past and future (Modern AU :L...

De Alie-Heart

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A 27 year old woman named Norie Chausiku is in a relationship with Levi Ackerman, they've been together for 8... Mais

Short Flashback


212 11 8
De Alie-Heart

"Is it ready?!" Norie called out as she carried a 6 month old Jiro.

"Yeah, I pulled on it 4 times. It's good to go"Levi responded as he stepped away from the door jumper he attached for the baby.

"Thank you darling, now, my love are you ready for some fun!" She says as she walked over and carefully put Jiro into the door jumper.

The baby eyed the different colorful things he could interact with, especially the light up buttons that played melodies. Jiro squealed out a laugh and began to bop up and down while grabbing the small animal plushies.

"He loved it!" Norie said as she took some pictures while Levi stood behind her.

He smiled lightly when he saw Jiro laugh out again.

"I thought he'd react the same way Eren did, but it's the same with Mikasa" she says.

"Is it?"


18 years ago

"Are you having fun my love?! Yes you are! Look at all the lights and buttons!" Norie spoke as she sat on the ground.

A 6 month old Mikasa blankly sat in the door jumper as Old McDonald played by one of the buttons, Norie awkwardly smiled and said "you're having fun right?"

Turns out, Mikasa wanted to be with Levi. Sitting on the couch as he drank his tea, both of them having the same blank face while staring at the TV screen as a nursery rhyme played.


19 years ago

A 6 month old Eren laughed out as he quickly spun around in the door jumper, as Levi and Norie stared.


"His reaction is a mixture of both" Levi spoke as he then crouched down next to Norie who sat on the ground.

Jiro smiled at his parents as he nibbled on his chubby hand, bouncing lightly to the best of the rhyme.

"Alright so I saw this recipe on the internet of spaghetti and I want to try it, the teens even said they wanted spaghetti so why not" Norie spoke as she stood up and walked to the kitchen counter where her laptop sat.

"I bought this tomato sauce at the store, wanted to try it out for lunch today. I'll have to get garlic bread since I forgot-"


The couple froze when they heard Jiro gurgle, they turn to him as he stared at Norie with a smile. His dimples melting their heart.

"Baby- Jiro did you say-"


Norie squealed as she ran towards him and brought the baby into a hug, kissing his cheek multiple times before saying "you said Mama! Levi he said Mama!"

"I heard, but Jiro, can you say Dada?" Levi said as he walked over.

Jiro smiled at him before reaching his hands out towards him.

"Say Dada my boy"




He was cut off when his phone rang, he picked it up and saw Eren's id. Levi answers the FaceTime call and backed his head away when he saw the teal eyed boy to close to the camera.

"Back up"

"Sorry! It's just...well... Mikasa you tell him!"

"Why me?"

"My loves are you okay? What's wrong?" Norie asks as she appears besides Levi.

"Mom, dad we're in a situation " Eren began as he hadn't backed away from the camera.

"Jesus..."the couple mumbled at what could've happened

They froze when he backed his face away, Mikasa standing next to him as they saw a bunch of school buses lined up behind them. They stared in confusion as they saw their daughter sigh.

"We accidentally stayed on the bus, they didn't notice that we were still inside since Eren forgot his math folder." Mikasa explained.

"Now we're here"

Norie and Levi stared in silence as Jiro only giggled in the back, her husband sighed as he rubbed his face.

"Stay there brats, I'll come get you"

"I'll go, I can go get the garlic bread too on my way back" Levi spoke as he puts his shoes on and his shades.


He froze and turned to Jiro who cried, he sniffled and reached out towards him.

"On the same day as he said Mama?!" Norie happily spoke as she wiped the baby's mouth with his bib.

"Dada!" Jiro cried out.

Levi stared with a soft glance as he walked over, carefully picking the baby up and says "I'll take Jiro with me"


"He's coming with me" he cut her off as he walked out the door with Jiro laughing.


"There making a paranormal night at the school tomorrow?" Eren read from the poster on the cork board.

"It's the senior night they planned for us, then after that we watch a movie in the gym" Mikasa spoke after.

"Do you want to go?"

"Nah...I rather be at home..."

"You're scared aren't you-"

"No I'm not!"


They turned and saw Armin running towards them happily while holding three tickets.

"I got us tickets to the senior night! The others are going too!" He spoke and handed them the tickets.

"Cool, I was actually going to go buy some tickets too." Eren said as he played it off but Mikasa stared at him

"Your knees are shaking"

"Their not!"

"It's okay Eren, besides it's not a professional haunted theme scavenger hunt so you'll be fine! We're all going together so we won't be alone" Armin reassured.

"What's the worst that could happen-"


"Your phone's will be handed back once you've reached the gym, you're only allowed these flashlights and a notepad to write down" Niel spoke as he held the box of phones while they stood in the front corridor of the school.

"We're gonna die" Eren mumbled.

"Don't be such a wuss" Jean spoke making him glare.

"I heard there's going to be snacks in the gym! Dozen boxes of donuts and other things they listed off by I forgot because it's a lot of snacks and I'm excited!" Sasha rambled as she shook Connie by the shoulders.

