A New World (Seven Deadly Sin...

By DevilGirl5736

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It was a normal night, when you had a weird dream that transported you to a different world. A world where t... More

Chapter 1 - A not so normal night
Chapter 2 - The Next Morning
Chapter 3 - The Adventure
Chapter 4 - Multiple Fights
A/N birthday
Chapter 5 - Waiting to Happen
Chapter 6 - Meeting a Demon
Chapter 7 - Their Story
Chapter 8 - The Fifth Sin, Gowther
Chapter 9 - A New Day
Chapter 10 - The King Has Arrived!
Chapter 11 - The Fairy's Lost Friend
Chapter 12 - The Past
Chapter 14 - A Threat
Chapter 15 - Danger!
Chapter 16 - Awakened
Chapter 17 - The End and The Beginning
Chapter 18 - Headache
Chapter 19 - Their Fighting Festival
Chapter 20 - A Date?
Chapter 21 - A Bad Omen
Chapter 22 - Ban's Journey
Chapter 23 - Camelot
Chapter 24 - Spirit Chastiefol: True Form
Chapter 25 - Commandment of Truth
Chapter 26 - Lost Memories
Chapter 27 - Matrona
Chapter 28 - An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 29 - Training
Chapter 30 - Power
Chapter 31 - An Old Friend
Chapter 32 - Separation
Chapter 33 - Jealousy and Love
Chapter 34 - Inferno of Resolve

Chapter 13 - A Broken Curse

496 11 0
By DevilGirl5736

"It's been a long time, captain of the Seven Deadly Sins." Hendrickson says, as both he and Meliodas are face to face with each other. "Are you alone?"

"Yeah, I lost the others somewhere along the way." Meliodas tells him, not letting his guard down.

"You think that you can fight me without them?" Hendrickson asks, doubting that he might. "Still confident as ever, aren't you?"

'Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins? Then that means he's......" Arthur thinks.

"Give Y/N and Elizabeth back to me." Meliodas tells him. Hendrickson looked a bit confused on who the other person he was talking about was until he remembered what the mage said to him about there being another 'predicament.' Hendrickson smirks a bit, seeing that Meliodas cares a lot about this Y/N. Meliodas starts to get angered a bit before asking again, "Where are they?!"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you." He says not giving him any information.

Meliodas jumps up, ready to knee him as Hendrickson catches his knee. Meliodas raises his blade and strikes for Hendrickson's head as Hendrickson narrowly dodges it. Meliodas starts to cut at Hendrickson at a very fast speed, but he manages to dodge it. Hendrickson finds an opening and hits Meliodas back as he skids across the ground, holding his blade up as he blocks Hendrickson's attack.

Sounds of wooden swords hitting each fill the garden as they soon stop. One sword hits the ground as a little boy with pink hair falls to the ground on his hands and knees, panting. "Hey, what's wrong, Lil Gil? You tired already?" Meliodas asks Gil as he looks at his tired state. "I'm never gonna make it." Gil says, losing hope. Meliodas looks at him confused. "I'm never gonna become as strong as Father and you, Meliodas." "Come on. You gotta do something about that negative attitude." Meliodas tells him.

"Your eyes can see through evil. Your mouth mutters the truth." A girl's soft voice can be heard as Gil turns his head to see who is talking. "Your heart is filled with justice, and your sword shall crush evil. To stand by what you believe is right until the very end." A girl with lavender hair, soft brown eyes, and wearing blue and gold clothing walks toward Gil. "Isn't that the most important thing when you are a knight?" "Margaret!" Gil says as he stands up and greets her. "Meliodas and your Father have nothing to do with your life. After all, you're you. Someday you are going to be the kindest and most powerful knight of all, Gil. That's what I believe." Margaret told him. "Right." Gil says, agreeing with her.

"Geez, get a room, you two." Meliodas said, as the two kids had bright pink on their cheeks.

