Paint The Ice

By -consequential-

973K 19.2K 4K

Asher Humphrey booked a babysitter on Friday night so he could hang out with his friends after their hockey g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37

Chapter 36

12.1K 274 32
By -consequential-



I'm sitting at the kitchen counter eating a cream cheese bagel with avocado and scrambled eggs that Sutton made. She's sitting beside me, razor focused on her laptop screen reading and chewing her food. With finals this close, it's advised she's up early.

My excuse? The Book Show is today. 

It's something that cannot be placed on hold. It's happening and there was too much on my mind to sleep any longer.

I snap a quick picture of my food and send it to Asher. The message he responds with makes me laugh because he didn't think I'd reply to him, he thought I'd be asleep and I'd probably see his reminder when I wake up preferably later than this.

I guess I don't reply fast enough to his last text so he sends a picture which surprises me, causing my back to straighten. He's wearing hockey gear, gloves, helmet and all.

"Everything okay?" Sutton asks, surprisingly she isn't peeping at my phone screen.

Tucking my hair out of my face, I say, "Yeah, yeah."

For the past two days, Asher's never left the hospital. Not for school. Not for anything. Tommy's still there, doing better than the last time I saw him but —still there— and that made Cole volunteer to bring Asher's clothes because he refused to leave the room. Dave made sure Asher and Tommy got food every morning before he left for work.

I only went there yesterday and I brought story books because I knew Tommy would enjoy them. I probably spent about five minutes, it was all had to spare.

Thankfully, the fever was gone. Tommy still had tubes taped on his face but he was breathing better than before and the doctors said they plan on removing it. I took that as a good sign.

Tommy was watching Santa Buddies when I had first walked in. He smiled when he saw me and I watched his eyes brightened when he caught a wind of the books I held tightly in my arms.

"Are you going to read me?" He asked and he looked so hopeful that I would. I couldn't say no.

"Of course," I said and dragged a chair near his bed. I was close enough my knees brushed the corner of his bed. "Just like I did during Thanksgiving, remember?"

He nodded and grinned. The first time I've ever seen him smile that widely in days.

I select the blue colored book on top, waving it in my hand. "This one is called The Hospital Visit. Do you want me to read this one?"

"Yes." He answered quickly.

"Okay, here we go." I turn the cover and glided my fingers over the page.

Tommy stayed focused on every word I uttered. I turned the book over and showed him all the pictures on each page. I glanced at him every time I said anything just so we were both interested and Asher stood back the whole time. This book was something Tommy could relate to.

"The end. All done." I said when we reached the ending and closed the book. "Are you strong enough to give me a five high?"

Tommy stretched his hand and connected it to mine.

Asher ruffled his hair. "Good job buddy."

I jumped to my feet. "So, I'm going to leave all these books right here for you, okay?"I planted the other books beside the flowers, cards and 'get well soon' helium balloons on the desk near his bed.

"Thank you."Tommy said and he peeped over for one second.

I smiled, and moved my arms to my pockets. "No problem. You're going to be out very soon and when winter's over, you can ride bikes."

His tiny voice asked. "Do you have one?"

I shook my head. "No. But I've always wanted one when I was younger. I thought they were so cool."

"They are cool."

Then I left.

I snap out of the memory floating in my head. Asher never left though so I'm taken aback that he's getting on the ice right now.

The next thing I know to do is finish my bagel and get dressed. Five minutes later, I'm leaving my apartment to take on the cold. Snow crunches underneath my thick boots with every step I take. The air numbs my cheeks, I could feel all my pores accepting the environment. It's hard to see. I manage and power through to the rink.

Asher's on the ice and I'm behind the plexiglass. He's so focused on what he's doing, he doesn't notice me. His skates carve deep into the ice every time he glides. He's precise and smooth, charismatic to the point it's floating off his body even when he's the only one on the ice.

I know exactly what he's doing. I can relate. Because art to me is exactly what hockey is to him. This rink. His team. It was everything.

When he finally looks my way, I throw an arm up and wave. "Is everything okay?"

