fact that we still have no idea where Angy is IF shes still alive has us extra worried.

"You sure you just don't have the hots for the 6'3 masked man... hes like superman. "Philip joked clearly trying to pass the time.

Looking at the cage to the left I find Nancy who like always has his eyes on me. Those eyes have been helping me to stay calm even if they are feet away. The only reason why I haven't completely crumbled to the ground is his calming eyes telling me we'll figure it out that we'll find a way to escape.

I just hope he's right.

"How you feeling muchkin?"

Closing my eyes to stop myself from rolling them and releasing her terror I took a deep breath telling myself I'll find a way out.

"Bored I guess if you cant even answer a basic question like that," Elle laughed. "Don't worry I brought some entertainment for you."

Picking up a remote she pressed a button and a part of the ceiling opened up revealing a big screen tv. Pressing another button my hospital bed was lowered so it was completely back and I was looking up directly at the TV.

Suddenly the tv came on and I saw a shirtless Abilo laying on a bed his back resting on the headboard.

Hes awake?

He's ok?

He's ok!

Turning my head I gave Elle a confused look but she just shrugged and pointed up at the tv. With my attention back on the tv I saw MY boyfriend kissing some chick that was only wearing a black lacey bra and black G-string.

What in the-





Feeling tears start to form in my eyes I started to turn my head. But in seconds each one of Elles hands were on the side of my face forcing me to stay in place, "you're going to miss the best part."

"Don't you dare think about closing your eyes or ill staple them open." With one hand he undid the clasp of her bra and she turned around. Revealing her harden nips for a second before his eager and large hands each grabbed her tits and then also her lust filled face was zoomed in.


He's having sex with that bitch.

Not caring about Elles's threat I close my eyes not wanting to see her on him. But that quiet second passed to quickly as now I can hear them as their conversation was being amplified as it was booming off the walls.

"Fuck Abilo you always know how to touch me," her husky voice whimpered. Followed by the sounds of heavy pants and some profanities as I assume Abilo was now in between her legs.  Lapping her up like he was dehydrated dog and she was the first bowl of water he's seen in days.

It felt like hours listening to their grunts, moans, slaps, and heavy petting.

I just feel so dejected and confused so so confused.

Opening my eyes when I hear what sounds like Abilo blowing his last load, my mind goes wonky. The two of them are now cuddled up on the bed still naked.

He doesn't look drugged.

Maybe hes been held hostage? As a sex slave?

"I love you Towson," he whispered while bringing her closer to him.

They say that people can actually die from a broken heart. That someone can be so fiercely in love that when their person goes they cant continue without them, their heart is just to broken to live.

In this moment watching them I feel my heart shatter, its breaking inside of me, and I don't think I have the power to stop it.

"Come in," I yell to my office door.

Walking into my office in leggings, a crop top, and freshly fucked hair Towson smiles before siting down in the chair across my desk. "Gosh I forgot how fucking good that man can fuck," she praises while closing her eyes probably replaying the session she just had.

Nasty whore.!

Normally I would think that she's being overdramatic but fuck he can fuck, he made her orgasm... twice. And it was just from eating her pussy and fuck he pounded into her for a good twenty minutes.

I always thought she being a drama queen when she said she saw stars whenever they had sex but she wasn't kidding.

"And I thought all those girls wanted a second chance to fuck him just because hes rich. I had no idea he could fuck like a pornstar. Better be careful before I take him out for a spin."

Opening her eyes she squinted at me attempting to get a read on me hoping that I'm joking but I'm not. Doesn't matter anyways I think as it's clear she failed to tell if I was kidding or not as I kept my face expressionless.

I'll give her an an A++ for figuring out that what I just said is possibly deadly serious.She's a smart cookie I'll give her that I know she doesn't fully trust me, and she shouldn't. We're not friends, wouldn't call us allies, just women in the same space with a common enemy. "When can I take him home?"

Why is she talking about him like he's a puppy.
Snorting at her eargness I take a sip of my coffee. "You don't want to know how Angy reacted to seeing her boyfriend having sex with some whore?'

"No." she deadpanned not even caring that I had called her a whore.

Lifting my eyebrows in surprise showing my first sign of emotion to her, "really?"

"Being with Abilo reminded me that I love him. I don't want to be queen and have to watch our bacsk with other mafias constantly attempting to kill my husband. So we're leaving the mafia life behind."

Who the fuck said she can do that.

"Excuse me?" That wasn't in the plan.

"I know, I know you have a big plan and Abilo and I will help in any and every way you need. But we want to leave this mafia life behind us."

