Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fan...

By maryfigzz

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A girl should be like a Butterfly- pretty to see and hard to catch. Camille Ryder was unalike from the typica... More

Chapter 1: No Need For a Fake ID
Chapter 2: Memory Lane
Chapter 3: Way Too Hungover For This
Chapter 4: Tuesday
Chapter 5: Lingerie and Angel Wings
Chapter 6: Cosmetic Revenge
Chapter 7: I Won't Read Into It
Chapter 8: Awkward and Underdressed
Chapter 9: Not Likely
Chapter 10: Am I interrupting Something?
Chapter 11: L.A
Chapter 12: The Open Road
Chapter 13: New Beginning
Chapter 14: Let The Games Begin
Chapter 15: The Things You're Afraid of
Chapter 16: Just a High School Thing
Chapter 17: Oh The Pity
Chapter 18: Series Of Unfortunate Events
Chapter 19: Merry Christmas?
Chapter 20: One-eighty
Chapter 21: My Butterfly
Chapter 22: Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 23: Instigators & Troublemakers
Chapter 24: Mornings Like These
Chapter 25: Something Great
Chapter 26: I Trust You
Chapter 27: Bombshell
Chapter 28: Be My Valentine
Chapter 29: When It Rains, It Pours
Chapter 30: The Harshest Reality
Chapter 31: No Harm No Foul
Chapter 32: My Girl, Our Weekend
Chapter 33: Nirvana
Chapter 34: Numb
Chapter 35: Denial
Chapter 36: Anger
Chapter 37: Hopelessness
Chapter 38: Depression
Chapter 39: Acceptance
Chapter 40: Unkept Secrets
Chapter 41: Deal
Chapter 43: The Birthday
Chapter 44: Great Night, Rough Morning
Chapter 45: The Later The Better
Chapter 46: Food Now, Sex Later
Chapter 47: We All Got Bruises
Chapter 48: Half Way There
Chapter 49:Half The Fun
Chapter 50: The Way Things Were
Chapter 51: Sleeping With The Enemy
Chapter 52: The Endless Cycle
Chapter 53: Out Of Tears
Chapter 54: Expiration Date
Chapter 55: All My Fault
Announcement !

Chapter 42: My Lucky Day

691 21 0
By maryfigzz

Cami's POV:

As if I hadn't already been on edge for the last week, a peek into the mailbox had tripled that feeling and then some. A letter from SFAI stuck out among the rest of the mail I had piled up in my arms and it felt like it had weighed a hundred pounds in my hands. I had completely forgotten about the application Professor Daniels recommended I complete despite my reservations about it. I never got around to actually completing the portfolio required and knew once I saw the size of the envelope in comparison to the regular mail in my hands that Professor Daniels must have sent in my work without my knowledge. I'd been going to class regularly for about a week now and he never seemed to mention that he had submitted my assignments with the intentions that I hadn't done so because of everything with my mother. While that might have been part of the reason, it was mostly because I couldn't stand the idea of being away from Harry. I knew applying wouldn't hurt anybody, but the idea became less interesting the more time I spent with him. Although the application was the last thing on my mind the last few weeks, had things ended differently with my mother, I probably would have decided against applying anyways. But now having the big envelope in my hands, I knew what that meant and I hadn't expected to feel so giddy about it. Everyone knows that if it's the big envelope it's usual a good sign and I couldn't help feel a little bitter sweet about the situation.

As I retreated back to the elevator from the lobby, I couldn't wait to reach the third floor before I struggled to rip open the seal. The paper inside was crisp and white, with the San Francisco Art Institute logo printed in the top corner. As I glanced down to the typed words in the middle of the page, I couldn't fight the smile that grew on my lips.

Dear Miss. Ryder,

Congratulations! You have been offered the prestigious admission into the Arts & Education program at The San Francisco Art Institute.

I stopped reading once the elevator dinged, signaling I had reached my floor. I haphazardly tucked the letter back into it's envelope, hiding it under the rest of the mail, as I walked down the hall to my front door.

As I turned the knob and stepped inside, I hoped Harry was still in the bedroom so I could properly read the packet. I was going to tell him I got in, but since I would be meeting his mother and sister later on in the day, I figured it might not be the best time to bring it up. I had no intentions of hiding it, I just needed to figure out if I was even considering it and what the best way to tell him was if I needed to.

Unfortunately, as I stepped inside he was seated on the couch with a cup of coffee in his hands, leaving me no other choice but to set down all the mail on the small table by the door, out in the open where anyone could see it.