Gilthunder is seen carrying Dreyfus in an alleyway. "Right here will do." Dreyfus says as Gilthunder places him down against the wall. "Grand Master Dreyfus, please tell me what happened when you were fighting Gowther." "He forced me to see a vision of what seemed to be my past self. As a sin I'll never escape for as long as I live." Dreyfus says, still looking at the tower. "A sin?" Gilthunder asks, confused. "You should head back to the fight. I'll be alright here." Dreyfus tells Gilthunder. "I'd like to be alone for a while." "Yes, sir." Gilthunder says, getting up and walking back the way they came.

As Gilthunder was walking, a familiar voice could be heard floating above him. "He looked so pathetic back there, that Grand Master Dreyfus." The mage says. "Giving up after a mere physiological attack...Lord Hendrickson is different in that regard. He would make a worthy king in the world to come." "The world to come?" Gilthunder questions. "I mean the utopia Lord Hendrickson is striving for. Being a king or a slave won't matter, only the powerful will remain." She explains as she gets closer to Gilthunder and puts her hand on his arm. "And be able to obtain whatever their heart desires."

"Can one really survive a battle against the demon race?" Gilthunder asks, taking her hand off his arm. "What's wrong? You're usually overfilled with confidence. This isn't like you." She says. "All I said was the truth." Is all he merely says. "If the fear of death worries you, I'll be happy to fight the demon race." Gilthunder smiles at this comment before saying, "I'll be counting on you then." "Oh, Gil. You're such a flirt." She says, blushing under her mask.

'Did you transfer Princess Elizabeth and her friend to the dungeon?' Hendrickson asked as he was talking telepathically with the mage. 'Yes, to a place where no one can touch them.' She replies. 'By the way, when will you start the ritual? Oh, I see that you are facing some intriguing opponents. Very well, I'll send my sweet knight.' She finishes as she holds out her staff in front of Gilthunder.

With Hendrickson, Arthur, and Meliodas

A storm cloud is seen as Arthur starts to question it. A lightning bolt comes down from it as Meliodas holds up his sword and stops Gilthunder's attack. Gilthunder then appears on the side of Meliodas, striking him with his sword. They start to clash a little bit as Meliodas has some trouble holding up his own. Gilthunder then kicks Meliodas up into the sky, only to be caught by Arthur. "Thanks! I owe you one." Meliodas tells him. "It's nothing, forget it." Arthur says as they both land on the ground. "Mind lending me a hand?" Meliodas asks. "Sure, my pleasure." Arthur tells him, ready to fight. "By the way, my name is Arthur Pendragon. I've heard about you for years from your reputation." "Great, but how about we save the chit-chat for after the fight?" Meliodas offers. "Right." Arthur says.

"Let's pick up where we left off, Lil Gil!" Meliodas says. "I'm only doing what I must, nothing more." He says as he charges up the lighting on his sword. "I better warn you now, I'm not going to hold back." Meliodas says as he charges in and so does Gilthunder. They started to clash with each other at insane speeds. "Wow, the speed that they're swords are going at is incredible! And they're barely trying." Arthur says in awe. "We have some unfinished business." Hendrickson says, appearing behind Arthur.

Gilthunder and Meliodas were still going at it as Meliodas kicked Gilthunder back. Gilthunder quickly got up and yelled, "Lighting Beasts Chase!" A storm cloud appeared above him as lighting beasts started to go toward Meliodas. "Full Counter!" He yells, deflecting them but one slipped through his grasp. "He delayed one, so I can't counter them all at once?" He directed the last one away as Gilthunder appeared behind him and struck at Meliodas' back, luckily Meliodas blocked it with his scabbard. Gilthunder then appears in front of Meliodas, wasting no time to hit him. Meliodas blocked it, but his word flew out of his hand. "Lighting King Iron Hammer!" Gilthunder yells as a massive thunderbolt was directed toward Meliodas. As the dust cleared, Meliodas was shown holding Gil's sword with his fingers as his demon mark showed.

