From one night to life

By Andyerobertbr

26.5K 1.7K 375

What can happen when one night totally changes the story of two people who are passionate about their work an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 -Christmas special
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 - Special Christmas
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 63

217 19 2
By Andyerobertbr

Andy and Robert walked down the stairs hand in hand. They were happy and didn't want to do any more suspense. When the people there saw them, they were all amazed, not believing if they were imagining something or if they were really seeing Andy and Robert hand in hand as a couple.

They approached the guests and soon Robert began to utter a few words.

Robert: Thank you all for coming. Tonight is very important to me. Today I celebrate with you a very important achievement in my career, which is becoming a Battalion Chief. I also celebrate the achievement of my best friend, who became Head of Department and the fact that my position as captain was passed on to the best firefighter I have ever known and the most competent to assume a station and a team of such responsibility as the 19. But the real reason for this party is because I...

He stopped what he was saying to look at Andy. Taking both her hands, eye to eye, he continued:

Robert: I would like to say publicly that I love this woman. And I love her so much that I married her. So this is our wedding party.

Before Andy could say anything, Robert kissed her. Almost all the people there exchanged glances with each other, still not believing that it was really happening.

When her lips parted, Robert whispered,

Robert: No more secrets.

Andy felt relief wash over her to be rid of that secret. She then wanted to utter a few words.

Andy: Thanks to my dad and all our friends for being with us today. It's no secret to any of you that I've always wanted to follow my father's legacy and become captain of the station that has always been my home. Today I am very happy to have conquered something I always wanted and fought to achieve. However, I'm even happier for today celebrating something I never wanted, but which has become my biggest dream since I met this incredible man who is by my side. With Robert I found true love. A feeling that only grows every day and that I feel and know is reciprocal. Having married the love of my life is my greatest achievement.

Andy then kissed her husband again and then concluded:

Andy: As Robert said, today we want to celebrate with you not just the good things that happened in our careers, but especially the best things that happened in our personal lives. We both love each other and dreamed of the moment when we could live our love without secrets and lies. Everyone here is very important to both of us and we want you to make the most of this evening.

Many were still surprised, but Maya, who had already been suspicious at times, did not miss the opportunity to comment:

Maya: So I wasn't wrong when you went to escort him to your room the day you received the tribute after the accident? You were secretly dating.

Andy: You were right, but I couldn't tell you anything.

Robert: How so? Maya knew?

Maya: Andy took a long time in that room and said she was just helping you into bed as your leg was healing from the accident. But I think you were able to lie down more quickly.

She said laughing, which made Robert a little embarrassed when he remembered what happened that night.

Dean: So if Andy is married what are we going to call you now? Captain Herrera or Captain Sullivan?

Andy: As much as I love having my husband's name next to mine, at work I want to remain a Herrera. I want to build my own story without my father's shadow, but I can't deny that who I've become is thanks to him and I want his name to accompany me in every achievement.

Robert: That's very nice of you, my love.

Pruit: Thank you my daughter. I am thrilled to know that you will continue to carry our family name in the history of the fire department.

Pruit hugged his daughter.

Vic was also reflecting on everything she was witnessing and then realized that Lucas wasn't surprised, but she couldn't ask him anything since she was in front of everyone.

Travis was excited about the news and didn't miss the opportunity to drop his curious questions:

Travis: If you guys were together since that time, don't tell me you used the station to date?

Jack: Of course they didn't. We are there all the time and we never witness anything. I think that all that we are witnessing is just a theater.

Travis: Dear Jack, if you look at the twinkle in these two's eyes, you'll understand that this is no theater. They're in love and I wonder why we never saw it.

Andy was laughing at the speculation.

Andy: You guys are very curious but not very observant. Robert and I have dated many times inside the station.

Pruit: I'm surprised no one saw the signs. I already knew everything long before they told me.

Dean: Captain Herrera, so you knew and didn't tell us?

Pruit: It was their secret, not mine. But what matters to me now is just seeing my daughter happy and with a husband who loves and respects her.

The questions continued and many wanted to know how they met and when this all started. Andy and Robert said that at another opportunity they would answer these questions, but that at the moment they just wanted to enjoy the party and dance.

Vic was still bothered by the fact that Lucas didn't show any surprise. So, she couldn't resist and decided to ask in front of everyone:

Vic: Chief Ripley, you don't seem surprised. Did you know all this?

Lucas: Yes. I was even their best man at their wedding ceremony.

Ryan: And me too.

At that moment, Lucas saw the team's good acceptance about Andy being married to her superior and so he decided it was time to reveal his secret too.

Lucas: I want to take advantage of everyone here to congratulate my friend Sully and also Andy, who is now like part of my family too.

