Escape (Chresanto August & Ba...

By DollyDaee

13.3K 435 61

Being a ride or die girl takes hard work and dedication. You can't just rep the title without having the stor... More

E. 1
E. 2
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E. 18
Escape' 2

E. 11

514 18 2
By DollyDaee

I wanted to let my readers know that I've changed Deja's character to Breaunna Womack instead of Lourdes. I hope that all of you are enjoying this book as well as I am enjoying writing it for y'all.

Continue to read and here is y'all next chapter.....

[Next Day]

Paris P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of fussing knowing that it was probably just Chresanto, so I laid back down. The fussing got even louder so I just rose back up and threw the covers off me.

I walked towards the door and Chresanto was standing in front of me shirtless. Even though I hated him, Chresanto's body was glorious. "Good morning beautiful." He said as he kissed the side of cheek and it started to sting. "Ouch." I said and he heard me.

"I'm sorry." He said as he grabbed my hand leading me in to the kitchen. "What was all the fuss about?" I asked sitting down at the bar that stood over the sink. "Just business, you hungry?" He asked as he turned on the stove and I nodded.

"Chres?" I asked and he looked up from the refrigerator. "Yes beautiful?" He said and I cringed knowing that was what Jacob always called me. "How come your kidnapping me? Why do you have me in another state? If you loved me why are you torturing me?" I spoke rapidly and he walked over to me and yanked at my hair bringing his lips to my ears, as I smelled the odd smell I smelt last night.

"Look bitch, I do love you and your mine. Therefore, I keep you until I'm finished with you understood?" He said pulling on my hair again and I nodded slowly as he let go.

I couldn't believe he was acting, so nice and then bam I ask a few questions and now I'm such the bad person. I was missing school, because of this guy. I was supposed to be graduating this year and I know that's going to go down the drain.

I wondered what Jacob was doing, I wonder if he's planning to get me out of here and rescue me. I can't take staying with Chresanto another week if I'm going to be living this lifestyle. I wonder if I'll ever escape this depraved man.

Jacob P.O.V

I turned off the tv and sighed. The police were still on the search of Paris and Deja. I knew they were never going to find them if they knew who they were dealing with.

Chresanto was no man to play with when it came to shit like this. Even if they found him he was going to escape somehow, someway.

I walked towards the knocking that was happening on my door. I opened the door defeated on who was standing just inches away in front of me. "Lucas? What the hell you doing here?" I asked as he just walked right pass me and into my living room taking a seat on the couch.

"What's going on?" I asked as I walked over to the other couch right across from him. "Chresanto's on the look out." He said nervously as I watched the sweat drip down his face.

"What you talking about?" I asked."I helped Deja escape and now he's on the look out for her and the person who helped her." He replied. "Hold up? So, you mean to tell me you got Deja out, but not Paris? Man that's fucked up." I said getting irritated by him already.

"Look man. I don't got time to discuss Paris right now." He said wiping some of the sweat off him, but it just kept coming. "Okay man, then why are you here? If we ain't talking about Paris, then ain't no need to talk. I'm on the mission to get her out." I said leaning back in the couch.

"If Chresanto find's out I helped her that's my ass." He said and I shrugged my shoulders not giving a damn."I got a question fam? How did you even reunite with Chresanto anyway? That nigga threaten to kill you so many times." I asked.

"Look, a while back. I was in need of money to pay off some bills in my apartment. And Chresanto was the only person I knew that was making fast money, so after he got out the coma, his cousin called me up and told me Chresanto was just faking the whole thing, so he could take Paris. At first I wasn't cool with it, so I told him nevermind. But when I saw Paris come over to the apartment that day asking if it was cool if Deja would go on a date with her brother Daniel, I kind of went back to Chresanto and told him I was down with everything. I wanted to bring Paris down for setting up my girl with another nigga." He said as he ran out of breath.

"And now you want me to help you? After you and Chresanto almost killed me?" I asked lifting a brow. I wasn't going to help him if he paid me a million bucks.

"It's all I'm asking of you man, just hear me out?" He asked and I nodded lying, so he could leave. "Alright man. I got you just get the fuck out of my house." I lied and he dapped me up and headed out of the door.

Deja P.O.V

"Stop it Daniel." I chuckled as he gave me hickeys on my neck. He had came over after school just to spend time with me and I was loving it. "Stop playing, you know you like it." He said lifting himself off of me as I began to smile.

"You alright?" I asked him as I saw his facial expression changed. "Just thinking about Paris." He said and I sighed.

"She's alright." I said sticking my fingers in his head full of hair.

"And just how do you know Deja? She could be dead for all I know." He said pushing me off him and standing up. "Because I was with her!" I shouted getting upset by the way he talking about her.

"What do you mean you was with her?" He asked and I gulped knowing I made a big mistake by bringing that up. "Look the person who took Paris had a friend who took me, but the friend told me that he was going to help her out too, so I know she's okay." I said referring to Lucas and Chresanto.

"Who's the person and whose the friend?" Daniel said mocking me, but in an angered voice. "I don't know them, they never revealed themselves." I lied.

"Well you can come to the police station with me and explain to the officers how they look!" He said getting excited about this, but I wasn't because If I left this apartment I knew I was going to be found and Chresanto would look for me and kill me, because It happened before.

"I can't leave here Daniel." I said as his smirk turned into a frown. "Why not?" He asked. "He'll kill me, If I tell."