'He just stopped the attack with just his fingers?' Arthur questioned. 'I also feel a change in Sir Meliodas, but what is it?' "It's his demonic power emerging." Hendrickson replied as if he could read minds. Hendrickson struck Arthur back as he got his bearings back. "His demonic power?" Arthur asks. "No need for me to explain to a dead man." Hendrickson smirks as black flames emerge from his sword again and knocked back Arthur. Arthur was about to get back up until he noticed some black flames were on his scarf. He started to try and pat down the fire. "Ow, ow, that's really hot!" Arthur exclaims. "My last attempt was stopped, but this time, turn to ashes." Hendrickson said, still smirking. "This is bad! It won't go out!" Arthur says, trying to get the flame go out when it suddenly did. Hendrickson was shocked as he saw the mage with the cloak.

"You go here, just in time to save me! Thanks! Did you finish off the others?" Arthur asks the mage as he got up and started to dust himself off. The mage stayed quiet. "I appreciate your help, but I don't need anymore." Arthur says, confidently as he gets into a fighting stance. "Fool." Hendrickson says.

Meliodas was still holding onto Gilthunder's sword. It was like that for a while before they both jumped away, going head on with each other as a lighting bolt shot out of the sky.

With the others

"Another thunder strike? How many is that now?" Howzer asks, worried as he holds Gowther on his back. "This has to be Gilthunder. He must be fighting the Captain, right?" Diane asks King. "Yeah, he must be." King replies. "I don't sense Ban's power." Gowther adds. Howzer jumps from the sudden voice and also from thinking that he was dead. "I wonder where he went?" Gowther says, thinking a little.

With Elizabeth and Y/N

You looked around yourself, seeing that you were surrounded by darkness again, but this time you didn't see the boy. You walked around, not seeing anything. You thought that you were walking around in circles. You sat against what you thought was a wall, waiting for something to happen. You heard something, it sounded like yelling.

Was it an argument? You started to walk toward the sound, seeing 10 people that looked to be from different races. "When are we going to get out of here?" You heard a woman's voice, she had spiky yellow hair and wasn't wearing much clothing. "Just shut up, Derieri." A man says, he had short white hair. You saw the argument spew on as you were a bit bored, but then heard a voice in your head.

'You should go and ask them something. I know that curiosity is eating at you.' The voice said, it was the same voice that said something when Veronica was yelling at you.

"Just shut up." You tell it.

'Nope, You want to do something. You want to talk to them, I know you do.' It said.

"Who are you?" You ask it.

'Sorry, but you're not ready for that kind of information.' It said, teasingly. It was starting to piss you off.

"What do you mean I'm not ready?!" You yell, not aware that you were still near the group.

You felt eyes on you as you saw the 10 people looking at you. "Uh, hi?" You say. The boy who you had seen before looked at you with wide eyes before walking over to you. 'He wants to kill you.' The voice says. Your eyes widen in shock from what it said. 'Since I don't want you to die yet, I'll awaken your power for a while, yeah?' It says. 'You might feel some pain afterward, but you'll be fine.' The voice finishes as Zeldris was suddenly in front of you with his sword drawn. You immediately kick him in the wall. You appeared in front of them all, your eyes red with a smirk on your face. "Hey." You say, your voice sounding somewhat like static. You clear your throat before saying more. "That's better. Sorry for hurting your friend. It's just, I couldn't let my body die yet. Anyway, we'll be taking our leave. You might wanna cover your ears." You say, the voice covers your body in fire, making you scream in agonizing pain. After a while, it died down as the 10 commandments looked at you with confusion. They were all thinking two things.

'Who was that?' and 'I want to know more about her.'

In the present

You felt somebody shaking you, as you saw Elizabeth's worried figure. "Elizabeth?" You asked, sounding tired. "Y/N! Thank goodness you're okay!" She says, enveloping your body into a hug. "I'm fine." You tell her, returning the hug. You were still angry and confused by what happened. One second you were asleep, the next you felt your body being burned alive. 'Some pain, my ass. That felt like the Salem Witch Trials.' You told the voice, but it didn't answer you. You decided to forget about it and worry about right now.

"Hey, Elizabe-" You stop mid-sentence as you see her crying. "W-why are you crying?" "It's just *sniffle* your body had burn marks appearing and I was so scared. I wasn't sure if you were okay and..." She started to ramble off as you smiled at her, happy that she was worried about you. You enveloped her in a hug and she stopped talking. "Thank you for worrying about me." You tell her. You could feel her smile as you were hugging her. After the hug, you saw that your body was covered with burn marks and it really hurt when you would touch them. 'I guess that's what she meant when she said burn marks.' You thought.