"Hey, where'd you go?" he asked since I had left before he'd even gotten out of bed.

"I went to go get the mail. If I didn't, Charli would let it pile up for months," I joked, padding my away across the carpet and plopping myself down beside him.

I began to panic at the thought that Charli could have been the one to get the mail this morning. If she had, she would lose her shit and blurt it out to Harry before I even understood what it was. Harry seemed to notice something was off and his eyebrows narrowed.

"You okay?" he asked softly, taking my hand in his.

"Yeah, why?" I tried to recover.

"Your flushed," he said, brushing my hot cheeks with his thumbs.

"I took the stairs," I lied blatantly.

I didn't like this feeling at all- like I was deceiving him, which in theory was exactly what I was doing. I was proud of myself and wanted to share that with him, but I wouldn't be able to take his reaction if it was anything like the worst scenario pockets of my mind were making me think.

He nodded in understanding, seemingly believing the fib I'd just told. I was a little surprised to be honest. He would almost always call bullshit on anything he knew I wasn't being truthful about, but I guess today was my lucky day.

"Anything good?" he asked, gesturing the pile of mail I'd carried in only moments ago.

"Just bills and Charli's stupid dance catalogues," I lied again.

I didn't know how anyone could be duplicitous with the person they loved on a regular basis and not let the guilt eat them alive. I already felt sick to my stomach and it hadn't even been five minutes since I'd inadvertently lied to my boyfriends face.

"What time do you finish work again?" he asked changing the subject.

Today also happened to be my first day back at work. I swear the universe had a sickly twisted sense of humor when it came to my life.

"Four thirty," I replied before clearing my throat.

Harry thought about it for a moment, mentally calculating something in his head.

"I'll just pick you up straight from work and we'll head to my mum's from there."

I nodded in agreement and felt the weight of the world pushing down on my chest.

How could I focus on making a good impression on Harry's mother and sister while I knew I was lying to him about something so newly important?

I needed to figure this out as soon as possible. The worst thing I could imagine was that I would keep it to myself for too long and implicate Harry's trust in me.


I could feel Harry's body tense as he glanced at Zayn entering The Grind to start his shift, as I leaned in for a goodbye kiss. I managed to catch the side of his mouth and gave him a smile that told him he had nothing to worry about as I shut his car door and waved. He drove off moments later, leaving me alone with my thoughts for the first time all morning. The acceptance letter was still weighing down on my mind and I internally battled with my consciousness to put it aside so I could focus on my first day back at work.

Niall's was the first face I saw as I entered and his lips quirked up into a bright smile when he spotted me. He rounded the corner and let himself out from behind the register and greeted me with a firm hug.

"It's good to have you back," he said, his arms still wrapped tightly around me.

I couldn't help but feel happy at the fact that the hug felt completely platonic, thankfully far from the awkwardness of our once upon a time date night.

"Someone clearly missed me around here," I joked once he let go.

He nodded only agreeing with my statement.

"He's okay..." he said nodding his head toward Zayn, "but he's no you."

It was nice to know I couldn't be replaced and better that Zayn failed at filling my spot.

"Well then, let's get to work."

Niall gestured for me to go first and I leaped right back into my routine without missing a beat.

At lunch, Niall and I walked across the street to the deli and caught up on everything we had missed in eachothers lives and it seemed like I had missed a lot.

Niall and Rachel were now seeing each other but were dead set on taking things slow.

Zayn had asked about me multiple times why I hadn't been in to work- which Naill informed he still didn't know the answer to.

And lastly, things had picked up lately and Meryl and Stan were relieved to hear I was finally ready to come back.

"So what's new with you?" Niall asked after taking a long breath.

I fidgeted with my fingers, tempted to spill to someone who wouldn't take the news back to Harry. I refrained and only offered a shrug as we both paid for our lunch and headed back to work. We walked in comfortable silence for the short walk and things were dead when we got back inside. Zayn was mopping the floors and Niall and I opted to take a seat at one of the booths to eat our sandwiches.

"I'm meeting Harry's mom and sister today," I announced in between bites.

If I couldn't talk about SFAI, talking about the events to come seemed like a good place to start. If I was being honest, I was rather uneasy about the prospect of that happening today as well.

"Wow." Niall said, his eyebrows lifting in surprise. "That's a big step."

I nodded in agreement, taking another bite and watched as Zayn went into the back with the mop and bucket.

"Is that why you've been acting weird today?" Niall blurted.

My eyebrows furrowed.