"I'm excited to sleep!" Connie said after.

"Don't worry Christa, I'll be there to protect you. Then I'll get you all the donuts you like" Ymir spoke.

"I want to help out the best I can! I love scavenger hunts" Christa says.

"We should start heading out, the first stop we need to go to is homeroom" Armin said as he read off the printed paper that were handed off.

"I never thought I'd be creeped out by the halls of the school" Reiner spoke up as he held a flashlight.

"We just never paid attention to it in the morning, luckily we won't have to pass by the lunchroom-"

Bertholdt was cut off when they saw something run pass at the end of the hall into a classroom, everyone stared as Annie hummed and says "I won't hesitate to swing"

"No you can't! It might be one of our classmates playing as the scarer, we just need to quietly move down the hall then go up the stairs" Marco said.

Mikasa heard Eren next to her, she turned and saw him shaking slightly making her poke his shoulder and said "are you okay-"

"I'm no bitch!" He cut her off and screamed while running down the hall, soon later the others quickly followed since they got scared.

"Somethings following us! Somethings following us!" Sasha cried out as they ran up the stairs.

"I'm not fit for this!" Connie wheezed out.

Armin tried his best to run but one of his shoelaces had to come undone making him yell and fall forward, landing on the ground as the shadowy figure hovered above him.

"Armin!" Christa called out.

The blonde yelled in fear but then was cut off when Annie ran towards him and then unhesitatingly swung her fist and it collided into the shadows gut, he went flying off till he slammed into the lockers.

"Are you okay?" Annie asks Armin who stuttered in shock.

"Annie! I said not too!" Marco called out as he and the others ran over.

"He's fine"

They looked at the boy in their class twitch as his eyes were spinning, but they didn't have time to ask if he was alright since they saw something running at them at full speed.

Jean and Eren screamed as they were the first to run then the others, they accidentally passed by the classroom they needed to go in since the situation got to them.

"Mommy! Mommy help me!" Eren cried as he screamed when he turned to look at the scarer.


"Jiro are you excited to see Eren and Mikasa?" Norie asks the 2 year old in his car seat.

"Eri! Mimi!" Jiro called out with a smile as the drive to the teen's highschool.

"That's right! And we're going to surprise them with breakfast, tell Dada what you want for breakfast"


"We'll get you all the pancakes in the world" Levi responded as they pulled into the parking lot, seeing some of the seniors leaving from the front gate.

"Now where are my loves?" Norie asks as she looked through the window.

"Eri! Mimi!" Jiro squealed out happily.

"Do you want to park and greet them in front?" Her husband questions.

"Of course, I think Jiro would want too. Don't you baby?"

Jiro smiled as Levi parked in a spot, Norie grabbed the 2 year old and carried him on her hip. As soon as they walked to the gate, Eren and Mikasa walked out making Jiro squeal out.

"Eri! Mimi!"

"Jiro!" Eren yelled as he immediately ran towards the toddler.

Norie put Jiro down and he waddled over as he had his arms extended to him, Eren grabbed him and gave him a hug as the 2 year old smiled towards Mikasa and extended one arm towards her.

"I'm so glad to see you. I never thought I'd see the light of day" Eren mumbled in fear as Jiros cheeks was squished against his.

"Good morning my loves! How was the haunted house night-"

"Eren fainted" Mikasa cut Norie off.

"Not surprised" Levi spoke.

"Are you okay? Did you hit your head?" Norie asks as she grabs Eren's face while Mikasa held Jiro.

"I'm fine, Mikasa caught me on time. I was just dragged"

The couple stared as Levi repeated "dragged?"

"Donuts! Donuts! DONUTS!" Sasha yelled as they ran.

Eren had slammed face first into the lockers making him pass out, but Mikasa grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged his body as she ran.


"Can you stay still please?" Levi says as Jiro sat on his lap.

It was the day of Eren and Mikasa's graduation, and they were getting ready. He was trying to brush and style the toddlers hair but Jiro kept bopping his head to the song coming from the living room TV.

"Dada!" Jiro began and then started speaking with mumbles and incoherent words, smiling as he played with the cleaning rag Levi had given him.

"Mhm" he responded to the toddlers words.

The 2 year old "cleaned" his toy rubber duck before getting a pat on the head by Levi and said "alright my boy, there"

He grabbed Jiro and faced him, his son smiling down at him. Grabbing his face in his tiny hands, Jiro said some random words in a mumble before laughing.

Levi stared before smiling lightly and brought the 2 year old down for a hug, Jiro laid his head on his shoulder.

"Okay! How do I look?"

He looked up and his gaze softened when he saw Norie walk towards him after coming down the stairs, wearing a long sleeve flowy dress. Her ankle strap heels complimenting the black dress as she fixed her hair and stopped in front of him.

Norie smiled and says "so?"

Levi and Jiro stared, the two boys in silence making her blink and then look down at her outfit before saying "it's to much isn't it?"

"I know I went overboard! I was to excited-"

"No, no don't change. Stay like that" Levi cut her off.