I watch him nod, helmet on.

I squint my eyes, curious. "And Tommy's fine?"
I'd like to think he would've told me but I'm asking anyway.

Asher takes the helmet off, his gloves follow next and then he runs a few fingers through his hair and skates towards me. We meet, nearly colliding into each other and he quickly says, "Hey baby,"He leans in and gives me a peck right on the lips to greet me properly. "He's fine. I'm just clearing my head."

I stare into his eyes. Searching for something. "How's it working for you?"

"Better now that you're here. Did you walk all the way?"He moves the hockey stick on the floor like he's padding almost.

I decided against going about it with a smart mouth. Instead, I say, "Yup, it's fucking freezing."Exhaling deeply, I add. "Hey, you know you can talk to me, right?"

He smiles, it's soft. Tiny. "I am talking to you."

I tilt my head to the side. "Are you really?" I think he knows exactly what I mean.

His fingers brush my right cheekbone. "Yeah, I'm fine. Really. You're not worried about me, are you? If you are, don't be."

I scan his face for a second. "Okay. I just think you barely slept. I know I'm up early too but you, you haven't closed your eyes once. You don't have to be strong or tough. Not with me and I know silence is good and we understand that but I still want you to talk to me if you need to."

Big hands cup my cheeks. "It's your big day." He reminds me. "I want to see everything you made me clean the studio for."My mouth puckers from the impact on his hands moving into my cool cheeks and he dips his head and kisses me. "Stop worrying your pretty little head."He whispers against my lips before he pulls away and ruffles my hair in a playful way.

"Fine." I lick my lips and grab unto his hockey stick. "And you will see what I've worked on but I don't want you to think it's anything extravagant. It isn't anything to gasp over."I warn him, pointing the stick at him.

"Shhh."He demonstrates with his index finger. "Stop being negative. If your art is being showcased, I'm sure it is. Now what should I wear?"

"Okay! Okay!" I laugh, resisting the urge in my body to push him. "And anything you want to wear, you should wear. It's not tea with the royal family Humphrey."I glance at the rink before meeting his eyes again. "How long have you been skating before you texted me?"

"I still want to wear something you like." He says, his cheek red. "And uh, almost an hour. Messaged you then I went back to it."

"You need to shower now then."

He ducks his head and lifts his right arm. "Am I smelly?" He sniffs.

"A little." I say even though I didn't smell anything foul. I grin. 

Asher decided he would shower and I waited for him. When he returns with his hair all wet and hockey bag over his shoulder, I slip my hand in his as we were making way to my apartment. Sutton remains at the same place I left her, at the counter.

When Asher's takes his boots off by the front door, she greets us. " two."

I'm lingering at the kitchen, proud that I've convinced Asher to come here with me to get some much needed sleep. It felt normal like things have always been this way. Like Asher would come over and Sutton would be used to that.


"Hey Sutton."Asher says, walking up behind me.

"I'm sorry about Tommy. I hear he's doing better than the first night he was at the hospital. How are you feeling?"She asks, genuinely concerned.

Asher exhales, appreciative of her words. "I'm okay. I'm waiting for more good news."

"Good, that's good."Her smile appears and she pushes her glasses up her nose. "That's all you can do, you know." She says and Asher nods. " I'm just here catching up for finals."

Asher puts a hand behind his neck. "I should be doing that but..." he trails off.

Sutton picks it up. "Have you spoken to your professors? They can let you make up for finals or take it later than everyone else, right?"

I let Asher answer for himself. "No, I already did via email. Inform them, talk about what was happening and I still have to take it with everyone else."

Sutton blows out a breath. "Well, that sucks. Sometimes this school is disappointing."

Tell me about it. The thought pops up quickly but I don't say it. "Yeah, we're heading to my room."

"Okay." She spins on her seat. "I'll be here."

Asher walks off first, he knows which room is mine and the door is unlocked so I let him open it. I follow behind and strip out of my clothes and lock my bedroom door. I was wearing layers on layers and now I can finally breathe. I'm down to my gray hoodie and undies.

