Aurum ✧ Peter Parker

Bởi IncognitoInkwell

5.8K 169 2

Ava Stark, the rebellious and sarcastic daughter of the renowned Tony Stark, finds herself at a boarding scho... Xem Thêm

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✧ ˚ 24 · twenty-four .
✧ ˚ 25 · twenty-five .
✧ ˚ 26 · twenty-six .
✧ ˚ 27 · twenty-seven .
✧ ˚ 28 · twenty-eight .
✧ ˚ 29 · twenty-nine .
✧ ˚ 30 · thirty .
✧ ˚ 31 · thirty-one .
✧ ˚ 32 · thirty-two .
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✧ ˚ 34 · thirty-four .
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✧ ˚ 36 · thirty-six .
✧ ˚ 37 · thirty-seven .
✧ ˚ 38 · thirty-eight .
✧ ˚ 39 · thirty-nine .
✧ ˚ 40 · forty .

✧ ˚ 16 · sixteen .

131 5 0
Bởi IncognitoInkwell

┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

When Happy arrived to pick up Ava at the end of the day, he found her sitting on the steps outside the front of the school. She held a cigarette in one hand, but a wide smile graced her lips.

Once she spotted Happy, she quickly dropped the cigarette on the floor and squashed it with her foot before getting into the car.

"You look happy," Happy commented with a smile as she shut the car door. She could hear whispers from other students nearby, wondering if Iron Man himself was in the car.

"I had a good day," she replied, placing her bag beside her and buckling her seatbelt. Her excitement was palpable, and Happy couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in seeing her so cheerful. He started the car, and they began their journey home.

As they drove through the bustling city streets, Ava couldn't contain her enthusiasm any longer. She eagerly recounted her experiences at Midtown High School, from meeting Peter and Ned to exploring the various clubs and activities she planned to join.

"And you won't believe it, Happy," she exclaimed, "they have a gymnastics club, and they're having try-outs tomorrow! I'm definitely going to check it out."

Happy glanced at her through the rear-view mirror, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "That's great, Ava. I'm sure you'll be amazing at it," he replied, appreciating her passion.

When they reached the tower, Ava bid farewell to Happy, thanking him for the ride. She stepped into the elevator, a mix of excitement and determination in her eyes. As the doors closed, she pressed the button for her floor and entered the master code to access her private domain.

Upon reaching her floor, Ava wasted no time. She tossed her bag onto the sofa and swiftly changed into her workout clothes. The attire allowed her the freedom of movement she needed for her gymnastics practice.

In the Avengers' private gym, Ava was greeted by the sight of the makeshift gymnastics area her father had arranged for her. It consisted of a padded floor mat and a low balance beam, but it was enough for her to practice her gymnastics routines.

She started with some basic stretches to warm up her muscles. With each stretch, she could feel her body loosening up, ready for the more challenging moves to come. After the stretches, she moved on to conditioning exercises, focusing on building strength in her core, arms, and legs. 

Next came the flips and aerials. She loved the feeling of soaring through the air, defying gravity for those few exhilarating moments. She practiced her front flips, backflips, and somersaults with precision, landing gracefully on the mat. She spent a good amount of time honing her skills, repeating each move multiple times until she felt satisfied with her performance. As she finally took a break and caught her breath, she couldn't help but smile.

Ava's heart skipped a beat as she turned around to see Natasha and Wanda standing there, clapping, both clad in their training gear. Natasha had a smirk on her face, and Wanda had a playful glint in her eyes.

Ava's heart pounded in her chest as she turned around to face Natasha and Wanda, both of whom were watching her with approving eyes. Natasha's applause was like music to her ears, and she felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. It was a surreal moment to receive compliments from two seasoned Avengers.

"Nice moves, Ava," Natasha said, her voice carrying a hint of admiration. 

"Thank you," Ava replied, trying to keep her voice steady despite the giddy feeling inside. "I've been doing gymnastics since I was a kid. It's always been a passion of mine."

Wanda's warm smile made her feel at ease. "Well, your dedication shows. You're really good," she said, nodding appreciatively.

"Perhaps you would like to come spar with us?" Natasha's voice was inviting, and she gestured toward Wanda. "Wanda is still training to become an Avenger. I'm sure she wouldn't mind you joining us, right Wanda?" Nat smiled warmly at her friend.

