A Princess of Wales' story

By bubbletea456876

153K 3.2K 406

Princess FAITH ALEXANDRA ELIZABETH DIANA is the youngest child and only daughter of the prince of wales and... More

20. (continued)
40 i
40 ii


5.1K 94 18
By bubbletea456876

Charles was pacing back and forth in the waiting area in the VIP ward.He was restless and the doctors hadn't come yet. seeing his only daughter unconscious on Williams arms was the most dreadful moment of his entire life. "Faith will be alright.my little angel will be fine."he was silently praying for Faith's health this entire time . William and harry was sitting with Charle's secretory and two other ppos. Diana was on her way to hospital.she couldn't believe it when Charles told her what happened over the phone.

"papa why aren't they telling us anything .I want to see my little sister" Harry was so scared of Faith.also he was so guilty that he shouted at her yesterday when she loved him so much.

"they will tell us what's wrong asa they finished harry. we can see her then." Charles didn't know how to answer Harrys question.he wasn't sure how to deal with anything at the moment.

Charles.. Diana came running to where they were waiting ."mummy...." both Will and harry ran to their mother and hugged her crying."Charles what happened? did they tell what's wrong.i want to see my daughter" tears were streaming down her face .she hugged the boys like her life depends on them.

"they don't let us in Diana. I don't know what to do " Charles replied.  it was the first time he was this much helpless over something. 

"how all of this happened ?" Charles was too vague on phone call that she didn't know what happened with Faith."

"It was Williams fault." Harry glared at Will with an accusing look."he was the one who took faith to play tennis when she didn't want to play . she collapsed while playing with him." he continued on making Diana look at William who was still silently crying. he was startled as he was the one who witnessed everything happened with faith."I'm sorry mummy . I was careless. I didn't ask why faith didn't want to play. " William answered without looking at Diana .he thought Faith didn't keen on playing because of harry. he felt like he was the one responsible for his little sister's condition.

'Harry its not William's fault. he didn't know.you cannot blame him for something he didn't know" Charles explained to him.Diana was now hugging William. "shh ...Will I know it's not your fault.dont blame yourself okay?now wipe your tears .you can't let Faith see you like this can you? you have to be a strong big brother right?" William nodded and wiped his tears.

"Charles why aren't they telling us anything yet. im so scared . what if .. what if something's wrong" Diana was now getting worried and worried "" shh don't even think like that Di" Charles hugged Diana sensing she wasn't herself now." "our baby girl is a fighter." he said remembering how fragile Faith was when she was born premature.but she grew up to be happy ,healthy kid apart from occasional colds.atleast so far.

Finally doctors came out of the door they were staring at for the past few hours.Even they looked exhausted and nervous.

"your royal high..." chief doctor started speaking but Charles cut him off. "how is my daughter ?        can we see her now?"

"yes for now we have to keep under observation and doctor Raymond is still checking so its better if we wait for a little bit more. your royal highnesses  would you like to talk about princess's condition in my office?" he asked looking at the ppos and secretory as the members of royal family's health conditions are highly confidential.

"Will ,Harry you stay with Evan and Michael " Charles said to the boys and followed the doctor with Diana .

"please take a seat" after settling the doctor began to explain the diagnosis

"sir ,Ma'am im  Daniel Hughs, the chief cardio thoracic surgeon of children's unit ." " Diana was stunned. why a cardio thoracic surgeon is talking to them." what's wrong with my daughter."her voice broke as she was terrified now.charles placed his hand on her to to clam her down. but she couldn't.

"I know there is no easy way to tell this but with the tests we have come to conclusion that little princess  is diagnosed with an anomaly of heart called dilated form of left ventricular non-compaction , a condition in which the heart muscle becomes thickened and enlarged and it compromises its ability to pump blood effectively through the body. Princess is in a heart failure..We are doing everything we can to stabilise her condition with medication and with constant monitoring as it's in initial stage." he explained further.  Charles's and Diana's heart sank hearing this.diana felt like she can't breathe. tears were streaming down her face and a sob escaped . Charles  pull her to a hug  to console her but he knew nothing would comfort them.he felt like he was numb, like something pressed him so hard to choke him.

"what are the treatment options?" Charles finally mustered some courage to face the situation even with a heavy heart. he had to be strong for his daughter and his family too.he knew they will have to go through a rough time .

"our team has planned to do three constructive surgeries. for the time we are considering for a vad .it is a mechanical pump that supports heart function in weakened hearts and can provide a "bridge" to patients circulation. unfortunately if the condition worsen further we have to go to our last option is a heart transplant sir" he paused for a moment realising now is not the time for discussing that.

'I know this is hard to accept as a parent I have gone through a similar situation as well.i would like you to have some time to gather your thoughts.we can have a meeting with the team of doctors whenever you are ready sir ,ma'am " Daniel  looked at them with an empathetic look and left the office.

Diana broke down as soon as the doctor left his office.charles was caressed her silently.

"how could it happen Charles? why couldn't we understand our baby is so sick?" she was now wailing. Charles let out a sigh ."it's not something we cannot control Diana.look , we have to be strong now so we can help our little angel to recover .I need you to promise me that you will be strong "

"I cannot bear it Charles .I cannot bear to see my baby in so much pain.i cannot lose her " Diana was devastated.

"no we won't .we won't lose Faith. we will do everything for her to be healthy again" he said firmly " I know its hard Dianna I know .I too feel like hundreds of knives are stabbing me again and again.but we will get through this. i believe that we can get through this."  it was the moment Charles promised himself to set aside all the differences between them and be like a family in this hard time.