"And do what have a happy ever after on a farm?"

"Actually yes, with goats." She smiled.

I'll give the girl credit she's even kept me on my toes, "dick that good, he has you replanning your future?"

"I thought the prize was the power and don't get me wrong it is! But Abilo and I were talking, and we think it would be better for the baby if we just live a happy normal life."


"I told him I was pregnant," she said calmly.

"Lying just because you want to? Who does that?" Like yes, I lie all the time but they're for a calculated reason it just seems like she's doing it for... fun.

Crazy bitch.

Huh kinda pot meet kettle.


"That was the only way he would sleep with me." Rolling her eyes in frustration she explained, "he didn't want to have sex with me since even though I'm his girlfriend! To him I'm just a stranger."

"He has memory loss... you are a stranger to him."

This bitch is dense.

"yadayado going on about getting to know me first. So, I told him that we were pregnant, and I have high sex drive as one of my symptoms, so he needed to fuck me."

Giving her a hinged look, she just shrugged," It worked he slept with me, and the baby angle is why he said he loves me. Also, I told him he was in coma because of a mission and how scared I was going to be for our baby's future!!

So he suggested that we leave the mafia lifestyle behind. Make sure our baby isn't in any danger by living an average lifestyle well as average as we can be as millionaires."

Placing her hand on her stomach she slowly started to rub it in circle motions," your daddy is really giving up everything for us."

"You know you're not actually pregnant right?"

Putting her hand down she huffed," I mean I could be I'm ovulating, but yes, I'm aware I'm not pregnant right this second. But he knows I have high sex drive because of the symptoms, and like I said I'm ovulating, so he'll get me pregnant.... or maybe I'll just miscarry. Yes, miscarry is even better he'll have all this."

Raising my hand midair, she stops talking, "enough with the ramblings."

"Sorry, look I told him we can leave the mafia behind to a trusted confidant... which would be you."

Finally, we're getting to the stuff that matters... me.

"Interested?" She's asks with hope, thinking Ill take it hook, line, sinker.

"No," I say boredly while sliding out the newest edition of people magazine.

"What?" Cleary dumb founded I laugh at her bewilderment.

"You thought what? That this is some meth lab for teens, or some good old fashioned gang alliance? That you can just come into my office after fucking the boyfriend I gave you in my house and offer me some deal?

Like we're in 5th grade swapping my peanut butter crackers for your fruit snacks? I'll give you the Albian mafia, if you let us leave?"

Flickering through the ads of the magazine I listened as Towson made a few ugly noises shocked at my statement. "But you said you wanted power and I thought- "


"Excuse me?"

"Don't think." I deadpanned.

Putting the magazine down I got up from my chair and made my way to the front of my desk leaning on it as I looked down at her." I want to make myself very clear here, we are not friends, co-parents, or equals. I hired you for a job, and you got paid by me giving you your boyfriend. Remember the one that didn't want you."

Watching the color drain from her face I continued. "He picked my whore of a niece who he knew had been forcibly fucked by hundreds of men, has thousands of issues, over you! What a fucking insult." Leaning forward I winked at her," but don't worry we'll keep that part between us."

Sitting in the chair across from her I put my hand on her knee," you don't make the plans, you don't offer me any deals or trades, you are nothing Towson you understand me."

Opening her mouth I put my hand up signaling her to shut up, "actually I take it back you are a little something because I own you, you understand?"

Seeing rage build behind her eyes I laughed, "see don't do that, I see the little wheels turning in your head, you think because you're bigger than me you have a chance, that because I speak so nicely and calm that my words don't have any weight behind them.

Towson, I like you, because I see some of me in you but let me remind you. I kidnapped my nieces and let my husband have his way with her for years.

I'm about to kill my sister and my nephews in cold blood and I wont even bat in eyelash in sorry. If you try to screw me over, I'll kill your precious Abilo but not before I fuck his brains out while you watch Hmkay?"


Giving her knee a tight squeeze, I take my hand off her leg, "good now go convince your little boyfriend that you take it back. That your pregnancy hormones made you want to leave your lifestyle behind but now you need the protection?" Ehh not the best excuse I came up with on the fly

"Honestly, I don't care what you say just make sure he understands that he needs to be the boss of the Abilain mafia."

Gulping her face was clouded in fear.


"Will do sorry, Elle."

"Its ok, just know if you're out of line again I'll shoot first, ask questions later."

"Man you guys don't look so good," I laughed looked at my sister, her family and Angys chosen family who were still locked in cages.

Even though they're ok physically- they haven't been hurt physically, they get 2 meals a day so they're not hungry. The only real drawback is the fact that they're forced to use the bathroom in their cell.