Norie smiles again as he walked over with Jiro still in his arms, the toddler smiled at his mother as he touched her hair and stared at her face.

"You think Mama's pretty too?" Her husband said as Jiro laughed and immediately went to Norie when she extended her hands to him.

"You wanna go get your shoes my love" Norie repeated.

"Sho" Jiro repeated.

"Yes shoes, can you go get your shoes?"

She put him down as he happily ran to the front of the house where they kept the shoe rack, Norie yelped when Levi grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in.

"You look beautiful"

She smiled as she cupped his face, the sparkle in her eye that he loved so much showed while she said "thank you"

Levi stared down at her as he moved her hair over her shoulder, leaning down to place his lips on hers. Norie sighed as she kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him in closer.

"Later?" He whispered against her lips.

She smiled and laughed when he kissed her neck but then pulled away as she said "later"

"Mom! Dad! Check this out!"

They pulled away and the couple felt their hearts squish when they saw Eren and Mikasa in their graduation gowns and caps, Levi smiled lightly as Norie laughed.

"Look at you! So perfect in your gowns, I promise myself that I wouldn't-"

She sobbed out into her hands as Jiro came waddling over with his shoes on backwards, before he fell Levi caught him by his shirt collar.

"Mom are you okay?" Mikasa asks as she walked over.

"It's happy tears, I promise. It's just to unbelievable. I swear you were toddlers yesterday" Norie spoke as she wiped her tears with a tissue Levi handed her.

"It's okay mom, also I got to wear these suspenders I found. Do they match?" Eren says as he opened his gown to show his dark grey button up and black suspenders.

They flinched when she sobbed harder, he blinked and said "they don't match?"

"No it's just- you use to have so much trouble putting on your suspenders. I would always help you but here you are" Norie explained through sniffles.

"Well that means I know how to put them on now-"

Eren yelled when a suspender snapped off his pants and smacked his nose making him hold it and cursed in pain.

"and he's back" Levi spoke.


"Eren Kenneth Chausiku-Ackermen"

Hange cheered as Erwin clapped, Norie recorded Eren walking down the stage with Levi carrying Jiro.

"I know him! That's my nephew!" Hange screamed.

"Mikasa Narielle Chausiku-Ackermen"

"I know her too!"

"Those are our babies! That's my babies!" Norie yelled as Levi grabs her before she could fall over the railing.

"Eri! Mimi!" Jiro called out.

Eren and Mikasa smiled at them and waved before sitting down at their spots, after announcing the others and Armin doing his speech since he got valedictorian. The couple went to go see the teens.

"Move! I'm here to see my kids!" Hange yelled as she ran through the crowd making Erwin sigh.

"She promised she wouldn't do this" he mumbled.

"It's Hange, four eyes only lets one thing go in one ear and out the other" Levi says.

"My loves!" Norie called out as she saw Eren and Mikasa.

They turned and smiled, not having time before Hange tackled them into a hug. She laughed and said "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you Auntie Hange" the teens responded with a smile as they hugged her back.

"I got you guys some gift cards, you deserve a present or two." Erwin said as he handed them the cards.

"Thanks!" Eren says as Mikasa smiled lightly.

"Darlings you have no idea how proud your dad and I are, we never thought this day would come so quick. But I'm happy we're here now because it's an accomplishment that is so important, and you did it" Norie said as she cupped their faces in her hands.

"Your mother's right, I know you're feeling anxious about leaving highschool but we'll be here to help you." Levi says after.

The teens smiled and the couple pulled them into a hug as Jiro squished in between happily.

"Eri! Mimi!" The 2 year old spoke as he smiled towards them.

Norie put him down as Jiro went to them and the teens hugged him, Mikasa tickling his neck making him laugh as Eren ruffled his hair. Levi stared at his kids before turning to his wife next to him, she continued to look at the teens and Jiro.


She turned to him as he smiled down at her, Norie smiled back and says "yeah?"

"I love you"

Norie looked into his eyes as she fixed his collar of his button up and said "I love you too"

Levi kissed her forehead and before he could kiss her lips Eren came running towards them as Mikasa held Jiro in her arms.

"Mom! Dad! They gave us disposable cameras! Let's take some pictures, you too auntie Hange! Uncle Erwin!"

"I got this! Everybody squeeze in!" Hange said as she grabs the camera and angles it towards the sky.

Norie pulled Eren and Mikasa towards her and Levi, Jiro being held in the middle by the teens as Erwin had his hands on the couples shoulders behind.

"Say congratulations Eren and Mikasa!"

"Congratulations Eren and Mikasa!" Everyone said as Jiro squealed out a laugh.


Authors note:

And this is the end of the book 😭

Hopefully you enjoyed it, and I'm sorry for the late updates, and I'm sorry for some parts that seemed like I didn't even try but I'm glad I still had the motivation to finish it!

Thank you for the reads and votes, I appreciate them! I also enjoyed your comments, I love reading them :)

Though as bittersweet this ending may be, you can still see Levi and Norie again in my other book that follows the anime plot!

Again, I thank you, love ya, stay safe and I hope to see you in my other works!

-alie <3

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