In all fairness I had no idea I was acting weird at all.

"I am?" I questioned, confused.

Niall nodded. "I've known you for years and I can tell when there's something you want to get off your chest. Do you not feel ready to meet them yet?"

His observation couldn't be more valid, but the reasoning was off base.

I thought I was better at hiding my emotions- clearly not.

I looked over Niall's shoulder to make sure Zayn was still in the back and out of earshot before I spoke.

"A few months back, one of my professors suggested I apply to this art program in San Francisco. After everything with my mom, I'd completely forgot about it, but I guess he sent in my portfolio. I got the letter this morning." I was almost out of breath by the time I had finished, but instantly felt an insane amount of relief once I had finally said the words to someone outloud.

"And?" he questioned, gesturing I continue.

"I got in."

A proud smile lit up Niall's face and I hoped that whenever I did tell Harry, he had a similar- if not better reaction.

"Congratulations, Cami. That's huge!"

I nodded my head with a smile of my own. It was huge and was something to be celebrated for. The program was competitive and getting in was a big accomplishment.

"So why the long face?" he asked once my smile had fell.

"I haven't exactly mentioned it to Harry yet," I winced.

"Why not?"

I thought about it for a moment literally considering why not? I hadn't done anything wrong and yet here I was, hiding it as if it were a deadly sin that I would be condemned for. I wouldn't be ashamed of this and I wouldn't tip toe around the fact that this could be something amazing for my future. Although I probably would wait a couple days to break the news, I was going to tell him as soon as our schedules allowed.


The rest of my shift was short in comparison to how long the first half had felt while I had my guilt from this morning breathing down my back.

I had just finished wiping down the tables when Harry strolled in, dressed in a black button down and his classic black skinny jeans.

"Ready?" he asked, smiling at me in such a loving way it made my heart skip a beat.

"Give me two minutes, I just need to grab my things."

I took the rag with me behind the counter and set it in the sink while Harry greeted Niall and ignored Zayn. Usually Zayn would attempt to wind him up, but today he just smiled- a smug knowing smile that had me uneasy.

I retreated to the back to grab my things in my locker and when I slammed it shut, Niall was waiting behind it.

"I just wanted to say good luck tonight."

I smiled. "Thanks Ni, I might need it."

He waved me off. "Nah, they'll love you."

I patted his shoulder as I side stepped him, heading back to the front when his hand around my wrist gently pulled me to a halt.

"You should tell him. He seems to really love you, he'll be proud."

It was great to have some reassurance of things that I already knew but sometimes needed a reminder of- like how much Harry cared about me.

I nodded in agreement and set out for the front, where Harry was still waiting for me but now while glaring at Zayn.

"Come on, we should get going," I urged, pulling Harry's arm toward the door.

A fight over me, right before I met his mother? Probably not the best way to make a good impression.

As I struggled to change into my white cotton sundress in the front seat of Harry's Mustang, I expected to catch him stifling a laugh or that the very least sneaking a peek, since I was half naked in his car. Instead, he kept his eyes on the road and didn't let his eyes fall on me for even a second. Confused, I continued changing anyway, not sure what exactly had caused his mood to shift. Once I had finally had my dress in place, I slipped on a jean jacket and beige flats, tucking the clothes I'd worn to work deep within my handbag. Harry hadn't said a word and I wondered if he was just getting nervous or if he was regretting the fact that he was about to take me home. I ran my hand softly on his upper thigh- a movement meant to soothe him but failed and only made him tense. I removed my hand slowly, pretending I didn't notice and also like his action didn't bruise my ego. I understood if he was nervous, but shouldn't he be the one to comfort me?

If he thought he calmed my nerves on any level during the drive he was dead wrong. He literally spoke only once to tell me we were almost there and that was it. I assumed he was just really on edge about me meeting his family and let his sour attitude slide.

After over an hour of silence, we finally pulled into the long driveway of a modest, white stucco house with a navy blue door and matching shutters. A white picket fence surrounded the property, along with a beautiful collection of shrubbery and yellow marigolds. I could vividly imagine Harry growing up here and felt that it suited him more than his own modern home did.

I let myself out of the car, not waiting to find out if Harry would open it for me with his mood. I slowly trailed after him towards the front door and felt a smile creep onto my lips as he took my hand in his and knocked on the door. It had barely been a few seconds before someone answered, adding a wave of pressure on me.

I was about to meet Harry's family. It was something I would have never even imagined had I been told even four months ago.