But their precious little Angy is nowhere to be found that's a fact that causing them emotional turmoil.

Is she alive?

Is she ok?

Is she being gang raped by my people?

How can we fail again?

Sticks and stone may break their bones. But the emotional tool of not knowing about Angy is doing more damage to them than a few hits could do.

Gosh they just make it too easy.

Ignoring their screams and questions I stride over to the cage that has my twin sister,her adoptive dad, leo and Nancy. Eventually the questions stopped being asked and I felt all eyes on me as the room was quiet.

"Why?' Reese's emotionless voice said.

3 letters, 1 small word, a lifetime of questions.

I knew that she would have asked herself this question for years, amongst the how dare she, and will we get them back I know she asked herself 'why' over and over.

"Haven't seen me in decades and that's the first thing you say? No hi how are you?"

"Cut the shit Elle,"

"You really wanna know?"

"Yes sissy!"

"Fine I'll fulfill your dying wish! Don't say I never gave you anything! I'll tell you exactly why you deserve all of this."

Doing a full 360 spin in slow motion I make sure to capture eyes with all of my caged animals. So they understand what my twin did for them to deserve this.

"Because I want to that's why." Laughing at her dumbstruck expression. "what? Expecting some long-drawn-out reason about me being abused or something or how I secretly hated you?

That I was mad you stole a boyfriend? Colored to hard on my white sheets? NO, I did it because I wanted to."

"No that's not true," Reese sneered. "We know this wasn't your idea that it was our sperm donor's idea."

Rolling my eyes at her statement, "you bought that bullshit?"

"What are you talking about?" My twin's father said.

"I'm not an idiot, my most trusted confidants needed to believe that I was loyal to them, so I told them different stories about why I did what I did. They feel all warm and fuzzy that their fear and cold less leader trusts them enough to share her bad bad past, and I know who betrays me... or dies in the hands of my enemy."

A flash of something passes on her face- respect?

She may hate me because of that pesky detail that I destroyed her family, but she can't take away the fact that when it comes to everything mafia I'm a genius.

"Smart right? The best thing is when they get caught, they spill what they think is the truth to my enemies. Who in turn use that against me, but jokes on them because it's just a lie."

They probably thought they had a leg up when they had captured my second in commant- Lars. But the only facts he knew about my past were lies.

This is the real reason why so many fail, because they trust to many people, tell to many people their plans.

Loose lips sink ship.

" I wanted to destroy you simply because I wanted to."

"What happened to you?"

"What happened was I grew up to be my biggest potential- the most powerful person in the world. Once I've killed your family my dear dear sister, I'll finally accomplish it!"

Turning around my eyes found Tre's," you should have killed me all those years ago but neither less your moment of weakness is my gain.

And now I'll finally be able to do what no one has come close to-killing Reese Smith.

Walking away from my sisters cage I walk back to the door."Close your eyes and keep your heads down everyone."

Pressing a button on the side of the wall fire sprinklers that were hanging on top of the cages turned on dosing them with gasoline.

"Fuck my eyes a few of them yelled," as the gasoline poured on to them.

Idiots I gave them warning.

Pressing the button again the sprinklers stopped. "I will say burning you all alive is a bit dramatic. It's i don't know I think it gives extra meaning when I say I burned the America mafia to the ground."

Ignoring their pleads and questions about Angy I walk out of the room. Pulling my phone out I press the number 1 and wait while it dials.

"Hey," the voice says.

"It's done."

"Excellent, and your sure you don't want to be the one to light the place on fire?"

"That pleasure is all yours, but remember to wait till I'm with Angy so I can watch her face when she realizes her whole family is dead."

"Ok hurry."

"What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk Angelica," her raspy voice stated simply. As if their wasn't any bad blood between us like I hadn't watched her swap bodily fluids with my boyf- Abilo.

"I don't want to talk to you Towson." Tilting my head to the side and away from her, I should welcome the distraction. Elle has me chained up to the hospital bed with me,myself and my thoughts, I could use a break from all 3.

"You should because I'm the only one who can save your family." Arching her left eyebrow I studied her face, she wasn't attempting to challenge me, and seemed oddly sincere.


"I guess I should start from the beginning, huh?"

Heyyy :D

Fill in the blank Towson is___
My answer is a bitch :D

Poor Abilo y'all think he's going to get his memories back? If he does how do you think he'll feel about the fact that he slept with Towson?

My grandfather who lives on a digger continent flyed in yesterday so umm :D idk if I'll have enough time to update this Sunday but I'll do my best ☹️


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