"Do you know where we are, Elizabeth? Where's Hawk?" You ask her. "I can't find Hawk and I'm not sure where we a-" She stops mid-sentence, seeing a familiar bed. She got up and started to walk toward the bed, seeing her father. "Elizabeth?" He asks. "Father!" Elizabeth says, tears emerging from her eyes. "Thank goodness you're safe. I never thought I would be holding you like this again." The King says, holding his daughter in a hug. He coughs a little as Elizabeth looks at him in worry. "Please, don't strain yourself."

"I suggest you have your touching moment now while you can." The mage says, appearing behind you three. You look behind you, saying, "You! What do you want?" You protectively stand in front of the King and Elizabeth. "Nothing to do with you." She says, coldly. She turns back toward Elizabeth. "Your beloved Deadly Sin will be killed by the hands of my sweet Knight any minute now."

'Is she talking about Meliodas?' You ask yourself, worried about him. 'That means....' You say, "They came for us!" You smiled, a gleam of hope in your eyes. "Let's see how long you're able to keep that gleam in your eyes, peasant."

With Meliodas and Gilthunder

"Full counter!" Meliodas yells, knocking the thunderbolt back. "Thunderbolt Strike!" Gilthunder yells, hitting Meliodas in a wall.

"Up here!" Meliodas yells as Gil looks up to see Meliodas standing on the side of the tower that Gil flew him into. "Lil Gil, you sure you want to go up against me like this?"

"Your eyes can see through wickedness. Your mouth utters the truth. Your heart is filled with justice. Your sword shall crush evil." Gilthunder recites. "From the day that I learned The Knights Code, I haven't forgotten a word. But the Seven Deadly Sins turned their backs on that code and betrayed their country. So, I'll say this once more. I am now more powerful than any of the Seven Deadly Sins."

"All right then. Why don't we finish this once and for all?" Meliodas yells from the side of the tower as he jumps down.

He tries to hit Gilthunder, but he dodges and elbows Meliodas in the face. Gilthunder starts to hit Meliodas with many lighting attacks, but Meliodas keeps dodging and blocking his attacks. As Meliodas caught his breath. Hendrickson entered the fight, creating a quick swipe with his sword that almost got Meliodas but he dodged it in time.

"I'm sorry. I tried to buy enough time for you, but I failed. I'm a disgrace." Arthur says, as he is seen in a crater as blood was spilling down his face from all the cuts and bruises he had as the cloaked figure stood beside him.

"Don't sweat it. Rest up!" Meliodas yells to him.

"Let's go." Hendrickson says as he immediately appears beside Meliodas and starts to strike him with his sword.

Meliodas starts to block his attacks, struggling a bit. It wasn't easy as Gil sucker punched him into the ground, forming a crater around Meliodas as he fell toward the ground.

'We're gonna finish him. Come join us.' Hendrickson telepathically says to a certain someone.

With you, Elizabeth, the mage, and The King

'It would be my pleasure.' The mage answered back.

"It would seem that I've been called. As a special courtesy, I shall bid that Sin of yours farewell for you." She says.

"I don't think so. He'll win." Elizabeth says with a determined face.

"Keep praying for that. Cradle in the warmth of your daddy's arms." She says, a bit angrily as she teleports away, leaving you, Elizabeth and The King by yourselves.

'He'll win.' You thought to yourself. 'He has to win.'

Back to the fight

The mage teleports out of Meliodas' line of sight as she sees him. "Freeze Coffin." She said as she created a shape with her finger as Meliodas was frozen in place with ice.

But it only lasts for a second as he breaks free, but is met with a hit to the back by Hendrickson as he flies towards Gilthunder who has his attack ready.

"It's over."

"Yeah right!" Meliodas yells as he blocks Gil's attack and sends him back.

"Lighting King Iron Hammer!" Gilthunder yells as he sends a bolt of lighting toward Meliodas.

"Full Counter!"" He yells, ready to deflect the attack.