He greeted the two and continued to say:

Lucas: And at this point I also want to say that they are not the only ones who have kept secrets. When Andy threw the bouquet of flowers, I caught it and that same week I married the woman of my life. It was a simple wedding, just at the registry office, but it represents an eternal union that I will have with the woman I love.

Vic couldn't believe what was happening. They hadn't planned on telling anyone so as not to get in the way of Lucas' promotion.

Pruit: Oh! And do we get to know who this special woman is or will it remain a secret?

Lucas: My wife is here with us. Victoria Hughes is the woman I want to be with every day of my life.

Lucas then pulled her by the arm and gave her a kiss, leaving everyone as surprised as when Andy and Robert arrived hand in hand.

Ben: Wow!! I never imagined that we would have so many revelations tonight.

Bailey: In so many years at Grey Sloan, I thought I'd seen it all, but two secret weddings at the same time, I've never seen it.

Andy noticed that Robert was not surprised and so she asked:

Andy: Robert, you don't seem surprised by this either. You and Luke had secrets between you and you never told me and Vic?

Robert: It was exactly that. Luke discovered our secret and ended up telling me his.

Vic gave her husband a small slap and said:

Vic: You knew everything and you didn't tell me. This is nonsense.

Lucas: They needed to keep the secret.

Vic: But you needed to hide it even from me?

Lucas: Honey, let's face it, if I told you, you would at least tell Travis and Dean.

Vic and everyone else in the room knew it was true, so they started laughing. However, Andy was still upset that Robert didn't trust her.

Andy: And you Mr. Robert Sullivan? Why didn't you ever tell me that Luke and Vic were together?

Robert: Andy, I love you and there's not a secret of mine that you don't know. But that secret is not mine. I respected Luke's wish.

Andy: I don't know if I should forgive you for that.

Robert: I know a way to get your forgiveness.

Robert gave a passionate kiss that left everyone open-mouthed. Andy then smiled.

Andy: I think now I can think about forgiving you.

Andy said jokingly, but soon she was already in her husband's arms.

Carina was also happy with the news, but she found it strange to be at a wedding party without offering at least one gift to the bride and groom.

Carina: So, we came to a wedding party and didn't even bring a gift.

Andy: Don't worry about it. We already have everything we need.

Carina: Well, in that case, I'll send Maya some excellent Italian wine and pasta for you to enjoy on your honeymoon.

Andy: That sounds like a perfect gift to me.

Robert: We appreciate it, Carina.

Carina: And I'll send it to Vic and Lucas too. I hope you all are very happy in your marriages.

Andy smiled at her friend and, as she was looking forward to enjoying the party, she said:

Andy: Well, no more questions because I want to dance.

Andy then put on her repertoire of Latin songs and also some North American pops to start dancing. Everyone went to dance and were very excited.

The waiters continued to serve the guests and everyone drank and ate a lot that night. The party was wonderful and the couple was very happy to be realizing such a dreamed moment.

At first Robert didn't want to dance and joined Lucas and Ben, who were sitting talking. They were having fun talking about random topics while Andy was also having fun dancing with her friends. But, at a certain point in the night, she started playing the first song the couple danced to, still in New York. The first kiss song. So Andy went to the table where the men were and said:

Andy: Can I remove my husband for this dance?

Ben: I can already imagine how gangly he must be dancing. I don't want to miss this moment.

Andy: I can assure you that he has a few more little secrets from us that you don't already know.

Andy and Robert went to the area where people were dancing. When the couple started to dance, everyone stopped to watch. They were more and more beautiful and in love, making guests wonder how they had never suspected so much love that existed between these two.

When the romantic music ended, Andy deliberately left some salsa caliente music ready. Dancing salsa with Robert at their wedding party was something she had always dreamed of. The two then started dancing and that left the guests even more in awe. They exuded sensuality and it was making everyone's mouth drop open. While dancing, they heard "wow", "wonderful", "amazing".

Unlike the others, Jack didn't watch the dance. He stayed at his table drinking.

At the end of this salsa, Andy and Robert gave a brief kiss and soon their friends came to congratulate them.

Vic: Wow, I had seen Andy dance before and I thought it was perfect, but today was the time I thought it was the most beautiful. Watching you dance was sensational.

Ben: I take back what I said just now. Chief Sullivan surprised me with his dancing talent.

Robert: Thank you Ben. But I will correct you on one thing.

Ben: What did I say wrong?

Robert: We're at my house, it's a party, please call me Robert. Now I'm not chief of any of you.

Ben laughed and agreed. Everyone went back to dancing and having fun.

Andy went to the kitchen to see if the cooks needed any help before serving dinner.

As she was entering the house, she noticed that someone was following her. Then, she felt a hand pull her arm and lead her to the corner.

Jack: What trap was this Andy?I was right all along. Sullivan was making you stay in his office, alone, to seduce you. Since he arrived, he has never asked me for help, since I am also a lieutenant. But with you, he kept locking himself in his office saying he needed help.

