Angel with the Mafia Devil

By FuzzyID10T

4.7K 205 34

After a strange encounter with a mysterious man, Berry goes from the freak at school to the girl with a hot m... More

1: Normal Morning
2: Stranger
3: Love at first sight
4: Stuck Together
5: Break in
6: New Home
7: Jealousy
8: Confession
9: Our moment
10: Danger
11: Date
12: Trip
13: Rumor
14: Explanation
Speciel: Mothers Day
15: Bullies
17: Sleeping
18: Waiting
19: Surprise
20: Wake-Up Call
21: Talk
22: Feeling
23: "Whoops"
24: Running
25: Past
26: Club accident
27: New help
28: WHAT?!
29: Catching up
30: Savage
31: Taken
Special: Fathers Day
32: Exchange
33: Apart
34: "What now?"
35: Saved
36: Graduation
37: Planning
38: Wing-Woman
39: Backfire
Not an update
40: Wedding
41: Puppy Love
42: Home
43: Bitches
44: "Im what?"
45: Baby
46: Belly
47: Kick
48: The Arrival
49: "Hello baby"
50: New additions

16: Near accident

70 5 0
By FuzzyID10T

I havent been feeling myself ever since what happened. Tasha and those girls got suspended and have to clean the cafeteria during it, which was great for me, but I still think about what she said.

I know it's not true but I keep hating the way I look in a mirror, no matter how pretty or beautiful my brothers or Riku say I am.

Me and Miku were out getting some ice cream after school let out because we both have sweet teeth. She went to get them while I sat back at the booth. I was side tracked on my thoughts when someone grabbed Mikus bag and ran out of the place.

"Hey!" I called out to stop him. I got up from my seat when I slightly heard Miku calling me but I couldnt make out what she said. I ran after the guy who managed to run a good few feet. He made a right turn and once I got to the spot I turned only to find a cloth over my mouth and I fainted.


I woke up and found myself in a dark room with very little light inside. It looked like a basement. I tried to move but my hands were tied to a pole. Everything else was free though, so I managed to stand up, still feeling dizzy. I heard some foot steps come downstairs and I started to get nervous because the only male footsteps I know are my brothers and Rikus. The door opened to find a man standing there.

Wait- that's not just any man...


"I see you're finally awake, my slut"

"Get away from me! What do you want?!" I tugged at the ropes trying to free myself but it wouldnt budge

"I wouldnt make me mad if I were you. I made a deal with some bitch and part of my reward is to have you all to myself, and who could pass up such a beautiful body like yours~?" He stepped closer and I started shaking, knowing what this guy had been saying about me, I had quite a few ideas on what he meant by his words.

"Are you sick?! Your little photos started when I was 14, you're a maniac! Who even asked you to do this?!" I tried kicking him but he was too far to reach.

"That's non of your business, bitch. And I'm fully aware of your age, which is why I waited so long. Too bad I couldnt get more revealing shots" This man was a sicko! I found a clock that read 4:45, I have been here for an hour. He got closer and I tried kicking again, but he grabbed my leg keeping it in place as he got very close, his disgusting hand tracing my leg. Fuck me for wearing shorts.

"I'm gonna have so much fun with you~" he bent forward and got too close to my face, almost landing his lips on mine, when there was a sudden loud bang outside. He jumped back, startled by the noise, as it starts making it's way down here. What ever was going on, i was thankful it did.

Kicking down the door, and i mean literally, the door was off its hinges and on the floor, stood Riku with dead eyes and a red katana in his hand, the other layered with blood. I was so happy he came and saved me. This fat ass didnt seem too happy though.

"Who the hell are you. How'd you find this place"

"Give. Her. Back!" Ri looked in no mood to talk, only kill. I knew he was protective of me more than my brothers combined were, but I didnt think it would be THIS much. Not gonna lie, it was kinda hot the way I was looking at him, his shirt torn revealing a side of his chest, blood over different parts of his body, and his hair now messier than it usually was, no longer in a ponytail.

"You're gonna have to wait, bastard, you can have second dibs once I'm done"

Leaping so fast I barely saw it, Riku lunged at the man and swung the sword, making a pretty deep cut on the guys arm. The man fell gripping it as Ri ran to me and cut the rope.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fi-" The man stands up and was aiming a gun at us. I was about to scream for Ri to look out but he must have already sensed it, because he turned around quickly and held up his sword, just as the guy fired and the bullet hit the blade and cutting in half. Damn, it must have been really sharp. Riku lunged at him again and hit him again, making a cut on his side this time. The man threw a few punches but not even half of them hit Riku. He was like a lightning bolt while moving.

Riku finally managed to stab the guy in the stomach after a bit of tease and left him on the ground to bleed out.

"Thank god I found you in time" he said, walking back over to me scanning my face to make sure I was ok.

"I'm perfectly fine. Thank you for saving me. How did you find me?" I was honestly curious as to how he found me.

"I-" his words were interrupted with a loud gun shot and his body went stiff. It took me a second to realize Riku didnt stab the man in a vital area and he was still moving. The guy had pulled out a gun and shot Riku near his heart. Riku dropped his sword and fell at my feet while the psycho gave a small smile before passing out as well.

"RIKU! RIKU, WAKE UP, PLEASE!" I tried to cover the wound, as I started hearing fast steps come downstairs and I heard our families voices but I wasnt listening, I was only trying to keep Riku alive.

What's happening....?

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