Ava's eyes widened in surprise and delight. She admired both Natasha's combat skills and Wanda's powerful abilities, and the idea of training alongside them was both thrilling and intimidating.

Wanda grinned, her scarlet-red hair cascading over her shoulders. "Of course, I'd love to have you with us," she said, her voice gentle and welcoming. 

"I'd be honoured to spar with you both," Ava replied, a mix of determination and excitement in her voice.

Natasha and Wanda led Ava to a spacious area within the gym, designated for sparring and combat training. Ava took a moment to stretch and warm up, trying to steady her nerves as the anticipation built within her.

Natasha and Wanda took their positions, and Ava joined them in the centre. Natasha raised an eyebrow playfully. "Ready to show us what you've got?" she asked, a hint of challenge in her voice.

Ava nodded, her heart racing. She knew she had to give her best, not just to impress the two skilled Avengers, but also to prove to herself that she belonged among heroes.

The spar began, and Ava marvelled at the fluidity and precision of their movements. Natasha's agility and combat prowess were awe-inspiring, while Wanda's use of her powers was both graceful and formidable. Ava did her best to keep up, drawing from her gymnastics background to add flair and acrobatics to her attacks.

As the spar progressed, Ava's initial nervousness faded, replaced by pure exhilaration. She felt alive, completely in sync with her body and instincts. The rhythm of the spar became like a dance, each move and countermove flowing seamlessly.

Natasha offered pointers and guidance throughout, encouraging Ava to adapt her gymnastics techniques for combat situations.

Finally, they paused for a breather, sweat glistening on their foreheads. Ava's breath came in ragged gasps, but a wide grin adorned her face. She felt a sense of accomplishment she had never experienced before.

"Great job, Ava," Natasha said, a genuine smile crossing her lips. "You're a quick learner, and your gymnastics skills certainly add a unique flair to your combat style."

Wanda nodded in agreement. "You have a natural talent, Ava. With practice and training, you'll become an even stronger fighter."

Ava thanked them both, her cheeks flushed with a mix of exertion and pride. "That means a lot coming from you guys." She wiped some sweat off her forehead, "But I think I'm beat, I'm going to go take a shower." Ava smiled

Natasha and Wanda exchanged amused glances, nodding in understanding. "You did great, Ava," Wanda said with an encouraging smile. "Training with us can be intense, but you held your own."

"Impressive for a first-time spar," Natasha added. "You've got potential."

Ava beamed, grateful for their praise. "Thank you."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

Once Ava emerged from the refreshing shower, she exchanged her day clothes for comfortable pyjamas and settled down at her desk. A bowl of pasta accompanied her, a quick and satisfying dinner option. But her mind was far from focused on the meal in front of her.

Instead, she felt an insatiable curiosity about her newfound powers. The excitement of the day had fuelled her desire to understand the full extent of what she could do. Electric energy was at her command, but Ava's imagination soared beyond that. What about electromagnetic forces?

She let her thoughts run wild as she envisioned the possibilities. She pictured scenes reminiscent of Violet from "The Incredibles," wielding forcefields with grace and power. But Ava's aspirations went beyond invisible shields; she wanted to do more. What if she could manipulate the air itself, creating large electromagnetic displacements to soar through the sky like a majestic superhero?

Her heart raced with excitement and determination. She couldn't wait to see what she was capable of and how far she could push her powers. She knew there was so much to explore and understand, and this was just the beginning.

With a surge of inspiration, Ava began to frantically jot down calculations and theories. Her pen danced across the paper, trying to capture the essence of her visions. The pasta sauce around her mouth went unnoticed as she became engrossed in her work.

The room was filled with the soft rustling of papers and the occasional tapping of her pen, all signs of her relentless pursuit of knowledge. Ava knew that this journey would be challenging, but she was eager to embrace the challenges that lay ahead.

When she finally set her pen down and looked at the clock, she realized how late it had become. But she didn't feel tired; instead, she felt energized and exhilarated. Tomorrow held even more potential for her, and she couldn't wait to continue her exploration.

With a content smile on her face, Ava finally called it a night. As she snuggled into her bed, her mind brimming with excitement, she knew that this was just the beginning of her extraordinary journey into the realm of her powers.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

The morning sunlight gently streamed through the curtains of Ava's bedroom, slowly rousing her from her slumber. Just as she began to stir, she heard a soft knock on her door.