Andy: It's not at all what you're thinking, but I don't owe you an explanation either.

Jack: Oh sure... are you still going to say that I wasn't right from the start?

Andy: Look, as much as I don't owe you any explanations, I'm going to answer your question the same way I always have. You're a lieutenant but you don't have the same experience I have in the station's administrative area.

Jack: I've been a lieutenant longer than you.

Andy: You are an excellent lieutenant. I don't doubt it. But I always helped my father and it was obvious that I helped Robert too.

Jack was more and more upset, since he had already drunk some big doses of alcohol that night, and because of that he didn't choose the words he wanted to use anymore.

Jack: Oh! Now you even calls him by his first name.

Andy: Of course. He is my husband. I have no reason to call him otherwise within our home or anywhere else outside of our workplace.

Jack was raising the volume of his voice. A lot of people were dancing and they couldn't hear, but Ben was going to the bathroom and noticed the strange movement and noise. Thinking that someone might be sick or injured, Ben quickly entered the house and then understood what was really going on. Seeing Jack holding Andy's fist, he immediately intervened.

Ben: Jack, calm down. Let her go.

Jack: You're all applauding this circus that Andy put together. I'm not hurting her, I'm just holding her back so she doesn't leave without giving me the explanations she owes me.

Ben: Dude, she doesn't owe you an explanation. Let go of her arm.

Jack let go of Andy's arm, but he didn't stop saying the nasty things and started talking even louder. Making some people hear her screams coming from inside the house. Some were looking away, but Pruit, Travis and Dean decided to move closer to try to help. They tried to calm Jack down, but it wasn't easy.

Pruit: Look Jack, you're a great guy and you're going to find someone to marry one day. But Andy has found the love of her life and is happy.

Dean: Jack, let's go. Let Andy be happy at her party.

Travis: Yeah man. You need to get over it. Andy doesn't deserve you to ruin this night.

Robert was further away with Lucas and wasn't sure what was going on. He figured it was just another one of the jealous scenes Jack always had with Andy. So he thought it better not to intervene, as Andy always managed to resolve the situation.

Lucas: Aren't you going to come in to find out what's going on?

Robert: Jack is Andy's ex boyfriend and he never accepted the end of the relationship. I don't want to go in and make an unnecessary jealousy scene.

Just as Robert finished saying that, he heard Jack shout:

Jack: I'm not leaving without finishing saying everything that's choked up. Look, Andy, I never thought you'd do something so low to become captain. You slept with your chief just to get promoted.

Andy: That's enough Jack. You are offending me.

At that moment, Robert had no choice but to intervene.

Robert: Jack, you've gone too far. I don't allow you to talk about my wife inside our house or anywhere else. I tried not to intrude on your conversation, but what you're saying about Andy has crossed the line. Get out of my house immediately.

Dean started to pull Jack towards the exit door, but before they left, Robert still furiously concluded:

Robert: Even though we are under no obligation to justify ourselves, I want you to know that Andy was never with me to promote herself. Our courtship began long before I arrived in Seattle and worked as a captain on the 19. So I don't allow Jack or anyone else here to think or say such nonsense about my wife.

Dean and Jack left the house and managed to call a taxi to take them, since the two had drunk a lot that night and were unable to drive.

Pruit sensed that the atmosphere was still tense and he wanted to leave his daughter alone with Robert. Then he immediately said:

Pruit: Jack has already left and the matter is already settled. Today is supposed to be a day of joy and that's how it will continue to be. Let's all go back to dancing and having fun.

To help with the animation, Vic soon chose a very happy song and started dancing, calling her friends to dance with her.

Meanwhile, inside the house, only Andy and Robert remained.

Andy: I'm sorry about all this. I never imagined that Jack would ruin our party like this. If I could have imagined it, I would never have invited him.

Robert: You don't have to apologize to me. The only one wrong here was Jack. He should never have done what he did. He shouldn't have said anything he did.

Andy: Are you upset?

Robert: I'm not happy with what happened, but nothing will spoil our long-awaited wedding celebration. The party that's to celebrate the best thing I have, which is the life I'm building by your side.

Andy: You're right. Nothing will get in the way of our joy. I love you and I want to enjoy the rest of our party by your side.

They kissed affectionately. Before returning to the party, Andy checked the kitchen and authorized dinner to be served. Then she and Robert joined their friends to dance.

The rest of the evening was pleasant enough. Dean had taken Jack home, but as soon as Jack fell asleep, he came back to enjoy more of the party. Everyone was very happy with the promotions and discoveries of the new couples. There were long hours of animation and everything was perfect, as Andy and Robert deserved to celebrate a love as strong as theirs.

Authors' Note: Now that the secret is out and both have received their well-deserved promotions, will Andy and Robert be able to live in peace?

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