Asher drops his hockey bag by the door and takes his coat off while I hang my scarf up.

He's made me fall asleep before so I want to do the same thing for him. I climb into my unmade bed, and Asher follows wordlessly. I'm laying on my back and I turn on my side just to look at him. He still doesn't say anything, he just puts his hand between my legs, his arm reaching behind and then he pulls me closer using that strategy. My knee bends in comfort and my leg relaxes on his lower body as a result. He removes his hand and wraps them both around my lower back, his fingers coming into contact with my skin underneath my hoodie.

I lift my head towards his face and kiss his slightly wet forehead. I just want to bring him comfort. His hair's still wet and I don't care that it'll get unto my pillow. I continue to kiss his face. His nose, his eyelids, his cheeks, his chin and his mouth. Repeatedly. I don't know how many times I do it but he just chuckles after a while and his grip on my back tightens.

"My turn." He says and without giving me much time, he presses his mouth to the side of my nose. Then my lips, forehead and my cheeks. He just plants kisses everywhere. Over and over.

"Close your eyes." I tell him, trying to contain the laughter threatening my vocal cords.

"One more," He looks at me. "On your lips this time, deal? Then I'll close my eyes."

I stare at him through long lashes. "Go for it."

He does and kisses me on the lips. The sound bounces around my room. When he pulls away, I feel the kiss linger. The taste of his lips forever embodied in mine.

Asher closes his eyes like he said he would and I watch him. I trace my finger over his nose and flick my thumbs over his eyebrows. I can feel him breathing against me. I snuggle closer, as much as I possibly can and finally, a moment later, he falls asleep. I'm shocked at how quickly he does it.

I watch him a bit more until eventually I sleep too.

I don't know how long it's been but when I open my eyes again, it's Asher kissing all over my cheek. My vision's blurry and I can outline his hockey bag on his shoulder. "I'll see you later. I'm heading to the hospital to meet my Dad for breakfast."

"Okay." I mumble, rubbing my eyes.


Hours later, Taft's museum captivates me when I walk in. It's not the people roaming around. It's the arches from the main lobby helping to navigate. Stunning glass accents overhead. The natural light beaming through. It's all so pleasing. Pride swells within me as I turn my head to take it all in. I'm here. My artwork is around here somewhere. A piece of me is just chilling with the history of this school.

I take a breath and head to one of the archways.
I recognize Hazel right away, while I'm walking through, she's heading out. I reach out and touch her arm. "Hey."

She looks like she wanted to jump out of her skin at first, then she realized it was me. "Oh, hey Riley."

Unlike the others from the studio, I actually like Hazel. "Sorry for scaring you. You seem nervous. Have you seen it yet?"

Hazel glances around for a quick second. "I went but then I turned back. It's about to start. Everyone's going to be judging us."

That was true. But that's apart of getting your work out there. Some people will admire it and love it and others will criticize.

"You don't know if you want to see them looking at your work? I get it." I get that. It was scary. "But we're here. I'm going, do you want to come with me? We'll be there together."

"Okay, yeah. I'm just being silly." She nods, falling into the space beside me. Normally, she's in the spot next to me at the studio. This time was different.

We maneuver through the bustling crowd. Shoulder to shoulder. I didn't think so many people would show up or care. It's twice the size I expected. When we get to the exhibition according to the description of the space, Hazel turns to me and says. "Thank you for accompanying me. I'm just nervous."

It's no problem. "You're welcome." I voice out loud.

"What do you think Jade's doing right now?" She wonders.

"I don't know and I don't care,"I shrug my shoulders. I don't think I've thought about Jade since. "Whatever it is that she's doing, I'm sure that she's fine. She's got no worries. Her family will solve her issues. Do I sound bitchy when I say that?"

I think it's the first time I've seen Hazel actually smile. "For good reason."