"Then describe to me how he looks and I'll just go up there myself." He said and I just stared at him contemplating whether I should do this or not.

I started to tell him false information, because I couldn't risk letting him get his life taken. I told him when he goes up there to make sure he lists himself as anonymous.

Paris P.O.V

"You see this shit, baby?" Chresanto asked pulling me closer to him on the couch as we watched the news.

"What?" Chresanto I said dramatically and he chuckled. "Someone's trying to describe how I look to the cops. Whoever drew that needs to take art class again." He said and I frowned.

Who was snitching on Chresanto? Did they not think about the consequences on doing something such as this? Chresanto is no one to fuck with and by them playing around describing false information is cruelty. "Wow." I mumbled as he removed the hold he had on me and stood up of the couch.

"Where you going?" I asked him before he walked out of the room. "Out. I'll be back. Cook dinner for me too." He said sternly and I sighed standing up from out of the couch knowing I had to obey his orders or I would catch another beating from him.

Chresanto was starting to act like a bipolar freak. After breakfast this morning he went out and spoiled me with new clothes and just kept apologizing over and over about putting his hands on me.

I sighed pulling out a box of hamburger helper and began to pull out the ingredients.

Chresanto P.O.V

After I left Paris in the living room I went around back into the main room of the house. It was my backup room just in case the trap ever got caught.

"Tony?" I said as he jumped from the computer closing out of some website and turning towards me. "Yes boss?" He said spinning the spin chair around.

"Check the camera's for yesterday." I said taking a seat in the black spinning chair that sat next to him as he pulled up the what the cameras picked up from yesterday.

I chuckled noticing Lucas helping Deja out of the house. This nigga really had me fooled thinking she had escaped from this house. I knew something was up the moment he told me she had escaped.

If he wants to play this childish game of his he got another thing coming. I hoped he spent this day with plenty of free time, because his life was about to be taken.

"On Spot." I mumbled as I walked out of main room chuckling.




I pulled up at the old trap noticing that Lucas was indeed here. I knew he would be here, because he told me. What a dumb motherfucker.

I put my car in a park and hopped out charging towards the trap with my bb gun loaded. I walked inside and watched as he watched the news. He didn't notice me until I cut the tv off with the remote that was sitting on the old desk I had.

"Did you see the shit they had on the tv? They had the worst descriptive picture of you." He said chuckling and I smirked noticing how fake he was being towards me.

"Yeah it's funny how I told you if you ever tried anything I'd kill you on spot too." I said and he stood up immediately walking back towards the wall.

"I'm sorry Chresanto, I was just tired of seeing you hurt her. Don't kill me man." He spoke fast as I noticed the tears falling from his eyes.

"Where is she?" I yelled pushing him forcefully onto the wall again, banging his head as he grabbed onto it.

"I don't know. I don't know." He cried as held his head.

"You know what." I chuckled grabbing the gun from behind me. I knew this wasn't a good source of a gun to be killing with, but I knew if I aimed in the right spot I'd kill him dead. I pointed the gun towards his temple and he froze up. "I'm going to ask you again. Where is she?" I asked.

"I don't kn-

I shot him with no hesitation as I watched his body collapsed to the floor and the blood draining out of him. I laughed and made my way out of the trap.

I hopped in my car and headed back down the highway for another four hours back to South Carolina.

- 4 Hours Later.

Paris P.O.V

I walked back towards my room passing Chresanto's room. I didn't know if he slept in there, but he spent a lot of time in there. I debated on whether I should go in there, but I did.

I turned the doorknob and stepped in admiring everything that was in here. There were brown-paper bags, bags of weed, stacks of cash, and a lot of cameras and computers.

I noticed how there were more brown paper bags in the room then bags of weed. Then it hit me, those brown paper bags were full of crack cocaine. I walked over to a bag and quickly swiped my nose across it not trying to sniff it in.

I froze remembering this smell. It was the smell I kept smelling every time Chresanto was close me to me. Was he really on this stuff?

I quickly ran over to one of the computers and went to the internet. I quickly typed "Effects cocaine gives." I froze noticing how some of the effects it gave off was the same things Chresanto was doing towards me. If this shit was actually true I was determined to find out.

But maybe he isn't on it, he did tell me to get rid of a bag, so maybe he just smells like that because of that fact of him being around it so much.

Why am I tripping? Chresanto would never to do this to himself.

He may just be going through anxiety or something. I exited out of the the internet making sure I deleted all history and headed out the door when I came faced with Chresanto.

"Hey Chresanto." I said smiling not trying to get hit or anything.

"Hey beautiful, what are you doing in here?" He asked calmly and I sighed of relief thanking God I didn't get hit.

"I was just admiring your room. Can I get a hit?" I asked referring to the blunt he had in his hand. He nodded and handed it over and I took one in inhaling it and exhaling it as it blew in his face.

His facial expression changed and I was knocked to the ground with a punch in my stomach. I groaned as I looked up at him as he hoovered me.

"Don't ever do that again." He said and walked out of the room leaving me there holding on to my stomach as I whimpered in pain.

Chresanto was insane and I didn't know why....


Deja in the MM... I'm working on the editing on the last chapters, cause I noticed I have a lot errors.. Don't Kill Me People! I Try.. LOL! But Comment and tell me what you guys think.

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