"Bend Room." The mage says as she creates a circle and sends the lighting bolt into a curve around Meliodas as he gets hit by it.

As Gil and Meliodas are duking it out, Gil has bruises and a cut on his cheek as Meliodas has some bruises on his face, not realizing the woman climbing the tower.

Hendrickson and Gilthunder are giving blows to Meliodas left and right as the mage amplifies Gil's thunderbolt.

"He's not turning into a demon or even fighting back." The mage says, disappointed.

"He must have something up his sleeve, so we have to stop him first." Hendrickson explained as the three looked at Meliodas standing there with his sword in front of him as his forehead was bleeding.

"Gilthunder!" Margaret yelled, standing on the ledge of the tower. "Please, stop this!"

"Alright. One Thousand Divine Cuts!" Meliodas says as his sword is enveloped by black flames.

"Lighting King Sword!" Gilthunder yells as his entire body is being enveloped by lighting.

"Enchant Hellblaze!" Hendrickson's weapon is covered in Black Flames.

"Destroy Four Elements!" The mage says as she holds her staff up as the four elements float around her. She then throws the elements toward Meliodas as he jumps toward the ball full of elements and looks back, seeing Margaret falling toward the ground.

He then unleashes his attack toward Margaret as he smiles, seeing that he hit his target but gets hit by the attack.

Hendrickson rushes in, ready for the kill but is stopped by someone as part of his arm flies off from Gilthunder's attack.

Gilthunder looks back at Meliodas and smiles at him, tears streaming down his face. "I can't believe it. You released the curse that's been imprisoning me for years."

In the back, Margaret was safely caught in the arms of Arthur as his mage slowly lowered her down.

"Gilthunder, you dare betray your own?" Hendrickson asks, angrily.

"I didn't betray anyone. From the very beginning, I was never one of you!" Gilthunder says, confidently.

"You bastard!" Hendrickson yelled, as his arm that was enveloped with black flames was aiming toward Gilthunder but he dodged it easily as Hendrickson lost his footing.

"Meliodas, allow me to handle this. I'm finally able to take revenge on my father's murderer. You have no idea how long I've waited for this!" Gilthunder says, as he smiles towards Meliodas with lighting sparking around him.

Gilthunder immediately hits Hendrickson in the back, sending him flying into the air, but Gilthunder does not wait and sends another blow and another and another, hitting him around like a beach ball. Gilthunder kept doing this as enhanced his final attack and pierced Hendrickson's stomach with his sword, sending a massive amount of lighting throughout his body.

After that

Margaret awakes, seeing that she is in Gil's arms.

"Hello, Margaret."

"It's you. Gil!" She says, ecstatic to see him.

"You know, you're a lifesaver." Meliodas told Arthur.

"Thanks, but it was thanks to her." He said, pointing toward his mage.

"How...When did you figure it out?" The mage asks, shocked that Meliodas figured out their curse.

"Back when we met in the Forest of White Dreams." Meliodas says.

"What?" The mage asked.

"When I heard him say the magics words I taught him long ago, I knew that his every move was being watched and that someone really important to him had been taken hostage." Meliodas explains.

"You knew it from the beginning?" She asks. "That has to be a lie! You were fighting with everything you've got!"

"Little Gil was putting his life on the line for the woman he loves. So, it would only make sense to put my life on the line as well." He says.

"Impossible!" She says, angry. "It can't end like this. I won't allow it!" She starts to transport them to different climates and places in the world. "Which world would you like to die in?" She noticed that something wasn't right and saw a monster about to eat her. She covered herself with her arms, as everything stopped. They were immediately transported back to Liones as she saw the cloaked mage.

"You pathetic excuse for mage!" She yelled as a small tornado surrounded the cloaked mage.

"I thought I told you to get rid of that temper, Vivian, my apprentice." The mage spoke, no longer having her cloak on.

"That boar symbol on your neck..." Vivian spoke, realizing who it was. "You're...You're..."

"There's no way that I would've guessed she'd been with you, Arthur." Meliodas said as the small tornado dispersed revealing the black haired woman. "The Boar Sin of Gluttony, Merlin."

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