Professor Grimshaw sweeps my attention afterwards. She's wearing her usual bright and artsy eyeshadow, standing in front of an amazing display behind her. The rest of us are lingering at the entrance. "Welcome everyone. My students have worked very hard and each and every one of them deserves to be here. The collection of their work that you're about to see will blow your minds. Pieces from Hazel Langley, Anika Shetty, Riley Becker, Allen Blake, Charlie Miller...." She goes on to list a few other names and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. "You're at The Book Show. Enjoy." She adds, gesturing for everyone to run free.

The crowd splits up.

Professor Grimshaw approaches us, her boot firm on the floor. "I want to apologize again for what happened with Jade. I want you both to hear from me first that the Dean of students is no longer with us."

Hazel gasps. "You mean fired?"

It's something we could hope for but didn't actually think would happen. The first person I want to scream it to is Asher. 

Professor Grimshaw nods. "Yes, fired. The board did an investigation into a student named Penelope. Her case. Yours Hazel and yours Riley and they all came to a decision to let the Dean go."

An image of the Dean packing up all the stuff from her office flashes through my head. 

"The decision was made today. Our school board won't tolerate dishonesty and moving forward every student's story will be heard. Today is about your stories. I wanted to let you both know now so that when you return next semester you're not shocked and surprised that there's a new Dean walking our campus." She says and then her arm moves over mine and Hazel's shoulders. "I'm proud of you both."

With that, she walks away and I turn to Hazel. Stunned. Happy. I don't know what to say. It takes me a minute to say. "Oh My God." I laugh loudly.

"Indeed." Hazel mutters, meeting my eyes. "Today might actually be the happiest day of my life."

I could use a glass of wine. It's a celebration.

"Come on." I grab her hand and head to the displays.

Hazel's artwork is the first one. People are admiring it and giving their opinions. A few others snaps photos. It's all good feedback and I smile, giving Hazel a nudge and look that she'd appreciate. I'm drawn to her work much like the others. It's a burst of her whole personality. Each brushstroke was carefully crafted and I feel like I'm inside Hazel's head. Shy, reserved and all her hidden thoughts on the canvases pop. It's beautiful and real and true.

"Riles." Someone says my name and I turn around to see my brother.

"Cole." I hug him because of course he's here. When I let go, I introduced him. "Hazel, this is my brother Cole. Cole, this is my classmate, Hazel. And this... is hers." I point to the paintings in front of us.

"Hi," Hazel waves, a shy smile on her face. "Nice to meet you."

"You too." Cole gives one of his friendly smiles and then he turns to look at the paintings. "Wow." He exhales, taking it all in.

Kianna approaches us next, I knew it was her before I saw her completely because of her voice then Sutton and Mattie follow. They came earlier than I expected. "Guys, this is Hazel."

Hazel's arms were wrapped around her body. "Hi. Nice to meet you guys."

"This is all you?" Kie asks and Hazel nods proudly.

After everyone meets, as if Mattie notices that Hazel isn't much of a social person and didn't want to drown her... "Let's go see yours?" She asks me.

"Yeah." I nod, wondering what it'll look like among everyone else's. "Sure."

Hazel smiles and gestures for me to go so I do. With Cole, Kianna, Sutton and Mattie on both my sides.

"Is Asher coming?" Sutton questions, glancing around the room. People are everywhere.

"Yeah, he should be here soon."

"He's late." Cole says it like it is, moving his hands into the pockets of his coat. "Asher's never late. But I'm sure he'll be here."

"Is everything ok with his son?" Mattie looks at me to answer.

Cole steps forward. "From what I know, he's getting better."

We pass by two of my classmates' artwork and a few more steps ahead, I'm positive I see the letters spelling out my name. Everything about me is in my paintings. I'm exposed to all of these people. Every corner of my brain. All my pain and joy.

But I'm not the only one looking.

My heart freezes in my chest and I stop in my tracks when I recognize the person standing in front of my artwork. My friends and brother are still talking but I've zoned out of the conversation completely.

Because the person standing there is my mother.



Author's Note:
Hope you guys like it! And I also hope no errors are in this update. Have a good day, love you all <3

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