"Come in," Ava called out, still feeling a bit drowsy.

The door opened, and Pepper stepped into the room, carrying a tray of breakfast goodies and a bouquet of fresh flowers. Ava's eyes widened in surprise and delight, and a sleepy smile crept across her face.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Pepper greeted with a warm smile. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here yesterday for your first day at Midtown High. Tony had to fly out of state for a talk, and I had some urgent matters to attend to as well."

Ava sat up in bed, still amazed by the gesture. "It's okay, Pepper. I understand," she replied, feeling a mix of gratitude and happiness.

Pepper walked over and set the tray on Ava's lap, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. "I wanted to make it up to you," she said, handing her the bouquet of vibrant roses. "And I brought you some breakfast in bed."

Ava's heart swelled with love for her stepmother. "Thank you, Pepper. You didn't have to do this," she said, feeling a bit emotional.

Pepper brushed a strand of hair away from Ava's face and kissed her forehead. "I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to," she said, her eyes filled with affection. "I'm so proud of you, Ava. Starting a new school can be tough, and I want to be here to support you in every way I can."

Ava's eyes welled up with tears of happiness. "I'm lucky to have you as my stepmom," she said, feeling overwhelmed with love and gratitude.

Pepper smiled and pulled her into a tight embrace. Tears formed in her eyes as she heard the word "mom" for the first time from Ava's lips. It was a moment she had longed for, and it filled her heart with indescribable joy.

"I love you, Ava," Pepper whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

"I love you too, Pepper," Ava replied, hugging her back tightly.

After a few moments, they pulled away, and Pepper wiped her tears with a soft smile. "Now, let's enjoy this breakfast before it gets cold," she said, trying to lighten the mood.

Ava chuckled, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort in her stepmother's presence. They spoke about Ava's first day at school, her new friends, and the exciting clubs she planned to join.

As they finished breakfast, Pepper handed Ava a small box wrapped in shimmering paper. "I also got you a little gift," she said.

Curious, Ava carefully unwrapped the box and discovered a delicate necklace nestled inside. The pendant was shaped like a star, and as she held it up to the light, it shimmered and sparkled, casting tiny reflections across the room. Ava's eyes widened with delight, and she couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, it's beautiful!" Ava exclaimed, her fingers tracing the intricate design.

Pepper smiled warmly. "It's to remind you that you're a shining star in our lives," she said gently. Ava listened intently as Pepper continued, "I noticed you don't wear the necklace your father got you all those years ago."

Ava's expression softened, and she looked down, feeling a hint of guilt. She had taken off the necklace after her father had forgotten her 10th birthday, and the painful memories associated with it had made her reluctant to wear it again.

"But I want you to know that we're both so proud of you," Pepper reassured her, her voice filled with love and understanding. "And we believe in you, Ava, no matter what."

Touched by her stepmother's words, Ava felt a lump in her throat. She wrapped her arms around Pepper in a warm embrace. "Thank you, Pepper. This means a lot to me," she said sincerely, her heart overflowing with love and appreciation.

Pepper hugged her back tightly, holding her for a moment longer before helping Ava place the necklace around her neck. As the delicate star pendant rested against her skin, Ava felt a comforting presence, a constant reminder of the love and encouragement she received from her family.

With a warm smile, Pepper picked up the now-empty tray and said her goodbyes. "I have a few more meetings to attend to, but I'll be home in time for dinner," she said, brushing Ava's cheek affectionately.

"Sounds good," Ava replied, her heart filled with gratitude for the thoughtful morning surprise.

Pepper left the room, Ava swung out of bed, she reached for her pack of cigarettes on the nightstand and placed one between her lips.

Ava made her way to the closet, the delicate star pendant still gleaming around her neck. Her fingers glided over the array of clothes as she sought the perfect combination of comfort and style. She decided on an outfit that exuded sophistication and effortless chic – a silky white collared shirt paired with an oversized Louis Vuitton sweater that added a touch of luxury to her look. To complement the ensemble, she chose a crisp white pleated skirt that flowed gracefully with every step.