Behind the door was a women only to be assumed as Harry's sister, Gwen. She had chestnut brown curls and hazel eyes, with the same dimples as her brother. She was dressed in a beige chiffon blouse and army green skinny jeans. She nearly reached Harry's height with her sky high, suede platforms and yet she seemed steady on her feet.

"You're lucky you're on time," Gwen playfully scolded as she pulled Harry into a loose hug.

I envied her accent and how it made each word she spoke sound more beautiful somehow. I also envied how beautiful she was, looking like a slightly older and much more feminine version of my gorgeous boyfriend.

"You must be Camille," she said regarding me once Harry and her had separated.

"It's nice to meet you," I offered with a nervous smile.

She gestured us inside and I followed behind Harry, no longer feeling any reassurance now that his hand was free from mine.

The inside of the house was quaint and homey, smelling like fresh lavender and a distant smell of dinner cooking in the kitchen.

"Mum, Will, they're here!" Gwen called from the entry.

A carbon copy of Gwen appeared aged about twenty five years and I nearly gawked at the resemblance. The only difference between them being that Gwen's curls were more tamed, whereas her mother's were thicker and more unruly like her son's and her eyes shined a bright emerald green like Harry's.

Her eyes lit up at the sight of us and a bright smile formed at the corners of her mouth.

"What a handsome couple you two make," she complimented. "I'm Alice, it's lovely to meet you," she said, extending her hand.

"Thank you," I gushed. "I'm Cami." I told her, taking her hand in mine for a handshake.

The gesture felt awkward, like a job interview or something but it was only my first time meeting her.

"Harry, darling you look poorly. Are you feeling alright?" she asked, drifting her attention away to her son beside me.

So I wasn't the only one who thought so.

"I'm fine, mum. Where's Will and Ronnie?" he asked changing the subject.

Ronnie, I knew from many conversations, was Harry's niece who he adored and Will was her father, Gwen's husband.

Gwen chuckled "Probably stealing all of the food from the kitchen. They both get antsy when they're hungry."

I giggled politely along with Alice while Harry remained with a straight face.

Something was clearly bothering him.

"Uncle Hayywii!" A little girl yelled as she koala bear hugged one of Harry's long legs.

"Hey Ronnie," Harry said, finally cracking a smile as he pulled her up into his arms.

Her small face was revealed to me as Harry held her on the side facing me and I smiled at her tiny little features.

"Ronnie, this is Cami," he introduced.

I smiled and leaned down a bit so I could be at eye level with the little girl in his arms.

"Hi Ronnie, it's nice to meet you," I said happily.

She frowned and hid her face in Harry's shoulder.

"Oh, Veronica that's not very nice," Alice chided.

"Ronnie, what is Nan on about?" A man's voice rang sternly from the hallway.

Will- I assumed, stepped out into the open with ashy blonde hair and sky blue eyes.

His attention got diverted once he saw my face seeming to recognize for the first time, that we had arrived.

"Hi, I'm Will," he confirmed.

"Cami," I said, "nice to meet you," I repeated one too many times for less than ten minutes.

"Indeed," he replied with a nod.

Things were silent between us for an awkward minute before Alice finally interrupted. I couldn't have been more happy when she suggested we all head into the dining room and take a seat since dinner was nearly ready. I had been seated beside Harry and across from Ronnie, who had Will beside her. It was a few painful minutes of small talk until Alice finally re-entered with a large tray holding a roasted turkey and vegetables. I complemented Alice on how good it looked and got refused when I offered to help carry in the side dishes. Once she and Gwen had taken their seats and began eating, I was waiting nervously for when twenty questions would start.

"So Camille, what do you do for a living?" Alice asked starting it off, in between bites of salad.

I wiped my mouth with my napkin and quickly swallowed down any food I had in my mouth before answering.

"I'm still in school actually, but for now I work at a cafe just off of campus."

It had sounded even worse out loud then it did in my head. Although Harry was nearly four years older than me in age, it still sounded daunting that he already had a successful business and I was working as a barista.

"What school do you attend?" Will shot in curiously.

"Chapman. I'm getting my degree in visual arts and education."

Gwen nodded her head seeming impressed.

"You must be quite artistic," she said.

I chuckled. "I'm no Picasso, but I'm pretty good with a pencil and some paper."

"You know," Will interjected, "A close friend of mine is opening up an art gallery in San Francisco. It's going to be a really exclusive event and I've seen a couple of pieces she's acquired already that are quite magnificent."

I gulped at the mention of San Francisco, but thankfully no one noticed.

"Wow, that's something I should look into," I nodded.