William and harry was waiting for their parents anxiously. Charles and Diana came outside after what it felt like forever .they immediately noticed their changed behaviour.diana's eyes were  bloodshot.any one could see that she has been crying so much.

mummy can we see  sis now ?" will asked with hope."yes honey but the doctor said she is still sleeping so you cannot talk to her .why don't you two go and get some rest two .its been a long day know'" . Diana didn't want them to see their little sister in that state .they still had to explain the situation to boys.

but can't we just see her now I can't go without seeing her" harry insisted. Diana looked at Charles shook his head at Diana .

"son doctors will not let you see your sister now.you have to go and shower .I will bring you two in the evening to see her I promise" the boys looked at each other confused.william looked like he knew it was something serious but he obeyed his father and went with the ppos.

"I will tell them in the evening.they will .but we have to tell them one way or another" Charles said while watching them leave."I know "replied Diana . her head was still wrapped around what the doctor said.her daughter was in a critical condition . yet there was nothing she could do to help her.

"your royal highness you can now go see the princess" doctor came out allowing them in.diana barged through the door.there was her beautiful baby girl hooked up on a bunch of machines and ventilator was allowing her to breathe.ekg monitor beeping at a irregular pattern.she sat beside her daughters bed holding her limp hand.this was the reason for her being not energetic like her usual self for the past three days.but the dots were connected too late."mummy's so sorry baby. I couldn't see you were sick" Diana said through her tears .Charles also sat beside her stroking Faith's hair away from her face.she looked so pale and weak.he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.Faith slowly opened her eyes like she felts Charles.she blinked slowly adjusting to the light of the room. Diana was relieved to see her open her eyes. "Charles she is awake"she nudged Charles and a smile crept to his face finally seeing his youngest awake."thank god I will call the doctor"

"baby can you see us?. how are you feeling?" but she didn't gave any response. instead a tear escaped her eye." its okay sweetheart.you are going to be okay .mummy's here. " Diana stroked her head gently"  are you in too much pain sweetie? Diana's voice broke fully aware she is in pain. Faith blinked slowly.Tears were streaming down her face and Diana wiped them away gently. she had to calm down her and act strong infront her no matter how she felt inside. "you will feel alright in a little sweetheart. A doctor uncle will be here in a minute  and you will feel fine okay baby? " Diana said in a soothing manner with a soft smile.

Charles came inside with doctor Daniel and another doctor followed him .he was complete different  when dealing with little children. " hello Faith I'm Daniel and this is johns.johns  why don't you say hi to our new friend ? johns too waved like  a shy little boy and Daniel turned to faith with a grin in his face."he acts silly sometimes Daniels whispered to Faith with a chuckle. Faith looked confused but her complete attention was on Daniels . johns was the assistant doctor of Daniels . he had a goofy nature which attracted children's attention. while  Daniel was gaining Faith's complete attention he slowly inject a  pain medication to the iv ." Faith ,sweetie can you nod if you are feeling sleepy ?" and faith nodded. "good.now you can sleep and when you wake up again you will feel better. and I want to know more about you when you wake up next time okay?. you know, your papa said so much about you.he said you are very good kid . I will come again when you wake up again and so will be your brothers ." he gave his most cheerful smile and went outside.Charles looked at Faith and she seemed more relaxed than before. she wondered where her brothers were but her eyes were heavy . Diana hummed a soothing melody and she drifted off to sleep again.

"is her condition seem to stabilise?" Charles was now talking with the medical team assigned for Faith

"sir ,its still too early to say . we have keep her under observation for few days before coming to a conclusion. "the doctors explained all the procedure they are planning. all of them signed NDAs. there was a media frenzy early as they knew faith was admitted to hospital but the pr department managed it by pasting it as a little fall.The queen was too saddened to hear about Faith's situation.she adored her youngest grandkid so much.It was no secret Faith was her favourite. She and Philip wanted to see her but the PR was against it as it would stir media and the public.

next day ..

both Charles and Diana was staying with Faith . last time Faith woke up was at midnight crying in pain.her ankles and legs were swelling too. like the doctors expected they were waiting for a change and they step up the dosage but it felt like every thing is getting worse not better. and Charles said Diana to get some rest on the sofa as she was worn out  without sleep for like a day and half. but she didn't want to leave Faith even for a minute . Eventhough the swelling got better in the noon there was no other change.  they constricted visitors even William and harry could not see her.

I already miss her voice " Diana said staring at her sleeping daughter." you know they're haven't been a single day till yesterday that I haven't heard her sweet angelic voice .Charles listened silently.so was he . no matter how much he was busy or far he would always call her even if its only to wish goodnight. "she is withering away from us "suddenly Diana's breathing was getting laboured and she gasped for air.she was having a panic attack .Charles immediately rushed to her and held her in his arms."shh calm down Diana .look at me and breathe please.in ..out.. he knew Diana was sensitive .she always have been.even seeing  strangers who were sick and hurt made her tear sometimes.he couldn't imagine what its must have been for her to see their own kid like that. after a few minutes she got a hold of herself.

"I am so  scared.I feel like  I'm losing my mind Charles I won't survive if something happen to our baby doll"she said through tears

" do you think I will let that happen Di.like i said before we are together on this. our baby will be fine I promise you.she will get better and be the same bubbly kid she was before."he reassured her.

sorry guys it was a bit rushed writing and the chapter didn't came out good as I wished .I think I suck at writing.but I like writing so much at the same time🥲

this is the last week of my break and that's why I'm updating as much I can.

also did you notice the little change in  Charles and Diana .will this be just a facade or more will bloom in future?

keep reading to find out. 😁

also few more chapters are left before Faith will be a teen.more drama to come.but I can't get over little faith .I want to keep her as cute little girl but that's not possible to the progress of the story.😒

im think of adding multiple povs when she become a teen.that will be  if I decide to keep her alive for long

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