Her feet slipped into a pair of overpriced white chunky Balenciaga sneakers, which had been a splurge she couldn't resist. She swung her Louis Vuitton handbag over her shoulder, a purchase she had bought to carry her textbooks, she ensured a change of clothes were safely packed, ready for gymnastics try-outs.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

Leaning against the balcony railing, Ava took a moment to enjoy the cool morning breeze as she savoured her cigarette. The memories of her first day at Midtown High School flooded her mind, and she couldn't help but smile, thinking about all the people she had met.

But one person stood out from the rest – Peter Parker. The image of the nervous boy with mousy brown hair and a friendly demeanour lingered in her thoughts. Ava found it amusing that he hadn't even recognized her at first, treating her like any other student. It was a refreshing change from the usual attention she received due to her father's fame.

With a soft chuckle, she remembered their interactions throughout the day. Peter's genuine kindness and awkward charm had left a lasting impression on her. She admired how he treated her just like anyone else, despite knowing who she was. It made her feel like a regular teenager, and for that, she was grateful.

As she finished her cigarette, Ava made a mental note to talk to Peter again at school. She wanted to get to know him better, to understand the person behind the friendly smile and nervous glances. There was something intriguing about him, and she was eager to uncover more of his story.

Feeling a sense of anticipation for the day ahead, Ava stubbed out her cigarette and headed back inside to meet Happy. The thought of seeing Peter again brought a genuine excitement to her heart, and she looked forward to discovering more about the boy who had treated her like just another student – the boy who had made her first day at Midtown High School memorable in the most unexpected and delightful way.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

As Ava made her way through the halls, she kept an eye out for Peter. It didn't take long for their paths to cross, and a smile lit up her face when she saw him. Beside him, Ned flashed a friendly wave.

"Hey, Peter, Ned," she greeted with genuine warmth.

Inside, Peter's heart raced, and his palms felt sweaty. He nervously ran a hand through his hair. "Hey, Ava," he replied, trying to steady his voice. "How's your morning going?"

"Pretty good so far," she said, trying to hide the excitement in her voice. "I was actually wondering what lesson you had first- I have advanced algebra."

"Ned and I have advanced algebra too!" Peter chimed in, grateful for Ned's presence as it offered a sense of comfort. "We could all walk there together if you want."

Ava's smile grew wider, and she nodded eagerly. "That sounds great."

As the trio walked side by side to their next class, they chatted about the school, the teachers, and shared some light-hearted jokes. Peter felt his nerves gradually easing in the presence of both Ava and Ned, but he couldn't shake off the slight flutter in his stomach.

During their algebra class, they ended up sitting next to each other, and Ava playfully teased Peter about his impeccable math skills. He blushed deeply, stammering a bit as he replied to her banter. Ned, being the ever-supportive friend, joined in on the laughter and added some jokes of his own.

Throughout the day, Peter found himself again stealing glances at Ava when he thought she wouldn't notice. He was in awe of her presence and charisma, and he couldn't help but feel like he was in a dream.

During lunch break, they sat together, and Peter felt his nervousness return. He wanted to impress Ava, to make her laugh, and to keep the conversation flowing effortlessly. But sometimes, he stumbled over his words or laughed a little too loudly, causing him to inwardly cringe.

However, as the day went on, he realized that Ava didn't seem to mind. She was just as warm and friendly as ever, laughing at his jokes and sharing stories about herself. Ned was there too, adding his charm to the mix, and the three of them seemed to create a natural bond.

By the time the final bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, Peter's nerves had settled just a little, replaced with a sense of happiness and gratitude. He had spent an incredible day with Ava and Ned, and he couldn't believe how lucky he was.

As they parted ways, Ava gave him a warm smile, and Peter felt his cheeks grow warm. "I've got to get to gymnastics try-outs. See you tomorrow, Peter, Ned" she said kindly.

"Y-yeah, see you," Peter replied, stumbling over his words. He tried to maintain his composure, but he couldn't shake the nervousness that surged through him whenever he was around her.

Ned nudged him playfully. "You're so into her, man," he teased, a knowing smirk on his face.

Peter's cheeks flushed, and he playfully punched Ned's shoulder. "Shut up," he said, trying to sound nonchalant.

But as he watched Ava disappear around the corner, he couldn't deny the flutter of butterflies in his stomach.

└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

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