"I can get you and Harry tickets if you'd like. Gwen and I will be there as well and San Francisco is such a beautiful city. Have you ever been?"

I nearly choked on my water as the room seemed to spike a hundred degrees. I covered my mouth as I coughed and attempted to manage an answer when I was interrupted.

"When is it? Cami might already be there since she's moving for school," Harry announced bitterly looking over at me.

My heartbeat quickened and my stomach dropped.

That explained why he had been acting so cold.

"Oh, I didn't know you were planning to leave Newport," Will said oblivious to the manner in which Harry meant it.

Harry pushed back on his chair, a loud screech emitting from the friction between the floor and the legs of it.

"Neither did I," he spoke lowly. "Excuse me, I need some fresh air."

And just like that, he left me alone with three very confused adults and one very obvlious child. The front door slammed shut behind him and I prayed he didn't take off and leave me here.

"So will you be in San Francisco for the opening?" Will asked, not catching on that something had just transpired between Harry and I.

Gwen hit his arm hard and he groaned. "What was that for?" but she only rolled her eyes.

Of course this had to blow up in my face in the most inconvenient time possible. I knew something was up the second we got into the car. He had somehow found out and he was pissed it wasn't from me.

"I'm sorry, would you excuse me as well?" I asked as politely as possible.

Alice nodded sharply and I followed the way back to the front door, stepping outside into the mild evening air.

Harry was seated in the front seat of his car, his head resting on the steering wheel. I pulled open the passenger door and slid in beside him, giving him a few moments before I finally asked.

"How did you find out?"

He looked up, his face still pink with anger. "Not from you," he scolded.

"Harry, I just got the letter this morning and I didn't even think I wanted to go until I was accepted and still, I'm not even sure it's something I want so why are you so mad?" I rambled.

"Why am I mad?" he asked bitterly and I nodded, confirming I wanted an answer.

"My girlfirend applied to a school that's a seven hour car ride away. How would you feel?"

I sighed, he had a valid point but it wasn't like I had accepted and packed all my things without telling him. I'd just gotten the letter, there wasn't much time for me to tell him about it anyways.

"I didn't even send in my application, my professor did and I had no idea until I saw the letter in the mail this morning." I mumbled, not daring to meet his gaze.

He scoffed "You said the mail was only bills this morning."

Caught red handed.

I knew lying to him would bite me in the ass.

"I just didn't know how to tell you. I'd just found out a few minutes before I walked in and I figured I didn't want this to happen today," I said gesturing to us fighting.

"Still Cami, you lied to my face. Do you have any idea how humiliating it was to have Zayn tell me he was going to miss you when you moved to San Francisco?"

"Zayn?" I questioned out loud as my eyebrows furrowed.

"You told him before you told me and I made an ass of myself when I had to ask what in the hell he was talking about."

"I never told Zayn!" I defended.

I thought back to the only time I had admitted it out loud to Niall and realized just how Zayn had found out.

"I was talking to Niall about it. Zayn must have been eavesdropping," I admitted.

I expected some of the disappointment in his face to fade once he realized that I didn't in fact tell Zayn, but it didn't.

"It still wasn't me."

He covered his face with his hands and rubbed at it frustratedly.

"Hey," I said, pulling one of his hands in mine. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't want things to go down like this and that's exactly why I didn't want to tell you today. I thought that it might put a damper on tonight and I hoped that things would have gone a bit more smoothly."

I placed my other hand on his cheek and felt a burst of relief when he leaned into my grasp.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have blew up like that just now."

I scoffed, "Your family probably hates me now."

He cupped my face with his hands and lightly pecked my lips.

"They could never hate you when I'm so in love with you."

I smiled and prayed it was true. Although he had been behaving childishly on the drive to L.A and may have impacted his family's opinion on me, I didn't have the heart to be mad at him. I would have reacted the same way had the roles been reversed and now I learned my lesson.

"Don't lie to me again, okay?" he practically begged.

"Okay," I agreed. "I promise."


The rest of dinner was awkward and relatively silent, but we found a way to get through it somehow. Harry's anger towards me was left in L.A and I was relieved that I wouldn't be spending my upcoming birthday alone and depressed. I was done with being sad, so nothing made me happier then when Harry and I made up. On the drive home he reassured me that whatever choice I made, he would he support me and not try to sway my decision. If I decided to leave, he promised we would make it work and not let it affect us. It was nice to know I was supported no matter what and that he didn't pressure me to stay. Now all that was left was to make a decision.

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